9 research outputs found

    Sci Rep

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    Factor V serves an important role in the regulation of blood coagulation. The rs6025 (R534Q) and rs4524 (K858R) polymorphisms in the F5 gene, are known to influence the risk of venous thrombosis. While the rare Q534 (factor V Leiden) allele is associated with an increased risk of venous thrombosis, the minor R858 allele is associated with a lower risk of disease. However, no study has deeply examined the cumulative impact of these two variations on venous thrombosis risk. We study the association of these polymorphisms with the risk of venous thrombosis in 4 French case-control populations comprising 3719 patients and 4086 controls. We demonstrate that the Q534 allele has a dominant effect over R858. Besides, we show that in individuals not carrying the Q534 allele, the protective effect of the R858 allele acts in a dominant mode. Thrombin generation-based normalized activated protein C sensitivity ratio was lower in the 858R/R homozygotes than in the 858K/K homozygotes (1.92 +/- 1.61 vs 2.81 +/- 1.57, p = 0.025). We demonstrate that the R858 allele of the F5 rs4524 variant protects from venous thrombosis only in non-carriers of the Q534 allele of the F5 rs6025. Its protective effect is mediated by reduced factor VIII levels and reduced activated protein C resistance

    Thrombophilia in pregnancy

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    Thrombophilia can be defined as a predisposition to thrombosis. Abnormalities in haemostasis that are associated with clinical thrombophilia include heritable defects, such as mutations in the genes encoding the natural anticoagulants antithrombin, protein C, and protein S, or clotting factors prothrombin and factor V, and acquired defects, such as antiphospholipids. Women with thrombophilic defects have been shown to be at increased risk, not only of pregnancy associated thromboembolism, but also of other vascular complications of pregnancy, including pre-eclampsia and fetal loss. Routine thrombophilia screening of all women attending antenatal clinics is not recommended. Because some thrombophilic defects—for example, type 1 antithrombin deficiency and antiphospholipids—are associated with a high risk of recurrent thrombosis or other pregnancy complications, it is suggested that selected women (those with a personal or confirmed family history of venous thromboembolism or with a history of recurrent fetal loss) are screened for these defects to allow pregnancy management planning. Key Words: thrombophilia ‱ pregnanc