1,123 research outputs found

    SppC based energy frontier lepton-proton colliders: luminosity and physics

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    In this study, main parameters of Super proton-proton Collider (SppC) based lepton-proton colliders are estimated. For electron beam parameters, highest energy International Linear Collider (ILC) and Plasma Wake Field Accelerator-Linear Collider (PWFA-LC) options are taken into account. For muon beams, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV center of mass energy Muon Collider parameters are used. In addition, ultimate μ\mup collider which assumes construction of additional 50 TeV muon ring in the SppC tunnel is considered as well. It is shown that LepL_{ep} \sim 103210^{32} cm2s1cm^{-2}s^{-1} can be achieved with moderate upgrade of the SppC proton beam parameters. Physics search potential of proposed lepton-proton colliders is illustrated by considering small Bjorken x region as an example of SM physics and resonant production of color octet leptons as an example of BSM physics.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 8 table

    Well-being effects of self-employment: A spatial inquiry

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    Our paper presents an empirical analysis of entrepreneurial well-being using a large-scale longitudinal household survey from the UK that tracks almost 50,000 individuals across seven waves over the period 2009-2017, as well as a number of exploratory case studies. We contribute to the existing literature by investigating how entrepreneurial well-being varies across locations along the urban-rural continuum, and across wealthy-deprived neighbourhoods. We use a Coarsened Exact Matching (CEM) approach to compare the well-being outcomes of individuals who switch into self-employment from waged employment, and show that entrepreneurial well-being, in the form of job satisfaction, is significantly higher for those living in semi-urban locations, relative to those living in urban and rural locations. We argue that semi-urban locations provide an optimal combination of ease of doing business and quality of life. Our results also show that individuals in wealthy neighbourhoods who switch into self-employment experience higher job satisfaction than otherwise comparable individuals living in materially deprived neighbourhoods, although the latter experience greater levels of life satisfaction following the switch

    Effects of the acute exposure to the electromagnetic field of mobile phones on human auditory brainstem responses

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the short-term effects of the electromagnetic fields (EMF) of mobile phones on human auditory brainstem responses. This prospective study of healthy adults evaluated the influence of EMF. Eighteen healthy adult volunteers participated in this study. Mobile telephones emitting signals in the region of 900MHz and with the highest SAR value of 0.82W/kg were positioned in direct contact to the right ear, which was exposed to the phone signal for 15min before and after ABR testing with click stimuli of 60 and 80dB nHL intensities. The latencies of the waves and interwave latencies were measured on screen by an experienced audiologist. The differences of the mean latencies of waves I, III and IV were not significant in initial and post-exposure ABR measurements at both 60 and 80dB nHL stimulus levels ( P >0.05). Similarly, differences of the mean interwave intervals I-III, I-V and III-V remained insignificant at the initial and postexposure ABR measurements at stimulus levels of both 60 and 80dB nHL ( P >0.05). Acute exposure to the EMF of mobile phones does not cause perturbations in ABR latencies. However, these negative results should not encourage excessive mobile communication, because minor biological and neurophysiological influences may not be detectable by the current technolog

    Classification of forest and shrubland vegetation in Mediterranean Turkey

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    Questions What are the main vegetation types of forest and shrubland vegetation at the alliance level in Mediterranean Turkey? What is their syntaxonomical position? Can we integrate them into the European vegetation classification system? Which environmental factors are the main drivers of the floristic differentiation of vegetation types? Location Southern and western Turkey. Methods We collected 4,717 vegetation plots of forest and shrubland vegetation in Mediterranean Turkey and performed an unsupervised classification of this data set. We described vegetation types based on the classification results, expert knowledge and information from the literature. We defined diagnostic species and prepared distribution maps for each vegetation type. To support the interpretation of the vegetation types, we determined the most important environmental variables using canonical correspondence analysis. Results The studied vegetation was divided into 21 types related to three vegetation belts: (a) thermo- and meso-mediterranean, comprising coniferous (Pinus brutia, Pinus pinea) and sclerophyllous forests, as well as macchia, garrigue and phrygana; (b) supra-mediterranean, comprising Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana forests, thermophilous deciduous forests dominated by various oak species and Ostrya carpinifolia, and forests dominated by temperate species such as Fagus orientalis; and (c) oro-mediterranean, comprising forests and shrublands dominated by Abies cilicica, Cedrus libani, Juniperus excelsa and Juniperus communis subsp. nana. Elevation was identified as the main environmental driver of the vegetation pattern. Among climatic variables, the most important are the mean temperatures (annual and of driest, coldest, and warmest quarters), minimum temperature of winter, precipitation of warmest and driest quarters and precipitation seasonality. These factors indicate the decreasing effect of the Mediterranean climate with increasing elevation. Conclusions The vegetation of Mediterranean Turkey is arranged along climatic gradients depending on elevation and the distance from the Mediterranean Sea. Most vegetation types in this area correspond to the syntaxa accepted in EuroVegChecklist, while others were described as new

    Nonoperative Treatment of Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Fractures:A Prospective Randomized Study of Different Treatment Options

