161 research outputs found

    Ethical Dilemmas that School Administrators and Teachers Experience: An Analysis Related to Demographic Variables

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    The aim of this research is to analyse the levels of ethical dilemmas that the school administrators and the teachers experience, and to document their ethical dilemmas according to demographic variables. In this study, 540 teachers, 60 principal assistants and 30 school principals who participated in the sampling were chosen from public middle schools in Ankara by stratified sampling method. The data were collected by “Ethical Dilemmas Scale at Schools”. The results of the research revealed that school administrators and the teachers experience ethical dilemmas mainly at medium level. Although school administrators’ and teachers’ ethical dilemmas do not change according to their gender, on the part of teachers ethical dilemmas change in relations to their position. Besides, the analyses pointed out that the teachers in the middle-age group experience more ethical dilemmas. According to these results, principal assistants who are mid-senior experience more ethical dilemmas related to behavioural and systemic aspects, mid-senior teachers experience more behavioural and structural ethical dilemmas. The research results are discussed in terms of the situations that cause ethical dilemmas in the context of preventing them

    Our surgical results with anterior cervical corpectomy and iliac graft fusion

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    Aim: Our aim in this study is to show that an autologous graft taken for fusion after cervical corpectomy is an extremely reliable, inexpensive, and physiological method for creating a fusion. Material and Methods: Thirty patients who were operated on in our clinic between 2015 and 2019 were evaluated retrospectively. Results: In our study, 13 of 30 patients were male and 17 were female. The mean age was 54.8 years. A one-level corpectomy was performed in 23 patients and a two-level corpectomy in seven patients. An iliac graft was placed in the distance, and a plate was placed on one lower and one upper level of the corpectomy vertebrae. Thirty patients who underwent iliac grafts were followed for 2 years. Dysphagia developed in three patients, wound infection developed in three patients, and subcutaneous hematoma developed in two patients. The mean preop lordosis angle of the patients was 9.5, and the mean in the 2nd postoperative year was 14. The preoperative JOA score of the patients was 9, and in the 2nd postoperative year, it was 13.9. Preoperative visual analogue scale (VAS) of the patients was 5.9, in the 2nd postoperative year, it was 1.6. Discussion: An autologous graft is physiological and inexpensive, and infection, foreign body reaction, and poor fusion are less common. When fusion does not occur, catastrophic complications such as stenosis or injuries to the esophagus, trachea, or great vessels may occur. An autogenous graft is the gold standard for fusion

    Tadilat: Remodel

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    This thesis is about work constructed with a reading of standardization and consumerism within architecture and design in domestic environment. It starts with how modernity takes over everyday life through architecture, design and art. Referring to Merzbau by Kurt Schwitters as an artistic rupture to modernism, various patterns of architectural waste used in the context of art are being explored. After a brief historical prologue, it focused on art work which are the revalue of refusal found architectural elements of the home environment. Moving on from this theoretical frame work, first primary tryout called Kapılar (Doors) and subsequently the major work called Evci is discussed looking for answers to some questions: Can an art project be sustainable also in its context? Can the audience be included to participate in the production of art or actually be a part of that piece of art? In the light of these explorations the possibilities of a future project based on constructional junkyards are going to be mentioned

    Geriatrik popülasyonda omurga cerrahisinin en yaygın nedeni olan lomber stenozda ağrı ve nörojenik kladikasyo kontrolü

