360 research outputs found

    Aanzienlijk verschil in productie tussen rode klaverrassen: In het project Rode Klaver 2.0 zijn persistentie en productiviteit van rode klaver onderzocht.

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    In de biologische melkveehouderij wordt veel gesproken over teruglopende grasopbrengsten. Rode klaver kan helpen het tij te keren. Niet alleen op maaipercelen maar ook op maai/weide percelen waar wordt omgeweid. Naast productie en voederwaarde is persistentie van rode klaverrassen hierbij een belangrijk kenmerk

    Взаємодія органів прокуратури з іншими державними органами та органами місцевого самоврядування в контексті нагляду за додержанням законів щодо захисту прав і свобод дітей

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню окремих аспектів взаємодії органів прокуратури з іншими державними органами і органами місцевого самоврядування в контексті нагляду за додержанням законів щодо захисту прав і свобод дітей. Окрім того, автор досліджує завдання, суб’єктний склад і форми такої; діяльності, а також критерії визначення ефективності взаємодії із зазначеними суб’єктами. Ключові слова: прокуроський нагляд, права і свободи дітей, координація, взаємодія, суб’єкти взаємодії, форми взаємодії, ефективність взаємодії.Статья посвящена исследованию отдельных аспектов взаимодействия органов прокуратуры с иными государственными органами и органами местного самоуправления в контексте надзора за соблюдением законов относительно защиты прав и свобод детей. Кроме того, автор исследует задания, субъектный состав и формы такой деятельности, а также критерии определения эффективности взаимодействия с указанными субъектами. Ключевые слова: прокурорский надзор, права и свободы детей, координация, взаимодействие, субъекты взаимодействия, формы взаимодействия, эффективность взаимодействия.Article is devoted to research of separate aspects of interaction of bodies of Office of Public Prosecutor with other state structures and local governments in a context of supervision of observance of laws concerning protection of the rights and freedoms of children. Besides, the author investigates tasks, subjective structure and forms of such activity, and also criteria of definition of efficiency of interaction with the specified subjects. Key words: public prosecutor’s supervision, the rights and freedom of children, coordination, interaction, subjects of interaction, the interaction form, efficiency of interaction

    Preventing face morphing attacks by using legacy face images

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    Abstract Countries allow citizens to upload a face image or provide printed copies to authorities to issue their passport. This allows prior image manipulation with criminal intent. A composite image can be created by blending the images of two individuals before submitting the composite image to the authorities. Depending on several factors, the submitted morphed face image can fool the issuing officer to issue a legitimate document. The document can then be successfully used by either contributor to attack the automatic Face Recognition Systems (FRS) operating, for example, at Automatic Border Control (ABC) airport gates. This is known as a Morphing Attack (MA), an identity sharing scheme with serious consequences. Here, the security vulnerabilities due to MAs are identified and analysed, and an additional security measure that allows mitigating the risk or preventing MAs in certain scenarios is proposed. The measure introduces more comparisons by keeping the old passport or ID card image in the chip, in passport renewal applications or first time passport applications, respectively. This approach is implemented with two FRSs on a challenging dataset and the dramatic decrease in the vulnerability is shown. Finally, their performance is compared with a state‐of‐the‐art MA detection algorithm on the same dataset

    Effectiveness of a guided online primary care intervention for fear of cancer recurrence:A randomised controlled trial

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    ObjectiveFear of Cancer Recurrence (FCR) is highly prevalent among cancer survivors and leads to decreased quality of life and increased healthcare costs. We assessed the effectiveness of a guided online primary care intervention for FCR, compared to waiting list. MethodsIn this RCT, participants were recruited online and randomised 1:1. All adults who finished successful curative cancer treatment between 3 months and 10 years ago, wanted support for FCR, and had sufficient Dutch skills were eligible. The intervention consisted of a 10‐week online programme and three to five video calling sessions with a trained mental health worker. After 6 months, the control group received the same intervention. The primary outcome was the difference between the groups in the change in FCR severity from baseline (T0) to 6 months (T2), measured online with the short form of the Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory. ResultsOne hundred and seventy‐three participants were enroled and randomised to the intervention (n = 86) or control group (n = 87). FCR severity dropped 2.1 points more in the intervention group than in the control group (2.7 points (SD = 3.9) versus 0.6 points (SD = 3.6), t(154) = 3.4, p = 0.0007). General mental well‐being also improved significantly in the intervention group and remained stable in the control group. These improvements remained at 10 months follow up.ConclusionsThis easily accessible and relatively inexpensive intervention effectively reduces FCR and has potential to replace or precede existing more intensive psychological treatments, improving patients' access to care. Trial registrationThe trial was prospectively registered in the Netherlands Trial Register on 25‐02‐2019 with number NL757

