80 research outputs found


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    The present article investigates the importance of affect displayed by service provider to build consumer trust in high consequence exchanges. High-consequence exchanges are difficult situations in which the choices present a dilemma that can cause stress and severe emotional reactions (KAHN; LUCE, 2003). In this specific case, trust based on affect seems to become important; mainly because consumers may not have ability to evaluate the cognitive aspects of the situation, and moreover, a medical services failure can be highly problematic or even fatal (LEISEN; HYMAN, 2004). On the other hand, in low-consequence choices, we are predicting that cognition will be more important than affect in building trust. In this kind of situation, patients are more self-confident, less sensitive, and don’t perceive a high probability of loss (KUNREUTHER et al., 2002), and therefore focuses more on the rational outcomes

    A importância do afeto para a construção da confiança em trocas com consequências severas

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    The present article investigates the importance of affect displayed by service provider to build consumer trust in high consequence exchanges. Highconsequence exchanges are difficult situations in which the choices present a dilemma that can cause stress and severe emotional reactions (KAHN; LUCE, 2003). In this specific case, trust based on affect seems to become important; mainly because consumers may not have ability to evaluate the cognitive aspects of the situation, and moreover, a medical services failure can be highly problematic or even fatal (LEISEN; HYMAN, 2004). On the other hand, in low-consequence choices, we are predicting that cognition will be more important than affect in building trust. In this kind of situation, patients are more self-confident, less sensitive, and don’t perceive a high probability of loss (KUNREUTHER et al., 2002), and therefore focuses more on the rational outcomes.O presente artigo investiga a importância do afeto demonstrado pelo provedor de serviços para a construção da confiança do paciente em trocas com consequências severas. Consequências severas são situações difíceis nas quais as escolhas apresentam um dilema que pode causar estresse e reações emocionais severas (KAHN; LUCE, 2003). Nesse caso específico, a confiança baseada no afeto parece se tornar importante, principalmente porque os consumidores não possuem habilidade para avaliar aspectos cognitivos e, além disso, uma falha nos serviços médicos pode ser altamente problemática ou até mesmo fatal (LEYSEN; HYMAN, 2004). Por outro lado, em trocas com consequências brandas, estamos predizendo que a cognição será mais importante do que o afeto para a construção da confiança. Neste tipo de situação, os pacientes são mais autoconfiantes, menos sensíveis, não percebem uma alta probabilidade de perda (KUNREUTHER et al., 2002), e, além disso, focam mais nos resultados racionais das trocas

    Violação e Recuperação da Confiança do Cliente após o Duplo Desvio.

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    In order to better understand the phenomenon of violation and recovery of trust in the context of exchanges between customers and companies, this theoretical essay aims to discuss the impact of the double deviation on trust, the possibility of trust recovery after double deviation and tactics that can be used to recover the trust after the occurrence of this phenomenon. Therefore, we discuss the difference between the violation of trust after the occurrence of service failure and the one occurred after unsuccessful service recovery (i.e., double deviation). It is believed that, because double deviation implies a severe violation of the existing trust, it can increase the erosion of trust generated after the original failure of service (simple deviation). Thereafter, we present research propositions, including the promises of non-recurrence of failures and apologies as tactics to regain the client’s trust after double deviation, based on the logic of using clues and the attribution theory. The research propositions listed in this essay are theoretically and empirically testable. As such, they provide solid grounds to initiate a research program on violation and recovery of client’s trust after unsuccessful failure recovery proceedings.A fim de compreender melhor o fenômeno da violação e recuperação da confiança no contexto de trocas entre clientes e empresas, este ensaio teórico objetiva discutir o impacto do duplo desvio na confiança, a possibilidade de recuperação da confiança após o duplo desvio e táticas que podem ser utilizadas para recuperar a confiança após a ocorrência deste fenômeno. Para tanto, a diferença entre a violação da confiança após a ocorrência da falha no serviço e aquela ocorrida após a recuperação malsucedida da falha (i.e., duplo desvio) é discutida. Acredita-se que o duplo desvio, por implicar uma violação severa da confiança existente, pode aumentar a erosão da confiança gerada após a falha original do serviço (desvio simples). A seguir, proposições de pesquisa incluindo as promessas de não recorrência das falhas e o pedido de desculpas como táticas para recuperar a confiança do cliente após o duplo desvio são apresentadas, com base na lógica da utilização de pistas e na teoria da atribuição. As proposições de pesquisa elencadas neste ensaio são teoricamente significativas e empiricamente testáveis. Como tais, elas oferecem uma fundamentação sólida para se iniciar um programa de pesquisa sobre a violação e recuperação da confiança do consumidor após processos de recuperação de falhas malsucedidos.Con la finalidad de comprender mejor el fenómeno de la violación y recuperación de la confianza en el contexto de intercambios entre clientes y empresas, este ensayo teórico tiene el propósito de discutir el impacto del doble desvío en la confianza, la posibilidad de recuperación de la confianza después del doble desvío y tácticas que pueden ser utilizadas para recuperar la confianza después de ocurrir este fenómeno. Para tanto, la diferencia entre la violación de la confianza después de ocurrir la falla en el servicio y aquella ocurrida después de la recuperación mal sucedida de la falla (i.e., doble desvío) es discutida. Se cree que el doble desvío, por incluir una violación severa de la confianza existente, puede aumentar la erosión de la confianza generada después de la falla original del servicio (desvío simple). A seguir, propuestas de investigación incluyendo las promesas de no repetir las fallas y el pedido de disculpas como tácticas para recuperar la confianza del cliente después del doble desvío son presentadas, con base en la lógica de la utilización de pistas y en la teoría de la atribución. Las propuestas de investigación enumeradas en este ensayo son teóricamente significativas y empíricamente comprobables. Como tales, ellas ofrecen un fundamento sólido para iniciarse un programa de investigación sobre la violación y recuperación de la confianza del consumidor después de procesos de recuperación de fallas mal sucedidas

