572 research outputs found

    Requirements for cabin crew medical examinations and assessments

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    The aim of the current study is to review current regulations relatively to medical requirements necessary to achieve suitability to fly of the cabin crew. There are three classes of flight crew medical standards and licensing. A first class medical certificate is required for all pilots who perform professional flights or skydiving instructors. A second class medical certificate is required only for persons who do not perform professional flights, skydiving activities or any other professional activity related to aircraft piloting (cabin crew, holders of Light Aircraft Pilot’s Licence - LAPL, remote pilot operators). Finally, a third class medical certificate is required for workers engaged in air traffic control

    Separaxion anxiety in pediatric migraine without aura: A pilot study

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    Background: Separation anxiety (SA) can be defined as the fear reaction and protest manifested by children when the main caregivers move away from him/her or in front of unfamiliar person. SA near eight months may be considered as an important and normal phase of the correct and typical social neurodevelopment. Aims of the present pilot study is assessing the prevalence of separation anxiety in a population of patients with migraine without aura (MwA). Materials and methods: 119 children (69 males) suffering from MwA (mean age 1.78 ± 7:59) were consecutively recruited. The control population consisted of 231 (114 males) healthy subjects similar for age (7.64 ± 1:34; p = 0.768) and gender (p=0.987) The Screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders (SCARED) test was used to assess the prevalence of separation anxiety among MwA children. Results: Healthy individuals are on average less affected (mean 4.72 ± 0:32) of the Separation Anxiety Disorder respect of MwA children (mean 6.83 ± 0.97; p < 0.001) (Figure 1). Conclusion. MwA presents many psychiatric comorbidities and among ones separation anxiety may be considered in the clinical and therapeutic management of pediatric primary headache

    A sensitive survey for 13CO, CN, H2CO and SO in the disks of T Tauri and Herbig Ae stars

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    We use the IRAM 30-m telescope to perform a sensitive search for CN N=2-1 in 42 T Tauri or Herbig Ae systems located mostly in the Taurus-Auriga region. 13^{13}CO J=2-1 is observed simultaneously to indicate the level of confusion with the surrounding molecular cloud. The bandpass also contains two transitions of ortho-H2_2CO, one of SO and the C17^{17}O J=2-1 line which provide complementary information on the nature of the emission. While 13^{13}CO is in general dominated by residual emission from the cloud, CN exhibits a high disk detection rate >50> 50% in our sample. We even report CN detection in stars for which interferometric searches failed to detect 12^{12}CO, presumably because of obscuration by a foreground, optically thick, cloud. Comparison between CN and o-H2_2CO or SO line profiles and intensities divide the sample in two main categories. Sources with SO emission are bright and have strong H2_2CO emission, leading in general to [H2_2CO/CN]>0.5 > 0.5. Furthermore, their line profiles, combined with a priori information on the objects, suggest that the emission is coming from outflows or envelopes rather than from a circumstellar disk. On the other hand, most sources have [H2_2CO/CN]<0.3 < 0.3, no SO emission, and some of them exhibit clear double-peaked profiles characteristics of rotating disks. In this second category, CN is likely tracing the proto-planetary disks. From the line flux and opacity derived from the hyperfine ratios, we constrain the outer radii of the disks, which range from 300 to 600 AU. The overall gas disk detection rate (including all molecular tracers) is 68\sim 68%, and decreases for fainter continuum sources. This study shows that gas disks, like dust disks, are ubiquitous around young PMS stars in regions of isolated star formation, and that a large fraction of them have R>300R > 300 AU.Comment: 31 pages (including 59 figures

    Sparse annotation strategies for segmentation of short axis cardiac MRI

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    Short axis cardiac MRI segmentation is a well-researched topic, with excellent results achieved by state-of-the-art models in a supervised setting. However, annotating MRI volumes is time-consuming and expensive. Many different approaches (e.g. transfer learning, data augmentation, few-shot learning, etc.) have emerged in an effort to use fewer annotated data and still achieve similar performance as a fully supervised model. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, none of these works focus on which slices of MRI volumes are most important to annotate for yielding the best segmentation results. In this paper, we investigate the effects of training with sparse volumes, i.e. reducing the number of cases annotated, and sparse annotations, i.e. reducing the number of slices annotated per case. We evaluate the segmentation performance using the state-of-the-art nnU-Net model on two public datasets to identify which slices are the most important to annotate. We have shown that training on a significantly reduced dataset (48 annotated volumes) can give a Dice score greater than 0.85 and results comparable to using the full dataset (160 and 240 volumes for each dataset respectively). In general, training on more slice annotations provides more valuable information compared to training on more volumes. Further, annotating slices from the middle of volumes yields the most beneficial results in terms of segmentation performance, and the apical region the worst. When evaluating the trade-off between annotating volumes against slices, annotating as many slices as possible instead of annotating more volumes is a better strategy

