21 research outputs found


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    This study aims to he students’ errors in using punctuation marks in writing essay. This study conducted in the third semester students at IAIN Tulungagung academic year 2013/2014. The researcher analyzed the students errors in using punctuation marks which influences to the grammatical and semantic  function. The research problems in this study are what are the errors made by the third semester students at IAIN Tulungagung in using punctuation marks in writing essay and what are the dominant  errors made by the third semester students at IAIN Tulungagung in using punctuation marks in writing essay. The researcher used descriptive quantitative method in this study, and found seven kinds of punctuation marks that occurred as the errors. They are comma, period, colon, semicolon, exclamation marks, question marks, and apostrophe. Those errors were classified based on Dulay’s  surface strategy taxonomy  (omission, addition, misformation, and misordering)


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    Sapi Kaur sebagai kekayaan sumber daya genetik ternak (SDG-T) lokal Bengkulu harus dilestarikan dan dimanfaatkan dengan meningkatkan produksi ternak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui produktivitas sapi Kaur melalui pengamatan hasil konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan harian, dan konversi pakan. Sebanyak 12 ekor sapi Kaur jantan berumur 1,5-2 tahun, dengan bobot badan berkisar antara 160-180 kg diobservasi produktivitasnya. Pakan hijauan diberikan dengan menambahkan tepung jahe 1% dari bobot badan dan diatur dalam perlakuan frekuensi pemberiannya. Pakan sapi terdiri dari bahan kering sebanyak 3% dari bobot badannya. Pakan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah konsentrat dan rumput gajah (70%:30%). Terdapat tiga level perlakuan, masing-masing dengan empat kali pengulangan. P1 diberikan satu kali setiap hari pada pukul 08.00 pagi; P2 diberikan dua kali setiap hari pada pukul 08.00 pagi dan 12.00 siang; dan P3 diberikan tiga kali setiap hari pada pukul 08.00 pagi, 12.00 siang, dan 16.00 sore. Data dievaluasi dengan uji ANOVA dan pola searah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata konsumsi pakan harian adalah P1=8,87±8,90; P2=9,33±9,39; P3=9,44±9,50 kg/ekor/hari, rerata pertambahan bobot badan harian adalah P1=1,12±1,17; P2=1,32±1,36; P3=1,45±1,49 kg/ekor/hari, dan rerata konversi pakan adalah P1=8,71±8,79; P2=9,05±9,10; dan P3=9,19±9,23. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan perbedaan perlakuan tidak perpengaruh terhadap konsumsi pakan, perambahan bobot badan harian maupun konversi pakan. Dapat disimpulkan pakan utama yang ditambahkan tepung jahe (1% dari bobot badan sapi) pada frekuensi pemberian yang berbeda tidak mempengaruhi produktivitas sapi Kaur.  ABSTRACT  Kaur cows, the local livestock genetic resource (SDG-T) wealth of Bengkulu, should be preserved and used to increase cattle production. The aim of this study is to find out the productivity of Kaur cows through observation of feed consumption, daily body weight gain, and feed conversion. A total of twelve male Kaur cows aged one and a half to two years, weighing between 160 and 180 kilograms. The green feed is given by adding ginger flour to 1% of body weight and adjusting the number of times given. The cow's food consists of dry matter that makes up as much as 3% of its body weight. For this study, the main feed was concentrated on elephant grass (70%:30%). There are three groups of treatments, each with four repetitions. P1 is given once a day at 8:00 a.m.; P2 is given twice every day at 08:00 and 12:00 noon; and P3 is given three times daily at 08:00, 12:00, and 16:00. The data was evaluated with ANOVA tests and parallel patterns. The results of the study showed that the rate of daily feed consumption was P1 = 8.87+8.90; P2 = 9.33+9.39; and P3 = 9.44+9,50 (kg/head/day), and statistical analysis showed no significant difference. The daily weight gain rate is P1 = 1.12+1.17; P2 = 1.32+1.36; and P3 = 1.45+1.49 (kg/head/day), and there is no significant difference based on statistical tests. The feed conversion rate is P1 = 8.71+8.79; P2 = 9.05+9.10; and P3 = 9.19+9.23, and there is no significant difference. Consumption of green feed supplemented with ginger flour (1% of the cow's body weight) at different frequencies does not affect cow productivity

    Uji Aktivitas Krim Anti-Aging Ekstrak Etanol Daun Bayam Merah (Amaranthus tricolor L.) pada Kulit Punggung Kelinci New Zealand yang dipapar Sinar UV-A

