10,633 research outputs found

    A galaxy of wor(l)ds: the translation of fictive vernacular in the Star Wars transmedia narrative in Brazil

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês: Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, Florianópolis, 2020.Com as recentes mudanças de cenário nas publicações de materiais da saga Star Wars no Brasil (que começou com a mudança do titular da propriedade intelectual em 2012), a franquia tornou-se uma narrativa transmídia no país. Diante desse contexto, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever as práticas tradutórias adotadas para lidar com materiais de Star Wars. Considerando que uma narrativa transmídia é um todo composto formado pela expansão narrativa em múltiplos episódios em diferentes plataformas midiáticas, a presente pesquisa visa, em última instância, investigar as práticas de tradução adotadas e seus impactos para a integridade dessa narrativa transmídia no Brasil. A investigação das práticas de tradução centra-se no dispositivo narrativo baseado na linguagem verbal denominado Vernáculo Fictício, um conceito proposto nesta tese. Os Estudos Descritivos da Tradução ofereceram as bases teóricas para analisar os pares selecionados de textos fontes e suas traduções. Os Estudos de Tradução com base em Corpus fornecem os procedimentos e ferramentas teóricas e metodológicas para conduzir a análise dos dados, para cujo fim foi criado um corpus paralelo computadorizado. O corpus paralelo é composto por pares alinhados de textos fontes e traduções nas mídias livro, quadrinho e filme (apenas os componentes verbais das duas últimas mídias são incluídos no corpus paralelo). Ele é composto por dois pares por mídia, totalizando seis títulos e doze textos. A análise revela duas tendências principais nas práticas adotadas para traduzir o Vernáculo Fictício no corpus. A primeira tendência envolve imprimir a composição de itens fictícios fonte nos textos de chegada. A segunda diz respeito ao aproveitamento dos recursos da língua-alvo para traduzir itens fictícios, mesmo às custas de, ocasionalmente, anular sua função de criação de mundo.Abstract: With the recent change in the publication scenario of materials from the Star Wars saga in Brazil (upon the change of intellectual property holder in 2012), the franchise has become a transmedia narrative in the country. In view of this context, the present research aims to describe the translation practices adopted to deal with Star Wars materials. Considering that a transmedia narrative is a composite whole formed by narrative expansion across multiples instalments in different media platforms, the present research ultimately aims to investigate the adopted translation practices and their impact on the wholeness of the transmedia narrative in Brazil. The investigation of translation practices focuses on the language-based narrative device called Fictive Vernacular, a concept developed in this thesis. Descriptive Translation Studies offered the theoretical foundations to analyse the selected pairs of source and translated texts. Corpus-based Translation Studies provide the theoretical and methodological procedures and tools to conduct the data analysis, for which end a computerised parallel corpus was created. The parallel corpus is composed of aligned pairs of source and target books, comics and films (only the verbal components of the last two are included in the parallel corpus). It comprises of two pairs per media, adding up to six instalments and twelve texts in total. Analysis reveals two main tendencies in the practices of translating the Fictive Vernacular in the corpus. The first tendency involves imprinting the makeup of source fictive items into the target texts. The second concerns drawing on the resources of the target language to render fictive items, even at the expense of occasionally irrupting their world-building function

    Avanços na compreensão dos padrões evolutivos em Myrtaceae : estudo de caso do complexo de espécies Eugenia involucrata através de uma abordagem integrativa