    The constitutional revisions in Italy from 1948 to the present day

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    This report has the aim of offering a picture of principal constitutional revisions carried out in Italy under republican Constitution, and of the most important among those that have been tried but not finalized, using as a reading key the principal interpretative problems posed by art. 138 Cost. The first question is about the systematic setting of the act named “constitutional revision law” in respect of the category of the “other constitutional laws”, also textually mentioned in the said constitutional provision. It is controversial if this difference has prescriptive or merely descriptive value. According to the first theory, supported by a prestigious but minor doctrine, only the constitutional revision laws could permanently amend the text of the Chart, while other constitutional laws would not be allowed to introduce implied changes. Under this respect, the objective pursued here is putting into light which one of this two perspective has been followed in practice. Then, on the field of contents, the praxis analysis will be led taking into consideration the vexata quaestio whether organic constitutional reforms are allowed or not, assuming that constitutional changes must be limited to punctual amendments. Once that the distinction between the two hypotheses has been clarified, which is really not easy because of some uncertain points, we will try to put into one or the other the main constitutional revisions carried out or attempted in republican history. In the debate on this theme, a particular relevance is attributed to the possibility of applying to constitutional referendum the limit about the necessary homogeneity of the question posed to electoral body in order to preserve the freedom of vote protected by art. 48 Cost., as indicated by the Constitutional court for abrogative referendum; which for someone would imply the prohibition of organic constitutional reforms or the need to create separate homogeneous questions for the referendum on different parts of the constitutional revision law approved by the Parliament. As for the making process of constitutional revision laws, the attention will focus mainly on the possibility of introducing procedures that derogate the one described in art. 138 Cost. basing on ad hoc constitutional laws regularly approved following the cited article. On that point, it will be shown, in the framework of not univocal outputs of doctrinal reflection, if and to what extent in the republican history there have been revisions or revision’s attempts based on derogative procedural disciplines.La presente relazione si pone l’obiettivo di offrire un quadro ricostruttivo delle principali revisioni costituzionali operate in Italia sotto la vigenza della Costituzione repubblicana, nonché delle più significative tra quelle tentate e non andate in porto, utilizzando come chiave di lettura i principali dilemmi interpretativi posti dall’art. 138 Cost. Una prima questione che si prenderà a riferimento attiene alla collocazione sistematica della fonte „legge di revisione costituzionale” in relazione all’ulteriore categoria delle „altre leggi costituzionali”, a propria volta testualmente prevista dalla disposizione costituzionale sopra citata. Risulta, infatti, controverso se la suddetta differenziazione assuma una valenza prescrittiva o meramente descrittiva. Secondo la prima tesi, sostenuta da una autorevole ma minoritaria dottrina, solo le leggi di revisione costituzionale potrebbero apportare stabili modificazioni al testo della Carta; mentre alle „altre leggi costituzionali” sarebbe preclusa la possibilità di introdurre modifiche tacite. Sotto tale aspetto l’obiettivo che qui si persegue è di mettere in risalto quale delle due prospettive si inveri nella prassi e, in particolare, se le leggi costituzionali e le leggi di revisione costituzionale siano o meno trattate alla stregua di un tipo unitario. Di seguito, sul piano dei contenuti, l’analisi della prassi sarà condotta con riguardo alla vexata quaestio se siano ammissibili riforme costituzionali di carattere organico o se le medesime debbano limitarsi ad ambiti circoscritti e puntuali. Una volta esperito il tentativo di mettere a fuoco i termini della distinzione tra le due ipotesi, che risulta non priva di elementi di incertezza e di problematicità, resta poi da effettuare l’inquadramento nell’una o nell’altra delle più significative riforme realizzate o tentate nel corso dell’esperienza costituzionale repubblicana. Nel relativo dibattito, peraltro, assume particolare rilievo la possibilità di applicare al referendum costituzionale il limite della necessaria omogeneità del quesito da sottoporre agli elettori a presidio della libertà di voto ex art. 48 Cost. elaborato dalla Corte costituzionale per il referendum abrogativo; ciò che si tradurrebbe, secondo alcune prospettazioni, o nel divieto di revisioni costituzionali organiche per l’inammissibilità dei quesiti referendari disomogenei che ne risulterebbero, ovvero nella necessità, in questi casi, di sottoporre al corpo elettorale una pluralità di quesiti per oggetti omogenei su singole parti della legge di revisione costituzionale approvata dal Parlamento. Per quanto attiene alla formazione delle leggi di revisione costituzionale, l’attenzione si concentrerà essenzialmente sull’ammissibilità di procedimenti derogatori rispetto a quello delineato dall’art. 138 Cost. stabiliti da leggi costituzionali ad hoc approvate secondo detta disciplina. Sul tema, ci si propone di porre in luce, nel quadro della riflessione giuridica che sul punto si è sviluppata in termini non univoci, se e in che misura si siano registrati nell’esperienza repubblicana revisioni o tentativi di revisione fondati su discipline procedimentali derogatorie.This report has the aim of offering a picture of principal constitutional revisions carried out in Italy under republican Constitution, and of the most important among those that have been tried but not finalized, using as a reading key the principal interpretative problems posed by art. 138 Cost. The first question is about the systematic setting of the act named “constitutional revision law” in respect of the category of the “other constitutional laws”, also textually mentioned in the said constitutional provision. It is controversial if this difference has prescriptive or merely descriptive value. According to the first theory, supported by a prestigious but minor doctrine, only the constitutional revision laws could permanently amend the text of the Chart, while other constitutional laws would not be allowed to introduce implied changes. Under this respect, the objective pursued here is putting into light which one of this two perspective has been followed in practice. Then, on the field of contents, the praxis analysis will be led taking into consideration the vexata quaestio whether organic constitutional reforms are allowed or not, assuming that constitutional changes must be limited to punctual amendments. Once that the distinction between the two hypotheses has been clarified, which is really not easy because of some uncertain points, we will try to put into one or the other the main constitutional revisions carried out or attempted in republican history. In the debate on this theme, a particular relevance is attributed to the possibility of applying to constitutional referendum the limit about the necessary homogeneity of the question posed to electoral body in order to preserve the freedom of vote protected by art. 48 Cost., as indicated by the Constitutional court for abrogative referendum; which for someone would imply the prohibition of organic constitutional reforms or the need to create separate homogeneous questions for the referendum on different parts of the constitutional revision law approved by the Parliament. As for the making process of constitutional revision laws, the attention will focus mainly on the possibility of introducing procedures that derogate the one described in art. 138 Cost. basing on ad hoc constitutional laws regularly approved following the cited article. On that point, it will be shown, in the framework of not univocal outputs of doctrinal reflection, if and to what extent in the republican history there have been revisions or revision’s attempts based on derogative procedural disciplines

