5 research outputs found

    Social Wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Polistinae) from Northeastern Brazil: State of the Art

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    For many years, research about social wasps in the Northeast was neglected due to its climatic and vegetative characteristics, insufficient incentive for training researchers to study these animals and perpetuation of low diversity of these groups in arid environments proposed by Ducke. This study carried out a bibliographic survey of research about social wasps in a 40 years period from January/1979 to December/2019, to determine the overall reality of biodiversity and richness knowledge for social wasps species. One hundred and twenty-four (124) social wasp species have been registered in the Northeast Region, distributed among 20 genera. Epiponini stands out with 84 species, followed by Mischocyttarini (24) and Polistini (16). Sergipe is the only state with no studies and records of species thus far. Such results show the importance of continuing taxonomic studies of these insects to expand their geographic distribution and to determine areas for environmental preservation in the Northeastern biomes, i.e., the Caatinga sensu lato, Cerrado and Amazon rainforest and their transition zones, as they have been insufficiently studied and present high potential for new discoveries. We suggest Alagoas, Ceará, Pernambuco and, especially Sergipe as priority areas since there is a lacking data in these states. Finally, we recommend continuing research on species reports in states like Bahia, using the map created herein to choose future study areas

    Atendimento odontológico ambulatorial do Pet - clínica: atenção a pessoas com necessidades especiais/ Pet ambulatorial odontological service - clinical: attention to people with special needs

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    O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar à comunidade científica e aos demais interessados o atendimento odontológico – sua importância e suas técnicas – às crianças portadoras da recente Síndrome Congênita do Vírus Zika (SCZV) e portadores de Anemia Falciforme realizado pelo PET-Odontologia, da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, por meio da sua atividade extensionista denominada PET-Clínica e o impacto dessas ações para a comunidade.  Para subsidiar as nossas reflexões, utilizamos como método investigativo a pesquisa, leitura e discussões em torno da temática abordada.  Desse modo, pudemos compreender que o trabalho desenvolvido pelo PET-Clínica vem garantindo à promoção e manutenção da saúde bucal dessa população. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que é necessária a presença de profissionais de saúde bucal capacitados para o atendimento a pessoas com necessidades especiais na rede de saúde dos municípios, no intuito de realizar o tratamento destes pacientes de acordo com suas especificidades e orientar corretamente seus cuidadores quanto aos cuidados com a saúde bucal

    Triatoma brasiliensis Neiva, 1911 and Triatoma pseudomaculata Corrêa and Espínola, 1964 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) in rural communities in Northeast Brazil

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    Chagas disease is an important endemic morbidity in Latin America affecting millions of people in the American continent. It is caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, and transmitted through the feces of the insect vector belonging to the subfamily Triatominae. The present conducted an entomological survey of triatomines and analyzed entomological indicators, such as the rate of infestation, colonization, triatomine density and natural infection in rural communities in the municipality of Campinas do Piaui, Piaui State, in the Northeast region of Brazil. Data on the search of triatomines performed in 167 domiciliary units (DUs), harvested during the period of February to July 2019, in 12 rural communities were analyzed. The capture of triatomines occurred in all studied communities, being 76 the number of positive DUs, of the 167 surveyed, presenting a global rate of infestation of 45.51%. Two triatomines species were collected: Triatoma brasiliensis (98.49%) and T. pseudomaculata (1.51%), the first was found in the domiciliary and peridomiciliary areas, while the second was captured only in peridomiciliary areas. The index of colonization was 17.1%. Natural infection was observed only in 5.44% of T. brasiliensis samples. The entomological survey was conducted in rural communities, showingthe risk of transmission of Chagas disease to the local population, requiring continuous entomological surveillance and vector control

    Seminário de Dissertação (2024)

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    Página da disciplina de Seminário de Dissertação (MPPP, UFPE, 2022) Lista de participantes == https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mrULe1y04yPxHUBaF50jhaM1OY8QYJ3zva4N4yvm198/edit#gid=

    ATLANTIC ANTS: a data set of ants in Atlantic Forests of South America

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