563 research outputs found

    reentrance effect in normal-metal/superconducting hybrid loops

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    We have measured the transport properties of two mesoscopic hybrid loops composed of a normal-metal arm and a superconducting arm. The samples differed in the transmittance of the normal/superconducting interfaces. While the low transmittance sample showed monotonic behavior in the low temperature resistance, magnetoresistance and differential resistance, the high transmittance sample showed reentrant behavior in all three measurements. This reentrant behavior is due to coherent Andreev reflection at the normal/superconducting interfaces. We compare the reentrance effect for the three different measurements and discuss the results based on the theory of quasiclassical Green's functions

    Experimental determination of the quasi-particle decay length ξSm\xi_{\text{Sm}} in a superconducting quantum well

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    We have investigated experimentally the electronic transport properties of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) present in an AlSb/InAs/AlSb quantum well, where part of the toplayer has been replaced by a superconducting Nb strip, with an energy gap Δ0\Delta_0. By measuring the lateral electronic transport underneath the superconductor, and comparing the experimental results with a model based on the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation and the Landauer-B\"uttiker formalism, we obtain a decay length ξSm100 nm\xi_{\text{Sm}} \approx 100~\text{nm} for electrons. This decay length corresponds to an interface transparency TSIN=0.7T_{\text{SIN}}=0.7 between the Nb and InAs. Using this value, we infer an energy gap in the excitation spectrum of the SQW of Δeff=0.97Δ0=0.83 meV\Delta_{\text{eff}} = 0.97 \Delta_0 = 0.83~\text{meV}.Comment: Revtex, 3 PostScript figure

    Superconducting Proximity Effect and Universal Conductance Fluctuations

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    We examine universal conductance fluctuations (UCFs) in mesoscopic normal-superconducting-normal (N-S-N) structures using a numerical solution of the Bogoliubov - de Gennes equation. We discuss two cases depending on the presence (``open'' structure) or absence (``closed'' structure) of quasiparticle transmission. In contrast to N-S structures, where the onset of superconductivity increases fluctuations, we find that UCFs are suppressed by superconductivity for N-S-N structures. We demonstrate that the fluctuations in ``open'' and ``closed'' structures exhibit distinct responses to an applied magnetic field and to an imposed phase variation of the superconducting order parameter.Comment: (4 pages, 5 figures). Corrected typos in equations, added references, changed Fig. 5 and its discussions. Phys. Rev. B, accepted for publicatio

    Conductance fluctuations in mesoscopic normal-metal/superconductor samples

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    We study the magnetoconductance fluctuations of mesoscopic normal-metal/superconductor (NS) samples consisting of a gold-wire in contact with a niobium film. The magnetic field strength is varied over a wide range, including values that are larger than the upper critical field B_c2 of niobium. In agreement with recent theoretical predictions we find that in the NS sample the rms of the conductance fluctuations (CF) is by a factor of 2.8 +/- 0.4 larger than in the high field regime where the entire system is driven normal conducting. Further characteristics of the CF are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, 3 eps-figures included. To be published in Phys. Rev. Lett.. Changes: one misplaced figure correcte

    Magnetoresistance of proximity coupled Au wires

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    We report measurements of the magnetoresistance (MR) of narrow Au wires coupled to a superconducting Al contact on one end, and a normal Au contact on the other. The MR at low magnetic field BB is quadratic in BB, with a characteristic field scale BcB_c determined by phase coherent paths which encompass not only the wire, but also the two contacts. BcB_c is essentially temperature independent at low temperatures, indicating that the area of the phase coherent paths is not determined by the superconducting coherence length LTL_T in the normal metal, which is strongly temperature dependent at low temperatures. We identify the relevant length scale as a combination of the electron phase coherence length LϕL_\phi in the normal metal and the coherence length ξS\xi_S in the superconductor

    Re-entrance of the metallic conductance in a mesoscopic proximity superconductor

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    We present an experimental study of the diffusive transport in a normal metal near a superconducting interface, showing the re-entrance of the metallic conductance at very low temperature. This new mesoscopic regime comes in when the thermal coherence length of the electron pairs exceeds the sample size. This re-entrance is suppressed by a bias voltage given by the Thouless energy and can be strongly enhanced by an Aharonov Bohm flux. Experimental results are well described by the linearized quasiclassical theory.Comment: improved version submitted to Phys. Rev. lett., 4 pages, 5 included epsf figure

    Diversity of Zoanthids (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) on Hawaiian Seamounts: Description of the Hawaiian Gold Coral and Additional Zoanthids

