192 research outputs found

    Application of the biomization technique in the Eastern Colombian Andes

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    Two pollen records (Lake Fuquene and Pantano de Martos) are analyzed in order to test the usefulness of the Biomization technique to management on forest adaptation to climate change. This work focuses on Biomes and Plant Functional Types response to climate changes on specific dates (18, 14, 12.5, 8 and 6 Kyr) along the Late Quaternary, as deduced from the pollen composition. Results show different responses of vegetation to changes in past environmental conditions, which can be attributed to the different altitudes of the two study sites. While biomes in Lake Fuquene (2500 m a.s.l.) shift from Cool Grassland at 18 Kyr to Cool Mixed Forest and Cool evergreen Forest at 6 Kyr ago, no biome shift is detected in Pantano de Martos (3200 m a.s.l.) through the Late Quaternary. A look to the different Plant Functional Types taking part on the surroundings of the study sites at different ages, together with the analyses of Arboreal / Non Arboreal pollen percentages, give a detailed idea of the ecosystem response to past climate changes. This study shows the potential of the Biomization technique as a simple and powerful tool to analyze ecosystem responses at local and regional scales

    Floating millenial chronologies of Pinus in the Sierra de Gredos (Spain)

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    This research has been carried out by some members of the “History and Dynamics of the Vegetal Landscape” Research Group of the Technical University of Madrid (Spain). The team has been working on the flora, vegetation and dendrochronology of the Sierra de Gredos (Ávila, Spain) for the last 20 years. Recently, we have implemented a new research field focused on the study of megafossils. All this data set has allowed us to develop an interpretation of the dynamics of mountain pine forests in this region

    The past distribution of pinus nigra arnold in northern iberia. Contribution from its macroremains.

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    The presence of Pinus nigra in central Spain, where its natural populations are very rare, has led to different interpretations of the current vegetation dynamics. Complementary to the available palynological evidence, macroremains provide local information of high taxonomic resolution that helps to reconstruct the palaeobiogeography of a given species. Here we present new macrofossil data from Tubilla del Lago, a small palaeolake located at the eastern part of the northern Iberian Meseta. We identified 17 wood samples and 71 cones on the basis of their wood anatomy and morphology, respectively. S ome of the fossil samples were radiocarbon dated (~4.230-3210 years cal BP). The results demonstrate the Holocene presence of P. nigra in the study area, where it is currently extinct. This evidence, together with other published palaeobotanical studies, indicates that the forests dominated by P. nigra must have had a larger importance on the landscape prior to the anthropogenic influence on the northern Iberian Meseta

    Taxonomic composition of the Holocene forests of the northern of Spain, as determined from their macroremains

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    Eight sites distributed over a distance of some 400 km of the Cantabrian coast (northern Spain) provided 153 wood, 50 fruit and over 350 leaf remains belonging to the area’s Holocene forests. The high taxonomic precision with which these macroremains were identified (in many cases at the species level), plus the accurate information available regarding the original growth locations of these plants, provide new geobotanical insights into the history of northern Spain’s Atlantic forests. Radiocarbon dating of the wood samples showed the collected material to have lived between 8550 and 800 cal. BP. Analysis of the macroremains showed the deciduous mixed forests of the Holocene to contain a majority of Quercus robur and Corylus avellana, accompanied by Acer pseudoplatanus, Ulmus minor, Castanea sp., and hygro-thermophilous taxa (Arbutus, Laurus and Vitis vinifera). The remains of hygrophilous communities, dominated by Salix atrocinerea, Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus sp., show these to have expanded during the Holocene. The absence of conifer macroremains is interpreted as reflecting the disappearance of Würmian conifer populations at the beginning of the Holocene. The different taxa (eg, Ilex spp. and V. vinifera) that survived the last glaciation in the refugia offered by Spain’s northern coast persisted in the same areas during the Holocene. A leaf sample of Ulmus minor dating to 3950 ± 120 cal. BP reveals for the first time the natural occurrence of this species on the northern coast of Spai

