1,223 research outputs found

    On the associations between physical activity and quality of life: findings from an Australian nationally representative panel survey

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the associations between the frequency of moderate or vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and quality of life (QoL) measures using longitudinal data and panel regression models on a large, representative sample of the Australian population

    Long-term dynamics in physical activity behaviour across the transition to parenthood

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    Gaining a deeper understanding of the dynamic relationships between the transition to parenthood and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) amongst men and women in Australia

    Relationship between health-related fitness and quality of life in elderly with type 2 diabetes: an exploratory study in the province of Seville

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    Under a Creative Commons license.[Objetivos]: Caracterizar a la población adulta-mayor afectada por diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) tratada en las consultas de atención primaria en cuanto al nivel de condición física relacionada con la salud (CFRS) y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS), y por otro lado, corroborar si existe relación entre los diferentes test de CFRS y la CVRS. [Método]: Se utilizó un diseño transversal observacional de casos y controles para comparar la CFRS y la CVRS (evaluada mediante el cuestionario EQ-5D-3L) entre 42 pacientes con DM2 y 54 pacientes sin DM2, y se estableció la relación existente entre la CFRS y la CVRS en los pacientes con DM2. [Resultados]: En cuanto a la CFRS, los pacientes con DM2 obtuvieron mayores resultados en el test de dinamometría manual que sus pares sin dicha afección (p < 0,025). Los valores alcanzados en el test sit and reach fueron mayores en el grupo control que en el grupo DM2 (p < 0,001). No se detectaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto a la CVRS entre ambos grupos. El coeficiente de correlación de Pearson desveló un nivel de correlación de moderado a alto entre los componentes de la CVRS y los test de fuerza, movilidad y equilibrio que componen la CFRS (p < 0,05). [Conclusiones]: Este estudio muestra la asociación existente entre la CVRS evaluada con el EQ-5D-3L y los test de fuerza, movilidad y equilibrio dinámico en pacientes con DM2 tratados en atención primaria, cualidades vitales para el desarrollo de las actividades de la vida diaria de estos pacientes.[Objectives]: To characterize the type 2 diabetic (DM2) population treated in primary care consultations in regard of Health-Related Fitness (HRF) and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), and, on the other hand, to confirm if there is a relationship between HRF and HRQoL in DM2 patients. [Methods]: A cross-sectional, observational, case-control study was performed to compare the HRF and HRQoL between 42 DM2 patients and 54 patients without DM2 and the relationship between these two concepts was revealed. [Results]: In regard of HRF, statistically significant differences were found in the hand dynamometer test in favor of DM2 patients group (p = , 025) and statistically significant differences were achieved in favor of the reference group in sit and reach test (p = , 001). Pearson's correlation coefficient revealed a moderate to high level of correlation between the different dimensions and index of EQ-5D-3L and strength, mobility and balance tests (p < ,05). [Conclusions]: This study showsthe relationship between EQ-5D-3L componentsand strength, mobility and balance tests in DM2 patients treated in primary care, key functional capacities to a correct development of daily activities in these patients.A los autores del presente trabajo les gustaría agradecer la colaboración prestada por el Centro de Salud Los Bermejales por financiar parcialmente este proyecto.Open Access funded by Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía.Peer Reviewe

    Influencia del nivel de actividades físicas sobre la aptitud física y la calidad de vida, vinculada a la salud, en ancianos portadores o no de diabetes mellitus tipo 2

