14 research outputs found

    Novel Zinc-Related Differentially Methylated Regions in Leukocytes of Women With and Without Obesity

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    INTRODUCTION: Nutriepigenetic markers are predictive responses associated with changes in “surrounding” environmental conditions of humans, which may influence metabolic diseases. Although rich in calories, Western diets could be linked with the deficiency of micronutrients, resulting in the downstream of epigenetic and metabolic effects and consequently in obesity. Zinc (Zn) is an essential nutrient associated with distinct biological roles in human health. Despite the importance of Zn in metabolic processes, little is known about the relationship between Zn and epigenetic. Thus, the present study aimed to identify the epigenetic variables associated with Zn daily ingestion (ZnDI) and serum Zinc (ZnS) levels in women with and without obesity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a case-control, non-randomized, single-center study conducted with 21 women allocated into two groups: control group (CG), composed of 11 women without obesity, and study group (SG), composed of 10 women with obesity. Anthropometric measurements, ZnDI, and ZnS levels were evaluated. Also, leukocyte DNA was extracted for DNA methylation analysis using 450 k Illumina BeadChips. The epigenetic clock was calculated by Horvath method. The chip analysis methylation pipeline (ChAMP) package selected the differentially methylated regions (DMRs). RESULTS: The SG had lower ZnS levels than the CG. Moreover, in SG, the ZnS levels were negatively associated with the epigenetic age acceleration. The DMR analysis revealed 37 DMRs associated with ZnDI and ZnS levels. The DMR of PM20D1 gene was commonly associated with ZnDI and ZnS levels and was hypomethylated in the SG. CONCLUSION: Our findings provide new information on Zn's modulation of DNA methylation patterns and bring new perspectives for understanding the nutriepigenetic mechanisms in obesity

    Interações medicamentosas potenciais em prescrições de pacientes da unidade de infectologia de um hospital universitário / Potential drug interactions in patients’ prescriptions in the infectious disease unit of a university hospital

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    Introdução: Os pacientes internados constituem o grupo mais suscetível a sofrerem interações medicamentosas (IM) devido à adição de novos medicamentos, prescrição de regimes terapêuticos complexos e presença de comorbidades. As IM são um problema de saúde pública por necessitarem em sua maioria de cuidados médicos, podendo causar risco de vida aos pacientes, o que eleva os custos hospitalares por conta do aumento do tempo de internação. Objetivo: Avaliar as IM potenciais em prescrições de pacientes admitidos na unidade de infectologia de um hospital universitário de Sergipe. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo observacional exploratório, com delineamento longitudinal prospectivo, em pacientes admitidos no serviço de infectologia do hospital. Foram incluídos os pacientes com 18 anos ou mais, com 2 ou mais medicamentos prescritos e que permaneceram internados por, no mínimo, 7 dias. As reinternações foram excluídas. As IM foram identificadas pelo Drugdex System – Thomson Micromedex® – Interactions. Resultados: Dos 131 pacientes internados na enfermaria de infectologia, 78% apresentaram IM. Destas, 43,7% foram consideradas de gravidade moderada e 50,8% com documentação boa. Os pacientes foram analisados em três momentos, no 1º dia (D1), no 7º dia (D7) e no 15º dia (D15), e percebeu-se uma tendência temporal de aumento da utilização de medicamentos na amostra total de pacientes (D1: 6,3; D7: 8,1 e D15: 8,7), bem como do aumento proporcional das IM (D1: 2,1; D7: 3,2 e D15: 3,9). Conclusão: O conhecimento do perfil da unidade de infectologia vai permitir aos provedores de saúde a escolha de esquemas terapêuticos, vias de administrações e cuidados com os pacientes mais seguros, proporcionado um atendimento de qualidade com prevenção de danos

    14-weeks combined exercise epigenetically modulated 118 genes of menopausal women with prediabetes

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    Background: Pre-diabetes precedes Diabetes Mellitus (DM) disease and is a critical period for hyperglycemia treatment, especially for menopausal women, considering all metabolic alterations due to hormonal changes. Recently, the literature has demonstrated the role of physical exercise in epigenetic reprogramming to modulate the gene expression patterns of metabolic conditions, such as hyperglycemia, and prevent DM development. In the present study, we hypothesized that physical exercise training could modify the epigenetic patterns of women with poor glycemic control. Methods: 48 post-menopause women aged 60.3 ± 4.5 years were divided according to their fasting blood glucose levels into two groups: Prediabetes Group, PG (n=24), and Normal Glucose Group, NGG (n=24). All participants performed 14 weeks of physical exercise three times a week. The Infinium Methylation EPIC BeadChip measured the participants’ Different Methylated Regions (DMRs). Results: Before the intervention, the PG group had 12 DMRs compared to NGG. After the intervention, five DMRs remained different. Interestingly, when comparing the PG group before and after training, 118 DMRs were found. The enrichment analysis revealed that the genes were related to different biological functions such as energy metabolism, cell differentiation, and tumor suppression. Conclusion: Physical exercise is a relevant alternative in treating hyperglycemia and preventing DM in post-menopause women with poor glycemic control

    Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda (LLA) na população pediátrica: marcadores moleculares e implicações terapêuticas

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    A Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda (LLA) é uma forma comum de câncer pediátrico, representando cerca de 80% dos casos de leucemia em crianças. A patologia é caracterizada pela proliferação descontrolada de células-tronco hematopoéticas na medula óssea, e avanços recentes na pesquisa genômica têm proporcionado uma compreensão mais profunda da complexidade molecular subjacente à doença. O presente estudo tem como objetivo oferecer uma visão abrangente dos principais marcadores moleculares e implicações terapêuticas associadas à LLA na população pediátrica. Este estudo, baseado em uma revisão sistemática da literatura científica, abrange o período de 2013 a 2023, utilizando as bases de dados PubMed (Medline), Cochrane Library e Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). Marcadores moleculares preponderantes, como rearranjos cromossômicos específicos (t(12;21), t(1;19), t(9;22)), mutações genéticas distintivas (ETV6-RUNX1, E2A-PBX1, TP53) e amplificação do gene BCR-ABL1, têm sido objeto de estudo aprofundado. Esses marcadores desempenham um papel crucial na estratificação de risco e prognóstico, permitindo uma abordagem mais personalizada no tratamento da LLA em crianças. As implicações terapêuticas derivadas desses marcadores são vastas, destacando a promissora era das terapias direcionadas. Terapias específicas para mutações, como aquelas direcionadas à mutação BCR-ABL1, e inovações em imunoterapia estão moldando o cenário do tratamento da LLA, proporcionando resultados mais eficazes e menos tóxicos. Os resultados destacam a eficácia das terapias direcionadas e a necessidade contínua de pesquisa para otimizar a intervenção terapêutica, melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes pediátricos afetados pela LLA e explorar novas facetas do tratamento. Em conclusão, este artigo fornece uma análise aprofundada dos marcadores moleculares e terapias associadas à LLA na população pediátrica, destacando avanços significativos e delineando áreas para investigação futura

    Evaluation of volumetric absorptive microsampling for chemical elements determination in blood by ICP-MS

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    Os elementos químicos desempenham um papel fundamental na saúde humana. Assim, é importante monitorar os níveis destes, a fim de avaliar a exposição da população. O uso de coletas alternativas têm sido proposta para determinação de elementos químicos, como o Dried Blood Spot (DBS). As análises quantitativas empregando este sistema apresentam duas limitações: efeito do hematócrito e não-homogeneidade do analito. Diante destas limitações, outras técnicas de coleta foram criadas, como o VAMS (microamostragem volumétrica absortiva). Este dispositivo consiste em uma ponta branca absorvente ligada a uma haste de plástico, projetada para absorver um volume fixo de amostra, de 10 ou 20 &micro;L. Este sistema supera as desvantagens do DBS e tem sido utilizado na determinação de uma ampla variedade de analitos. Os métodos propostos para análises de elementos químicos com VAMS limitam-se à determinação de poucos analitos e/ou utilizam técnicas analíticas mais complexas e de maior custo. Assim, o presente trabalho objetivou desenvolver e validar uma metodologia com VAMS de 20 &micro;L, para determinação de Li, Be, Mg, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Cu, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Cd, Cs, Ba, Hg, Tl, Pb e Bi no sangue total, por meio de espectrometria de massas com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-MS), e estabelecer um protocolo de descontaminação para viabilizar a reutilização do dispositivo. O método apresentou valores adequados de linearidade, limite de detecção e limite de quantificação, bem como valores satisfatórios de recuperação (próximos a 100%) e precisão ( 0,05) comparado ao relatório de conformidade do fabricante, no entanto, apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante (p 0.05) to the manufacturer\'s certificate of conformance, however, it showed a statistically significant difference (p <0.05) from a calibrated pipette. The ultrasound bath for 30 minutes proved to be a good option for VAMS processing, with efficient extraction (recoveries close to 100%) and preparation of a larger number of samples in a relatively short time. The VAMS devices were subjected to a decontamination process, which made it possible to quantify Ni and Li, as the other chemical elements. The developed method is an option to simplify blood collection and sample preparation processes, and is a good alternative for large-scale human biomonitoring studies in vulnerable populations, especially in countries with large geographical areas and hard-to-reach areas such as Brazil

    In vitro evaluation of potential new photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy in murine breast cancer cells

