37 research outputs found

    Word of Mouth Communication Effect of Use of the Service Review

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    Faktor yang mempengaruhi analisis komunikasi kata ngengat kembali layanan penggunaan antusiasme. Objek penelitian ini adalah Fairy Shop, masalah penelitian mengacu pada fenomena bisnis Fairy Shop. Oleh karenanya ini masalah penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: apa yang meningkatkan re-layanan antusiasme penggunaan berlalu komunikasi dari mulut ke mulut. model telah dibangun dan lima hypothesises penelitian telah dirumuskan. Metode disengaja telah dipilih untuk memperoleh data yang diperlukan pada penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan 145 responden dan keseluruhan responden adalah pelanggan Fairy Shop Jombang. Analisis data menggunakan Structural Equation Model dengan program komputer Amos 16. Kata kunci: Total Quality Management, Pelanggan dan Kepuasan Pelanggan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa antara kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh positif terhadap komunikasi WOM. Kepuasan pelanggan berpengaruh positif terhadap komunikasi WOM. Komitmen berpengaruh positif terhadap komitmen WOM. Kekuatan hubungan berpengaruh positif terhadap komunikasi WOM. Komunikasi WOM postif berpengaruh untuk kembali layanan penggunaan antusiasme. Kata kunci: kualitas hubungan, kepuasan pelanggan, komitmen, kekuatan hubungan, komunikasi dari mulut ke mulut dan re-layanan penggunaan antusiasme

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Penggunaan Bahan Bakar Minyak (Bbm) dan Temperatur pada Generator Menggunakan SMS Berbasis Pengendali Mikro

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    Monitoring the consumption of fuel and the temperature on a generator is important to retain a backup power source of the generator without running out of fuel or causing a high temperature in the generator. The design of the monitoring system could detect changes in the condition of the fuel and temperature simultaneously when the generator is in operation. This monitoring system process used an ultrasonic censor to detect the consumption of fuel that is attached to the oil tank and a temperature censor to detect temperature changes in the generator mounted on the body of the generator. The ultrasonic censor output voltage and temperature censor were the converted by the Analog To Digital (ADC) Internal microcontroller ATMega16. This system design was divided into 10 scale percentage unit (%) for the consumption of fuel and a celsius unit (° C) of the temperature measurement for the changes of the temperature of the generator. The data detected by the censors instalated would be processed by the microcontroller and the sent through Wavecom Fastrack M1206B modem to celluler phone in the form of a text messageof the short message service (SMS), sent through Wireless Radio Telemetry Kit 915MHz to a computer/laptop which was shown ina graphical form, displaying the monitored data by using the 16 x 4 LCD display. Keyword : Microcontroller, Monitoring, Temperature,Generator, Short Message Service (SMS

    Determinan Kualitas Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah

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    Preparation and financial reporting is an obligation that is done for every organization both private sector and public sector. This is because the financial statements serve as a benchmark to see if the performance is happening in an institution can run well and properly. This study was conducted to see the determinant in creating a higher quality financial statements because one of the requirements for a financial statement is to have adequate information and can dipahmi for each user, so that in the preparation of financial statements should be more attention to several contributing factors. In this study, trying to see what factors can influence the creation of a higher quality financial statements so as to facilitate its user. This study uses three factors that are considered to influence the improvement of the quality of the financial statements of the competence of local government human resources, utilization of information technology, as well as the internal control system within the organization which will then be processed with the help of statistical programs in the form SmsrtPLS. After testing the analysis of the three factors used in this study by using analytical tools SmartPLS result that the competence of human resources has a positive and significant impact on the quality of financial reports of local government, it can be seen from the value of t obtained which is equal to 5, 254,386. So it may be indicated that the greater the competence of an employee can impact the quality of financial reporting. As for the use of information technology factors also influence a positive and significant impact on improving the quality of local government financial statements which can be seen from the value t obtained which is equal to 2.201480. As for the internal control system has no effect on the quality of government financial statements it can be seen from the values obtained by 0.977357. And the third factor to use significant benchmark by 1.96

    Analisis Kesulitan Siswa dalam Penyelesain Soal Aljabar Serta Alternatif Pemecahannya

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggetahui kesalahan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal Ajabar baik itu dalam hal mencari koefisien dan operasi hitung bentuk aljabar, setalah mengatahui jenis kesalahannya dicari solusi dari permasalahan itu sehingga siswa menjadi paham tentang materi aljabar. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan survei dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif dimana dalam penggumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian yang didapat bahwa masih ada siswa yang belum memahami tentang koefisien dan belum mengerti juga tentang operasi hitung aljabar, dari hasil wancara secara mendalam didapatkan alsan mengapa siswa itu belum paham karena pada saat disampaikan guru masih belum jelas tentang materi aljabar sehingga siswa itu bingung tentang soal-soal aljabar. Solusi yang ditawarkan dari permasalahan ini adalah mencoba mengajak siswa untuk memahami kembali tentang definisi koefisien dan operasi aljabar secara mendalam setalah itu diberikan perbanyak soal latihan sehingga siswa akan lebih memahami tentang materi aljabar

