83 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study was the investigation of Quality of life according to the exercise behaviour change stages of women studying at university. 698 university students, who study in different departments, participated in the study. Quality of life and change in exercise behaviour survey were applied. One way ANOVA, LSD test and Student - t test were used in the study. The average age of University women was 27.50 years. In this study, physical health score, psychological health score, social health score and environmental scores vary according to the health status indicated by the students (p<0.05). In this study, in the case of physical health, the scores of those who are at the stage of Pre-contemplation and Contemplation are significantly lower than those of the students who are at the stage of Taking Action and Maintenance (p<0.05). In the case of psychological health, the scores of those who are at the stage of Pre-contemplation and Contemplation are significantly lower than those of the students who are at the Maintenance stage (p<0.05). In the case of social health, the scores of those who are at the stage of Pre-contemplation and Contemplation are significantly lower than those of the students who are in the preparation, Taking Action and Maintenance (p<0.05). In the case of environmental score, the scores of those who are at the Pre-contemplation stage are significantly lower than those of the students who are at the Maintenance stage (p<0.05). In conclusion, the perceived quality of life of University women according to their exercise behavior change stages were high before the tendency and low during the exercise but quality of life scores increased during continuity. Sedentary women should increase the percentage of continuity in exercise behaviors steps to improve quality of life. Quality of life level according to exercise behavior change stages should be investigated in a large number of women in different universities in Turkey and they should be orientated on exercise planning.  Article visualizations


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    This study aims to research the effects of drinking tea and coffee, smoking and consuming alcohol before going to bed on the sleep quality of students receiving sports education. For this purpose, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was applied to students receiving sports education. The data of 243 male students and 222 female students who filled in the scale were evaluated. Student t-test was used in statistical procedures. While statistically significant difference was found in subjective sleep quality, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, daytime dysfunction, sleep latency/delay, use of sleep medication and total sleep score in terms of the state of drinking tea and coffee (p<0,05 and p<0,0.01), no difference was found in sleep disturbances component (p>0,05). Statistically, a significant difference was found in subjective sleep quality, sleep latency/delay, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, daytime dysfunction, use of sleep medication and total sleep score in terms of the state of smoking and consuming alcohol (p<0,05 and p<0,001). Conclusion: It can be said that drinking tea and coffee, smoking and consuming alcohol before going to bed have negative effects on the sleep quality of students receiving sports education. It is recommended for students receiving sports education not to drink tea and coffee, smoke and consume alcohol before going to bed to improve the quality of sleep.  Article visualizations

    Examining effects of physical education and fine arts education on mental skills

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    The aim of this study was to investigate effects of physical education and fine arts education on mental skills for University students. The study included 344 university students fulfilling The Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool completely. Obtained data were statistically analyzed with t test. While there was no significant difference in self-confidence and activation between genders (p>0.05); goal setting, commitment, stress reactions, fear control, relaxation, focusing, refocusing, imagery, mental practice and competition planning significantly differed between genders (p0.05). The students with five-year or longer history of doing sports got significantly higher scores for goal setting, self-confidence, commitment, activation, focusing, refocusing, imagery, mental practice and planning competition than those with one-four-year history of doing sports (p<0.05 and p<0.001). In conclusion, physical education and fine arts education had similar effects on mental skills. However, gender and history of doing sports had different effects on mental skills. Physical education and fine arts education had positive effects on mental skills, especially self-confidence. It can be recommended that students studying physical education should be offered information about arts and that students studying fine arts should be given information about sports. In addition, people receiving informal education about sports should be supported in terms of stress and relaxation

    Comparison of Attention Levels in Primary School Students in Terms of Gender and Physical Activity

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    The aim of this study was to compare attention levels of primary school students in terms of gender, school and physical activity. The study included a total of 301 primary school students, of whom 144 were female and 157 were male. Data were collected with Physical Activity Questionnaire and D2 Test of Attention. Pair-wise categorical comparisons were made with t test. There was a significant difference in scores for D2 Test of Attention and its subscales psychomotor speed and selective attention between genders (p&lt;0.05), while the difference in special learning difficulty, concentration performance and physical activity was insignificant (p&gt;0.05). Attention levels did not significantly differ between the students in state primary schools and those in private primary schools, either (p&gt;0.05). The students were similar in physical activity and attention performance scores. To conclude, gender was found to play a significant role in psychomotor speed, selective attention level and total performance in D2 Test of Attention. All the students had moderate physical activity, which did not significantly differ between the students. In addition, attention levels were not different between state schools and private schools. However, the students with high physical activity were found to have higher attention performance. Therefore, primary school students should be enabled to have more physical activity to improve their attention

