1,008 research outputs found

    New segregates from the Neotropical genus Stryphnodendron (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade)

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    Non-monophyly is a prominent issue in mimosoid legumes, even in some of the less speciose genera such as the neotropical genus Stryphnodendron. This genus includes 35 species occurring from Nicaragua to Southern Brazil mostly in humid forests and savannas. Previous taxonomic studies of Stryphnodendron have highlighted morphologically distinct groups within the genus, recognized by differences on leaves (number of pinnae and size of leaflets), inflorescences (a simple or compound thyrse), and fruit types (legume, nucoid legume or follicle). Recent phylogenetic analyses have confirmed the non-monophyly of Stryphnodendron, supporting the recognition of three independent and morphologically well-delimited genera. Here we re-circumscribe Stryphnodendron and propose the two new genera Gwilymia and Naiadendron. In addition, we also provide an updated taxonomic account of the closely related genus Microlobius, including the proposal of a lectotype for the single species in the genus

    Strategies for cancer treatment based on photonic nanomedicine

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    Traditional cancer treatments, such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, are still the most effective clinical practice options. However, these treatments may display moderate to severe side effects caused by their low temporal or spatial resolution. In this sense, photonic nanomedicine therapies have been arising as an alternative to traditional cancer treatments since they display more control of temporal and spatial resolution, thereby yielding fewer side effects. In this work, we reviewed the challenge of current cancer treatments, using the PubMed and Web of Science database, focusing on the advances of three prominent therapies approached by photonic nanomedicine: (i) photothermal therapy; (ii) photodynamic therapy; (iii) photoresponsive drug delivery systems. These photonic nanomedicines act on the cancer cells through different mechanisms, such as hyperthermic effect and delivery of chemotherapeutics and species that cause oxidative stress. Furthermore, we covered the recent advances in materials science applied in photonic nanomedicine, highlighting the main classes of materials used in each therapy, their applications in the context of cancer treatment, as well as their advantages, limitations, and future perspectives. Finally, although some photonic nanomedicines are undergoing clinical trials, their effectiveness in cancer treatment have already been highlighted by pre-clinical studies

    A Importância na Identificação dos Fatores de Risco para Prevenção do Câncer de Mama

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    O câncer de mama é, provavelmente, o mais temido pelas mulheres, devido a sua elevada freqüência e, sobretudo, pelos efeitos psicológicos que as afetam, alterando a percepção da sexualidade, auto-estima e imagem pessoal. É o segundo tipo de câncer mais freqüente no mundo e o mais comum entre as mulheres. A identificação dos fatores de risco na população feminina constitui uma medida importante para a prevenção e abordagem terapêutica adequada. Foram aplicados questionários sobre fatores de risco para câncer de mama em 266 mulheres. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a análise dos principais fatores de risco relacionados ao câncer de mama nas mulheres, objetivando a detecção precoce e o encaminhamento ao ginecologista, visando reduzir a taxa de mortalidade e, por muitas vezes, evitando a intervenção cirúrgica

    Infantilezas, infâncias e formação de professores na pandemia / Childhoods, childhoods and teacher training in the pandemic

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    A pandemia do COVID-19 impulsionou novas reconfigurações no âmbito da organização pedagógica, da prática docente e em especial da instituição de ensino. Desse modo, para auxiliar os professores nos desafios vivenciados quanto à docência e ao enfrentamento da pandemia, buscamos por meio da implementação de projetos de extensão aproximar a universidade e a escola, promovendo o fortalecimento de vínculos e o desenvolver coletivamente atividades visando manter e fortalecer vínculos e criar vínculos e uma rede de apoio entre as professoras participantes do grupo de extensão. O projeto de extensão foi coordenado pelo grupo de pesquisa. Mediar, vinculado à UNIOESTE. Este pretendeu registrar relatos de professoras e estudantes de Pedagogia ao longo dos encontros remotos públicos entre junho e outubro de 2020, além de promover oficinas formativas acerca das temáticas que emanaram do grupo. Esse artigo organiza reflexões sobre a formação continuada via encontros remotos síncronas com temas agendados. Foram formados grupos de interesse por temáticas e agregaram 200 professores inscritos em atuação nas escolas de Educação Infantil e Ensino Fundamental majoritariamente da região oeste do Paraná.  Neste artigo, relatamos a formação continuada, reafirmamos o papel da universidade como locus dessa formação, sintetizamos as temáticas escolhidas e analisamos as escutas produzidas nos grupos

    Nanostructured Polypyrrole Powder: A Structural and Morphological Characterization