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    Myrtaceae inclui espécies vegetais com ampla distribuição mundial, sendo a Oceania e as regiões Neotropicais seus centros de diversidade. Na região Neotropical, a família é mais representada pela tribo Myrteae, com 29 gêneros e 2164 espécies de plantas frutíferas com significativa importância ecológica e econômica. A problemática na sistemática dentro de Myrteae limitou os estudos dentro deste grupo. A tribo inclui grandes gêneros com complexos crípticos de espécies, como Eugenia involucrata DC., uma espécie amplamente difundida e com alta variabilidade morfológica. Assim, a compreensão dos padrões evolutivos de Myrteae é de interesse. O principal objetivo deste estudo é fornecer uma visão geral da evolução das Myrtaceae Neotropicais e desvendar a história evolutiva de um complexo de espécies de Myrteae (Eugenia involucrata) através de uma abordagem integrativa baseada em genética de populações, filogeografia e morfometria. No capítulo II desta tese produzimos um artigo de revisão que contempla estudos de Filogenia, Biogeografia, Genética de Populações, Filogeografia, Citogenética e Genômica de Myrtaceae Neotropicais. A partir da análise desses artigos, evidenciamos avanços significativos na pesquisa e algumas áreas de pesquisa negligenciadas. Também detectamos que algumas espécies apresentam dificuldade de manutenção da diversidade intraespecífica devido a atividades antrópicas. Por um lado, identificamos um aumento no número de estudos filogenéticos baseados em marcadores moleculares nos últimos anos, contribuindo para a compreensão dos padrões macroevolutivos. Por outro lado, encontramos uma carência de estudos abrangendo aspectos microevolutivos, como estudos filogeográficos, os quais foram realizados apenas para duas espécies. No capítulo III, realizamos um estudo de diversidade genética e estrutura populacional de E. involucrata no sul da Floresta Atlântica. Também realizamos uma análise da morfometria geométrica foliar dessa espécie a partir de imagens de exsicatas. As análises populacionais com marcadores moleculares nucleares (ITS) e plastidiais (matK, trnC-ycf6, psbA-trnH, trnS-trnG) revelaram que as populações de E. involucrata no sul da distribuição apresentam uma alta diversidade genética e não estão geneticamente estruturadas. A análise das imagens de exsicatas de E. involucrata mostraram que alguns grupos de plantas apresentaram diferenças no formato das folhas. Em conjunto, esses resultados contribuirão para a compreensão dos processos micro e macroevolutivos na tribo Myrteae, e desvendarão a história evolutiva de E. involucrata. Particularmente para mostrar se a variabilidade fenotípica deste complexo está associada a algum fator ambiental ou genético.Myrtaceae includes plant species with worldwide distribution, with Oceania and Neotropical regions being its centers of diversity. In the Neotropical region, the family is more represented by the Myrteae tribe, with 29 genera and 2164 species of fruit plants with significant ecological and economic importance. The systematic problem within Myrteae limited the studies within this group. The tribe includes large genera with cryptic species complexes, such as Eugenia involucrata DC., a widespread species with high morphological variability. Thus, understanding the evolutionary patterns of Myrteae is of interest. The main objective of this study is to provide an overview of the evolution of Neotropical Myrtaceae and to unravel the evolutionary history of a Myrteae species complex (Eugenia involucrata) through an integrative approach based on population genetics, phylogeography and morphometry. In chapter II of this thesis we produced a review article that includes studies of Phylogeny, Biogeography, Population Genetics, Phylogeography, Cytogenetics and Genomics of Neotropical Myrtaceae. From the analysis of these articles, we evidenced significant advances in research and some neglected research areas. We also detected that some species have difficulties in maintaining intraspecific diversity due to anthropic activities. On the one hand, we have identified an increase in the number of phylogenetic studies based on molecular markers in recent years, contributing to the understanding of macroevolutionary patterns. On the other hand, we found a lack of studies covering microevolutionary aspects, such as phylogeographic studies, which were carried out only for two species. In chapter III, we carried out a study of genetic diversity and population structure of E. involucrata in the southern Atlantic Forest. We also performed an analysis of the leaf morphometry of this species from images of exsiccates. Population analyzes with nuclear (ITS) and plastid (matK, trnC-ycf6, psbA-trnH, trnS-trnG) molecular markers revealed that E. involucrata populations in the southern range have a high genetic diversity and are not genetically structured. The analysis of exsiccates images of E. involucrata, showed that some groups of plants showed differences in leaf shape. Together, these results will contribute to the understanding of micro and macroevolutionary processes in the Myrteae tribe, and will reveal the evolutionary history of E. involucrata. Particularly to show if the phenotypic variability of this complex is associated with some environmental or genetic factor

    Visualizing test diversity to support test optimisation

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    Diversity has been used as an effective criteria to optimise test suites for cost-effective testing. Particularly, diversity-based (alternatively referred to as similarity-based) techniques have the benefit of being generic and applicable across different Systems Under Test (SUT), and have been used to automatically select or prioritise large sets of test cases. However, it is a challenge to feedback diversity information to developers and testers since results are typically many-dimensional. Furthermore, the generality of diversity-based approaches makes it harder to choose when and where to apply them. In this paper we address these challenges by investigating: i) what are the trade-off in using different sources of diversity (e.g., diversity of test requirements or test scripts) to optimise large test suites, and ii) how visualisation of test diversity data can assist testers for test optimisation and improvement. We perform a case study on three industrial projects and present quantitative results on the fault detection capabilities and redundancy levels of different sets of test cases. Our key result is that test similarity maps, based on pair-wise diversity calculations, helped industrial practitioners identify issues with their test repositories and decide on actions to improve. We conclude that the visualisation of diversity information can assist testers in their maintenance and optimisation activities

    Genomic selection in rubber tree breeding: A comparison of models and methods for managing G×E interactions

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    Several genomic prediction models combining genotype × environment (G×E) interactions have recently been developed and used for genomic selection (GS) in plant breeding programs. G×E interactions reduce selection accuracy and limit genetic gains in plant breeding. Two data sets were used to compare the prediction abilities of multienvironment G×E genomic models and two kernel methods. Specifically, a linear kernel, or GB (genomic best linear unbiased predictor [GBLUP]), and a nonlinear kernel, or Gaussian kernel (GK), were used to compare the prediction accuracies (PAs) of four genomic prediction models: 1) a single-environment, main genotypic effect model (SM); 2) a multienvironment, main genotypic effect model (MM); 3) a multienvironment, single-variance G×E deviation model (MDs); and 4) a multienvironment, environment-specific variance G×E deviation model (MDe). We evaluated the utility of genomic selection (GS) for 435 individual rubber trees at two sites and genotyped the individuals via genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Prediction models were used to estimate stem circumference (SC) during the first 4 years of tree development in conjunction with a broad-sense heritability (H2) of 0.60. Applying the model (SM, MM, MDs, and MDe) and kernel method (GB and GK) combinations to the rubber tree data revealed that the multienvironment models were superior to the single-environment genomic models, regardless of the kernel (GB or GK) used, suggesting that introducing interactions between markers and environmental conditions increases the proportion of variance explained by the model and, more importantly, the PA. Compared with the classic breeding method (CBM), methods in which GS is incorporated resulted in a 5-fold increase in response to selection for SC with multienvironment GS (MM, MDe, or MDs). Furthermore, GS resulted in a more balanced selection response for SC and contributed to a reduction in selection time when used in conjunction with traditional genetic breeding programs. Given the rapid advances in genotyping methods and their declining costs and given the overall costs of large-scale progeny testing and shortened breeding cycles, we expect GS to be implemented in rubber tree breeding programs