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    OBJECTIVES: The authors aim to present when to do physical therapy or surgery in geriatric patients with degenerative lumbar stenosis. METHODS: The authors retrospectively analyzed 250 patients who underwent physical therapy due to lumbar degenerative stenosis between December 2014 and April 2017. The patients were divided into two groups: Central canal stenosis and lateral recess/foraminal stenosis groups. Visual analogue scale and neurological claudication values of both patient groups were evaluated before and after physical therapy. The association between comorbid diseases and the frequency of surgery was also evaluated. RESULTS: 142 of the patients were female and 108 were male, and the mean age of these patients was 69 years. The mean onset of symptoms was 55 months. In the visual analog scale value of patients after physical therapy, the authors observed decreases of 4-6° in patients with central canal stenosis and 2-3° in patients with lateral recess/foraminal stenosis. In addition, the authors observed that patients with lateral recess/foraminal stenosis together with diabetes mellitus benefit less from physical therapy. CONCLUSION: Physical therapy and rehabilitation play an important role in the treatment of lumbar stenosis. Physical therapy is the primary treatment option for patients who do not have motor muscle strength losses and incontinence and who have pain control through medications. The authors can consider surgical interventions in patients with lateral recess/foraminal stenosis who do not benefit from physical therapy at a satisfactory level.Amaç: Çalışmada, dejeneratif lomber stenozu olan geriatrik hastalarda ne zaman fizik tedavi veya cerrahi yapılacağının araş-tırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Aralık 2014 ile Nisan 2017 tarihleri arasında lomber dejeneratif stenoz nedeniyle fizik tedavi gören 250 hasta retrospektif olarak analiz edildi. Hastalar santral kanal darlığı ve lateral reses/foraminal darlık olmak üzere iki gruba ayrıldı. Her iki hasta grubunun vizüel analog skala ve nörolojik kladikasyo değerleri fizik tedavi öncesi ve sonrası değerlendirildi. Komorbid hastalıklar ile ameliyat sıklığı arasındaki ilişki de değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların 142’si kadın 108’i erkek olup, yaş ortalaması 69’du. Semptomların ortalama başlangıcı 55 aydı. Fizik tedavi sonrası hastaların vizüel analog skala değerlerinde santral kanal darlığı olan hastalarda 4–6°, lateral reses/foraminal stenozu olan hastalarda 2–3° düşüşler gözlemlendi. Ayrıca, diabetes mellitus ile birlikte lateral reses/foraminal stenozu olan hastaların fizik tedaviden daha az fayda sağladığı tespit edildi. Sonuç: Fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon lomber darlığın tedavisinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Motor kas gücü kayıpları ve inkontinansı olmayan ve ilaçlarla ağrı kontrolü olan hastalar için fizik tedavi birincil tedavi seçeneğidir. Fizik tedaviden tatmin edici düzeyde fayda görmeyen lateral reses/foraminal stenozlu hastalarda cerrahi girişim düşünebilir

    Correlating Rate of Penetration with the Weight on Bit, Rotation per Minute, Flow Rate and Mud Weight of Rotary Drilling

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    In this study, the effect of some drilling parameters, rotation per minute, weight on bit, flow rate and mud weight on rate of penetration, were investigated in detail. As a result, the rate of penetration was found between 1,79m/h and 14,80m/h, which have a good statistical relationship with the rotation per minute, flow rate and mud weight. On the other hand, it was determined that there was no any relationship between rate of penetration and weight on bit

    Türkiye’s sustainable water policies and planning initiatives as part of climate change action

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    Climates are formed throughout the world’s life cycle and are vital for survival. Rapid changes in these climatic balances affect the maintenance of living beings and human life negatively, both directly and indirectly. Climate change is also an important variable that affects different sectors and organizational activities. One of the critical issues affected by climate change is water. In this context, there is a need for sustainable policies that will adapt to the new challenges emerging under climate change. This study aims to scrutinize the effect of climate change on Türkiye’s water structure and resources in an effort to propose policy recommendations for long-term water management. To this end, the study examines the National Water Plan of Türkiye under traditional planning and/or management approaches (inactive, reactive, and preactive) and the proactive/interactive approach presented by Ackoff. The paper reveals that the National Water Plan of Türkiye consists of more strategies and policies with a reactive approach. Accordingly, it is recommended for Türkiye to give priority to “Proactive/Interactive” and/or “Preactive” strategies in climate change and sustainability

