443 research outputs found

    Country report non-discrimination. The Netherlands 2021

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    Country report non-discrimination. The Netherlands 2020

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    Social Acceptance of Smoking Restrictions During 10 Years of Policy Implementation, Reversal, and Reenactment in the Netherlands:Findings From a National Population Survey

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    Introduction: Little is known about the extent to which smoking restrictions are socially accepted in a country such as the Netherlands where smoking restrictions have been implemented and reversed several times. The current study assessed trends as well as factors associated with two indicators of social acceptance of smoking restrictions in the Netherlands: acceptance of smoking in public places and implementation of home smoking bans. Methods: We used data from the Dutch Continuous Survey of Smoking Habits (DCSSH) between 2005 and 2014 (n = 182 826). The DCSSH is a national population survey with a cross-sectional design in which respondents aged 15 years and older are surveyed weekly. Results: Acceptance of smoking in public places decreased for six out of eight included venues, with the largest decrease for smoking in restaurants. The decrease in acceptance was larger among younger respondents and smokers. Smoking on terraces was an exception: decrease in acceptance there was larger among older respondents and ex-smokers. Implementation of home smoking bans increased over time. Having implemented a home smoking ban was associated with being male, being younger, having a high socioeconomic status, and being ex-or never smoker. Conclusions: Social acceptance of smoking restrictions has increased in the Netherlands, despite a suboptimal implementation process of smoking restrictions. However, there is still potential for improvement as acceptance of smoking is still quite high for some public venues like bars. It is important to strengthen smoking restrictions in order to further denormalize smoking in the Netherlands. Implications: We examined the extent to which smoking restrictions are socially accepted in the Netherlands where smoking restrictions have been implemented and reversed several times. Acceptance of smoking in public places decreased and implementation of home smoking bans increased between 2005 and 2014. Social acceptance of smoking restrictions increased in the Netherlands despite a suboptimal implementation process of smoking restrictions. However, acceptance of smoking in bars remains relatively high

    The Effect of Polyphenols on Working and Episodic Memory in Non-pathological and Pathological Aging: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Life expectancy steadily increases, and so do age-associated diseases, leading to a growing population suffering from cognitive decline and dementia. Impairments in working memory (WM) and episodic memory (EM) are associated with an increased risk of developing dementia. While there are no effective pharmacological therapies to preserve or enhance cognition and to slow down the progression from mild memory complaints to dementia so far, plant-based nutrients including polyphenols have been suggested to exert beneficial effects on brain aging. This review studies whether supplementary polyphenols are effective in preserving or enhancing memory in both non-pathological and pathological aging, and whether there are polyphenol efficiency differences between WM and EM. A systematic literature search was conducted and 66 out of 294 randomized clinical trials with 20 participants or more per group, aged 40 years or older were included. These covered a daily intake of 35–1,600 mg polyphenols, e.g., flavonols, flavonoids, isoflovones, anthocyanins, and/or stilbenes, over the course of 2 weeks to 6.5 years duration. In total, around half of the studies reported a significantly improved performance after polyphenol administration compared to control, while three studies reported a worsening of performance, and the remainder did not observe any effects. According to pooled WM and EM meta-analysis of all memory outcomes reported in 49 studies, overall effect size for WM and EM indicated a significant small positive effect on EM and WM with similar estimates (b ~ 0.24, p < 0.001), with large study heterogeneity and significant Funnel asymmetry tests suggesting a positivity bias. These results remained similar when excluding studies reporting extremely large positive effect sizes from the meta-analyses. While Ginkgo biloba and isoflavones did not show benefits in subgroup meta-analyses, those suggested some effects in extracts containing anthocyanins, other flavonoids and resveratrol, again potentially resulting from publication bias. To conclude, a systematic review and meta-analysis indicate that short- to moderate-term polyphenol interventions might improve WM and EM in middle-to older aged adults, however, publication bias in favor of positive results seems likely, rendering definite conclusions difficult. Future studies with larger, more diverse samples and sensitive monitoring of cardiovascular, metabolic and beginning brain pathologies as well as longer follow-up are needed to better understand the impact of age, (beginning) pathologies, gender, and long-term use on polyphenol action.Peer Reviewe

    Intrekking nationaliteit na terrorismeveroordeling geen schending artikel 8 EVRM. Noot bij EHRM 25 juni 2020 (Ghoumid e.a./Frankrijk)