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    INTRODUÇÃO: O exercício físico é considerado um dos componentes para melhoria das condições de saúde em diabéticos tipo 2. Além disso, alguns estudos têm sugerido que níveis mais elevados de aptidão física também podem melhorar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS). No entanto, não existem estudos publicados que sejam especificamente concebidos para examinar esta relação. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito do nível de atividade física sobre a aptidão física e QVRS e determinar se existem diferenças quando indivíduos com e sem diabetes mellitus tipo 2 são comparados. MÉTODO: Cinquenta e quatro participantes com diabetes tipo 2 e 54 participantes pareados por idade sem diabetes foram voluntários para participar deste estudo. A aptidão física (teste de levantar da cadeira de 30 segundos, teste de caminhada de seis minutos e teste de sentar e alcançar) e QVRS (VC-36) foram avaliadas. RESULTADOS: Os participantes com diabetes tipo 2 apresentaram menores escores médios para o teste de sentar e alcançar e uma maior pontuação em relação ao escore do componente mental do que os controles. Quando os dois grupos foram classificados quanto ao nível de atividade física, foram encontradas diferenças significativas em relação a função social, saúde mental, saúde geral e vitalidade, entre os pacientes insuficiente e minimamente ativos. CONCLUSÃO: Os participantes com maiores níveis de prática de atividade física também relataram melhor aptidão física, a qual, juntamente com as melhorias na QVRS, pode ter implicações clínicas na prevenção e tratamento do diabetes mellitus tipo 2.Introduction: Physical exercise is considered to improve different health outcomes in type 2 diabetic patients. In addition, a few studies have suggested that higher levels of fitness might also enhance health-related quality of life (HRQoL). However, there are no published studies that were specifically designed to examine this relationship. Objective: The aim of the current study was to assess the effect of physical activity level on physical fitness and HRQoL and determine whether differences existed when comparing people with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: Fifty-four participants with type 2 diabetes and 54 age-matched participants without diabetes volunteered to participate in this study. Physical fitness (30-second chair stand test, six-min walk test and sit-and-reach test) and HRQoL (36-item Short Form Health Survey) were assessed. Results: Participants with type 2 diabetes had lower mean scores for sit and reach and higher mental component score than control participants. When both groups were categorized regarding their level of physical activity significant differences were found in relation to social function, mental health, general health and vitality between poorly and minimally active patients. Conclusions: Participants with the greater levels of physical activity also reported better physical fitness which together with the improvement in HRQoL may have clinical implications in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.Introducción: Los ejercicios físicos son considerados como siendo uno de los componentes para la mejoría de las condiciones de salud en diabéticos tipo 2. Además de eso, algunos estudios han sugerido que niveles más altos de aptitud física también pueden mejorar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS). No obstante, no hay estudios publicados que hayan sido planeados, específicamente, para examinar esta relación. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del nivel de actividades físicas sobre la aptitud física y la CVRS, y determinar si hay diferencias cuando se comparan individuos con y sin diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Método: Cincuenta y cuatro participantes, con diabetes tipo 2, y 54 participantes, de edades comparables, sin diabetes, fueron voluntarios a fin de participar en este estudio. La aptitud física (prueba de 30 segundos para levantarse de la silla, prueba de caminata de seis minutos y prueba de sentarse y alcanzar algo) y la CVRS (VC-36) fueron evaluadas. Resultados: Los participantes con diabetes tipo 2 presentaron menores puntuaciones en promedio para la prueba de sentarse y alcanzar algo, y una puntuación más alta en componente mental en comparación con los participantes de control. Cuando los dos grupos fueron clasificados con respecto al nivel de actividades físicas, se encontraron diferencias significativas con referencia a función social, salud mental, salud general y vitalidad, entre los pacientes insuficiente y mínimamente activos. Conclusión: Los participantes con niveles más altos de prácticas de actividades físicas también mostraron mejor aptitud física, la cual, conjuntamente con las mejorías en la CVRS, puede tener implicaciones clínicas para la prevención y el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2

    The relationship between nutritional status, functional capacity, and health-related quality of life in older adults with type 2 diabetes: a pilot explanatory study

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    Objective: To explore the relationship between nutritional status, functional capacity and healthrelated quality of life (HRQoL) in older adults with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting and participants: Forty two non-insulin dependent older adults from a primary care center in Seville, Spain. Measurements: Function was assessed with a battery of standardized physical fitness tests. Nutritional status was assessed using the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and the European Quality of Life Questionnaire (EQ-5D-3L) was used to assess HRQoL. Results: There was an association between MNAnutritional status and lower body strength as assessed by the chair sit-stand test (rho= .451; p= .037) and between MNA-nutritional status and EQ-5D-3L-HRQoL (EQ-5D-3Lutility, rho= .553; p<.001 and EQ-5D-3LVAS rho= .402; p<.001). An MNA item by item correlation analysis with HRQoL and lower limb strength demonstrated that HRQoL appears to be related to functional capacity (principally lower body strength, motor agility and cardiorespiratory fitness) among participants. These results were maintained when correlations were adjusted for co-morbidity. Conclusion: Our results demonstrated that nutritional status is moderately associated with HRQoL and lower limb strength in patients with T2DM. Our data suggest that more emphasis should be placed on interventions to encourage a correct diet and stress the needed to improve lower body strength to reinforce better mobility in T2DM populatio

    Estrategias comunicativas sanitario-paciente con diabetes y su relación con actividad física y perfil psicosocial

