1,464 research outputs found

    A sabre-tooth felid from Coopers Cave (Gauteng, South Africa) and its implications for Megantereon (Felidae: Machairodontinae) taxonomy

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    Metrical and morphological analysis of a new sabre-tooth felid mandible recovered from the Plio-Pleistocene hominid-bearing site of Coopers, South Africa, indicates that it can be assigned to the genus Megantereon, though it is by some measures the smallest individual of this taxon yet described. Comparison of morphological variability within this genus to that found within four extant, medium-sized felid species (Acinonyx jubatus, Neofelis nebulosa, Panthera pardus and P. uncia) and the extinct genus Smilodon (sister taxon of Megantereon) provides confirmation of the suggestion by Martínez-Navarro&Palmqvist (1995, 1996) that Megantereon is a geographically polymorphic genus comprised of at least two species: M. cultridens (Cuvier, 1824) of North America and Europe and M. whitei (Broom, 1937) of Africa and Europe.Duke University’s Undergraduate Research Support Office, Howard Hughes Program and Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy; the Palaeo-Anthropology Scientific Trust (PAST); the National Geographic Society; and the Wenner-Gren Foundation (grant 6914 to D.J.D.

    Actively coping with violation:Exploring upward dissent patterns in functional, dysfunctional, and deserted psychological contract end states

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    Recently, scholars have emphasized the importance of examining how employees cope with psychological contract violation and how the coping process contributes to psychological contract violation resolution and post-violation psychological contracts. Recent work points to the important role of problem-focused coping. Yet, to date, problem-focused coping strategies have not been conceptualized on a continuum from constructive to destructive strategies. Consequently, potential differences in the use of specific types of problem-focused coping strategies and the role these different strategies play in the violation resolution process has not been explored. In this study, we stress the importance of focusing on different types of problem-focused coping strategies. We explore how employee upward dissent strategies, conceptualized as different forms of problem-focused coping, contribute to violation resolution and post-violation psychological contracts. Two sources of data were used. In-depth interviews with supervisors of a Dutch car lease company provided 23 case descriptions of employee-supervisor interactions after a psychological contract violation. Moreover, a database with descriptions of Dutch court sentences provided eight case descriptions of employee-organization interactions following a perceived violation. Based on these data sources, we explored the pattern of upward dissent strategies employees used over time following a perceived violation. We distinguished between functional (thriving and reactivation), dysfunctional (impairment and dissolution) and deserted psychological contract end states and explored whether different dissent patterns over time differentially contributed to the dissent outcome (i.e., psychological contract end state). The results of our study showed that the use of problem-focused coping is not as straightforward as suggested by the post-violation model. While the post-violation model suggests that problem-focused coping will most likely contribute positively to violation resolution, we found that this also depends on the type of problem-focused coping strategy used. That is, more threatening forms of problem-focused coping (i.e., threatening resignation as a way to trigger one's manager/organization to resolve the violation) mainly contributed to dysfunctional and deserted PC end states. Yet, in some instances the use of these types of active coping strategies also contributed to functional violation resolution. These findings have important implications for the literature on upward dissent strategies and psychological contract violation repair

    Irrigation Management Strategies for Fodder Beet (\u3ci\u3eBeta vulgaris\u3c/i\u3e L.) Crops

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    The production of fodder beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in New Zealand is concentrated in the South Island, and often requires irrigation to achieve high yields. Development of efficient irrigation management strategies requires information on the effect of timing and rate of irrigation on crop growth. A field study was conducted on a moderately deep soil at Chertsey, Canterbury, New Zealand, to evaluate crop growth responses to five irrigation managements: Rain-fed (control), weekly replacement of full evapotranspiration (FullET-weekly), and 50% of evapotranspiration replaced weekly (HalfET-weekly), fortnightly (HalfET-2weekly) or 3-weekly (HalfET-3weekly). Irrigation to replace ET was adjusted to account for rainfall received between irrigation events. The crop was sown on 11 October 2015. Dry matter (DM) and green leaf area index (LAI) were quantified at 4-weekly intervals from 21 December 2015 until 16 May 2016. Water use efficiency (WUE) was calculated from weekly time domain reflectometry and neutron probe measurements of volumetric soil water content (to 0.8 m depth) and crop biomass. Final yield was lowest for Rain-fed (17.1 t DM/ha) and highest for FullET-weekly (28.9 t DM/ha) treatments. The remaining treatments did not differ in yield, producing 22.4±1.6 t DM/ha, but differed significantly from the Rain-fed and FullET-weekly treatments. Yield differences were associated with the rate of leaf area expansion and duration of critical LAI values (≄ 3.0 m2/m2), which were greater for FullET-weekly than for other treatments. Rain-fed and FullET-weekly treatments resulted in the highest and lowest WUE (81 versus 47 kg DM/ha/mm). The remaining treatments did not differ in WUE, averaging 67±3.6 kg DM/ha/mm. Our results show yield benefits from irrigation, with the best outcome from FullET-weekly given the soil type and weather conditions. However, under water restriction conditions, the HalfET-3weekly management is recommended over more frequent partial ET replacements because it would reduce irrigation costs without penalising yield

