7,092 research outputs found

    Is social identity belief independent?

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    In this paper we aim to disentangle the effects on in-group favoritism driven by beliefs from those stemming from group identity, with the final goal of testing the relative power of three potential explanations of this bias: The Beliefs Driven Explanation (BDE), the Group Identity Explanation (GIE) and the Belief-mediated Group Identity Explanation (BGE). The BDE suggests that in-group favoritism is only driven by the desire not to let others’ expectations down. The GIE claims that people have a preference, per se, for members of their group. According to the BGE, people also have a preference for members of their group, but this is mediated by their second-order beliefs. To this aim, we built an experimental design able to produce exogenous variations in both group membership and expectations, hence providing a genuine test for the rationale of in-group bias. The results of our experiment suggest that beliefs per se are not a significant explanation of in-group favoritism and hence do not provide support to the BDE. Our experimental evidence does not provide support also to the BGE. We conclude that our experiment suggests to single out the GIE as the most powerful explanation of social identity

    À chaque saint sa chandelle. Pour un calendrier ludique

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    In addition to a saint's biography which establishes his or her power to heal people or save them from danger, the saint's attributes are also inscribed phonetically in his or her name. Thus, Saint Marguerite is linked to childbirth because she came from the belly of a dragon, but also because the term guérit [heals] is inescapably and forever inscribed in her name. This article, which is an offshoot of research for the Dictionnaire des locutions en moyen français, examines in alphabetical order the process of lexical creation in the names of approximately one hundred real or imaginary popular saints.RésuméAu delà du trait biographique d'où un saint tire son pouvoir de guérir ou de sauver d'un danger, sa qualité est aussi inscrite phonétiquement dans son nom. Ainsi, on lie sainte Marguerite à l'enfantement car elle est sortie du ventre du dragon, mais en même temps le terme guérit est inscrit d'une manière stable et incontournable dans son nom. Cet article, fruit d'une enquête menée en marge du Dictionnaire des locutions en moyen français, examine le processus de création verbale dans le nom d'une centaine de saints populaires, réels ou imaginaires, présentés par ordre alphabétique

    An FPGA-Based Software Defined Radio Platform for the 2.4GHz ISM Band

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    A prototype of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) platform has been successfully designed and tested implementing a reconfigurable IEEE 802.11 and ZigBee receiver. The system exploits the reconfiguration capability of an FPGA for implementing a number of receiver configurations that share the same RF front-end. Configurations can be switched at run time, or can share the available logic and radio resource

    Il mentalizzare nelle organizzazioni

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    Basandosi sui costrutti della ‘mentalizzazione’ e della ‘funzione riflessiva’ di Fonagy e colleghi come quadro teorico di riferimento, il presente articolo si propone di sviluppare il concetto di ‘mentalizzazione nelle organizzazioni’, inteso come processo di costruzione condivisa di significati all’interno dei contesti lavorativi, processo la cui assenza o compromissione può produrre significative esperienze di malessere. Si ipotizza che l’assenza o la compromissione di una competenza riflessiva, insieme ad una mancata simbolizzazione dell’esperienza di lavoro, determinino specifiche conseguenze sia sulla percezione della propria professione, sia sulle relazioni tra colleghi, sia sui processi di management, determinando insostenibilità nella vita professionale e organizzativa

    Shedding Light on Diatom Photonics by means of Digital Holography

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    Diatoms are among the dominant phytoplankters in the worl's ocean, and their external silica investments, resembling artificial photonics crystal, are expected to play an active role in light manipulation. Digital holography allowed studying the interaction with light of Coscinodiscus wailesii cell wall reconstructing the light confinement inside the cell cytoplasm, condition that is hardly accessible via standard microscopy. The full characterization of the propagated beam, in terms of quantitative phase and intensity, removed a long-standing ambiguity about the origin of the light. The data were discussed in the light of living cell behavior in response to their environment

    Entanglement and squeezing of continuous-wave stationary light

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    Spectral components of continuous squeezed fields are entangled. In this article we review and clarify this phenomenon by analyzing systematically the relations between the correlations of modes filtered from stationary continuous fields and the cross power spectrum between the operators of the corresponding spectral components. Moreover, we study the specific spectral components that are filtered in homodyne or heterodyne detections and their entanglement properties. In particular, we establish the equivalence between two-mode squeezing variance and logarithmic negativity for the spectral components of continuous stationary fields, thereby demonstrating that the measurement of the homodyne or heterodyne spectrum is, in fact, a direct measurement of the logarithmic negativity between specific spectral modes. As an illustrative example, we apply these concepts to the analysis of entanglement in ponderomotive squeezing.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    pliegos sueltos poéticos post-incunables y los romances

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    El estudio se centra en los orígenes de la transmisión impresa de los romances, con atención particular a los pliegos poéticos postincunables conservados, pero sin perder de vista testimonios conocidos a través de los repertorios colombinos. El análisis llevado a cabo evidencia las interesantes interrelaciones y asociaciones entre textos de romances y textos de carácter lírico-cancioneril dentro de estos cuadernillos, al tiempo que se adentra en una interpretación global del fenómeno que contribuye a desentrañar el proceso de creación de los pliegos poéticos como productos textuales y editoriales conformados por selecciones muy pensadas y claramente intencionales de textos que configuran pequeñas joyas literarias de notable éxito editorial. El artículo incluye, además, una tabla de ocurrencias de romances que abarca la totalidad del siglo s. XVI, así como dos Apéndices en los que se reflexiona sobre la presencia de pliegos sueltos y romances en los registros colombinos (Apéndice I) y sobre las intrincadas interrelaciones entre pliegos sueltos y cancioneros (Apéndice II)

    Low-Power Wearable ECG Monitoring System for Multiple-Patient Remote Monitoring

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    Many devices and solutions for remote electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring have been proposed in the literature. These solutions typically have a large marginal cost per added sensor and are not seamlessly integrated with other smart home solutions. Here, we propose an ECG remote monitoring system that is dedicated to non-technical users in need of long-term health monitoring in residential environments and is integrated in a broader Internet-of-Things (IoT) infrastructure. Our prototype consists of a complete vertical solution with a series of advantages with respect to the state of the art, considering both the prototypes with integrated front end and prototypes realized with off-the-shelf components: 1) ECG prototype sensors with record-low energy per effective number of quantized levels; 2) an architecture providing low marginal cost per added sensor/user; and 3) the possibility of seamless integration with other smart home systems through a single IoT infrastructure
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