    The Effects of a Three Months Exercise on Physical Fitness, Body Composition and Some Blood Parameters in Sedentary Middle Aged Female

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    In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of three months of aerobic exercise on physical fitness, body composition and some blood parameters in sedentary Female. 45 sedentary Female with an average age of 36.11±1.04 years, high of 158.9 ±0.76 cm and weight of 70.83 ±1.67 kg have been selected. Sedentary Females were trained through an aerobic exercises programmed one hour a day for three days a week.  The aerobic exercise time was on 12 weeks. Setting-up exercises and training in each training session were arranged in such a way as to make each woman’s heart rate to between a levels of 130-140 beats per minute. Statistical analysis were done with Paired-t test, Variance analysis and Scheffe tests. At the end of the three months exercise programmed, a decrease of %9.06 in body weight, %9.96 in systolic blood pressure, %6.94 in diastolic blood pressure, %12.42 in total cholesterol, %22.44 in Triglyceride, %21.16 in low density lipoprotein and %21.4 in fat content ratio have been registered. However, there were increases of %26.22 in hand grip power, %63.83 in the maximum oxygen transfer, %6.2 in aerobic strength and %16.34 in high density lipoprotein. Even though the three months exercise has produced significant effect to on systolic blood pressure, jumping, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, Apo-B, Triglyceride, Hip circumference at .01 level. On number of heart beats, hand grip power, waist circumference, the maximum oxygen transfer, Low density lipoprotein cholesterol, Apo A I and fat contents, diastolic blood pressure and aerobic strength at .05 level. Conclusions: The result of three months low intensity aerobic exercises have shown the fact that such exercises could improve high density lipoprotein cholesterol values and physical fitness. Also by the changes of body fat, Triglyceride, total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol values parameters it reduces body parameters. The risk for cardiovascular problems are reduced on sedentary females. Aerobic exercises programmers may be recommended to reduce hypertension, weight loss, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or metabolic diseases on sedentary females between 130-140 heart rate


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    The purpose of this study was determined the effects of 12 weeks aerobic exercise and weight-lifting plus aerobic exercise on blood pressure, blood serum lipids and lipoproteins of sedentary females. Thirty seven sedentary females (Aerobic group mean age: 44.66 years, Weight-Lifting + Aerobic group mean age: 40.80 years) participated in this study. Before initiate the exercise their blood samples, peripheral measurements and thickness of skinfolds were taken. The subjects participated in aerobics group (n = 21) and weight-lifting plus aerobics group (n = 16) 3 times in a week through one hour. The intensity of exercise was increased gradually and their heart rates were raised up to 130-140 rates per-minute and of the tension. Two way ANOVA was used in this study. There were no significant difference between two different type of exercise groups (p&gt;0.05) fırst group (aerobic); HDL-C (High Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol) 18.12%, second group (weight-lifting plus aerobic) %28.23, there were a significant increase among them (p&lt;0.01). Total cholesterol decrease 13.97% in group of aerobic exercise and it decreases 7.13% in group of weight-lifting plus aerobic. Triglyceride decreases 31.74% in group of aerobic exercise; it decreases 19.53% in group of weight-lifting plus aerobic exercise. Level of LDL-C was decreased 28.11% in group of aerobic exercise, 21.46% in group of weight-lifting plus aerobic. When we consider exercise types, the only flats of type is on triglyceride and APO B, (p&lt;0.05), there were effects of exercise duration is on HDL-C, LDL-C AND Total cholesterol (p&lt;0.01). There were effects of type and duration of exercise on TC, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C, APO A1, and APO B (P&lt;0.01). In this study, regular aerobic and weight-lifting plus aerobic exercises have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in sedentary women and a significant improvement in systolic and diastolic blood pressures as well as reduction of cholesterol, triglyceride, and  of LDL-C. Level of HDL-C was increased in both of exercise groups.    Article visualizations


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    The present study tries to explain what imagery is and how commonly it is used by athletes to increase performance. This study aims to provide information that imagery (mental visualization) is a very powerful tool to increase athletes’ performance and to provide guidance based on sport psychology. The aim of the present study is to determine the types and levels of using imagery in sport in amateur league Soccer players. Sport Imagery Questionnaire was given to a total of 190 Soccer players aged between 18 and 35 who were playing in amateur leagues of Samsun province. In the study conducted, no significant difference was found between the ages of female and male amateur Soccer players (p&gt;0.05). At the same time, no significant difference was found between their sport years (p&gt;0.05). In addition, no significant difference was found in motivational general mastery (MG- M) and (MS) in terms of gender and in the comparison of imagery scores in terms of age category and sport years (p&lt;0.05). Conclusion: It is concluded that the visualization status of amateur Soccer players varies slightly according to gender, age group and year of sports. It was observed that the visualization scores were better as the age of sports increased. It is thought that starting sports at earlier contributes to the good visualization scores. It may be suggested that children should be directed to Soccer at an earlier age.  Article visualizations


