6,141 research outputs found

    Mekong Basin Focal Project: Synthesis report

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    The Mekong Basin Focal Project aims were to assess water use, water productivity and water poverty in the basin, and analyse the opportunities and risks of change in water management that influences water poverty. The main issue facing the Lower Mekong is not water availability (except for seasonally in certain areas such as northeast Thailand) but the impact of changed flows (which may result from dam or irrigation development or climate change) on ecology, fish production, access to water and food security. Poverty is generally decreasing in the Mekong, but the poorer people are not sharing in the improvements. Water governance and sharing of benefits is a key challenge for the Mekong

    Switching of Magnetic Moments of Nanoparticles by Surface Acoustic Waves

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    We report evidence of the magnetization reversal in nanoparticles by surface acoustic waves (SAWs). The experimental system consists of isolated magnetite nanoparticles dispersed on a piezoelectric substrate. Magnetic relaxation from a saturated state becomes significantly enhanced in the presence of the SAW at a constant temperature of the substrate. The dependence of the relaxation on SAW power and frequency has been investigated. The effect is explained by the effective ac magnetic field generated by the SAW in the nanoparticles.Comment: Accepted in Europhysics Letter

    Bronchoscopic balloon dilatation in the management of bronchial stenosis following lung transplantation

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    SummaryBackgroundBronchial stenosis (BS) is currently found in 7–15% of lung transplantation (LT) recipients. Current treatment strategies have included Nd:Yag laser, cryotherapy, bougie dilatation and stent placement. Bronchoscopic balloon dilatation has been used as alternative treatment in a few cases with controversial results. This is a study to prospectively assess the efficacy of bronchoscopic balloon dilatation as a first step in the management of post-LT BS.MethodsFrom January 1995 to December 2002, bronchoscopic balloon dilatation was evaluated as first therapeutic option in all consecutive LT patients with BS. Symptoms, pulmonary function tests, airway diameter and use of other therapeutic techniques were evaluated.ResultsA total of 10 out of 284 anastomed airways (3.5%) in 9 out of 152 LT patients were included in the study and follow-up lasted from 6 to 81 months. Dilatation of all but one BS met with initial success: increase of both luminal dimensions and forced vital capacity (P=0.01), and relief of symptoms. Bronchoscopic balloon dilatation long-term follow-up showed effective results in 5 out of 10 (50%) bronchial stenoses, after an average of 4 bronchoscopic balloon dilatation procedures (range 1–8). No severe complications were observed. Stent placement was required in the other 5 bronchial stenoses.ConclusionsBronchoscopic balloon dilatation is a safe method that should be considered as first therapeutic treatment of post-LT BS. Its use avoids the need for stent placement in up to 50% of cases

    A homology independent sequence replacement strategy in human cells using a CRISPR nuclease

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    Precision genomic alterations largely rely on homology directed repair (HDR), but targeting without homology using the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway has gained attention as a promising alternative. Previous studies demonstrated precise insertions formed by the ligation of donor DNA into a targeted genomic double-strand break in both dividing and non-dividing cells. Here, we demonstrate the use of NHEJ repair to replace genomic segments with donor sequences; we name this method 'Replace' editing (Rational end-joining protocol delivering a targeted sequence exchange). Using CRISPR/Cas9, we create two genomic breaks and ligate a donor sequence in-between. This exchange of a genomic for a donor sequence uses neither microhomology nor homology arms. We target four loci in cell lines and show successful exchange of exons in 16–54% of human cells. Using linear amplification methods and deep sequencing, we quantify the diversity of outcomes following Replace editing and profile the ligated interfaces. The ability to replace exons or other genomic sequences in cells not efficiently modified by HDR holds promise for both basic research and medicine

    MAP entropy estimation: applications in robust image filtering

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    We introduce a new approach for image filtering in a Bayesian framework. In this case the probability density function (pdf) of thelikelihood function is approximated using the concept of non-parametric or kernel estimation. The method is based on the generalizedGaussian Markov random fields (GGMRF), a class of Markov random fields which are used as prior information into the Bayesian rule, whichprincipal objective is to eliminate those effects caused by the excessive smoothness on the reconstruction process of images which arerich in contours or edges. Accordingly to the hypothesis made for the present work, it is assumed a limited knowledge of the noise pdf,so the idea is to use a non-parametric estimator to estimate such a pdf and then apply the entropy to construct the cost function for thelikelihood term. The previous idea leads to the construction of Maximum a posteriori (MAP) robust estimators, since the real systems arealways exposed to continuous perturbations of unknown nature. Some promising results of three new MAP entropy estimators (MAPEE) forimage filtering are presented, together with some concluding remarks

    Verbal Memory and IQ Predict Adaptive Behavior in Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Adaptive deficits are commonly found in high functioning autism spectrum disorders (HF-ASD) despite of cognitive potential. Most studies have focused on the relationships between adaptive behavior and intellectual quotient (IQ) and have used correlations to study relationships between them. Few studies have analyzed cognitive variables other than IQ as potential predictors of adaptive behavior in HF-ASD using regression methods. This study aimed to analyze the impact of several cognitive variables on adaptive behavior in a sample of children and adolescents with HF-ASD. METHODS: Sample included 16 child and adolescent boys with HF-ASD (age between 7-17 years). Cognitive assessment included measures of general intelligence, visual memory, verbal memory, working memory and problem solving/flexibility tests. Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) was used to evaluate adaptive behavior. To establish the predictive capacity of the cognitive variables for adaptive functioning, linear regression models were fitted for each adaptive domain using a stepwise method. RESULTS: Verbal memory and IQ emerged as the main independent predictors for VABS adaptive scores. The 41% of the variance in Communication was predicted by IQ. The 35% of the variance in Daily Living Skills was predicted by verbal memory. Almost half of the variance in Socialization was predicted by both, verbal memory and IQ (49%). No other cognitive functions were associated with adaptive scores. CONCLUSIONS: The results highlight the strong impact of IQ and verbal memory on adaptive behavior in HF-ASD patients. These findings could contribute to identify potential targets of intervention

    Pepper mild mottle virus in different water matrices

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    Abstract Background Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), a plant virus belonging to Virgoviridae, has recently been suggested as a potential viral indicator for faecal pollution in aquatic environments, since it has been found to be abundantly excreted from healthy human subjects. Methods The occurrence, amount and diversity of PMMoV was investigated in water environments by nested RT-PCR and TaqMan based quantitative PCR. During 2017-2019, 251 water samples (92 urban wastewaters, 32 treated effluents, 16 surface water samples, 9 estuarine samples, 20 seawater samples, 67 groundwater samples, and 15 drinking waters) were analysed. Results PMMoV was detected in 73/92 (79%) wastewater samples, 22/32 (69%) treated sewages, 11/16 (69%) river samples, 6/9 (67%) estuarine samples, 5/20 (25%) bathing waters, and 9/67 (13%) groundwaters, whilst drinking water samples tested always negative. Mean viral concentrations (genome copies/L) were: raw sewage 4.2 × 106, treated sewage 7.4 × 105, river 3.2 × 103, estuarine waters 9.6 × 102, seawaters 3.0 × 102, groundwaters 7.7 × 101. Conclusions This study highlights the significant occurrence of PMMoV in aquatic environment in Italy, and a clear gradient of viral prevalence and concentrations from polluted to clean waters (wastewaters to drinking waters). Key messages PMMoV is ubiquitous throughout the water cycle in Italy with different concentrations. Studies are needed to evaluate the suitability of PMMoV as a viral indicator for human fecal pollution in waters