4,008 research outputs found

    Determination of stochastic vs. deterministic trend in quarterly GDP of Pakistan

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    Many economic and financial time series show evidence of trending behavior or non stationarity in the mean. An important econometric goal is determining the most proper form of the trend in the data. The transformations of series depend on whether the series is trend stationary or difference stationary. In this paper, study is conducted to declare the nature of trend component in quarterly GDP of Pakistan whether it is trend stationary or difference stationary. It is necessary to know, because trend stationary and difference stationary models imply very different short run and long run dynamics. We have explored the type of trend in GDP series by ADF unit root test and also support our arguments by empirical distribution instead of asymptotical ones i.e., bootstrapping test. The purpose of the paper is not only to investigate the type of trend in the series by conventional methods but also to motivate small distribution theory like bootstrapping techniques that can helps ones in selection of advocate model for observed series.Bootstrapping, Stationarity, Pivotal statistic, Unit root

    Ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) of the delta family (GluD1 and GluD2) and synaptogenesis

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    Glutamate delta-1 (GluD1) and glutamate delta-2 (GluD2) form the delta family of ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) and are distinct from other (iGluRs) in that they do not exhibit typical agonist-induced ion channel currents. Recent studies have demonstrated a crucial role of the delta receptors in synapse formation by interacting with presynaptic proteins such as Neurexin1. This review presents current knowledge regarding the expression, structure and function of Glu delta receptors (GluD1, GluD2) in brain, focusing on synapse formation, function and dysfunction.Keywords: iGluRs; GluD1; GluD2; Synaptogenesis; Autism spectrum disorder (ASD); Schizophrenia (SCZ

    Higher Dimensional Inhomogeneous Perfect Fluid Collapse in \emph{f(R)} Gravity

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    This paper is about the n+2n+2-dimensional gravitational contraction of inhomogeneous fluid without heat flux in the framework of f(R)f(R) metric theory of gravity. Matching conditions for two regions of a star has been derived by using the Darmois junction conditions. For the analytic solution of equations of motion in modified f(R)f(R) theory of gravity, we have taken scalar curvature as constant. Hence final result of gravitational collapse in this frame work is the existence of black hole and cosmological horizons, both of these form earlier than singularity. It has been shown that constant curvature term f(R0)f(R_{0}) (R0R_0 is constant scalar curvature) slows down the collapsing process.Comment: 17 Pages, to appear in European Physical Journal

    Impact of Awareness Campaign on the Knowledge of Risk Factors of HIV & AIDS among Students of University of Gujrat, Pakistan

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    Background: Individuals of age 15-25 years are at highest risk of HIV/AIDS due to presence of high risk behavior. Public health professionals are of the view that educational intervention are more successful in improving knowledge attitudes and preventive practices among the young rather than abstinence only intervention. The aim of this study was to access the knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS of students of University of Gujrat, Gujrat and to find the effect of imparting education on these parameters. Methodology: pre-post quasi experimental study design conducted at University of Gujrat, Pakistan in the year 2015-2016. A sample size of 370 students was taken. A pre-structured self-administered questionnaire was used as a study tool, privacy and anonymity of the respondents were maintained. A comprehensive lecture and educational session was carried out that delivered information regarding HIV/AIDS disease nature, modes of transmission, myths associated with HIV/AIDS, and other disease facts. After an interval of three weeks the same questionnaire again got filled from the same students. The pre-intervention knowledge was compared to the post educational intervention one. Obtained data were evaluated by using SPSS version 20. Results were considered significant at p value of less than 0.05. Results: The student of UOG had fairly moderate knowledge of HIV/AIDS that was significantly modified (p≤0.01) after educational conditioning. And there was clear presence of will to disseminate HIV information, so that not only themselves but also their family member can be protected from this deadly infection. Conclusion: Educational intervention statistically significantly conditioned students knowledge of HIV/AIDS