    Perceptions of Justice after Recovery Efforts in Internet Purchasing: the Impact on Consumer Trust and Loyalty toward Retailing Sites and Online Shopping in General

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    The main goal of this paper is to extend the traditional theoretical model of service recovery to the online purchasing environment by investigating the impact of perceptions of justice after recovery efforts toward unsatisfactory Internet purchasing on customer trust and loyalty. The authors develop a theoretical model focusing on interrelationships among complaint handling evaluations, quality of prior experience, familiarity, trust, perceived value and loyalty. To test this model, 3,339 customers from all over Brazil who had been engaged in complaint processes about online purchases within the past 6 months answered an online questionnaire. Findings indicate that interpersonal treatment by the e-retailer improves consumer perceptions of the online recovery process. Consumer trust in the firm's website is strongly influenced by satisfaction with complaint handling, familiarity and the quality of prior experiences with the website, while consumer trust in Internet shopping is mainly affected by familiarity and the quality of prior experiences with Internet purchasing. These two dimensions of trust are distinct and represent discrete facets, as they do not impact each other. Moreover, repurchase intentions and word-of-mouth communication are influenced by consumer trust

    The effect of the discounted attribute importance in two-sided messages

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    Purpose – The purpose of this research is to test the importance of the discounting attribute in the two-sided communication from a retail salesperson as a boundary condition that eliminates the trade-off between trustworthiness and purchase intentions. Design/methodology/approach – The hypotheses are tested by three experimental studies in three different retail contexts. Two lab studies manipulate the importance of the attribute and the type of message: one-sided vs two-sided. A field study improves the external validity of the findings. Findings – A two-sided message from a salesperson reduces the use of persuasion knowledge and, therefore, enhances the consumer’s perception of the salesperson’s trustworthiness; this positive effect remains significant across different levels of importance of the discounting attribute. A two-sided message decreases the consumer’s probability of purchase only when an important attribute is disclaimed, through the consumer’s beliefs regarding the product’s attributes. Practical implications – For the appropriate use of two-sided appeals, retailers should identify the importance of product attributes from the consumers’ perspective. A negative remark from a salesperson when referred to an unimportant attribute makes no harm to purchase intentions while leading to stronger intentions to return to the store and to recommend the store by enhancing trustworthiness. Originality/value – This paper shows that it is possible to enhance trustworthiness through a two-sided message without mitigating the intentions of buying by discounting an attribute at low importance in the two-sided message

    Antecedents of the client’s trust in low- versus high-consequence decisions

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to address the role of high- and low-consequence exchanges in the relationship between trust and its antecedents (i.e., affective and cognitive elements) and consequences (i.e., positive WOM and search for second opinion intentions) in the context of the provision of medical services. Design/methodology/approach – We performed a survey with 681 patients from a large hospital. The data were analyzed through a multigroup structural equation approach. Findings – Findings show that during service encounters affective aspects have greater impact on consumer trust in situations of high-consequence than in low-consequence exchanges, while cognitive aspects have greater impact when consequences are low than when they are high. In addition, the authors found that the more severe the consequences, the greater the impact of trust on positive WOM and search for second opinion intentions. Originality/value – This study is the first to consider the exchange consequences as an important moderator of the relationship between trust and affection and cognition elements involved in client-service provider encounters. Overall, the findings show higher importance of affective aspects (compared to cognitive aspects) for the formation of trust, in situations in which the individual perceives the consequences of their exchanges as severe