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    The Hawaiian gold coral has a history of exploitation from the deep slopes and seamounts of the Hawaiian Islands as one of the precious corals commercialised in the jewellery industry. Due to its peculiar characteristic of building a scleroproteic skeleton, this zoanthid has been referred as Gerardia sp. (a junior synonym of Savalia Nardo, 1844) but never formally described or examined by taxonomists despite its commercial interest. While collection of Hawaiian gold coral is now regulated, globally seamounts habitats are increasingly threatened by a variety of anthropogenic impacts. However, impact assessment studies and conservation measures cannot be taken without consistent knowledge of the biodiversity of such environments. Recently, multiple samples of octocoral-associated zoanthids were collected from the deep slopes of the islands and seamounts of the Hawaiian Archipelago. The molecular and morphological examination of these zoanthids revealed the presence of at least five different species including the gold coral. Among these only the gold coral appeared to create its own skeleton, two other species are simply using the octocoral as substrate, and the situation is not clear for the final two species. Phylogenetically, all these species appear related to zoanthids of the genus Savalia as well as to the octocoral-associated zoanthid Corallizoanthus tsukaharai, suggesting a common ancestor to all octocoral-associated zoanthids. The diversity of zoanthids described or observed during this study is comparable to levels of diversity found in shallow water tropical coral reefs. Such unexpected species diversity is symptomatic of the lack of biological exploration and taxonomic studies of the diversity of seamount hexacorals

    Phase Dependent Thermopower in Andreev Interferometers

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    We report measurements of the thermopower S of mesoscopic Andreev interferometers, which are hybrid loops with one arm fabricated from a superconductor (Al), and one arm from a normal metal (Au). S depends on the phase of electrons in the interferometer, oscillating as a function of magnetic flux with a period of one flux quantum (= h/2e). The magnitude of S increases as the temperature T is lowered, reaching a maximum around T = 0.14 K, and decreases at lower temperatures. The symmetry of S oscillations with respect to magnetic flux depends on the topology of the sample.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Discovery of luminous pulsed hard X-ray emission from anomalous X-ray pulsars 1RXS J1708-4009, 4U 0142+61 and 1E 2259+586 by INTEGRAL and RXTE

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    We report on the discovery of hard spectral tails for energies above 10 keV in the total and pulsed spectra of anomalous X-ray pulsars 1RXS J1708-4009, 4U 0142+61 and 1E 2259+586 using RXTE PCA (2-60 keV) and HEXTE (15-250 keV) data and INTEGRAL IBIS ISGRI (20-300 keV) data. Improved spectral information on 1E 1841-045 is presented. The pulsed and total spectra measured above 10 keV have power-law shapes and there is so far no significant evidence for spectral breaks or bends up to ~150 keV. The pulsed spectra are exceptionally hard with indices measured for 4 AXPs approximately in the range -1.0 -- 1.0. We also reanalyzed archival CGRO COMPTEL (0.75-30 MeV) data to search for signatures from our set of AXPs. No detections can be claimed, but the obtained upper-limits in the MeV band indicate that for 1RXS J1708-4009, 4U 0142+61 and 1E 1841-045 strong breaks must occur somewhere between 150 and 750 keV.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 19 pages; 4 Tables; 15 Figures (6 color

    Phase-sensitive quantum effects in Andreev conductance of the SNS system of metals with macroscopic phase breaking length

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    The dissipative component of electron transport through the doubly connected SNS Andreev interferometer indium (S)-aluminium (N)-indium (S) has been studied. Within helium temperature range, the conductance of the individual sections of the interferometer exhibits phase-sensitive oscillations of quantum-interference nature. In the non-domain (normal) state of indium narrowing adjacent to NS interface, the nonresonance oscillations have been observed, with the period inversely proportional to the area of the interferometer orifice. In the domain intermediate state of the narrowing, the magneto-temperature resistive oscillations appeared, with the period determined by the coherence length in the magnetic field equal to the critical one. The oscillating component of resonance form has been observed in the conductance of the macroscopic N-aluminium part of the system. The phase of the oscillations appears to be shifted by π\pi compared to that of nonresonance oscillations. We offer an explanation in terms of the contribution into Josephson current from the coherent quasiparticles with energies of order of the Thouless energy. The behavior of dissipative transport with temperature has been studied in a clean normal metal in the vicinity of a single point NS contact.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Low Temp. Phys., v. 29, No. 12, 200