11 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to describe a case of malpractice in the diagnosis of bilateral inguinal cryptorchidism in a cat. A cat was attended at the Teachdfring Veterinary Hospital. The owner requested elective spaying. The owner declared it to be a female. Blood tests and ultrasound were performed to discard pregnancy. The animal was referred for routine ovariohysterectomy (OH). However, it was not possible to locate the ovaries and uterus and the laparotomy was finished. In the immediate postoperative period, the external genitalia was examined again. In this examination, the penis was located, but the testicles were not detected. The animal was released and thirty days later returned for further consultation. On this occasion, a thorough physical examination and ultrasound examination of the inguinal region were performed. In this exam it was verified that the animal presented inguinal cryptorchidism. Cryptorchidism in cats is often diagnosed during physical examination, but ultrasound (US) is useful in diagnosing cryptorchidism. The animal was submitted to orchiectomy and, during the surgical procedure, both testicles were located, characterizing bilateral inguinal cryptorchidism. Although the ectopic testicles in the inguinal region may be covered by a fatty plaque, making palpation difficult, the cat's penis can be seen through simple manual exposure. Probably such a maneuver was not performed in the first consultation, which led to an error in the identification of sex. It was concluded that the detailed evaluation in the physical exam is of fundamental importance in any surgical procedure.O objetivo deste relato é descrever um caso de imperícia no diagnóstico de criptorquidismo inguinal bilateral em um gato. Foi atendido um gato em um Hospital Veterinário Universitário para castração eletiva. O tutor declarou ser uma fêmea. Foi realizado exame de sangue e ultrassonografia (US) para descarte de gestação. O animal foi encaminhado para ovariohisterectomia (OH) de rotina. No entanto, não foi possível localizar os ovários e o útero e a laparotomia foi encerrada. No pós-operatório imediato examinou-se novamente a genitália externa. Neste exame, o pênis foi localizado, mas não foram detectados os testículos. O animal foi liberado e trinta dias depois retornou para nova consulta. Nesta ocasião, realizou-se exame físico minucioso e exame ultrassonográfico da região inguinal, constatando-se que o animal apresentava criptorquidismo inguinal. Muitas vezes o criptorquidismo nos gatos é diagnosticado durante o exame físico, mas a US é útil no diagnóstico de criptorquidismo. O animal foi submetido à orquiectomia e, durante o procedimento cirúrgico, foram localizados os dois testículos, caracterizando criptorquidismo inguinal bilateral. Embora os testículos ectópicos na região inguinal possam estar cobertos por uma placa de gordura, dificultando a palpação, o pênis do gato pode ser visto através de simples exposição manual. Provavelmente tal manobra não foi realizada na primeira consulta, o que levou a um erro na identificação do sexo. Concluiu-se que a avaliação detalhada no exame físico é de fundamental importância em qualquer procedimento cirúrgico

    Pyometra in a Bitch Possibly Caused by Simultaneous Administration of Levonorgestrel and Estradiol Cypionate

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    Background: Toxicological events in animals may be accidental or intentional and could occur in the home environment. These events could involve different agents such as pesticides, rodenticides, medicines, foods, and plants. Indiscriminate use of medication in pets by their owners is common. Self-medication of animals with drugs for human use can cause irreversible damage to their health. The emergency contraceptive pill (morning-after pill), comprising concentrated hormonal compounds, is sold freely in Brazil. The objective of this article was to report a case of pyometra in a bitch possibly caused by simultaneous administration of human emergency contraceptive pill along with a veterinary contraceptive medication.              Case: A 6-year-old bitch was referred to a Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for abdominal enlargement. According to the guardian, during estrus (30 days before the consultation) the female dog was covered. After intercourse, the owner administered a human emergency contraceptive pill (morning-after pill) and a veterinary contraceptive. Physical examination revealed severe dehydration (10%) and high temperature, besides the abdominal enlargement. The hemogram revealed leukocytosis with a left shift, characteristic of infection. After clinical examination, closed pyometra was suspected, and later confirmed by ultrasonography. Due to the poor clinical condition, fluid therapy was performed, and a systemic antibiotic was administered. After stabilization, the patient underwent ovariohysterectomy. In the postoperative period, the fluid therapy was continued, and antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs were administered. Two days after surgery, the patient was discharged for home recovery.  Discussion: Most cases of drug poisoning in animals involve female dogs, similar to the patient in this report. There is no theory elucidating the same, but the rate of incidence in female dogs has been reported to be higher than that in male dogs in the veterinary clinical routine. The administration of medicines at the guardian’s discretion, as seen in this case, is common in Brazil. The drugs involved may be of veterinary or human use. Drug intoxication is linked to the culture of self-medication. If the animal presents a symptom similar to that of a human, the guardian dispenses the same medicine used for him to their pet animal. Thus, it can be inferred that the guardian of the bitch in this report had the habit of self-medication and adopted the same conduct with the pet. The emergency contraceptive pill used here consisted of levonorgestrel, a progestin-type of hormone. No reports of levonorgestrel use have been reported in dogs; therefore, the mode of action of the drug in the canine species is unknown. The administration of progestogens in bitches is one of the main causes of reproductive diseases in the species. One of the diseases related to the use of contraceptives in bitches is pyometra. Despite the evidence, the human contraceptive cannot be determined as the cause of pyometra, because a veterinary contraceptive was also administered. Pyometra probably occurred due to the combined effect of both drugs. Thus, this case was diagnosed as drug intoxication. Veterinarians should be alert on this subject and invest in awareness and prevention of self-medication in animals by their guardians.

    Estabilidade oxidativa da carne e derivados cárneos com o uso de antioxidantes naturais ou sintéticos em artigos publicados na base de dados da Scielo: revisão de literatura

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    A estabilidade e a qualidade de um alimento armazenado por um período prolongado requerem o uso de antioxidantes tanto sintéticos quanto naturais. No entanto, devido à crescente preocupação em adquirir hábitos alimentares saudáveis e o interesse em consumir produtos alimentícios sem uso de aditivos sintéticos, tornase necessária a pesquisa de fontes de antioxidantes naturais, tendo em vista que a carne é um alimento altamente susceptível à oxidação lipídica em função do teor de ácidos graxos insaturados na sua composição. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um levantamento de artigos publicados na base de dados da Scielo relacionados ao uso de antioxidantes naturais e sintéticos na carne ou derivados cárneos ou adicionados ração consumida pelos animais. Como estratégia de pesquisa dos dados, utilizou-se as seguintes palavras-chave: “carne e TBARS”, “meat and TBARS”, “carne e antioxidante”, “meat and antioxidant”. No total foram identificados 71 artigos oriundos do Brasil, África do Sul, Colômbia, Espanha, Chile, Cuba e Venezuela. No entanto, somente 12 artigos foram analisados, visto que o estudo focou em trabalhos que tivessem sido desenvolvidos com o uso de antioxidantes na carne ou ração dos animais. A utilização de antioxidantes proporciona na sua grande maioria uma melhor estabilidade das propriedades funcionais da carne e seus derivados por meio da diminuição da peroxidação lipídica, promovendo maior tempo de prateleira da carne. No entanto, atenção deve ser dada à legislação que regulamenta o uso dos antioxidantes conforme as suas concentrações limites, permitindo o controle dos processos oxidativos sem comprometer a segurança alimentar