972 research outputs found


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    Este artigo busca analisar parte da trajetória pública de Darcy Ribeiro (1922-1997), intelectual, educador e político brasileiro, à luz do conceito weberiano de “dominação carismática”. No contexto da trajetória de Darcy Ribeiro, será desenvolvida uma reflexão que compreende que a partir de suas posturas enquanto político e gestor educacional demonstram que Darcy Ribeiro pode ser analisado como um típico exemplo de liderança carismática. Para isto, são apresentados neste artigo, uma breve exposição da biografia de Darcy Ribeiro, a contextualização teórica realizada por Max Weber (1864-1920) sobre os três tipos puros de dominação legítima e finalmente. como é possível analisar algumas experiências de Darcy Ribeiro enquanto político e gestor público, sobretudo a partir das experiências de criação da UnB e do CIEP, como um exemplo que pode ser classificada na tipologia de liderança carismática

    Development of Methodology for Implementation of Strategic Planning - MISP

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    The development of this methodology was started in 1995, aimed at the implementation of strategic planning in an organization, using principles of strategy formulation school "Design School" at Harvard University. The methodology is presented structured steps that facilitate its implementation by an organization. Has already been tested in various public organizations, but is being proposal regarding any type of organization. To do this, you can make use of undergraduate students to assist in investigation methods and techniques can be applied in the various stages of the methodology, could then define the most appropriate methods and techniques in each step. Noteworthy that the methodology also provides for a performance measurement system that supports the actions of strategic planning


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    The guiding thread of this work will be the common points contained within Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, and youth at the maturity of Marx's works. Basically, we will try to address the influence of the Hegelian "We" perspective contained in the Phenomenology of the Spirit in the project of criticism of the presuppositions of the political economy undertaken by Marx, and how the aspect of the socio-historical mediation proposed by Hegel determines the milestones of the Marxian philosophical project.O fio condutor deste trabalho serão os pontos comuns contidos dentro da Fenomenologia do Espírito, de Hegel, e da juventude à maturidade das obras de Marx. Basicamente, procuraremos abordar a influência da perspectiva do “Nós” hegeliano contido na Fenomenologia do Espírito no projeto de crítica aos pressupostos da economia política empreendida por Marx, e como o aspecto da mediação sócio histórica proposta por Hegel determina os marcos do projeto filosófico marxiano.Â

    Evaluation of X-Ray Computed Tomography in an Erodible Soil Reinforced with Babassu Coconut Fibers and Construction Waste

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    To guarantee the maintenance of the environment, the civil construction sector has expanded its search for materials from renewable sources and, therefore, composite materials are being produced from the reuse of natural fibers and construction waste. This study analyzes the physical and mechanical behaviors of an erodible hillside soil reinforced with natural babassu coconut fibers and civil construction waste (CCW), class A. As methodological procedures, the Unidimensional Densification laboratory test was carried out for the soil, CCW, and composites, observing the void index versus log curves of the effective tension, the porosity content, and the compression index. The X-Ray Computed Tomography non-destructive test was also performed for comparative purposes of the porosity result. The results showed that the use of CCW and babassu coconut fibers in the reinforcement reduces voids present in the soil. This reduction points to better soil function in the face of erosion caused by the action of water. The composite with 50% soil + 49.5% residue + 0.5% fiber was the one with the lowest voids index, guaranteeing a 21% reduction in porosity. It was possible to verify that the tomography test provides results compatible with the one-dimensional densification test, regarding the determination of porosity, with variations of ± 3%

    A Study on Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Vehicles

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    ABSTRACTAutonomous vehicles are already a reality, and there are still severalchallenges to overcome. One important challenge for the adoptionof these vehicles is perceiving its surroundings. This necessity ofperception can be fulfilled by digital cameras. When working withdigital image processing, the quality will be limited by real-timeconstraints. As several works indicate, this real-time constraint forautonomous vehicles is at most 100ms per frame. Also, by improvingthe processing time, the chances of accidents involving autonomousvehicles may be decreased. This paper analyses the advantages anddrawbacks of semantic segmentation and also presents a study toimplement perception for autonomous vehicles by accelerating asemantic segmentation algorithm, also used by other works on thefield. To accelerate the algorithm, spacial parallelism will be used


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    This paper analyzes the academic studies on gender and sexuality presented in the annals of the National Chemistry Teaching Meetings (ENEQ). We used the following terms for data collection: gender and sexuality. For data analysis and discussion, we used the critical reference and content analysis (BARDIN, 2016). Six complete papers and seven abstracts were found that met the interest of the research. The study made it possible to gather several perspectives on its importance in Basic Education, as well as new horizons of introducing the teaching of gender and sexuality in the teaching of chemistry. However, they are insipid studies that need more debate and public policies that strengthen the training of teachers who dare to teach Chemistry in times that it is necessary to be "attentive and strong".Este trabalho analisa os estudos acadêmicos sobre gênero e sexualidade apresentados nos anais dos Encontros Nacionais de Ensino de Química (ENEQ). Utilizamos para o levantamento de dados os termos: gênero e sexualidade. Para análise e discussão dos dados, utilizamos o referencial crítico e a Análise de Conteúdo (BARDIN, 2016). Foram encontrados seis trabalhos completos e sete resumos que atendiam ao interesse da pesquisa. O estudo possibilitou reunirmos variadas perspectivas sobre sua importância na Educação Básica, bem como novos horizontes de introduzir o ensino de gênero e sexualidade no ensino de química. Entretanto, ainda assim, são estudos insipientes e que necessitam de maior debate e de políticas públicas que fortaleçam a formação de professores que ousam ensinar Química em tempos que é necessário estarmos “atentos e fortes”