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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the commonest liver disorder in western industrialized countries (prevalence≈20%), NAFLD represents increase fat in hepatocytes (steatosis) visualized, e.g. on ultrasound that cannot be attributed to other causes (most commonly alcohol so consider NAFLD if Drink male <18u/wk, female <9u). If inflammation is also present (increase LFT, typically increase ALT) = non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Rule out other causes of liver disease and check for associated metabolic disorders (obesity, dyslipidemia, diabetes and hypertension). Progression to cirrhosis may occur—biopsy or elastography may be needed. Risk factors for progression are older age; obesity; DM; NASH. Control risk factors; including obesity (bariatric surgery helps). Address cardiovascular risk (commonest cause of death). Avoid alcohol consumption. No drug is of proven Benefit, though vitamin E may improve histology in fibrosis (eg400 iu/d-higher doses Associated with excess mortality). Monitor for complications (NASH, cirrhosis, DM). If cirrhotic, screen for HCC with ultrasound± AFP twice-yearly. There is no standardized treatment for fatty liver. Treating the underlying cause can easily reverse the abnormal changes in the liver, provided, it is early in the disease. Homoeopathic remedies like Arsenic Album, Nux Vomica, Chelidonium, Cardus m, Apocynum, Lycopodium, Sepia, Phosphorous, Digitalis, Bryonia, Helleborus Niger, Ferrum Met, kali Carb, Iris V, Natrum Carb and many other medicines are very helpful in the treatment of fatty liver symptoms

    Modification and Optimization of Conducting Polymer-Modified, Redox-Magnetohydrodynamics (R-MHD) Pumping for Enhanced and Sustained Microfluidics Applications

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    In this work, a novel microfluidic pumping approach, redox-magnetohydrodynamics (R-MHD) has improved by materials and device optimization to use in lab-on-a-chip applications. In R-MHD, magnetic flux (B) and ionic current density (j) interacts to generate body force (FB) in between active electrodes, according to the equation FB = j×B. This unique fluid pumping approach is scalable, tunable, generates flat flow profile, and does not require any channels or valves. Pumping performance, such as speed scales with the ionic current density (j) and duration depends on the total charge (Q). The ionic current density (j) results from the conversion of electronic current through redox reactions of a conducting polymer like PEDOT (poly-EDOT). The enhancement of j can be obtained by the modification of polymer morphology. Therefore, electropolymerization parameters such as solvent, monomer, electrolyte, and deposition method have been optimized to improve the electrochemical performance of PEDOT. Electrodeposited PEDOT film from propylene carbonate solvent and TBAPF6 electrolyte generated a maximum of 820 µm/s flow velocity and 210 s flow duration. This enhanced system used as an imaging cytometer by coupling with a light sheet confocal microscope. This microfluidic imaging platform was able to differentiate various leukocytes cells with ~ 5000 cell/s theoretical throughput and 0.6 µm image resolution. As, our existing microscope could not analyze the R-MHD velocity profile in height direction, astigmatism particle tracking velocimetry (APTV) was employed to analyze flow profiles in three dimensions. In a microfluidic setup, flow profile is dominated by stream wise component but with no significant contributions in y and z direction. Though we achieved significant improvement in fluidic speed, flow duration was still dependent upon the total charge. Therefore, an automated magnet switching device was built which synchronized the current and magnetic field to push fluid in single direction, for unlimited time


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    Ownership structure is a key element of directing the firm and taking strategic decisions. Separation of ownership and control brings principal- agent conflicts in organizations. Ownership structure is considered as the most powerful remedy to agency problems in firms. R&D investment being the critical and risky decision, gained the attention of researchers. The objective of this study is to determine the association between ownership structure and R&D investment. All non-financial firms listed in Pakistan stock exchange covering data from 2005 to 2018 is the sample of research. Fixed effect model is used based on husman’s test result for analysis. In addition to the ownership structure, the audit quality is taken a moderator in the relationship of ownership structure and R&D. The results of the study suggest that concentrated ownership has a significant positive, restricted ownership has a negative impact on R&D impact. While the relationship between institutional ownership and R&D could not be established. Furthermore, the audit quality had no significant moderating effect in the relationship


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the critical drivers of Islamic Banking customer satisfaction in in the Malakand division. Quantitative techniques with survey method of data collection on five-points Likert scale is used. Self-administered questionnaires consist of 18 important questions about customer satisfaction are used to collect data. To ascertain the critical factors/ contributors to customer satisfaction, exploratory factor analysis is applied. The results indicate that the primary determinants of customer satisfaction could be condensed to five factors. Each question is assigned to a component based on its related factor component score
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