157 research outputs found

    In vitro characterization of endophytic bacteria associated with physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) and their potential for plant-growth promotion and biocontrol / Caracterização in vitro de bactérias endofíticas associadas ao pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas L.) e seu potencial de promoção de crescimento vegetal e biocontrole

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    The physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) is a shrubby plant of perennial cycle, belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae, from Central America and currently vegetates spontaneously in diverse regions of the planet. The commercial interest in Brazil occurred due to the desirable characteristics of that crop as an agricultural option for renewal of the Brazilian energy base, being a promising raw material for biodiesel production. Oil plants that have a high biotechnological potential may have a genetically diverse microbial population with characteristics of promoting the growth of multifunctional plants. Plant growth-promoting endophytes (PGPE) are of biotechnological interest since they can improve the growth of several important agronomical crops. The present study aimed the biochemistry characterization of thirty-seven endophytic bacteria strains associated with J. curcas plants, with the potential of plant growth promotion. Of this total of evaluated strains, 75% showed positive results for fixation of nitrogen, 62% produced IAA in the presence of the tryptophan precursor, 32% solubilized inorganic phosphate and 35% exhibited antagonistic activities against phytopathogenic fungi (Lasiodiplodia. subglobosa, L. euphorbicola, and L. pseudotheobromae) in physic nut. To our knowledge, this is the first report of this potential of biocontrol against Lasiodiplodia species. Among the thirty-seven bacterial isolates identified by partial sequencing of the 16S gene, the presence of the genera Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Citrobacter, Curtobacterium, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, Leucobacter, Lysinibacillus, Microbacterium, Rhodococcus, and Serratia was observed. Our results indicated that the cultivable endophytic bacteria isolated from J. curcas have the potential to demonstrate multiple characteristics of PGPE in vitro and have the potential for other large-scale assays such as biofertilizer and biopesticides. 

    In vitro bioaccessibility of antioxidant compounds from structured fruits developed with gellan gum and agar

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    Funding Information: The authors acknowledge CNPq and CAPES for scholarship, and the company Pomar da Polpa for supplying the raw material used in this study. Publisher Copyright: © 2022This study aims to evaluate the bioaccessibility of antioxidant compounds of structured fruits. Samples were prepared with 50% of each pulp (mango/caja, mango/cashew apple and mango/acerola), agar and gellan gum (low acyl-LA and high acyl-HA) in LA:HA ratios of: 100:0, 75:25 and 50:50, in a concentration of 0.75%. There was a reduction in the antioxidant compounds contents after in vitro digestion. The bioaccessible ascorbic acid levels ranged from 15.10% (LA100/HA0 mango/acerola) to 71.18% (LA50/HA50 mango/cashew apple); Total Extractable Polyphenols (TEP) ranged from 24.58% (mango/caja pulp) to 75.50% (LA75/HA25 mango/acerola); antioxidant activity ranged from 21.10% (LA75/HA25 mango/caja) to 51.05% (LA75/HA25 mango/acerola). Mango/acerola ascorbic acid bioaccessibility was lower and the mango/cashew apple HA gellan gum sample antioxidant activity was higher than pulp, probably due to temperature increasing at processing. It was concluded that the agar and gellan gum (HA and LA) hydrocolloids were able to contain these compounds in the production process of the structured and during digestion, which proves the similarity of structured fruits with fresh pulps.publishersversionpublishe


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    The present work aimed to characterize the cashew nut bran during several stages of processing, with emphasis in the quantification of total extractable polyphenols and total antioxidant activity. The cashew nut bran was analyzed for the following parameters: water activity, total acidity, pH, moisture, ash, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, total extractable polyphenols and total antioxidant activity by the methods ABTS•+ and DPPH•. There was a decrease in the water activity and moisture in cashew nut bran during processing. The highest values of total extractable polyphenols and antioxidant activity were observed in raw bran due to peel adhered in these nuts


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    Cashew nuts have high nutritional value. This nut providesmacronutrients, micronutrients and a large variety of antioxidants,such as phenolic compounds. There are losses in some compoundsduring the processing of fruits and there are very few studies onthis aspect. Given the above, this research aimed to determine theeff ect of the processing steps on cashew nut characteristics withemphasis on total antioxidant activity. Signifi cant diff erences wereobserved between the processing steps for all the chemical andphysical-chemical characteristics studied. Cashew nuts containedhigh levels of lipids and energy, low content of moisture and wateractivity and medium content of phenolic compounds (51.33 GAE/100g) and antioxidant activity by the ABTS•+ radical (6.49 μM Trolox/g)at the end of the process. Regarding the total antioxidant activity,it was observed that the ABTS•+ radical method can be consideredappropriate to measure the antioxidant activity of cashew nuts, sincethe results presented lower coeffi cients of variation and expressproportionate results to other methods