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ceilândia, 2017.Diante das limitações do tratamento convencional do câncer de mama, outras modalidades terapêuticas têm sido propostas e, dentre elas, pode ser listada a terapia fotodinâmica (TFD). A TFD tem se apresentado como uma alternativa segura e eficaz no tratamento do câncer, no entanto, os principais fármacos fotossensibilizantes (FS) utilizados para esta terapia apresentam algumas desvantagens que interferem negativamente na eficácia e na segurança do tratamento. Desta maneira, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar cinco novos compostos sintéticos como possíveis FS para a terapia fotodinâmica. Dos cinco compostos estudados, o composto 1 mostrou-se um bom candidato a FS, com boas características fotofísicas, pico de absorção de luz em 670 nm, capacidade de gerar oxigênio singlete e de reduzir a viabilidade de células 4T1 (câncer de mama murino) in vitro, quando fotoativado por luz vermelha e baixa citotoxicidade no escuro tanto em células 4T1 quanto em NIH-3T3 (fibroblasto murino). Após 15 minutos de exposição, o composto concentra-se principalmente nas organelas lisossomo, mitocôndria e retículo endoplasmático, que são componentes celulares chaves no mecanismo citotóxico da TFD.In view of the limitations of the conventional treatment of breast cancer, others therapeutic modalities have been proposed and, among them, the photodynamic therapy (PDT) is listed. The PDT has been proven to be a safe and effective alternative in the treatment of cancer. However, the main photosensitizers (PS) used in this therapy have some disadvantages that negatively affect the efficacy and safety of the treatment. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate five new synthetic compounds as possible PS for PDT. The compound 1 showed to be a good candidate as PS, with good photophysical chacacteristics, absorption in 670 nm, ability to generate singlet oxygen and to reduce cancer cell 4T1 viability under photoactivation and low cytotoxicity in the dark in both 4T1 and NIH-3T3 cells. After 15 minutes of exposure, the compound is mainly concentrated in organelles such as lysosome, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, which are important cellular targets in PDT


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    Scoping review to characterize biomonitoring studies that assess exposure to essential and toxic elements in humans in the neonatal perio

    Induction of Immunogenic Cell Death by Photodynamic Therapy Mediated by Aluminum-Phthalocyanine in Nanoemulsion

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been clinically employed to treat mainly superficial cancer, such as basal cell carcinoma. This approach can eliminate tumors by direct cytotoxicity, tumor ischemia, or by triggering an immune response against tumor cells. Among the immune-related mechanisms of PDT, the induction of immunogenic cell death (ICD) in target cells is to be cited. ICD is an apoptosis modality distinguished by the emission of damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMP). Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the immunogenicity of CT26 and 4T1 treated with PDT mediated by aluminum-phthalocyanine in nanoemulsion (PDT-AlPc-NE). Different PDT-AlPc-NE protocols with varying doses of energy and AlPc concentrations were tested. The death mechanism and the emission of DAMPs&ndash;CRT, HSP70, HSP90, HMGB1, and IL-1&beta;&ndash;were analyzed in cells treated in vitro with PDT. Then, the immunogenicity of these cells was assessed in an in vivo vaccination-challenge model with BALB/c mice. CT26 and 4T1 cells treated in vitro with PDT mediated by AlPc IC50 and a light dose of 25 J/cm2 exhibited the hallmarks of ICD, i.e., these cells died by apoptosis and exposed DAMPs. Mice injected with these IC50 PDT-treated cells showed, in comparison to the control, increased resistance to the development of tumors in a subsequent challenge with viable cells. Mice injected with 4T1 and CT26 cells treated with higher or lower concentrations of photosensitizer and light doses exhibited a significantly lower resistance to tumor development than those injected with IC50 PDT-treated cells. The results presented in this study suggest that both the photosensitizer concentration and light dose affect the immunogenicity of the PDT-treated cells. This event can affect the therapy outcomes in vivo

    Synthesis and Evaluation of New Potential Benzo[a]phenoxazinium Photosensitizers for Anticancer Photodynamic Therapy

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    The use of photodynamic therapy (PDT) and development of novel photosensitizers (PSs) for cancer treatment have received more and more attention nowadays. In the present work, five benzo[a]phenoxazinium derivatives have been prepared and evaluated for their in vitro anticancer photodynamic activity for the first time. They are red light absorbers and show low fluorescence quantum yield. Of these compounds, PS4 exhibited a higher quantum yield for reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. The assays with cells in vitro showed that PS1 and PS4 were not significantly toxic in the dark, but was robustly toxic against the murine breast adenocarcinoma cells 4T1 and normal murine fibroblast cells NIH-3T3 upon photoactivation. More interestingly, PS5 was particularly selective towards 4T1 cancer cells and nearly non-phototoxic to non-cancerous NIH-3T3 cells. The results described in this report suggest that these new benzo[a]phenoxazinium derivatives are potential candidates as PSs for anticancer PDT. Further investigation of benzo[a]phenoxaziniums for anticancer PDT is warranted