16 research outputs found

    Conveni marc de col·laboració entre l'Institut de Cultura de Barcelona mitjançant el Museu del Disseny i l'Ajuntament de Móra la Nova

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    Aprovat per resolució del president de l'Institut de Cultura de Barcelona de 31-01-2022Annex I. Condicions de funcionament del préstec bilateral interbibliotecari entre el Centre de Documentació del Museu del Disseny i la biblioteca de l'entitat educativ

    The role of bioenergy and biochemicals in CO2 mitigation through the energy system - a scenario analysis for the Netherlands

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    Bioenergy as well as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage are key options to embark on cost-efficient trajectories that realize climate targets. Most studies have not yet assessed the influence on these trajectories of emerging bioeconomy sectors such as biochemicals and renewable jet fuels (RJFs). To support a systems transition, there is also need to demonstrate the impact on the energy system of technology development, biomass and fossil fuel prices. We aim to close this gap by assessing least-cost pathways to 2030 for a number of scenarios applied to the energy system of the Netherlands, using a cost-minimization model. The type and magnitude of biomass deployment are highly influenced by technology development, fossil fuel prices and ambitions to mitigate climate change. Across all scenarios, biomass consumption ranges between 180 and 760 PJ and national emissions between 82 and 178 Mt CO2. High technology development leads to additional 100-270 PJ of biomass consumption and 8-20 Mt CO2 emission reduction compared to low technology development counterparts. In high technology development scenarios, additional emission reduction is primarily achieved by bioenergy and carbon capture and storage. Traditional sectors, namely industrial biomass heat and biofuels, supply 61-87% of bioenergy, while wind turbines are the main supplier of renewable electricity. Low technology pathways show lower biochemical output by 50-75%, do not supply RJFs and do not utilize additional biomass compared to high technology development. In most scenarios the emission reduction targets for the Netherlands are not met, as additional reduction of 10-45 Mt CO2 is needed. Stronger climate policy is required, especially in view of fluctuating fossil fuel prices, which are shown to be a key determinant of bioeconomy development. Nonetheless, high technology development is a no-regrets option to realize deep emission reduction as it also ensures stable growth for the bioeconomy even under unfavourable conditions.</p

    Studie zur Markt- und Preissituation bei Naturfasern (Deutschland und EU)

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    The focus of the study is on the markets for short fibers for engineering applications and materials substitution in a variety of industrial branches, particularly in European countries. The study was intended to analyse existing and future markets and the economic situation of the producers, in order to derive information on future policy and framework conditions required for an appropriate development of the new markets in Europe in the light of international competition. The development will essentially depend on the reform of EU policy on aid from public funds, planned for 2000/2001. The extensive data compilation presented is based on inquiries among relevant enterprises and associations in EU member states by way of questionnaires or interviews. (orig./CB)Die Studie konzentriert sich auf die Maerkte fuer technische Kurzfasern, die besonders in den neuen Flachs- und Hanflaendern in Europa von zentraler Bedeutung sind. Ziel der Studie war es, heutige und zukuenftige Maerkte und die oekonomische Situation der Produzenten zu analysieren, um anschliessend geeignete Rahmenbedingungen fuer eine sachgerechte Entwicklung der Maerkte abzuleiten. Diese wird wesentlich von der EU-Beihilfepolitik bestimmt werden, die fuer das Wirtschaftsjahr2000/2001 grundlegend reformiert werden soll. Die umfangreiche Datensammlung basiert auf Erhebungen bei relevanten Unternehmen und Verbaenden in der EU mittels Frageboegen und Interviews. (orig./CB)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F00B1454 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Ernaehrung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman