1,172 research outputs found

    The Role of Identity in Adopting Building Information Modeling: A Comparative Study

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    BIM is a modeling technology that allows architects and builders to visually create, analyze, and share building models. BIM is gaining a growing importance which may be reflected in the increasing number of owners who demand BIM use. However, despite the perceived uptick in demand for BIM, an industry wide adoption has not yet been reached. Likewise, the adoption of BIM enhanced business practices within both design and construction has been limited. While there are multiple barriers to BIM use, resistance to change has been identified by scholars as a major restraining force. Indeed, BIM prompts for substantial changes in the ways architects and constructors think and work which may question their performance and challenge their identities as competent workers. In this research, we address these dynamics, we use identity theory to gain an understanding on how identity accounts for acts of resistance and adoption of BIM in AEC industry. AMCIS TV LINK: https://youtu.be/pfUo4pEIjI

    Instructional Use of Research-Based Practices for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Parents and educators have limited resources to devote to the education and training of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Research has identified numerous scientifically-based practices and promising practices teachers can use when working with students with ASD, while other types of practices that teachers are using have been identified as having limited support or are not recommended practices for educating children with ASD (Simpson, 2005). The purpose of this quantitative, non-experimental and exploratory (correlational) study using a predictive research design is to determine if the types of training teachers have, years of teacher experience educating students with ASD, student age, and school type where they work has an influence on the types of practices teachers use with students with ASD. The Autism Treatment Survey was adapted and utilized by 62 participants as an online survey. The participants were special education teachers from a Southeast Florida School District who attended the 2009 CARD (Center for Autism and Related Disabilities) conference in West Palm Beach Florida. Results identified that the amount of training a teacher has in practices used with students with ASD and the type of school where the teacher works are the most influential factors on the types of practices teachers use when educating students with ASD

    A Model of Individual Coping with Information Technology Challenges to Identity

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    Drawing on ideas from identity control theory and coping theory and on a diverse range of social psychology literature, we propose an integrative theoretical framework that unpacks and traces the processes by which information technology comes to affect users’ identity. We define four types of strategies (acting on the situation, adjusting the self, catharsis and distancing) through which people cope with technological challenges to the self. We suggest that these strategies may lead to four individual-level outcomes, namely reinforced identity, redefined identity, ambivalent identity and antiidentity. The model is provided with a preliminary support through reference to real life situations, carefully selected from extant empirical IS enquiries

    Senior Recital: Daniel Nach, Voice; Emily Shelburne, Piano; March 4, 2023

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    Kemp Recital HallMarch 4, 2023Saturday Afternoon3:30 p.m

    Essays on the impact of information technology on identity

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    Depuis quelques années maintenant, les technologies de l'information (TI) ne sont plus l'apanage des spécialistes et des experts. De plus en plus, des acteurs de divers secteurs intègrent les TI pour accomplir leur travail. Seulement voilà, pour s'adapter à leur environnement, les individus sont appelés à développer des nouvelles habilités, instaurer des nouvelles pratiques ou reléguer d'autres au second plan. Auquel cas, l'identité de ces acteurs, c'est-à-dire la façon dont ils se définissent et se décrivent eu égard à leur travail pourrait en être potentiellement affectée. Dès lors, il n'est pas encore clair comment les individus s'adaptent aux défis que posent les TI à leur identité, ni comment ils s'efforcent à définir ou redéfinir leur soi en réponse aux changements, parfois substantiels, induits par les TI. La thèse constitue une étape pour combler ce vide. Son objectif est de développer une théorie qui explique comment les individus s'adaptent aux défis posés par les TI à leur identité. Nous avons donc défini quatre stratégies, à savoir : 1) agir sur la situation (acting on situation); 2) ajuster le sens de soi (adjusting the self); 3) pratiques cathartiques (cathartic practices), et 4) distanciation (distancing coping). Nous avons suggéré que ces quatre stratégies mènent à l'une des quatre types d'identité : 1) identité renforcée (reinforced identity) 2) identité redéfinie (redefined identity) 3) identité ambivalente (ambivalent identity) 4) et l'anti-identité (anti-identity). La théorie est validée par une étude de terrain menée auprès des professionnels de la santé, à savoir, des médecins et des infirmièr(e)s dont les pratiques cliniques ont connu des changements substantiels induits par des systèmes de dossiers patients électroniques. En somme, l'étude contribue à la littérature en offrant à point singulier pour examiner comment l'identité est construite dans le processus d'interaction avec les technologies de l'information qui, en retour, affectent certains comportements eu égard les TI tels que l'utilisation, l'appropriation et la résistance. La thèse contribue aussi au niveau pratique en offrant des outils singuliers aux gestionnaires, particulièrement du secteur de la santé, pour réussir l'introduction des systèmes de dossiers patients électroniques.\ud _____________________________________________________________________________

    Discovering Drugs Combination Pattern Using FP-growth Algorithm

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    A drug can be used to deal more than one diseases and to deal an illness often need a combination of more than one drugs. This paper present how to discover a pattern of a combination of medicines related to a diagnosis of diseases using FP-Growth one of frequent pattern mining algorithm. We use FP- Growth because it has better performance than Apriori and Eclat. Data is collected from outpatients pharmacy of Sukoharjo state hospital, Central Java, Indonesia during January 2015 to June 2016 and obtain 526,195 records of prescription data and use a diagnosis of diseases base on the ICD-10 standard. This studies just apply on the top ten of the most frequently occurred illness in the outpatient's services of Sukoharjo state hospital. Then the pattern of association between diseases and combination of drugs was reviewed by pharmacist committed to being validated. These studies result in some combination of medicines for to top ten of the most frequent diseases. We also found 21 similar combinations of drugs for various diseases. In the future, this finding can be used to provide suggestions to physicians to select an appropriate mix of the drug to deal some diseases

    Intergroup Collaboration: An Examination through the Lenses of Identity and IT Affordances

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    This research seeks to increase our understanding of the relationship between IT affordances and collective identity in the context of intergroup collaboration. Particularly, we investigate the type of IT affordances (i.e., collaborative, organizational memory, or process management) that are more prone to support certain types of identities (i.e., superordinate collective identity, intergroup relational identity, or intergroup ambivalent identity) when groups need to collaborate towards the accomplishment of a common goal. We suggest three hypotheses which we plan to test via a field study within the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry

    Financial integration in the BRICS countries

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    An optimum currency area (OCA) owes its definition to Robert Mundell (1961). In his seminal paper, Mundell (1961) defines an OCA as an area for which the costs of relinquishing the exchange rate as an internal instrument of adjustments are outweighed by the benefits of adopting a single currency or a fixed exchange rate regime. Mundell (1961) emphasises two major benefits of adopting a single currency: the elimination of transaction costs and a better performance of money as a medium of exchange and as a unit of account. Thus far, OCA theory has served as the framework for the discussion about monetary integration and has provided an explanation for the monetary integration processes around the world both developed and developing countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The emergence of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) countries can be a model and a representation of developing and emerging countries in the global economic and financial system. Hence, this has made the BRICS economies the object of many discussions and recent empirical researches. The research presented in this thesis uses a structural vector autoregression (SVAR) econometric model to explore whether there is a feasibility of macroeconomic convergence among the BRICS economies. The SVAR model permitted to examine the symmetry of shocks (supply, demand and monetary) among the five BRICS countries. The findings of this research showed that there was some degree of symmetry of shocks among the BRICS countries. Nevertheless, there is a need for more policy coordination in order to achieve the desired level of symmetry of shocks among these countries
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