4,345 research outputs found

    Reconstrution of the brewery- Boskovice

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    Cílem práce bylo navržení obnovy bývalého zámeckého pivovaru v Boskovicích v okresu Blansko. Navrhovanými provozy jsou restaurace s minipivovarem, pivní lázně pod klenbami suterénu a multifunkční sál se zázemím. Většími stavebními úpravami jsou přístavba na západní fasádě charakteristická vytočením své hmoty za výhledem na zříceninu Boskovického hradu a vytvoření průchodu, který zkracuje místní pěší komunikaci. Všechny provozy jsou přístupné osobám s omezenou schopností pohybu. K objektu patří malý pozemek, kde bylo zřízeno 6 parkovacích míst z toho 2 pro imobilní.The aim of the thesis was to design a renewal of old brewery in Boskovice in Blansko county. There is a restaurant with small home brewery, beer spa and multifunctional hall with facilities. Bigger structures built are: extension on the western faccade, which is characterised by its mass turned towards view on the ruins of old Boskovice castle and creation of passage that shortens local walking path. All types of services are accesible for disabled persons. There is a small piece of land next to the building where 6 parking slots are built. Two of them serve for disabled persons.

    Access to finance and venture capital for industrial SMEs

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    SMEs play a crucial role for European economies. The numbers show the high importance of SMEs for national economies. Accordingly, it is no surprise that the regulatory framework SMEs are imbedded in is the subject of an important political discussion. In the discussion it is frequently mentioned by representatives of SMEs as well as associations of SMEs, that the access to finance for SMEs is still inferior. Based on the importance of SMEs for national economies and the discussion on the accessibility of financial resources for SMEs, it is the main objective of this study to provide solid data on the access of SMEs to financial resources. To provide the data, the study is focusing on four main issues. First of all, the importance of SMEs for national economies will be shown. After that the financing of SMEs in selected countries will be analysed. Then the availability of venture capital for SMEs will be discussed. Finally the tax regimes and the influence of the tax system on the access to finance for SMEs will be analysed. Since there is still a large variety among the tax systems of the European Union member states, the study has focused on Austria, France, Germany, Poland and the United Kingdom. --SME,financial structure,venture capital,tax framework,accounting standards

    Workplace Management Knowledge and Support for Employee Breastfeeding Practices

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    Breastfeeding has many benefits to both mother and child. It also happens to have benefits to workplaces who support breastfeeding. Research shows that lack of environmental support of breastfeeding at the workplace may discourage women from exclusively breastfeeding the recommended amount of time of SIX months (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2012). To investigate the management knowledge and workplace breastfeeding support services, an online survey was sent out employees in management positions at selected workplaces in Faribault, Martin and Watonwan counties in Minnesota. Of the 98 selected participants, only 16 participants completed the survey. The study aimed to discover whether there was a relationship between management knowledge of breastfeeding benefits and their workplace breastfeeding support services. The results of this study showed a moderate positive relationship between management knowledge of breastfeeding benefits and their workplace support for breastfeeding with a correlation of, r(14) = .543, p = .036. The participants scored an average of 5.2 of six questions on the knowledge portion of the survey and an average of 4.1 out of 17 on the workplace breastfeeding support services
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