    Non-dispensing pharmacists integrated into general practices as a new interprofessional model:A qualitative evaluation of general practitioners’ experiences and views

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    Background: A new interprofessional model incorporating non-dispensing pharmacists in general practice teams can improve the quality of pharmaceutical care. However, results of the model are dependent on the context. Understanding when, why and how the model works may increase chances of successful broader implementation in other general practices. Earlier theories suggested that the results of the model are achieved by bringing pharmacotherapeutic knowledge into general practices. This mechanism may not be enough for successful implementation of the model. We wanted to understand better how establishing new interprofessional models in existing healthcare organisations takes place. Methods: An interview study, with a realist informed evaluation was conducted. This qualitative study was part of the Pharmacotherapy Optimisation through Integration of a Non-dispensing pharmacist in primary care Teams (POINT) project. We invited the general practitioners of the 9 general practices who (had) worked closely with a non-dispensing pharmacist for an interview. Interview data were analysed through discussions about the coding with the research team where themes were developed over time. Results: We interviewed 2 general practitioners in each general practice (18 interviews in total). In a context where general practitioners acknowledge the need for improvement and are willing to work with a non-dispensing pharmacist as a new team member, the following mechanisms are triggered. Non-dispensing pharmacists add new knowledge to current general practice. Through everyday talk (discursive actions) both general practitioners and non-dispensing pharmacists evolve in what they consider appropriate, legitimate and imaginable in their work situations. They align their professional identities. Conclusions: Not only the addition of new knowledge of non-dispensing pharmacist to the general practice team is crucial for the success of this interprofessional healthcare model, but also alignment of the general practitioners’ and non-dispensing pharmacists’ professional identities. This is essentially different from traditional pharmaceutical care models, in which pharmacists and GPs work in separate organisations. To induce the process of identity alignment, general practitioners need to acknowledge the need to improve the quality of pharmaceutical care interprofessionally. By acknowledging the aspect of interprofessionality, both general practitioners and non-dispensing pharmacists will explore and reflect on what they consider appropriate, legitimate and imaginable in carrying out their professional roles. Trial registration: The POINT project was pre-registered in The Netherlands National Trial Register, with Trial registration number NTR-4389.</p

    Hyperkahler Metrics from Periodic Monopoles

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    Relative moduli spaces of periodic monopoles provide novel examples of Asymptotically Locally Flat hyperkahler manifolds. By considering the interactions between well-separated periodic monopoles, we infer the asymptotic behavior of their metrics. When the monopole moduli space is four-dimensional, this construction yields interesting examples of metrics with self-dual curvature (gravitational instantons). We discuss their topology and complex geometry. An alternative construction of these gravitational instantons using moduli spaces of Hitchin equations is also described.Comment: 23 pages, latex. v2: an erroneous formula is corrected, and its derivation is given. v3 (published version): references adde

    N=2 Supersymmetric Scalar-Tensor Couplings

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    We determine the general coupling of a system of scalars and antisymmetric tensors, with at most two derivatives and undeformed gauge transformations, for both rigid and local N=2 supersymmetry in four-dimensional spacetime. Our results cover interactions of hyper, tensor and double-tensor multiplets and apply among others to Calabi-Yau threefold compactifications of Type II supergravities. As an example, we give the complete Lagrangian and supersymmetry transformation rules of the double-tensor multiplet dual to the universal hypermultiplet.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX2e with amsmath.sty; v2: corrected typos and added referenc

    Improving transitional patient safety: research protocol of the Transitional Incident Prevention Programme

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    __Introduction:__ Patient transitions between primary and hospital care include referral, discharge, and simultaneous care by the outpatient clinic and the general practitioner (GP). Research on referrals and discharge shows that safety incidents in these transitions are common. We developed the multifaceted Transitional Incident Prevention Programme (TIPP), which aims to improve transitional patient safety preventing future incidents. With this study, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of the TIPP programme on transitional patient safety, and to evaluate its implementation and the acceptance in GP-practices and hospitals. __Methods:__ The TIPP intervention study is a controlled before and after study combined with qualitative methods. The study will be conducted in both rural and urban settings including three hospitals, together with referring primary care practices. The TIPP intervention is aimed at three aspects of transitional safety: 1) Healthcare process, 2) Transitional patient safety culture, and 3) Patient participation. Together with the participating hospital departments, GPs and patients, we will develop a tailored improvement programme, taking into account the different context of each setting. __Discussion:__ The purpose of this protocol paper is to present and discuss the research design and methodology of the TIPP intervention

    Cost-Effectiveness of a Proactive Primary Care Program for Frail Older People: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Public Health and primary careGeriatrics in primary carePrevention, Population and Disease management (PrePoD