16 research outputs found

    OneSeg: Self-learning and One-shot Learning based Single-slice Annotation for 3D Medical Image Segmentation

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    As deep learning methods continue to improve medical image segmentation performance, data annotation is still a big bottleneck due to the labor-intensive and time-consuming burden on medical experts, especially for 3D images. To significantly reduce annotation efforts while attaining competitive segmentation accuracy, we propose a self-learning and one-shot learning based framework for 3D medical image segmentation by annotating only one slice of each 3D image. Our approach takes two steps: (1) self-learning of a reconstruction network to learn semantic correspondence among 2D slices within 3D images, and (2) representative selection of single slices for one-shot manual annotation and propagating the annotated data with the well-trained reconstruction network. Extensive experiments verify that our new framework achieves comparable performance with less than 1% annotated data compared with fully supervised methods and generalizes well on several out-of-distribution testing sets

    How Much can F5 Really Do

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    Our purpose is to compare how much the F5 algorithm can gain in efficiency compared to the F4 algorithm. This can be achieve as the F5 algorithm uses the concept of signatures to foresee potential useless computation which the F4 algorithm might make represented by zero rows in the reduction of a large matrix. We experimentally show that this is a modest increase in efficiency for the parameters we tested

    The Singularity Attack to the Multivariate Signature Scheme Himq-3

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    In 2017 Kyung-Ah Shim et al proposed a multivariate signature scheme called Himq-3 which is a submission to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standardization process of post-quantum cryptosystems. The Himq-3 signature scheme can be classified into oil vinegar signature scheme family. It has a multilayer structure but it uses a cycle system to invert the central map. The signing process of Himq-3 is very fast, and it has small signatures. In this paper we present a cryptanalysis of Himq-3. We show that inherent to the signing process is a leakage of information of the private key. Using this information one can forge a signature

    Hydrogeology of the Pearl River Delta, southern China

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    The study describes the hydrogeological setting of the Pearl River Delta, a sub-tropical area of southern China encompassing the metropolises of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau. In the last 40 years, a booming economy and a population of about 60 million has increased water demand satisfied by a huge system of dams and reservoirs. Aquifers in the studied area are underutilized and only a few recent studies have addressed hydrogeological characterization at a local scale. Understanding groundwater dynamics of the Pearl River Delta is important for developing additional water supplies, understanding and mitigating groundwater pollution, and for implementing ‘Sponge City' concepts. Via a collection of data from literature and field surveys, the hydrogeological setting of the area is synthetized and represented through thematic maps, cross sections and a hydro-stratigraphic column. Hydrogeological conceptual models are developed that describe the groundwater dynamics in urban and rural areas within the Pearl River Delta

    A Simple and Efficient Key Reuse Attack on NTRU Cryptosystem

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    In 1998, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, and Joseph H. Silverman introduced the famous NTRU cryptosystem, and called it A ring-based public key cryptosystem . Actually, it turns out to be a lattice based cryptosystem that is resistant to Shor\u27s algorithm. There are several modifications to the original NTRU and two of them are selected as round 2 candidates of NIST post quantum public key scheme standardization. In this paper, we present a simple attack on the original NTRU scheme. The idea comes from Ding et al.\u27s key mismatch attack. Essentially, an adversary can find information on the private key of a KEM by not encrypting a message as intended but in a manner which will cause a failure in decryption if the private key is in a certain form. In the present, NTRU has the encrypter generating a random polynomial with small coefficients, but we will have the coefficients be large . After this, some further work will create an equivalent key

    City-level climate change mitigation in China.

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    As national efforts to reduce CO2 emissions intensify, policy-makers need increasingly specific, subnational information about the sources of CO2 and the potential reductions and economic implications of different possible policies. This is particularly true in China, a large and economically diverse country that has rapidly industrialized and urbanized and that has pledged under the Paris Agreement that its emissions will peak by 2030. We present new, city-level estimates of CO2 emissions for 182 Chinese cities, decomposed into 17 different fossil fuels, 46 socioeconomic sectors, and 7 industrial processes. We find that more affluent cities have systematically lower emissions per unit of gross domestic product (GDP), supported by imports from less affluent, industrial cities located nearby. In turn, clusters of industrial cities are supported by nearby centers of coal or oil extraction. Whereas policies directly targeting manufacturing and electric power infrastructure would drastically undermine the GDP of industrial cities, consumption-based policies might allow emission reductions to be subsidized by those with greater ability to pay. In particular, sector-based analysis of each city suggests that technological improvements could be a practical and effective means of reducing emissions while maintaining growth and the current economic structure and energy system. We explore city-level emission reductions under three scenarios of technological progress to show that substantial reductions (up to 31%) are possible by updating a disproportionately small fraction of existing infrastructure

    Transboundary health impacts of transported global air pollution and international trade

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    Millions of people die every year from diseases caused by exposure to outdoor air pollution1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Some studies have estimated premature mortality related to local sources of air pollution6, 7, but local air quality can also be affected by atmospheric transport of pollution from distant sources8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. International trade is contributing to the globalization of emission and pollution as a result of the production of goods (and their associated emissions) in one region for consumption in another region14, 19, 20, 21, 22. The effects of international trade on air pollutant emissions23, air quality14 and health24 have been investigated regionally, but a combined, global assessment of the health impacts related to international trade and the transport of atmospheric air pollution is lacking. Here we combine four global models to estimate premature mortality caused by fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution as a result of atmospheric transport and the production and consumption of goods and services in different world regions. We find that, of the 3.45 million premature deaths related to PM2.5 pollution in 2007 worldwide, about 12 per cent (411,100 deaths) were related to air pollutants emitted in a region of the world other than that in which the death occurred, and about 22 per cent (762,400 deaths) were associated with goods and services produced in one region for consumption in another. For example, PM2.5 pollution produced in China in 2007 is linked to more than 64,800 premature deaths in regions other than China, including more than 3,100 premature deaths in western Europe and the USA; on the other hand, consumption in western Europe and the USA is linked to more than 108,600 premature deaths in China. Our results reveal that the transboundary health impacts of PM2.5 pollution associated with international trade are greater than those associated with long-distance atmospheric pollutant transport