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    The aim of this study was to establish the relationship between health-related quality of life and level of physical activity in a sample population affected by diabetes mellitus type 2, and the rate, frequency, and duration of physical activity recommended by primary care physicians in this sample. A cross-sectional study was conducted that included 104 participants with diabetes mellitus type 2. The abovementioned variables were assessed using a questionnaire designed by the authors. We observed statistical differences in health related quality of life and physical activity regarding the recommended rate, frequency, and duration of physical activity. The results of the study highlight the need to increase and improve the level of physical activity, which is a cornerstone in the management of people with diabetes mellitus type 2.El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer, en una muestra de población afectada de diabetes mellitus tipo 2, la relación existente entre la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y nivel de actividad física y el ritmo, frecuencia y tiempo que es aconsejada por parte de profesionales sanitarios. Se usó un diseño de corte trasversal-observacional en el que participaron 104 sujetos afectados por diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Se evaluó la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, el nivel de actividad física y ritmo, frecuencia y tiempo de actividad física aconsejada por el profesional sanitario (cuestionario de creación propia). Se observaron diferencias en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (p < .05), y sobre la cantidad de actividad física (p < .05) en función del ritmo, frecuencia y tiempo con la que se aconsejaba el ejercicio físico. Los resultados observados establecen la importancia que los canales de información pueden tener sobre la adquisición de hábitos de vida activos y saludables por parte de pacientes afectados por diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Además resalta la necesidad de que el profesional sanitario que maneja a pacientes diabéticos debe estar capacitado o trabajar de manera multidisciplinar con profesionales de actividad física, ayudando en este sentido al control y al manejo de la enfermedad, mejorando la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de quienes la padecen

    Relationship between the level of physical activity and sedentary, overweight and health-related quality of life in scholar-age asthmatic children: an explanatory study in Seville

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    The aim of this study was: 1) To determine the differences between normal-weight asthmatic children and overweight asthmatic children in terms of HRQoL and amount of physical activity and sedentary and 2) To determine the relationship between amount of physical activity, sedentary and BMI and their influence on the HRQoL of this population in Seville. Method. We used a cohort design study that included 69 school-age children with controlled persistent asthma. The measures included in the study were: the questionnaire PAQL (S), to assess the HRQoL of children and the IPAQ-A questionnaire to assess the amount of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle of children. BMI was also calculated and determined if the participant was of normal-weight or overweight. Results. Overweight children scored worse on HRQoL and IPAQ-A values than their peers with normal-weight. Positive correlations were also observed between BMI and the amount of sedentary lifestyle. Negative correlations were observed between BMI and the amount of physical activity and also negative correlations were observed between BMI and HRQoL. Conclusion. BMI negatively affect HRQoL in school- age asthmatic childre

    Relación entre el nivel de actividad física y sedentarismo, sobrepeso y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en niños asmáticos en edad escolar: un estudio exploratorio en Sevilla

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    Objetivo. En este estudió se pretendió un objetivo doble; 1) Constatar las diferencias entre niños asmáticos con sobrepeso y normopeso en cuanto a CVRS y cantidad de actividad física y sedentarismo y 2) Determinar la relación existente entre cantidad de actividad física, sedentarismo e IMC y su influencia en la CVRS de esta población en Sevilla. Método. Se usó un diseño de cohorte que incluyó a 69 niños en edad escolar con asma persistente controlado. Las medidas incluidas en el estudio fueron: el cuestionario PAQL(S), para evaluar la CVRS de los niños y el cuestionario IPAQ-A, para evaluar la cantidad de actividad física y sedentarismo de los niños. También se calculó el IMC y se determinó si el participante estaba en normopeso o sobrepeso. Resultados. Los niños con sobrepeso obtuvieron peores valores en CVRS e IPAQ-A que sus pares con normopeso. Además se observaron correlaciones positivas entre el IMC y la cantidad de sedentarismo y negativas entre el IMC y también entre éste y el valor en las escalas de valoración de la CVRS. Conclusión. El IMC afecta negativamente a la CVRS a los niños asmáticos en edad escolar.Objective. The aim of this study was: 1) To determine the differences between normal-weight asthmatic children and overweight asthmatic children in terms of HRQoL and amount of physical activity and sedentary and 2) To determine the relationship between amount of physical activity, sedentary and BMI and their influence on the HRQoL of this population in Seville. Method. We used a cohort design study that included 69 school-age children with controlled persistent asthma. The measures included in the study were: the questionnaire PAQL (S), to assess the HRQoL of children and the IPAQ-A questionnaire to assess the amount of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle of children. BMI was also calculated and determined if the participant was of normal-weight or overweight. Results. Overweight children scored worse on HRQoL and IPAQ-A values than their peers with normal-weight. Positive correlations were also observed between BMI and the amount of sedentary lifestyle. Negative correlations were observed between BMI and the amount of physical activity and also negative correlations were observed between BMI and HRQoL. Conclusion. BMI negatively affect HRQoL in school- age asthmatic children