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    A presente revisão de literatura teve como objetivo explicar os mecanismos da oxidação lipídica, mostrando os principais métodos de detecção da sua ocorrência em alimentos. Foram abordados ainda o seu efeito nos alimentos e em que etapa do processamento a oxidação costuma ocorrer. Diversas metodologias foram criadas com o intuito de quantificar e identificar a ocorrência da oxidação de lipídios em alimentos, algumas envolvem métodos químicos e físico-químicos e outras são realizadas por meio de testes sensoriais. A utilização de métodos de quantificação juntamente com a aplicação das avaliações sensoriais torna-se útil para analisar como o aumento da ocorrência de processos oxidativos irá ser detectada, representando alternativa para se estimar a manutenção da qualidade sensorial e a aceitação do produto no mercado consumidor

    Pesquisa mercadológica: consumo de molho de frutas em Fortaleza e Região Metropolitana, Ceará, Brasil / Market research: consumption of fruit sauce in Fortaleza and Metropolitan Region, Ceara, Brazil

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    O conhecimento dos hábitos do consumidor melhora as estratégias para desenvolvimento de novos produtos com êxito no mercado alimentício. Dessa forma, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi realizar um levantamento de dados socioeconômicos, de consumo e de preferência dos consumidores da cidade de Fortaleza e Região Metropolitana (Ceará, Brasil) em relação a molho de frutas (MF). Utilizou-se um questionário online, o qual foi divulgado em mídias sociais e respondido voluntariamente. Os dados qualitativos foram submetidos ao teste estatístico qui-quadrado (p<0,10) e apresentados em histogramas de frequência. Obteve-se 462 respostas, sendo em sua maior parte do sexo feminino (67%), na faixa etária de 18 a 35 anos (86 %) e com graduação e pós-graduação (78%). As regionais III e V apresentaram maior concentração de consumidores. Foi observado relação entre a idade e o consumo de molhos, sendo maior na faixa etária de 18 a 25 anos. Este mesmo grupo também mostrou maior interesse no consumo de MF. Sobre as embalagens, foi observado que há preferência por vidro ou plástico contendo 200 g do produto e que as mulheres são os consumidores que mais leem os rótulos no momento da compra. Segundo os consumidores, a pouca disponibilidade e variedade deste produto no mercado é que impede sua disseminação e maior consumo. Assim, o consumo de MF pode ser direcionado para pessoas com idade entre 18 e 25 anos, mulheres, com classe social média e com graduação e pós-graduação. Sendo MF uma boa opção para a implementação de um novo produto no mercado alimentício


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    This study aimed to develop beverages of mixed nectars of tropicalfruits and to determine the best accepted formulation. The pureeblend contents were: cashew apple (12.25-21.00 g 100 g-1); acerola(1.75-10.50 g 100 g-1); and mango (12.25-21.00 g 100 g-1), varyingaccording to a mixture design. The evaluated responses were basedon physicochemical, chemical and sensorial determinations. Themodels for antioxidant activity, overall acceptance, ascorbic acidcontent, phenolic content and viscosity were statistically signifi cant(P ≤ 0.05). The formulation with 12.25 g of cashew apple puree100 g-1, 21.00 g of mango puree 100 g-1 and 1.75 g of acerola puree100 g-1 was the best accepted by the tasters. Mango and cashewapple purees must be present in a greater proportion in the mixture,since they have high fl avour acceptance. The antioxidant activity ofmixed nectars was most increased by acerola, followed by cashewapple. A high correlation was observed between antioxidant activityand acerola puree content and there was also a high correlationbetween antioxidant activity and both ascorbic acid and total phenoliccontents


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    Foram obtidos dois produtos de banana por desidratação osmótica, um sob pressão atmosférica e outro sob vácuo, com complemento de secagem em estufa. A estabilidade dos produtos foi estudada, durante 120 dias, mediante análises físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais. Nesse período, os produtos ficaram armazenados em temperatura ambiente (23,4-34,1oC) e umidade relativa entre 33-81%. Concluiu-se que os produtos mantiveram suas características químicas, físico-químicas e sensoriais, além de estabilidade microbiológica (pouca variação durante o período de armazenamento). Somente a cor dos produtos apresentou variação expressiva. Sugere-se o tratamento utilizando osmose com vácuo seguido de secagem para produção de banana passa. EVALUATION OF PRODUCTS OBTAINED BY THE BANANAS OSMOTIC DEHYDRATION FOLLOWED OF DRYING Abstract It was obtained two bananas products through osmotic dehydration, one under atmospheric pressure and other under vacuum, with drying complement in stove. The storage stability of these products was studied, during 120 days, through physicalchemical, microbiological and sensorial analysis. In this period, the products were stored at room temperature (23,4-34,1oC) and relative humidity between 33-81%. It was concluded that the obtained products maintained their chemical, physico-chemical and sensory characteristics, beyond microbiological stability (small variations during the storage period). Only the color of the produtcs presented more expressive variations. Therefore it is suggested the treatment using osmosis with vacuum followed by oven drying for the production of banana fig