14 research outputs found

    Pasta dental com potencial para ser utilizada na hipersensibilidade dentinária

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    A hipersensibilidade dentinária (HD) é caracterizada por dor de curta duração, bem localizada, exacerbada aos estímulos sensoriais térmicos, químicos, osmóticos e táteis, originada em dentina exposta ao meio bucal, e que não pode ser explicada por nenhuma outra patologia dental. Embora ela seja uma das queixas mais comuns de pacientes em clínicas odontológicas, não existem tratamentos confiáveis para essa condição. O objetivo desse trabalho foi desenvolver uma formulação de creme dental contendo extrato de ginseng brasileiro e de erva doce, e um compósito de vidro bioativo originado da planta Equisetum hyemalle. Esse creme dental, sem flúor, está sendo preparado para ser usado na redução da sensibilidade dentinária. Experimentos iniciais de estabilidade a temperatura ambiente e acelerada (em estufa a 50 ºC) comprovaram a estabilidade físico-química das formulações desenvolvidas. Os extratos de ginseng e erva doce apresentaram atividade antimicrobiana contra o microrganismo S. mutans. Estudo preliminar de eficácia de tratamento da HD utilizando o creme dental preparado nesse trabalho foi feito. Imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura feita em dentes incisivos bovinos que apresentavam a dentina aberta, após ser utilizado o creme dental, mostraram resultados satisfatórios no controle fechamento dos túbulos dentinários

    Health-related quality of life in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the different geographical regions of Brazil: data from the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group

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    Prevalência e fatores associados à desnutrição e ao excesso de peso em menores de cinco anos nos seis maiores municípios do Maranhão Prevalence and factors associated to malnutrition and excess weight among under five year-olds in the six largest cities of Maranhão

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    Preval&#234;ncias de desnutri&#231;&#227;o e excesso de peso em menores de cinco anos e sua associa&#231;&#227;o com fatores socioecon&#244;micos, sanit&#225;rios e demogr&#225;ficos foram estimadas nos seis maiores munic&#237;pios do Maranh&#227;o, em 2006/2007. Por meio de inqu&#233;rito domiciliar por amostragem 1.214 crian&#231;as menores de cinco anos foram aleatoriamente selecionadas. Foi utilizada amostragem por conglomerados em dois est&#225;gios, representativa dos seis munic&#237;pios maranhenses com mais de cem mil habitantes. Foram aplicados question&#225;rios padronizados para as m&#227;es ou respons&#225;veis pelas crian&#231;as e aferidos peso e estatura. Para classifica&#231;&#227;o da desnutri&#231;&#227;o foram utilizados os pontos de corte < - 2 escores z pelos indicadores peso para idade, peso para estatura e estatura para idade. Para a classifica&#231;&#227;o do excesso de peso foram considerados > +2 escores z, de acordo com o indicador peso para estatura, seguindo recomenda&#231;&#245;es da Organiza&#231;&#227;o Mundial da Sa&#250;de. Pelo &#237;ndice peso para idade a preval&#234;ncia de desnutri&#231;&#227;o foi de 4,5%, pelo &#237;ndice estatura para idade 8,5% estavam com desnutri&#231;&#227;o pregressa e pelo &#237;ndice peso para estatura 3,9% encontravam-se com desnutri&#231;&#227;o atual, enquanto 6,7% apresentavam excesso de peso. Crian&#231;as de fam&#237;lias chefiadas por mulheres apresentaram menores preval&#234;ncias de desnutri&#231;&#227;o (Raz&#227;o de Preval&#234;ncias = 0,4). Vari&#225;veis socioecon&#244;micas n&#227;o estiveram associadas &#224; desnutri&#231;&#227;o ou ao excesso de peso. Recebimento de benef&#237;cio do programa bolsa fam&#237;lia n&#227;o foi associado &#224; desnutri&#231;&#227;o ou excesso de peso. A preval&#234;ncia de desnutri&#231;&#227;o infantil foi baixa, mas o excesso de peso foi mais prevalente do que a desnutri&#231;&#227;o. N&#227;o foi detectada desigualdade social em rela&#231;&#227;o &#224; desnutri&#231;&#227;o em crian&#231;as menores de cinco anos, sugerindo evolu&#231;&#227;o favor&#225;vel no sentido de maior equidade.<br>Prevalences of malnutrition and overweight among children under five years and its association with socioeconomic, demographic and health indicators were estimated for the six largest municipalities of Maranh&#227;o, in 2006/2007. By means of a household survey, a sample of 1214 children under five years of age was randomly selected. Two-stage cluster sampling was used, representing the six municipalities of Maranh&#227;o with over one hundred thousand inhabitants. Standardized questionnaire was administered to mothers or guardians and trained personnel measured weight and height or length. For classification of malnutrition cutoff points of <-2z scores for weight-for-age, weight-for-length/height and length/height-for-age were used. Overweight was considered when weight for heithg was > +2 z score, following World Health Organization guidelines. By weight-for-age malnutrition prevalence was 4.5, by length/height-for-age 8.5% were stunted and by the weight-for-length/height 3.9% were malnourished (wasting), while 6.7% were overweight. Children of families headed by women had lower prevalence of malnutrition (prevalence ratio=0.4). Socioeconomic variables were not associated with malnutrition or overweight. Participation in money transfer programs from the government was not associated with malnutrition or overweight. The prevalence of malnutrition was low, but being overweight was more prevalent than malnutrition. Social inequality was not detected in relation to malnutrition in children under five years of age, suggesting a favorable trend towards greater equity