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    É comum a ideia de que mais opções representem um benefício para o consumidor, porém estudos têm demonstrado efeitos negativos do excesso de alternativas. A presente pesquisa investiga o impacto do número de opções na satisfação do consumidor. Além disso, busca uma relação com o perfi l do indivíduo, que pode ser maximizador (sempre quer o melhor) ou satisfi cer (pessoa que se contenta com o sufi cientemente bom). Para essas avaliações, foi realizado um estudo quase-experimental. O teste de hipóteses foi feito através de cenários em um experimento de laboratório, aplicado a 214 estudantes universitários. Os resultados apontam que os homens apresentam maior nível de maximização do que as mulheres, e que maximizadores preferem uma variedade ampla, enquanto satisfi cers julgam conjuntos com poucas ou muitas alternativas como adequados de forma equivalente. Em síntese, há indicação de que uma variedade extensa de opções pode ser benéfi ca para os homens e contraindicada para as mulheres

    A relaçãoentre a satisfação com o gerenciamento de reclamações e as intenções de recompra : detectando influências moderadoras em E-tail

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    This paper examines which factors affect the relationship between consumers’ satisfaction with complaint handling and repurchase intentions. We present a conceptual framework that explains why satisfaction with complaint handling (SATCOM) does not necessary lead to repurchase intention (RI) for online shoppers. The authors test five moderating variables of the relationship between SATCOM and RI: relationship quality (relational factor), economic value, alternative attractiveness (marketplace factor), inferred motives and stability of the failure (failure-related factors). To test our hypotheses, we conducted an online survey with e-shoppers and used moderated regression analysis and a bootstrapping procedure. The findings show that all moderators help to explain the nonlinearity between SATCOM and RI. Hence, this study makes theoretical and managerial contributions related to failures in shopping experiences and repurchase intentions in e-tail

    Exame da confiança interpessoal baseada no afeto

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    Trust has been widely discussed by various disciplines such as sociology, psychology, economics and marketing. However, after a review of the state of the art of this approach, some gaps in the understanding of trust are still apparent. One of these gaps is related to the affective bases of trust, largely ignored by researchers that consider, most of the time, only cognitive bases. In effort to fill this gap the main objective of this theoretical essay is to investigate interpersonal trust based on affection. Included in this research, based on literature on the subject, are a precise and clear definition, foundations (how it is constructed), when it would be more relevant and finally its influence on intentions of loyalty. This study proposes that interpersonal trust based on affection should be explained by the theory of human care coming from medicine and nursing, that explores the need for the patient's perception of care, attention and interest by the service provider. Throughout this essay research propositions are elaborated and finally considerations are made and suggested future research directions are included.La confianza ha sido ampliamente abordada en diversas disciplinas, como la Sociología, la Sicología, la Economía y el Marketing. Entretanto, después de examinar el estado del arte de ese abordaje, todavía se vislumbran lagunas en el conocimiento de la confianza. Uno de esos hiatos se refiere a las bases afectivas de la confianza, ampliamente ignoradas por los investigadores que, la mayor parte de las veces, consideran apenas las bases cognitivas. Buscando llenar esa laguna, el objetivo principal de este ensayo teórico es investigar la confianza interpersonal basada en el afecto, incluyendo en esta investigación, apoyada en la literatura existente sobre el tema, su definición clara y precisa, sus bases (como es construida), en cuáles situaciones seria más relevante y, finalmente, su influencia en las intenciones de lealtad. En este estudio se propone que la confianza interpersonal basada en el afecto sea explicada por la teoría del cuidado humano proveniente de la medicina y de la enfermería, que explora la necesidad de percepción por el paciente de cuidado, atención e interés por parte del prestador de servicio. A lo largo del ensayo son elaboradas propuestas de investigación y, al final, son hechas consideraciones y son sugeridos futuros caminos de investigación.A confiança tem sido amplamente abordada por diversas disciplinas, como a Sociologia, a Psicologia, a Economia e o Marketing. Entretanto, após um exame do estado da arte dessa abordagem, vislumbram-se ainda lacunas no conhecimento da confiança. Um desses hiatos refere-se às bases afetivas da confiança, amplamente ignoradas pelos pesquisadores, que consideram, na maioria das vezes, apenas as bases cognitivas. Buscando preencher essa lacuna, o objetivo principal deste ensaio teórico é investigar a confiança interpessoal baseada no afeto, incluindo nessa investigação, com base na literatura existente sobre o tema, sua precisa e clara definição, suas bases (como é construída), em que situações seria mais relevante e, finalmente, sua influência nas intenções de lealdade. Propõe-se neste estudo que a confiança interpessoal baseada no afeto seja explicada pela teoria do cuidado humano advinda da medicina e da enfermagem, que explora a necessidade de percepção pelo paciente de cuidado, atenção e interesse por parte do prestador de serviço. Ao longo do ensaio são elaboradas proposições de pesquisa e, ao final, são feitas considerações e sugeridas futuras trilhas de pesquisa