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    Objectives: To evaluate and compare nonoperative treatment methods for traumatic thoracic and lumbar compression fractures and burst fractures.Design: Prospective randomized controlled trial with long-term follow-up.Setting: Two general hospitals in the Netherlands.Patients/Participants: Patients with a traumatic thoracic or lumbar spine fracture, without neurologic damage, with less than 50% loss of height of the anterior column and less than 30% reduction of the spinal canal were included.Intervention: Patients in the compression group were randomized to physical therapy and postural instructions, a brace for 6 weeks, or a Plaster of Paris cast for 6 or 12 weeks. Patients in the burst group received a brace or a Plaster of Paris cast, both for 12 weeks.Main Outcome Measurements: Follow-up examinations included radiographs, Visual Analogue Scores for toleration of treatment and persistent pain, and an Oswestry Disability Index at long-term follow-up.Results: There were 133 patients: 108 in the compression group and 25 in the burst group. For compression fractures, physical therapy and brace were considered the most tolerable. Brace therapy scored significantly better on the Visual Analogue Scores for residual pain and on the Oswestry Disability Index. None of the treatments had any significant effect on the residual deformity measurements. For burst fractures, no significant differences were found.Conclusions: Brace treatment with supplementary physical therapy is the treatment of choice for patients with compression fractures of the thoracic and lumbar spine. Furthermore, more than 20% of all patients had moderate or severe back pain at long-term follow-up.</p

    Визначення вальпроєвої кислоти у крові методом реакційної високоефективної рідинної хроматографії

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    Здійснена взаємодія вальпроєвої кислоти з 3-(2'-бромацетил)-7-метоксикумарином і розроблено її визначення у крові методом реакційної високоефективної рідинної хроматографії. Вивчений вплив різних методів депротоїнізації на вивільнення вальпроєвої кислоти та оптимізовані умови пробопідготовки.Осуществлено взаимодействие вальпроевой кислоты с 3-(2'-бромацетил)-7-метоксикумарином и разработано ее определение в крови методом реакционной высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии. Изучено влияние различных методов депротеинизации на выходы вальпроевой кислоты и оптимизированы условия пробоподготовки.The interaction of the valproic acid with 3-(2'-bromoacetyl)-7-methoxicoumarin has been carried out and its determination in blood by the reaction high performance liquid chromatography method has been developed. The influence of various methods of deproteinization on the yields of the valproic acid has been studied and the conditions of the sample preparing has been optimized

    Схемотехническое моделирование и синтез активных СВЧ-фильтров на полевых транзисторах Шоттки

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    Разработаны схемы активных СВЧ-фильтров, пригодных для исполнения в виде гибридной или полупроводниковой микросхемы

    Comments on Sweeny and Gliozzi dynamics for simulations of Potts models in the Fortuin-Kasteleyn representation

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    We compare the correlation times of the Sweeny and Gliozzi dynamics for two-dimensional Ising and three-state Potts models, and the three-dimensional Ising model for the simulations in the percolation prepresentation. The results are also compared with Swendsen-Wang and Wolff cluster dynamics. It is found that Sweeny and Gliozzi dynamics have essentially the same dynamical critical behavior. Contrary to Gliozzi's claim (cond-mat/0201285), the Gliozzi dynamics has critical slowing down comparable to that of other cluster methods. For the two-dimensional Ising model, both Sweeny and Gliozzi dynamics give good fits to logarithmic size dependences; for two-dimensional three-state Potts model, their dynamical critical exponent z is 0.49(1); the three-dimensional Ising model has z = 0.37(2).Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 5 figure

    Reliability and Validity of the German Version of the AO Spine Patient Reported Outcome Spine Trauma Questionnaire.

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    STUDY DESIGN A single-center validation study. OBJECTIVE To translate and cross-culturally adapt the AO Spine PROST (Patient Reported Outcome Spine Trauma) into German, and to test its psychometric properties among German-speaking Swiss spine trauma patients. METHODS Patients were recruited from a level-1 Swiss trauma center. Next to the AO Spine PROST, the EQ-5D-3L questionnaire was used for concurrent validity. Questionnaires were filled out at two-time points for test-retest reliability. Patient characteristics were analyzed using descriptive statistics. For content validity, floor, and ceiling effects, as well as any irrelevant and missing questions were analyzed. Construct validity of the AO Spine PROST questionnaire to the EQ-5D-3L was tested using Spearman correlation tests. RESULTS The AOSpine PROST was translated and adapted into German using established guidelines. We included 179 patients. The floor effect for all items was well within the optimal range (below 15%), while the ceiling effect of seven items was within the optimal range. None of the items displayed a problematic floor or ceiling effect. The overall test-retest reliability of the total PROST score was excellent, with an ICC of .83 (95% CI .69-.91). The Spearman correlation coefficient between the total PROST summary score and EQ-5D-3 L was ρ = .63. CONCLUSIONS The German version of the AO Spine PROST questionnaire demonstrated very good validity and reliability results