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    Inleiding 1. In deze zaak toetst het EHRM een beslissing tot ontneming van de nationaliteit na een veroordeling wegens deelname aan de voorbereiding van terroristische activiteiten aan art. 8 EVRM en aan de ne bis in idem-regel in art. 4 van het Zevende Protocol. Het Hof oordeelt dat de ontneming geen onevenredige inbreuk op het privéleven van de veroordeelden vormde, gezien de ernst van de strafbare feiten, die gedurende vele jaren werden begaan, bovendien kort nadat de betrokkenen waren genaturaliseerd of terwijl hun naturalisatieprocedure nog liep. De intrekkingsprocedure was niet arbitrair. Verder oordeelt het Hof dat de ontneming van de nationaliteit geen strafrechtelijke sanctie als bedoeld in art. 4 Zevende Protocol is. De ne bis in idem-regel is daarom niet van toepassing

    Ik zie ik zie wat ik niet zie: Etnisch profileren en structurele rassendiscriminatie in het migratierecht

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    Hoewel de KMar inmiddels heeft laten weten niet door te zullen gaan met etnisch profileren in het kader van MTV-controles, is zulk profileren volgens de Nederlandse rechter niet in strijd met internationale discriminatie- verboden. Dat strookt echter niet met de rechtspraak van het EHRM: als huidskleur, ook al is dat in een optel- som van criteria, beslissend is voor de vraag of iemand wordt staande gehouden is er steeds sprake van een onderscheid in strijd met artikel 1 Protocol 12 EVRM. Tegelijkertijd valt niet te ontkennen dat ras historisch steeds in grote mate bepalend is geweest, en nog steeds is, voor het antwoord op de vraag wie zich relatief vrij over de wereld kan bewegen, en wie niet. Die ongelijke toegang tot legale migratie komt voort uit het koloniale verleden en heeft tot gevolg dat mensen zonder rechtmatig verblijf vooral mensen van kleur zijn. Het verbod om expliciet onderscheid te maken op grond van ras maakt het echter onmogelijk om het structurele verband tussen huidskleur en verblijfsstatus juridisch te erkennen

    Комбинированная кинезотерапия в лечении больных коксартрозом

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    Вивчені результати лікування 54 пацієнтів з коксартрозом. Включення комплексного лікування даного контингенту пацієнтів комбінованої кінезотерапії методикою Євмінова дозволяє підвищити ефективність проведеної терапії.This article studied results of treatment of 54 patients with coxarthrosis. Upon inclusion of the combined kinesitherapy under Evminov method into the complex treatment of the mentioned group of patients it became possible to increase the effectiveness of the whole therapy

    Prevalence of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Context: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) prevalence is high, especially in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes, and is expected to rise steeply in the coming decades. Objective: We estimated NAFLD prevalence in patients with type 1 diabetes and explored associated characteristics and outcomes. Data Sources: We reviewed PubMed and Embase for studies on NAFLD and type 1 diabetes to March 2020. We screened references of included articles. Study Selection: Two authors independently screened titles/abstracts. One author screened full text articles. NAFLD was defined as described in the individual studies: Steatosis and/or fibrosis. Studies not reporting alternative causes of hepatic steatosis or defining NAFLD only as elevated liver enzymes, were excluded. Initially, 919 articles met the selection criteria. Data Extraction: One researcher performed data extraction and risk of bias assessment using standardized tables. Data Synthesis: We assessed pooled prevalence rates by meta-analysis using a random-effects model, subsequently exploring heterogeneity by subgroup-, meta-regression-, and sensitivity analysis. Twenty studies between 2009 and 2019 were included (n = 3901). Pooled NAFLD prevalence was 19.3% (95% CI, 12.3%- 27.5%), increasing to 22.0% (95% CI, 13.9%-31.2%) in adults only. Pooled prevalence of ultrasound studies was high (27.1%, 95% CI, 18.7%-36.3%) compared to studies using magnetic resonance imaging (8.6%, 95% CI, 2.1%-18.6%), liver biopsy (19.3%, 95% CI, 10.0%-30.7%), or transient elastography (2.3%, 95% CI, 0.6%-4.8%). Conclusion: NAFLD prevalence in patients with type 1 diabetes is considerable and is highly dependent on the specific diagnostic modality and NAFLD definition used. These data are helpful in directing actionsto standardize NAFLD diagnosis, which will help defining contributing mechanisms and outcomes

    SAFEGUI: resampling-based tests of categorical significance in gene expression data made easy

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    Summary: A large number of websites and applications perform significance testing for gene categories/pathways in microarray data. Many of these packages fail to account for expression correlation between transcripts, with a resultant inflation in Type I error. Array permutation and other resampling-based approaches have been proposed as solutions to this problem. SAFEGUI provides a user-friendly graphical interface for the assessment of categorical significance in microarray studies, while properly accounting for the effects of correlations among genes. SAFEGUI incorporates both permutation and more recently proposed bootstrap algorithms that are demonstrated to be more powerful in detecting differential expression across categories of genes