    Prevalência e fatores associados à desnutrição e ao excesso de peso em menores de cinco anos nos seis maiores municípios do Maranhão

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    Prevalências de desnutrição e excesso de peso em menores de cinco anos e sua associação com fatores socioeconômicos, sanitários e demográficos foram estimadas nos seis maiores municípios do Maranhão, em 2006/2007. Por meio de inquérito domiciliar por amostragem 1.214 crianças menores de cinco anos foram aleatoriamente selecionadas. Foi utilizada amostragem por conglomerados em dois estágios, representativa dos seis municípios maranhenses com mais de cem mil habitantes. Foram aplicados questionários padronizados para as mães ou responsáveis pelas crianças e aferidos peso e estatura. Para classificação da desnutrição foram utilizados os pontos de corte < - 2 escores z pelos indicadores peso para idade, peso para estatura e estatura para idade. Para a classificação do excesso de peso foram considerados > +2 escores z, de acordo com o indicador peso para estatura, seguindo recomendações da Organização Mundial da Saúde. Pelo índice peso para idade a prevalência de desnutrição foi de 4,5%, pelo índice estatura para idade 8,5% estavam com desnutrição pregressa e pelo índice peso para estatura 3,9% encontravam-se com desnutrição atual, enquanto 6,7% apresentavam excesso de peso. Crianças de famílias chefiadas por mulheres apresentaram menores prevalências de desnutrição (Razão de Prevalências = 0,4). Variáveis socioeconômicas não estiveram associadas à desnutrição ou ao excesso de peso. Recebimento de benefício do programa bolsa família não foi associado à desnutrição ou excesso de peso. A prevalência de desnutrição infantil foi baixa, mas o excesso de peso foi mais prevalente do que a desnutrição. Não foi detectada desigualdade social em relação à desnutrição em crianças menores de cinco anos, sugerindo evolução favorável no sentido de maior equidade

    Preparation of magnetoliposomes with a green, low-cost, fast and scalable methodology and activity study against S. aureus and C. freundii bacterial strains.

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    A novel, fast, low-cost and scalable methodology to prepare stable magnetoliposomes (MGLs), without the use of organic solvents, is described. The concept of the work is based on the dual use of soy lecithin associated to a new liposome preparation methodology. Soy lecithin was used to coat the nanoparticles of magnetite (Fe3 O4 @lecithin) and for encapsulation of Fe3 O4 @lecithin (Lip-Fe3 O4 @lecithin). Liposomes with size less than 160 nm, polydispersity index of 0.25 and zeta potential of -41 mV, were prepared with the use of autoclave and sonication. The liposomal formulations containing magnetite and stigmasterol (Lip-Fe3 O4 @lecithin, Lip-Stigma and Lip-Stigma-Fe3 O4 @lecithin) were shown to be promising for the application as antibacterial. The liposomal formulation and magnetite were characterized by the following techniques: conventional and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM/HRTEM), energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM), proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and zeta potential. The Lip-Fe3 O4 @lecithin had a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 8.4 ?g mL-1 in the presence of 200 Oe magnetic field against S. aureus

    Glass-ionomer-propolis composites for caries inhibition: flavonoids release, physical-chemical, antibacterial and mechanical properties.