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    The strongest cause of premature aging is sunlight (photoaging), especially UV A rays. Anti-aging creams containing antioxidant compounds can be used in the treatment of aging on the skin of the face. Red spinach leaves (Amaranthus tricolor L.) are a natural source of antioxidants that have very strong potential as an anti-aging. Objectives: This study aims to determine the activity of red spinach leaf extract cream as an anti-aging using New Zealand rabbits exposed to UV-A rays. The skin of the rabbit's back is smeared with cream F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 for 30 days. Parameter observation using a skin analyzer is carried out before, after induction, and after cream smearing. Parameters include percent collagen, elasticity, and moisture. The results of the study were analyzed statistically using one way anova. All test creams pass the physical quality test requirements, but the creams that pass the stability test are F1, F2, F4. The primary irritation test F1, F2, F4 is not irritating whereas F3 is very little irritating. Test the ocular irritation of all creams is not irritating. The test results of anti-aging activity show that F2 provides the most effective anti-aging effect because the percent increase in parameters is the greatest

    Evaluasi Perbandingan Sistem Rantai Dingin Penyimpanan Vaksin

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    Vaccines are preparations of biological products that contain antigens or contain components of microorganisms that have been attenuated from genetic engineering. Defective vaccine quality can be caused by the time of the cold chain storage process that is not in procedure. This study aims to compare the vaccine cold chain system in the warehouse of the City Health Office and Salatiga City Health Center which is guided by the Indonesian Minister of Health Regulation Number 12 of 2017. This type of research uses a descriptive observational method. The data collected in the form of quantitative and qualitative. Collecting qualitative data obtained from interviews and observations. Qualitative data were obtained from vaccine storage data in 2021. The results of the study obtained that he cold chain compatibility system at the City Health Office and Salatiga City Health Center was in good category, with the percentage of the City Health Office 88.88%, Cebongan Health Center 77.77%, Mangunsari Health Center 70.37%, Kalicacing Health Center 85.18%, Tegalrejo Health Center 81.48%, Sidorejo Lor Health Center 81.48%, Sidorejo Kidul Health Center 77.77%. Supporting facilities for vaccine storage are in accordance with the guidelines of the Permenkes RI Nomor 12 tahun 2017, in good category. With the percentage of the City Health Office 99.64%, Cebongan Health Center 96.87%, Mangunsari Health Center 97.02%, Kalicacing Health Center 91.80%, Tegalrejo Health Center 94.11%, Sidorejo Lor Health Center 96.29%, Sidorejo Kidul Health Center 98,30%

    Evaluasi Penyaluran Vaksin Sesuai Standar CDOB (Cara Distribusi Obat yang Baik)

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    Vaccines are biological products made using germs and then weekened. According to existing studies, 75% of vaccines in Indonesia are exposed to freezing temperatures during the distribution process, as a result, vaccines cannot be used anymore. The City Health Office has responsibility for the distribution of vaccines, especially in health centers, which must be evenly distributed and given regularly at the right time. The purpose of this study is the distribution of cold chain vaccines from the City Health Office to Salatiga Health Centers using the 2020 CDOB regulatory guidelines. This study uses an observational method that has a descriptive nature and evaluation using data collection techniques by interviewing with pharmacists or vaccine managers. The data will be based on the analysis of the result of data collection using an interview sheet, and the results will be stated with a percentation. The results of the study indicate that the distribution guidelines for the rantai dingin vaccine distribution system from the Health Office to the Salatiga City Health Center using the 2020 CDOB have a good category with a percentage of 72,72% and 84,21%. Then, there was a discrepancy in the distribution carried out by the Health Service to the Salatiga City Health Center but no deviation occurred, the vaccine distributed was not damaged or expired. Factors that may occur due to discrepancies are the lack of Human Resources (HR) for vaccine managers and vaccine warehouses that have not been maximized

    Aktivitas Antihiperkolesterolemia Ekstrak Etanol Daun Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni Pada Tikus Putih Jantan

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    Hypercholesterolemia is a state of increased levels of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) and total cholesterol in the plasma. Stevia leaves have benefits to overcome hypercholesterolemia. The aimed of this study was to obtain ethanol extracts of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaves which have activity to reduce total cholesterol levels in patients with hypercholesterolemia with effective doses. The method that will be carried out to achieve this goal was to make extracts by maceration of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaf powder using a water solvent for 5 days. Testing antihypercholesterolemia activity by giving treatment to 20 male white rats. Rats were divided into 5 treatment groups. Group I was negative control, II was simvastatin control, III extract was 30 mg / 200 g BW, IV extract was 60 mg / 200 g BW, V extract was 120 mg / 200 g BW. The mice were induced by propylthiouracil 12.5 mg / day and high-fat feed for 21 days, after which the rats were given the test for 14 days. Cholesterol levels were measured on days 0, 21st and 28th. The method of determining cholesterol levels uses the Easy Touch tool. On the 35th day, a total cholesterol level was examined and data analysis was performed. The results showed that the ethanol extract of stevia leaves had antihypercholesterolemia activity, extract dose of 30 mg / 200 g BW had antihypercholesterolemia activity which was equivalent to simvastatin