    Peningkatan Aktivitas dan Prestasi Belajar Matematika melalui Metode Modelling The Way pada Siswa Kelas IX SMP

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    The purpose of this study is to improve SMP students' activity and learning achievement, in mathematics, with the application of the Modeling the Way method, during the 2012/2013 academic year. This research is a classroom action research (PTK) that is conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of preparation, action, observation, and reflection. Cycle I and Cycle II are executed within three meetings each. Subjects are IXF grade students of SMP N 1 Ceper amounting to 24 students consisting of 9 male and 15 female students. The data was taken by increased observation of students' activities during the learning process, while their achievement was measured by evaluating them in the form of tests. The results showed that: (1) The students' activities have increased from the first cycle to the second cycle. (2) The students' learning outcomes have also risen, as shown by an increase in the cycle's final test results. The average final test scores, from cycle I to cycle II, has risen from 71.04% into 79.17%. While the minimum percentage of completeness increased from 70.83% to 87.5%. The test results of the second cycle have reached the indicator of the success that has been established when 80% of students reached the Value Minimum Criteria for completeness (KKM), which is 68. From the results above, it can be concluded that the application of the Modelling The Way method can increase the activity and learning achievement of IX SMP students during the 2012/2013 academic year

    Proses Berpikir Kreatif Siswa Climber Dalam Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Pada Materi Peluang

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    This study aimed to describe the process of creative thinking of students in XI grade IPA-2 SMA Negeri 1 Polanharjo that have AQ climber characteristic in the mathematics problem solving in quiet materials based on Wallas steps, they are: preparation, incubation, illumination and verification. The approach t used in this study is qualitative approach. The collecting data in this study used task based on interview method. The process of creative thinking of the climber student in the mathematics problem solving in probability materials, are: (1) in the preparation step, students were enthusiastically when they were given problem solving task. The students explain the case that they knowed and asked in complete and correct with some way, that were: (a) writing the steps and changing into examples, (b) just writing the steps, (c) just changing the case that known in examples; (2) in the incubation step, when the students are understanding probability of event, they: (a)are practising that probability, (b) focus to understand on the problem, (c) less focus to understand on the problem. Then students get an idea by making a complete diagram then multiply the possibilities of occuring on the first and second taking; (3) in the illumination step, student counts probability values are based on complete diagram to sum possibillity of the relevant probability. Students get the new way, that: (a) are the uncomplete diagram and probability formulas, (b) the uncomplete diagram, (c) probability formulas. Students explain the origin of the new way found. Students finish the problem with the new way; (4) in the verification step, students retest all the cases having done befound and corrected the obtained probability values using the old and new way, both of them get the same and correct result

    Pengaruh Teat Dipping Menggunakan Dekok Daun Kersen (Muntingia Calabura L.) Terhadap Tingkat Kejadian Mastitis

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    The study was carried out in Sidomulyo Village, Jabung, Malang Regen-cy from April 6th to May 6th, 2013. The objective of the study was to evaluate the influ-ence of Kersen leaf (Muntingia calabura L) extract to reduce mastitis incidents. The materials used in this study were 15 Friesian Holstein crossbreed lactating dairy cows, chemical antiseptic, and Kersen leaf extract. The study used experiment Randomized Block Design with 3 treatments and 5 replications. The result shows that Kersen leaf extract was significantly (p>0.05) able to reduce mastitis incidents particularly 20% of Kersen leaf extract composition. The study suggests that Kersen leaf extract can be used as an effective substance in dipping solution for dairy cows Mastitis control program

    Improving Students' Ability in Writing Procedure Text Through Demonstration

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    The objective of this research was to improve the students' ability in writing procedure text through demonstration for the ninth grade students of SMPN 22 Pontianak in academic year 2015/2016. The method used in the research is classroom action research was conducted in three cycles. The observation checklist was used to support the researcher in monitoring the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Field note was used to provide additional data regarding the behavior of students and situation happened in the teaching and learning process. The findings showed that demonstration technique improved the students' ability in writing procedure text. The improvements covered: 1) the students considered writing as an interesting lesson, indicated by their enthusiasm to write, 2) students generated and organized their ideas more easily in a good order, and 3) demonstration improved the students' ability in writing procedure text in terms of grammatical, vocabulary, and sentence structure