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    Polypyrrole (PPY) powder was chemically synthesized using ferric chloride (FeCl3) and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Le Bail Method, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FTIR), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). XRD pattern showed a broad scattering of a semicrystalline structure composed of main broad peaks centered at 2θ = 11.4°, 22.1°, and 43.3°. Crystallinity percentage was estimated by the ratio between the sums of the peak areas to the area of amorphous broad halo due to the amorphous phase and showed that PPY has around 20 (1)%. FTIR analysis allowed assigning characteristic absorption bands in the structure of PPY. SEM showed micrometric particles of varying sizes with morphologies similar to cauliflower. Crystal data (monoclinic, space group P 21/c, a=7.1499 (2) Å, b=13.9470 (2) Å, c=17.3316 (2) Å, α=90 Å, β=61.5640 (2) Å and γ=90 Å) were obtained using the FullProf package program under the conditions of the method proposed by Le Bail. Molecular relaxation was performed using the density functional theory (DFT) and suggests that tetramer polymer chains are arranged along the “c” direction. Average crystallite size was found in the range of 20 (1) Å. A value of 9.33 × 10−9 S/cm was found for PPY conductivity

    Three-Dimensional and Biomimetic Technology in Cardiac Injury After Myocardial Infarction: Effect of Acellular Devices on Ventricular Function and Cardiac Remodelling

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    Dilated cardiomyopathy (DMC) of ischemic or non-ischemic aetiology remains a lethal condition nowadays. Despite early percutaneous or medical revascularization after an acute myocardial infarct (AMI), many patients still develop DMC and severe heart failure due to cardiac remodelling. Possibility of regenerating myocardium already damaged or at least inducing a more positive cardiac remodelling with use of biodegradable scaffolds has been attempted in many experimental studies, which can be cellular or acellular. In the cellular scaffolds, the cells are incorporated in the structure prior to implantation of the same into the injured tissue. Acellular scaffolds, in turn, are composites that use one or more biomaterials present in the extracellular matrix (ECM), such as proteoglycans non-proteoglycan polysaccharide, proteins and glycoproteins to stimulate the chemotaxis of cellular/molecular complexes as growth factors to initiate specific regeneration. For the development of scaffold, the choice of biomaterials to be used must meet specific biological, chemical and architectural requirements like ECM of the tissue of interest. In acute myocardial infarction, treating the root of the problem by repairing injured tissue is more beneficial to the patient. Inducing more constructive forms of endogenous repair. Thus, patches of acellular scaffolds capable of mimicking the epicardium and ECM should be able to attenuate both cardiac remodelling and adverse cardiac dysfunction

    Influência do ângulo e do coeficiente de atrito nas tensões residuais geradas na trefilação de barras de aço AISI 1045

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    Wire Drawing is one of the most widely used metal forming processes in the manufacture of round steel bars and, of all, this process allows a high dimensional accuracy to the parts. To improve this process, it is necessary to know all the parameters and to identify their influence in the quality of the manufactured product. This study aims to evaluate the influence of friction and the die angle, by numerical simulation, in the residual stresses and distortions generated after heat treatment. Numerical simulations of the drawing process of round bars of AISI 1045 steel were carried out for a given diameter reduction aiming to evaluate the residual stresses in the center and on the surface of the bars. The simulations were performed considering an elastoplastic material from the Simufact.Forming- GP® database software, in which the die angle and the friction coefficient between the tool and the bars were varied. The validity of the simulations was evaluated by comparing the forces taken from simulation and the forces calculated by empirical equations found in the literature. The simulation results showed greater influence of friction and of the die angle in the residual stresses on the surface of the bar. In the center, the influence in the residual stresses is higher for small die angles. With the analysis of the comparison between the forces it may be assumed that the model has been reproduced correctly and that it can predict the force values of the process. Also, there was a greater influence of the die angle relative to the friction coefficient in the emergence of residual stresses.Key words: wire drawing, friction, die angle.Trefilação é um dos processos de conformação mecânica mais utilizados na fabricação de barras redondas de aço. Este processo permite alcançar grande precisão dimensional, ótimo acabamento final, além de melhorar a resistência mecânica do produto final. Para uma melhora do processo, é necessário ter conhecimento dos seus parâmetros, identificar a influência de cada um e controlá-los para manter a qualidade da peça acabada, para que se evitem distorções que acarretam em custos elevados na sua correção. Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar, através de simulação numérica computacional, a influência do coeficiente de atrito e do ângulo de fieira na geração das tensões residuais, comumente associadas às distorções finais de peças trefiladas após tratamento térmico. Foram realizadas simulações numéricas de um processo de trefilação de barras redondas de aço AISI 1045 para uma dada redução de diâmetro com o objetivo de se avaliar o gradiente das tensões residuais no centro e na superfície das barras. As simulações foram realizadas considerando um material em regime elastoplástico do banco de dados do software Simufact. FormingGP®, onde foram variados o ângulo da fieira e o coeficiente de atrito entre a ferramenta e a barra trefilada. Para a validação dessas simulações, foram comparadas as forças geradas pelo processo simulado e as forças calculadas por equações empíricas encontradas na literatura. Os resultados das simulações mostraram maior influência do atrito e do ângulo da fieira nas tensões residuais da superfície da barra. No centro, a influência das tensões residuais é maior para os ângulos menores de fieira. Com a análise da comparação entre as forças, pode-se considerar que o modelo foi reproduzido corretamente e pode prever os valores de força do processo. Evidenciou-se também maior influência do ângulo de fieira em relação ao atrito no surgimento das tensões residuais.Palavras-chave: trefilação, atrito, ângulo de fieira

