1,518 research outputs found

    The influence of degeneracy on the emitter efficiency of a bipolar transistor

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    An expression for the emitter efficiency is derived taking the degeneracy of the emitter into account. It is found that, even if there is no recombination of minority carriers in the emitter, degeneracy reduces the emitter efficiency. In addition this first order theory explains experimental results on temperature dependence of current gain and predicts an optimum emitter design for a fixed type of emitter profile

    Exploring Connections Between Social Anxiety and Social Media Use in College Students

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    When young adults enter college their identity and self-esteem are tested in a novel environment. Interacting, forming new relationships, having some sense of independence for the first time, and often living in a new area can take a toll on someone who has not sufficiently developed a stable identity. This, in-turn, may create a negative outlook on one’s self and the individual’s capabilities to participate in social interaction, or ultimately a desire to avoid them altogether. If such a negative view further intensifies and remains present, it may develop into social anxiety disorder. Social media can either alleviate or escalate these feelings of anxiety based on how it is utilized by the individual. The individual may become compulsive with their internet use, for example, or focus more on websites where an unauthentic reality is portrayed. Each of these factors may have an effect on social anxiety within the individual. Results from this study indicated that social anxiety was positively correlated with higher levels of internet use and compulsivity of internet use. Contrary to the study’s expectations, social anxiety increased with higher levels of media consumption that is considered to be authentic, such as YouTube, Tumblr, Gaming, or Chatrooms. Exploratory research indicated that females had significantly higher levels of social anxiety than males, as well as higher levels of fear of negative evaluation, and social avoidance and distress


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    Angka Kematian Ibu tahun 2005 sebesar 252 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup (Dinkes Jateng, 2005). Angka tersebut masih cukup jauh dari tekad pemerintah yang menginginkan penurunan angka kematian maternal menjadi 125 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup untuk tahun 2010. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran kejadian solusio plasenta pada primipara dan multipara di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif, dengan desain penelitian deskriptif nonanalitik. Teknik sampel yang digunakan adalah total sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 6 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Insidensi solusio plasenta di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta sebesar 1: 1915 persalinan atau 0,05 0/00. Terdapat 6 kasus solusio plasenta yang terbagi atas 2 primipara dan 4 multipara. Terdapat 2 responden didiagnosa IUFD, karena terlambat dirujuk ke rumah sakit. 2 responden yang didiagnosa IUFD dan anemia. Terdapat 6 responden penelitian, 4 bayi lahir dalam kondisi mati dan 2 bayi hidup

    The Future of Cataloging (for the Rest of Us): Forecasting for Production-Level Cataloging

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    For decades, catalogers have lived in a place of change. We’ve been in a nearly continual shift ever since library catalogs moved to digital environments, and before that as concepts and new formats emerged. In the past, many of these changes have taken years or decades to implement locally, let alone implement on a national or global scale. Our era in cataloging is no different. The implementation of RDA, the shift away from the MARC record, and increasing interest in linked data (among myriad other factors) are beginning to coalesce into a discernible future. This is an exceptional time when we can begin to imagine a practical future for the catalogers, copy catalogers, and staff-who-occasionally-catalog who might not always be privy to the inner workings of committee meetings, task forces, or academic conferences. In this article, I will look specifically at how copy cataloging will likely look in the near future. The pace of evolution in cataloging is generally glacial, so by “near future,” I’m thinking of the next 20 years. I’ll also summarize current developments with RDA, linked data, BIBFRAME, and other factors, and discuss their impact. I will use the terms “catalogers” and “copy catalogers” interchangeably, since most of us are both or either, depending on the day or hour

    Distribution free Variable Step Size Normalized Least Means Square Algorithm

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    In this paper, we present a new approach to improve the acoustic echoes occurs in today’s telecommunication system. We show that the new approach reduces the computational complexity; unlike old approaches like a LMS, NLMS and variable step size (VSS) algorithm, converges rate and misadjustment and computational complexity are biggest challenges for us. So new approach is known as DFVSS-NLMS algorithm and suitable candidate for a real world application. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15032

    Acoustic Echo Cancellation and their Application in ADF

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    In this paper, we present an overview of the principal, structure and the application of the echo cancellation and kind of application to improve the performance of the systems. Echo is a process in which a delayed and distorted version o the original sound or voice signal is reflected back to the source. For the acoustic echo canceller much and more study are required to make the good tracking speed fast and reduce the computational complexity. Due to the increasing the processing requirement, widespread implementation had to wait for advances in LSI, VLSI echo canceller appeared. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150513

    A fast algorithm for the calculation of junction capacitance and its application for impurity profile determination

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    A fast algorithm is described which calculates the space charge layer width and junction capacitance for an arbitrary impurity profile and for plane, cylindrical and spherical junctions. The algorithm is based on the abrupt space charge edge (ASCE) approximation. A method to use the algorithm for the determination of impurity profiles for two-sided junctions is presented. An expression is derived for the built-in voltage to be used for capacitance calculations with the ASCE approximation. Experimental evidence is given that the algorithm permits very accurate capacitance calculations and also predicts the exact temperature dependence of the junction capacitance

    Impact Test Analysis On Pure And Recycled HDPE Materials

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    Nowadays High Density Polyethylene (HOPE) plastic have been widely used in many industries.Lower cost of the raw material and increased in environmental awareness are defined as the key factor in the use of HOPE plastic in the industries.Characteristic of HDPE plastic them self, such as lightweight,strong,tough,easy to find the supplies of HOPE plastic and easy to mold making it more preferable rather than metal.Although this material has its advantages,but it also has its drawbacks to considered.Time consuming in decaying the HDPE plastic waste will greatly affect the environment and nonetheless to the manufactures as it will also incur additional cost in managing to dispose of the plastic and cause the manufacturer profit affected.Hence,the recycling process is one of the ways to overcome this problem.Mixing the recycled HOPE and pure HDPE with a certain percentage of both material is one of method that mostly widely used methods.In this study,pure HDPE and recycled HOPE were undergoing the mixing process based on the required percentages that has been determined.The specimens were produced using the hot press machine and the specimen were also tested by the Izod impact test to obtain an optimum percentage.There are three main samples of mixing material in different percentage and each sample has three specimens that has been tested using the Izod impact test.This experiment was conducted based on ASTM 0 256.The parameter involved in th is study are temperature and time.The result showed that the optimization for impact test on pure HDPE was 0.139 ftib/in2 using the 197.23°C for temperature and 6.41 minute for time,while the yield for recycled HDPE was 0.654 ftib/in2 using 197.25 °(for temperature and 12.61 minute for time, followed by mixture of pure HOPE and recycled HOPE was 0.167 fib/in2 using the 193.23°C for temperature and 6.21 minute for time.The output show that the flexural properties are enhanced by increased with the recycled HOPE material.However,the impact strength of the composites decreased as the 100% of recycled HDPE are increased.SEM micrographs revealed good interfacial bonding between pure HDPE and recycled HDPE matrix