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    The addition of propolis extract (PE) to the glass ionomer results in an adhesive material for restorative treatment, with interesting properties mainly due to the flavonoids contained in the propolis extract. However, no study of the flavonoid release profile in these materials was reported. This work studies the flavonoid release profile in such materials aiming to contribute to the future synthesis of optimized devices adept to prolong the efficacy of the drug. The study involved the synthesis and study of the physicochemical, antibacterial and mechanical properties of glass ionomer cement (GIC) and glassionomer- propolis composites (GIC-PE). The samples were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and thermogravimetric analyses. The released concentration of flavonoids, the antimicrobial activity and the compressive strength were also evaluated. Antimicrobial activity was assessed against Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus salivarius, and Candida albicans, common pathogens in the mouth. The results indicate that the antibacterial activity of GIC-PE samples is closely correlated with the release of flavonoids. The method used to prepare the composite GIC-PE leads to an initial drug delivery burst effect able to diminish partially the population of bacteria tested. The mechanical properties and thermal stability of GIC-PE are higher than those of the GIC and are clearly related to its microstructure. This study is clinically significant because the addition of propolis extract (PE) to the GIC resulted in a novel differentiated product with enhanced mechanical and antimicrobial properties compared to the GIC

    Theoretical and experimental studies of the controlled release of tetracycline incorporated into bioactive glasses.

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    Several authors have studied the release profile of drugs incorporated in different devices. However, to the best of our knowledge, although many studies have been done on the release of tetracycline, in these release devices, no study has investigated if the released compound is actually the tetracycline, or, instead, a degraded product. This approach is exploited here. In this work, we analyse the influence of two drying methods on the tetracycline delivery behaviour of synthesised glasses using the sol-gel process. We compare the drying methods results using both theoretical models and practical essays, and analyse the chemical characteristic of the released product in order to verify if it remains tetracycline. Samples were freeze-dried or dried in an oven at 37?C and characterised by several methods such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TG), differential thermogravimetric analysis (DTG), differential thermal analyses (DTA) and gas adsorption analysis (BET). The released concentration of tetracycline hydrochloride was studied as a function of time, and it was measured by ultraviolet spectrophotometry in the tetracycline wavelength. The drug delivery profiles were reasonably consistent with a diffusion model analysis. In addition, we observed higher release rates for the freeze-dried compared to those dried in an oven at 37?C. This higher release can be attributed to larger pore size for the freeze-dried sample systems with tetracycline, which promoted more water penetration, improving the drug diffusion. The analysis of the solution obtained in the release tests using high-performance liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) confirmed that tetracycline was being released

    Bioactive glass containing 90% SiO2 in hard tissue engineering : an in vitro and in vivo characterization study.

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    Bioactive glass has been proved to have many applications in bioengineering due to its bone regenerative properties. In this work, an innovative, highly resorbable bioactive glass containing 90% SiO2 (BG90) to be used as a bone substitute was developed. The BG90 was synthetized by the sol?gel process with the dry step at room temperature. The biomaterial showed in vitro and in vivo bioactivities even with silica content up to 90%. Moreover, the BG90 presented high porosity and surface area due to its homogenously interconnected porous network. In vitro, it was observed to have high cell viability and marked osteoblastic differentiation of rat bone marrow?derived cells when in contact with BG90 ion extracts. The BG90 transplantation into rat tibia defects was analysed at 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 10 weeks post?operatively and compared with the defects of negative (no graft) and positive (autogenous bone graft) controls. After 4 weeks of grafting, the BG90 was totally resorbed and induced higher bone formation than did the positive control. Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP?2) expression at the grafting site peaked at 1 week and decreased similarly after 7 weeks for all groups. Only the BG90 group was still exhibiting BMP?2 expression in the last experimental time. Our data demonstrated that the BG90 could be an attractive candidate to provide useful approaches in hard?tissue bioengineering