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    The study investigates the effect of doing sports on problem-solving and aggression levels in secondary school students. 501 students between the ages of 13-18 who are continuing their education in the city center of Şırnak in the 2018-2019 academic year have voluntarily participated in our research. The demographic information questionnaire, which was developed by the researcher and consisted of 5 questions, was applied to the participants, and then the Problem Solving Skills Inventory and Aggression Scale were applied. There has no effect of gender on aggression levels (p> 0.05). It has been observed that gender affects the thinking approach (p = 0.011). in problem-solving skills. It has been seen that doing sports did not affect aggression (p > 0.05). While it has observed that doing sports affected the thinking approach (p = 0.019) sub-dimension in problem-solving skills, it did not affect other sub-dimensions (p > 0.05). As a result, it has been determined that gender does not affect aggression and problem-solving skills in secondary education students. While it was observed that doing sports did not affect aggression in secondary education students, it was found that the thinking approach in problem-solving skills did not affect the other sub-dimensions. Further development of students' problem-solving skills at the secondary level is recommended. Article visualizations

    Boş Zaman Engelleri Farklılıkları: Kadın Üniversite Öğrencileri Örneği

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    İnsan yaşamını hem bedensel, psikolojik ve sosyal açıdan çok olumlu etkileyen serbest zaman aktivitelerine katılım birçok faktörten etkilenmektedir. Serbest zaman katılımını, motivasyon, kolaylaştırıcılar, engeller, engelleri ile baş etme stratejileri ve tutum gibi birçok faktörün etkilediği belirtilir (Lapa ve Köse, 2018). Bu sebeple çalışmada, üniversitede farklı bölümlerde öğrenim görmekte olan kadın öğrencilerin boş zaman engelleri arasındaki farklar araştırılmıştır. Toplam 380 kadın öğrenciye Boş Zaman Engelleri Ölçeği uygulanmıştır. İstatistiksel işlemlerde tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA), LSD ve t- testi kullanılmıştır. Bölümlere göre boş zaman ölçekleri bireysel psikoloji, tesis, zaman, bilgi eksikliği, arkadaş ve ilgi eksikliği alt boyutlarında ve toplam ölçek puanında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur. Bu farklılık spor eğitimi almayan öğrencilerden kaynaklanmıştır. Spor eğitimi almayan kadın öğrencilerin spor eğitimi alan kadın öğrencilerden bireysel psikoloji, bilgi eksikliği, tesis, zaman ve ilgi eksikliği puanları daha kötü bulunmuştur. Öğretmenlik bölümü, antrenörlük bölümü ve spor yöneticiliği bölümü öğrencileri arasında boş zaman engelleri açısından farklılık bulunmamıştır. Üniversite düzeyinde spor eğitimi almanın, üniversite öğrencisi kadınlarda boş zaman engellerini etkilediği sonucuna varılmıştır. Sağlık durumunu iyi ve çok iyi olarak belirten kadın öğrencilerde boş zaman engelleri farklılık göstermemiştir. Sağlık durumu kötü veya iyi altında olan öğrencileri de kapsayan bir çalışmada boş zaman engellerinin araştırılması önerilir

    The Relationship between Motivation and Flow States in Sports Faculty Students

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between motivation and flow states in sports faculty students. A total of 289 athletes who were studying at Ondokuz Mayıs University Yaşar Doğu Faculty of Sports Sciences participated in the study. Sport Motivation Scale and The Flow State Scale-2 and Dispositional Flow Scale-2 were used. T-test was used for comparisons. While there was no significant difference between the subscale scores of motivational orientation by gender (p&gt; 0.05), a significant difference was found between the amotivation subscale (p &lt;0.05). There was no significant difference in motivational orientation subscales between athletes doing team sports and athletes doing individual sports (p&gt; 0.05). No significant difference was found between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation states of student athletes according to gender differences (p&gt; 0.05). No significant difference was found between all sub-dimensions of flow state according to gender, team and individual sports (p&gt; 0.05). T Conclusion: It can be said that motivation levels of sports educated students have an effect on flow states or flow states have an influence on motivation states. The studies that increase the flow states of the sports educated students can increase the motivation levels of the students, as well as studies that increase the motivation levels of the students can increase the flow states. Studies should be conducted in different age groups and different groups to find out in which sub-dimensions flow states and motivation states differ or are similar