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    ABSTRACT This research was conducted to know the feasibility of Chemistry Worksheet, Oriented by Problem Solving in the Reaction Rate Topic for Pioneering International Senior High School. This research is development research which the target is Chemistry Worksheet which developed. The source data resulted by lecture and teacher of chemistry as reviewer and validator. Research design use Research and Development (R&D) method and instructional design ue 4-D (Four-D models) but limited to 3-D (Define, Design, dan Development). Research instrument are review sheet and validation sheet. A method of data analysis was done by descriptively qualitative for analysis the result of Chemistry Worksheet review and descriptive quantitative of percentages of assessment result from validator. The results showed that Chemistry Worksheet have been developed competent used in the learning process for the Pioneering International Senior High School since has met feasibility criteria for suitability with component of Problem Solving, Criteria of Content, Presentation, Language, and Graph, and presentation of Chemistry Worksheet, with a series percentage of 90%; 92,78%; 90,33; 86,87%; and 90%. Keywords: Feasibility, Problem Solving Components, Reaction Rate ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan Chemistry Worksheet, berorientasi Problem Solving pada Materi Pokok Laju Reaksi di kelas XI SMA RSBI. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan sasaran penelitian adalah Chemistry Worksheet yang dikembangkan. Sumber data diperoleh dari tim ahli meliputi dosen dan guru kimia sebagai penelaah dan validator. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D) dan pengembangannya mengacu pada 4-D (four D models) yang dibatasi sampai tahap 3-D (Define, Design, dan Development). Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa lembar telaah dan lembar validasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif untuk hasil telaah dan deskriptif kuantiatif untuk hasil validasi terhadap kelayakan Chemistry Worksheet, serta aktivitas dan respon siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Chemistry Worksheet berorientasi Problem Solving yang dikembangkan telah layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran untuk SMA RSBI karena telah memenuhi kelayakan berdasarkan hasi validasi terhadap kriteria kesesuaian terhadap komponen Problem Solving, kelayakan isi, penyajian, kebahasaan, dan kegrafisan dengan persentase sebesar 90%; 92,78%; 90,33; 86,87%; dan 90%.   Kata Kunci    : Kelayakan, Komponen Problem Solving, Laju Reaks

    Optimasi Sediaan Floating Tablet Kaptopril Sistem Effervescent dengan Metode D-Optimal Design

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    Kaptopril merupakan obat antihipertensi dan efektif pada penanganan gagal jantung, memiliki waktu paruh yang pendek dan indeks terapi yang sempit. Formulasi tablet floating kaptopril diharapkan mengurangi frekuensi pemberian obat dan mengurangi fluktuasi konsentrasi obat dalam darah. Formulasi tablet floating kaptopril dibuat menggunakan matriks hidroksipropil metilselulosa K15M dan komponen effervescent. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh matriks hidroksipropil metilselulosa K15M dan komponen effervescent terhadap sifat fisik tablet serta mengetahui proporsi formula optimum tablet floating kaptopril. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode d-optimal design dengan lima formula. Respon yang diukur dari formulaformula tersebut meliputi waktu alir, sudut diam, keseragaman bobot, kekerasan tablet, kerapuhan tablet, floating time tablet dan disolusi tablet yang digunakan sebagai parameter untuk menentukan formula optimum. Penggunaan hidroksipropil metilselulosa K15M sebagai matriks dan komponen effervescent pada berbagai konsentrasi berpengaruh terhadap sifat fisik granul dan sifat fisik tablet dan profil disolusinya. Kombinasi hidroksipropil metilselulosa K15M sebagai matriks dan komponen effervescent dengan perbandingan 105 mg : 110 mg dapat membentuk tablet floating kaptopril dengan sifat fisik tablet yang optimum sesuai dengan metode d-optimal design

    Gambaran Deskriptif Efek Terapi Kombinasi Dua Obat Antihipertensi Pada Pasien Hemodialisis di Yogyakarta

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    Hipertensi adalah penyakit pembuluh perifer yang dialami oleh pasien penyakit ginjal kronik sebagai konsekuensi kerusakan secara progresif pada fungsi ginjal. Target kontrol tekanan darah predialisis adalah <140/90 mmHg. Target tersebut sulit dicapai sehingga diperlukan kombinasi terapi antihipertensi. Pemberian kombinasi dua antihipertensi bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek terapi berupa penurunan tekanan darah dua obat antihipertensi pada pasien hemodialisis