    Finansowanie partii politycznych we Włoszech

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    The essay analyzes the evolution of Italian legislation concerning political party funding in the light of three elements: the political parties nature according to the provisions of the Italian Constitution; the political parties role in the operation of Italian Institutions; political and juridical effects of the referendum about political party public funding in 1993.Quello del finanziamento dei partiti è un tema che presenta nell’ordinamento italiano profili di particolare complessità, testimoniati non solo dall’ampiezza del dibattito politico e dottrinale in tema, ma anche e soprattutto dalla repentina evoluzione legislativa che si è registrata specialmente a partire dai primi anni novanta dello scorso secolo. Al fine di ricostruire in modo ordinato tale evoluzione, si rende dunque opportuno esporre alcune preliminari chiavi di lettura che consentono, come si vedrà, di dar conto delle mutevoli scelte compiute nel corso del tempo dal legislatore.W artykule przedstawiona została ewolucja włoskiego ustawodawstwa dotyczącego finansowania partii politycznych w świetle trzech następujących aspektów: 1) charakter partii politycznych określony postanowieniami Konstytucji Włoskiej; 2) rola partii politycznych w funkcjonowaniu instytucji włoskich; 3) polityczne i prawne skutki referendum z 1993 r. w sprawie publicznego finansowania partii.

    Attribute Regularized Soft Introspective VAE: Towards Cardiac Attribute Regularization Through MRI Domains

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    Deep generative models have emerged as influential instruments for data generation and manipulation. Enhancing the controllability of these models by selectively modifying data attributes has been a recent focus. Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) have shown promise in capturing hidden attributes but often produce blurry reconstructions. Controlling these attributes through different imaging domains is difficult in medical imaging. Recently, Soft Introspective VAE leverage the benefits of both VAEs and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), which have demonstrated impressive image synthesis capabilities, by incorporating an adversarial loss into VAE training. In this work, we propose the Attributed Soft Introspective VAE (Attri-SIVAE) by incorporating an attribute regularized loss, into the Soft-Intro VAE framework. We evaluate experimentally the proposed method on cardiac MRI data from different domains, such as various scanner vendors and acquisition centers. The proposed method achieves similar performance in terms of reconstruction and regularization compared to the state-of-the-art Attributed regularized VAE but additionally also succeeds in keeping the same regularization level when tested on a different dataset, unlike the compared method