    Autonomic thermoregulatory dysfunction in neurofibromatosis type 1 Disfunção autonômica termorregulatória na neurofibromatose do tipo 1

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    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is an autosomal dominant disorder, caused by mutations in a single gene (OMIM #162200, neurofibromin, 17 q11.2) affecting the development-maintenance-repair of neural and cutaneous tissues. Neurofibromatosis type 1 is the most common human monogenetic disease (1:3000, affecting nearly 80,000 Brazilian people) and it exhibits marked phenotype expression variability and an unpredictable course 5 , and both features are related to life expectancy, and quality of life. Possible mechanisms involving NF1-reduced muscle strength and aerobic capacity could be neurological abnormalities related to the neurofibromin deficiency, such as poorer motor coordination/activation, as well as lower levels of daily physical activities and motivation for exercising. Both neural disorder and reduced aerobic capacity could adversely affect thermoregulatory capacity, leading to decreased exercise performance in hot environments and heat intolerance with higher risk for heat-related injuries 6 . Despite increases in environmental temperature and/or exercise body metabolism, human internal temperature must be maintained within a small physiological range through heat dissipation, to prevent tissue ABSTRACT Objective: Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) causes neural and cutaneous disorders and reduced exercise capacity. Exercise/heat exposure increasing internal temperature must be compensated by eccrine sweat function and warmed skin vasodilation. We suspected NF1 could adversely affect eccrine sweat function and/or vascular thermoregulatory responses (VTR). Methods: The eccrine sweat function and VTR of 25 NF1 volunteers (14 males, 11 females; 16-57 years old) were compared with 23 non-NF1 controls matched by sex, age, height and weight (CG). Sweating was induced by 1) pilocarpine 1% iontophoresis (PILO); and 2) by passive heating (HEAT) via the lower third of the legs being immersed in 42°C water for one hour. Previously established eccrine sweat function and VTR protocols were used. Results: The NF1 group showed: a) lower sweat rate than the CG group during PILO; b) a smaller diastolic pressure decrease; and c) higher tympanic temperatures than controls during HEAT (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Reduced sweating and vascular thermoregulatory responses suggest autonomic dysfunction in NF1 individuals. Keywords: neurofibromatosis 1; sweating; primary dysautonomias; body temperature regulation. RESUMO Objetivo: Neurofibromatose do tipo 1 (NF1) causa problemas neurais e cutâneos e diminuição da capacidade física. O aumento da temperatura interna durante exercício e exposição ao calor precisa ser compensada pela função sudorípara écrina (FSE) e aquecimento cutâneo por vasodilatação (RVT). Suspeitou-se clinicamente que a NF1 poderia prejudicar a FSE e a RVT. Métodos: A FSE e RVT de 25 voluntários com NF1 (14 homens, 11 mulheres; 16-57 anos) e de 23 sem-NF1, emparelhados por sexo, idade, estatura e peso corporal, foram medidas com protocolos validados anteriormente. A sudorese foi induzida por iontoforese com pilocarpina (PILO) e aquecimento passivo por imersão das pernas em água a 42°C durante uma hora (HEAT). Resultados: O grupo NF1 apresentou menor taxa de sudorese na situação PILO, menor redução da pressão diastólica e maior temperatura timpânica na situação HEAT (p < 0.05). Conclusão: As respostas sudorípara e vascular reduzidas sugerem disfunção autonômica nas pessoas com NF1. Palavras-chave: neurofibromatose 1; sudorese; disautonomia primária; regulação da temperatura corporal

    Optimization of Laccase Production, and Characterization of Lignin Degradation Products by Fusarium oxysporum JUMAD-053

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    The objective of this work was to optimize the culture conditions for laccase production in the presence of Kraft lignin by Fusarium oxysporum JUMAD-053, and to evaluate the biodegradation products of lignin. The fungal isolate that presented highest laccase activity had its production optimized by a statistical factorial design 33 in 15 experimental runs. F. oxysporum presented the highest constitutive laccase titer (5.37 U/mL). Statistical factorial design demonstrated a maximum laccase titer of 9.8 U/mL when assayed against ABTS under the conditions optimized: 1.125% (w/v) yeast extract, 0.5% (w/v) Kraft lignin and 10 days of cultivation. The maximum laccase titer when assayed on DMP was 8.4 U/mL, following the conditions optimized: 1.125% yeast extract, 0.25% Kraft lignin and 7 days of cultivation. The analysis of cultures led to identification of metabolites; two being aromatic: 2,6-dimethoxy benzoic acid and sesamin; also, fumonisin and long-chain fatty acids. As a result of the study, the maximum laccase activities of 9.8 and 8.4 U/mL measured from ABTS and DMP substrates, respectively. The search shows new sources of fungal laccase for obtaining new metabolites of biodegradation from Kraft lignin in culture medium. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i5.162