    The value of leaf cuticle characteristics in the identification and classification of Iberian Mediterranean members of the genus Pinus

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    This study reports the value of leaf cuticle characteristics in the identification and classification of Iberian Mediterranean species of the genus Pinus (P. nigra subsp. salzmannii, P. pinaster, P. pinea and P. halepensis), with the aim of using these characters to identify isolated cuticles and stomata in palynology slides. Preparations were made of the cuticles of pine needles belonging to one natural Iberian population of each of the above species. A number of epidermal morphological characteristics were then recorded with the aim of distinguishing these species from one another. The structure of the stomatal complex (the shape and arrangement of the subsidiary cells) was different in each species. The aperture of the epistomatal chamber was significantly smaller in P. pinea than in the other species examined, and the variables recorded for the thickening of the guard cells provided relationships that clearly distinguished all four taxa. The width and length of the stomata and the upper woody lamellae, the central distance between the external limits of the medial lamellae borders and the length of the stem were the most useful variables in this respect. The present results contribute to the ongoing discussion regarding the taxonomic classification of the members of Pinus, and provide valuable clues for the identification of Iberian Mediterranean pine species from small pine needle fragments or isolated stomata. After validation of the present results for multiple populations, these results could also be used to help identify fossil leaf macroremains and the scattered/ isolated stomata commonly observed in palaeopalynological samples

    The long-term evolution of the Cantabrian landscapes and its possible role in the cappercaillie drama

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    Within the Iberian Peninsula, at the south-western boundary of its distribution area, the capercaillie is restricted to the Cantabrian and the Pyrenean Mountains. Cantabrian capercaillie Tetrao urogallus cantabricus has undergone a dramatic decline during the last three decades, as reported in the last Iberian Survey (Robles et al. 2006) and in previous issues of Grouse News (Bafiuelos et al., 2004, 2008). As a consequence, it is currently the only subspecies of capercaillie critically threatened worldwide. Although considerable efforts have been made to understand the reasons of this decline, the long-term ecology of this subspecies has received little attention, due probably to the absence of data in the palaeozoological records. Nevertheless, palaeoecological information based on their habitats can provide a useful insight that in the case of the Cantabrian Mountains offers a large body of data that covers the forest history of the last thousands of years

    Cantabrian capercaillie through time: a further comment

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    In a recent note published in this journal (Rubiales et al. 2009) we discuss the role the long-term environmental history of the Cantabrian Mountains may have played in the dynamics of the Cantabrian capercaillie Tetrao urogallus cantabricus, the only subspecies of capercaillie at risk of extinction worldwide. Three key conclusions, in the light of the available palaeoecological data were that: 1) the vegetation occurring within the range of the Cantabrian capercaillie has heavily changed during the last three millennia, due primarily to anthropogenic activity; 2) the extensive distribution of pinewoods until the historical period is coherent with the pattern of association of capercaillie and conifers occurring in the rest of its range; and 3) in the light of the distinct current patterns of decline and persistence of the capercaillie, it could be expected that the demise of pinewoods (becoming locally extinct at the western part of the Cantabrian mountains) would have had implications in the capercaillie persistence in the long ter

    Contribución del anillamiento al conocimiento y conservación de las aves en España: pasado, presente y futuro