    False-Positive Laryngeal FDG Uptake During PET/CT Imaging: Reinke’s Edema

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    Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) is frequently used for diagnosing, staging, and following-up various malignancy types because it provides information on the site and metabolic activity of the tumor. Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake by the normal laryngeal tissue is symmetric and low, whereas that under some non-malignant conditions of the larynx, such as vocal cord paralysis and Teflon granuloma, is asymmetrically increased. We reported the first case of histologically proven Reinke’s edema causing false-positive laryngeal FDG uptake on PET/CT imaging. A clinician must be aware of these rare benign lesions in the case of increased FDG uptake, and histopathological investigation is mandatory to rule out malignancy for suspicious cases

    An Unusual Cause of Dysphagia: Live Leech in the Tongue Base

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    Inhaled or ingested foreign bodies are relatively common causes of airway obstructions. They can be associated with significant morbidity and even mortality. Although various foreign bodies are aspirated or ingested, live leeches are rarely encountered. We reported a case of a live leech at the base of the tongue in an 18-year-old female patient with a history of unfiltered spring water drinking. We discussed the surgical technique and importance of anesthesia with this brief study

    Protective effect of insulin and glucose at different concentrations on penicillin-induced astrocyte death on the primer astroglial cell line

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    Astrocytes perform many functions in the brain and spinal cord. Glucose metabolism is important for astroglial cells and astrocytes are the only cells with insulin receptors in the brain. The common antibiotic penicillin is also a chemical agent that causes degenerative effect on neuronal cell. The aim of this study is to show the effect of insulin and glucose at different concentrations on the astrocyte death induced by penicillin on primer astroglial cell line. It is well known that intracranial penicillin treatment causes neuronal cell death and it is used for experimental epilepsy model commonly. Previous studies showed that insulin and glucose might protect neuronal cell in case of proper concentrations. But, the present study is about the effect of insulin and glucose against astrocyte death induced by penicillin. For this purpose, newborn rat brain was extracted and then mechanically dissociated to astroglial cell suspension and finally grown in culture medium. Clutters were maintained for 2 weeks prior to being used in these experiments. Different concentrations of insulin (0, 1, 3 nM) and glucose (0, 3, 30 mM) were used in media without penicillin and with 2 500 μM penicillin. Penicillin decreased the viability of astroglial cell seriously. The highest cell viability appeared in medium with 3 nM insulin and 3 mM glucose but without penicillin. However, in medium with penicillin, the best cell survival was in medium with 1 nM insulin but without glucose. We concluded that insulin and glucose show protective effects on the damage induced by penicillin to primer astroglial cell line. Interestingly, cell survival depends on concentrations of insulin and glucose strongly. The results of this study will help to explain cerebrovascular pathologies parallel to insulin and glucose conditions of patient after intracranial injuries. © 2012, Editorial Board of Neural Regeneration Research. All rights reserved

    Real-World Outcomes of Anti-VEGF Treatment for Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Turkey: A Multicenter Retrospective Study, Bosphorus Retina Study Group Report No: 1

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    Objectives: To evaluate the real-world outcomes of intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) treatment in neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) patients. Materials and Methods: Multicenter, retrospective, interventional, non-comparative study. The records of nAMD patients treated with an anti-VEGF agent on a pro re nata treatment regimen basis between January 2013 and December 2015 were reviewed. The patients who completed a follow-up period of 12 months were included. Primary outcome measures of this study were the visit and injection numbers during the first year. Results: Eight hundred eighty eyes of 783 patients met the inclusion criteria for the study. Mean number of visits at month 12 was 6.9±2.5 (range: 1-15). Mean number of injections at month 12 was 4.1±1.9 (range: 1-11). Mean visual acuity at baseline and months 3, 6, and 12 was 0.90±0.63 LogMAR (range: 0.0-3.0), 0.79±0.57 LogMAR (range: 0.0-3.0), 0.76±0.57 LogMAR (range: 0.0-3.0), and 0.79±0.59 LogMAR (range: 0.0-3.0), respectively. Mean central retinal thickness at baseline and months 6 and 12 was 395±153 μm (range: 91-1582), 330±115 μm (range: 99-975), and 332±114 μm (range: 106-1191), respectively. Conclusion: The numbers of visits and injections were much lower than ideal and were insufficient with the pro re nata treatment regimen