3 research outputs found

    Relationship Marketing Dalam Perspektif Islam

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    From an Islamic perspective, the concept of relationship marketing is standard and internationally recognized. However, so far, there is no such thing. Indeed, in Islamic teachings, the idea of RM brought by western scientists has been contained in the Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadits. Even the concept of relationships in Islamic education is more comprehensive. This article aims to explain the idea of relationship marketing from an Islamic perspective and its main components. This type of research is qualitative through literature study and content analysis. The analysis results show that the concept of relationship marketing from an Islamic perspective is demonstrated through various terms, components, and constructs, including Islamic relationship marketing, shariah relationship marketing, Islamic customer relationship marketing, shariah customer relationship marketing, etc. Islamic Relationship Marketing (IRM) was developed from relationship marketing and Islamic ethical behavior. Shariah Relationship Marketing (SRM) was designed from relationship marketing and Shariah Compliance. The components of IRM are Islamic ethical behavior, social bonds, structural bonds, and financial bonds, and the features of SRM are bonding, communication, commitment, complaint handling, trust, and sharia compliance


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    ABSTRAKThe purpose of this study is to examine: 1). Cigarette excise, 2). Conventional perspective production costs, and 3). Islamic perspective production costs, with library research method, and qualitativ-deskriptiv approach. The result, 1). Cigarette excise is a state levy imposed on certain goods that have the nature or characteristics stipulated in Law No. 39 of 2007 concerning Excise, 2).Ā  Production costs are costs associated with the production function attached to the product, and 3). Factors of production in Islamic economics are no different from factors of production in conventional economics, but in Islam there is a classification of production costs because not everything that comes out is counted as production costs. The implication of this research is that every illegal cigarette producer has an obligation to pay cigarette excise. Islam teaches that in production there are moral rules that must be possessed, and adopt relevant Islamic values in their production activities, namely: caliphate, fair, and takaful.Keywords: Cigarette exise, production cost, conventional, IslamicĀ Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji tentang: 1). Cukai rokok, 2). Biaya produksi perspektif konvensional, dan 3). Biaya produksi perspektif Islam melalui metode library research dengan pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif. Hasil menunjukkan 1). Cukai rokok merupakan pungutan Negara yang dikenakan terhadap barang-barang tertentu yang mempunyai sifat atau karakteristik yang ditetapkan dalam Undang-Undang No 39 Tahun 2007 tentang Cukai, 2). Biaya produksi adalah biaya yang berhubungan dengan fungsi produksi yang melekat pada produk, dan 3). Faktor produksi dalam ekonomi Islam tidak berbeda dengan faktor produksi ekonomi konvensional tetapi dalam Islam terdapat pengklasifikasian biaya-biaya produksi karena tidak semua yang keluar dihitung sebagai biaya produksi. Implikasi dari penelitian ini bahwa setiap produsen rokok ilegal memiliki kewajiban untuk membayar cukai rokok. Islam mengajarkan dalam berproduksi ada kaidah akhlaq yang harus dimiliki, dan mengadopsi nilai-nilai Islam yang relevan dalam aktivitas produksinya, yaitu: khalifah, adil, dan takaful.Kata Kunci: Cukai Rokok, Biaya Produksi, Konvensional, Isla

    Potret Empiris Kinerja Keuangan Perbankan Syariah Di Indonesia: Systematic Literature Review

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the financial performance of Islamic banking whose data were obtained from journals in the period 2017-2021 and how the solution was with a systematic literature review method approach. The results of a systematic literature review show that, 1). The distribution rate of articles in 2017 was 11, in 2018 there were 6, in 2019 there were 7, in 2020 there were 5 and in 2021 there were 2 articles in 31 journals, 2). The research method used by the researchers is a descriptive quantitative approach with a descriptive statistical approach and none uses a qualitative approach or mix methods, 3). The types of performance measurement tools used are mostly financial ratios, 4). The portrait of Islamic banking financial performance is volatile and tends to improve, 5). The solution for Islamic banks is to improve the performance of their financial ratios, and 6). The limitations of the study lie in the number of samples, variables and indicators, period of observation, and analytical technique