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    El anillamiento científico de aves es una técnica de estudio con más de un siglo de historia que, probablemente, ha contribuido como ninguna otra metodología al conocimiento de la biología de este grupo faunístico. A pesar del desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, el marcaje individual de aves mediante anillamiento sigue siendo una técnica plenamente vigente y necesaria. Aunque la evidencia científica sobre los beneficios de la aplicación del anillamiento en la Ornitología moderna es abrumadora, hoy vivimos un proceso de creciente desinformación que cuestiona el anillamiento de aves y su utilidad. Este dosier se ha elaborado con el fin de ofrecer una visión actualizada de la utilidad del anillamiento científico de aves en España. Ha sido elaborado por un nutrido grupo de expertos asociados a universidades y centros de investigación que abarcan buena parte de las áreas del conocimiento implicadas en el estudio y conservación de las aves. El dosier se divide en cuatro grandes apartados. (1) En primer lugar se hace una introducción sobre el anillamiento como metodología y se resumen las grandes cifras del anillamiento en España donde, hasta la fecha, se han anillado algo más de 10.000.000 de aves y se han registrado 700.000 recuperaciones (en la actualidad se anillan unas 380.000 aves y se obtienen unas 30.000 recuperaciones anualmente). (2) En un segundo bloque se resume la aplicación del anillamiento en diferentes aproximaciones al estudio científico de las aves, que van apoyadas por numerosas referencias bibliográficas sobre trabajos llevados a cabo en España. Gracias al anillamiento se han podido abordar múltiples estudios sobre movimientos y migraciones, reproducción, demografía, enfermedades, morfología, muda e identificación y taxonomía. (3) Un tercer bloque se centra en la utilidad del anillamiento más allá de la investigación básica. Es el caso de la conservación, la gestión de especies cinegéticas y el estudio de los impactos del cambio global sobre las aves, por un lado, y la educación ambiental, formación y ciencia ciudadana, por otro. (4) Finalmente, se abordan algunas ideas sobre los retos actuales y perspectivas de futuro del anillamiento en España

    Paleofitogeografía de los pinares en las montañas periféricas de la cuenca del Duero

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    En las dos últimas décadas se han obtenido numerosos resultados procedentes de diferentes trabajos paleobotánicos (Cuaternario final) realizados en los territorios montanos periféricos de la depresión del Duero. Las metodologías empleadas han sido diversas y tienen que ver con los diferentes tipos de yacimientos y de muestras biológicas seleccionadas para su estudio; entre ellas destacan las técnicas de microscopía óptica para la identificación de maderas subfósiles, la morfología comparada de macrorrestos y los estudios dendrocronológicos en árboles longevos y maderas subfósiles. En esta comunicación se reúnen y resumen los trabajos más importantes, haciéndose una síntesis de las conclusiones obtenidas en los trabajos paleofitogeográficos realizados hasta el momento; se hace hincapié en la información proporcionada por los macrorrestos (maderas, estróbilos) así como por la recogida en los registros dendrocronológicos (con extensión a la dendroecología). Otro de los objetivos de la comunicación es la síntesis de las conclusiones obtenidas en los trabajos paleofitogeográficos realizados hasta el momento. Uno de esos resultados es que el comportamiento de los pinares a lo largo del Holoceno presenta diferentes modalidades en cada una de las cordilleras que bordean la cuenca del Duero; desde casos con marcada estabilidad a otros en que se muestran variaciones temporales apreciables (con patrones de heterogeneidad en función de un eje N-S y/o O-E

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año III Primavera-Verano 1985 n. 2 pp. 349-381]

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    José F. de la Peña. Oligarquía y propiedad en Nueva España, 1550-1624 (Por Carlos D. Malamud).-- Aldo de Maddalena. (Por Antonio Miguel Bernal).-- Esteban Rodríguez Ocaña. El cólera de 1834 en Granada. Enfermedad catastrófica y crisis social (Por Octavio Ruiz Manjón-Cabeza).-- Arno J. Mayer. La persistencia del Antiguo Régimen. Europa hasta la Gran Guerra (Por Guillermo Gortázar).-- Isabel Sánchez Casado. La Estadística del Estado en los periodos constitucionales (Por Joaquín del Moral Ruiz).-- José A. Ayala ; Mª del Carmen Bel Adell ; et al. Estudios sobre Historia Económica Contemporánea en la región de Murcia (Por Clara Eugenia Núñez).-- Carmen Martín Gaite. El conde de Guadalhorce. Su época y su labor (Por Juan Velarde Fuertes).-- José Morilla Critz. La crisis económica de 1929 (Por Jordi Palafox).-- Luis Germán Zubero. Aragón en la II República. Estructura económica y comportamiento político (Por Mercedes Cabrera).-- Ricardo Robledo Hernández. La renta de la tierra en Castilla la Vieja y León (1836-1913) (Por Carlos Bárdela)Publicad