    The Asynergies of Structural Disaster Risk Reduction Measures: Comparing Floods and Earthquakes

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    Traditionally, building‐level disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures are aimed at a single natural hazard. However, in many countries the society faces the threat of multiple hazards. Building‐level DRR measures that aim to decrease earthquake vulnerability can have opposing or conflicting effects on flood vulnerability, and vice versa. In a case study of Afghanistan, we calculate the risk of floods and earthquakes, in terms of average annual losses (AAL), in the current situation. Next, we develop two DRR scenarios, where building‐level measures to reduce flood and earthquake risk are implemented. We use this to identify districts for which DRR measures of one hazard increase the risk of another hazard. We then also calculate the optimal situation between the two scenarios by, for each district, selecting the DRR scenario for which the AAL as a ratio of the total exposure is lowest. Finally, we assess the sensitivity of the total risk to each scenario. The optimal measure differs spatially throughout Afghanistan, but in most districts it is more beneficial to take flood DRR measures. However, in the districts where it is more beneficial to take earthquake measures, the reduction in risk is considerable (up to 40%, while flood DRR measures lead to a reduction in risk by 16% in individual districts). The introduction of asynergies between DRR measures in risk analyses allows policy‐makers to spatially differentiate building codes and other building‐level DRR measures to address the most prevalent risk while not compromising the risk resulting from other hazards

    p-mTOR, p-ERK and PTEN Expression in Tumor Biopsies and Organoids as Predictive Biomarkers for Patients with HPV Negative Head and Neck Cancer

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    Background: Survival rates of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) have only marginally improved in the last decades. Hence there is a need for predictive biomarkers for long-time survival that can help to guide treatment decisions and might lead to the development of new therapies. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway is the most frequently altered pathway in HNSCC, genes are often mutated, amplificated and overexpressed causing aberrant signaling affecting cell growth and differentiation. Numerous genetic alterations of upstream and downstream factors have currently been clarified. However, their predictive value has yet to be established. Therefore we assess the predictive value of p-mTOR, p-ERK and PTEN expression. Methods: Tissue microarrays (TMA’s) of HPV-negative patients with oropharyngeal (n = 48), hypopharyngeal (n = 16) or laryngeal (n = 13) SCC, treated with primary chemoradiation (cisplatin/carboplatin/cetuximab and radiotherapy), were histologically stained for p-mTOR, PTEN and p-ERK. Expression was correlated to overall survival (OS), disease free survival (DFS) and locoregional control (LRC). Also p-mTOR was histologically stained in a separate cohort of HNSCC organoids (n = 8) and correlated to mTOR-inhibitor everolimus response. Results: High p-mTOR expression correlated significantly with worse OS in multivariate analysis in the whole patient cohort [Hazar Ratio (HR) 1.06, 95%CI 1.01–1.11, p = 0.03] and in the cisplatin/carboplatin group with both worse OS (HR 1.09, 95%CI 1.02–1.16, p = 0.02) and DFS (HR 1.06, 95%CI 1.00–1.12, p = 0,04). p-ERK expression correlated significantly with DFS in univariate analysis in the whole patient cohort (HR 1.03, 95%CI 1.00–1.05, p = 0.04) and cisplatin/carboplatin group (HR 1.03, 95%CI 1.00–1.07, p = 0.04). PTEN-expression did not correlate with OS/DFS/LRC. Better organoid response to everolimus correlated significantly to higher p-mTOR expression (Rs = − 0.731, p = 0.04). Conclusions: High p-mTOR expression predicts and high p-ERK expression tends to predict worse treatment outcome in HPV negative HNSCC patients treated with chemoradiation, providing additional evidence that these markers are candidate prognostic biomarkers for survival in this patient population. Also this study shows that the use of HNSCC organoids for biomarker research has potential. The role of PTEN expression as prognostic biomarker remains unclear, as consistent evidence on its prognostic and predictive value is lacking.</p

    Why We Can No Longer Ignore Consecutive Disasters

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    In recent decades, a striking number of countries have suffered from consecutive disasters: events whose impacts overlap both spatially and temporally, while recovery is still under way. The risk of consecutive disasters will increase due to growing exposure, the interconnectedness of human society, and the increased frequency and intensity of nontectonic hazard. This paper provides an overview of the different types of consecutive disasters, their causes, and impacts. The impacts can be distinctly different from disasters occurring in isolation (both spatially and temporally) from other disasters, noting that full isolation never occurs. We use existing empirical disaster databases to show the global probabilistic occurrence for selected hazard types. Current state‐of‐the art risk assessment models and their outputs do not allow for a thorough representation and analysis of consecutive disasters. This is mainly due to the many challenges that are introduced by addressing and combining hazards of different nature, and accounting for their interactions and dynamics. Disaster risk management needs to be more holistic and codesigned between researchers, policy makers, first responders, and companies

    Annual survey air quality 2001

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    The air quality for 2001 is found to strongly resemble that for 2000. The decreasing trend in concentrations seen in the nineties, is still valid on the whole. Concerning the meteorological influences, 2001 can be considered as a normal year. Widespread exceedances occurred for ozone and PM10, and in the deposition of potential acid and total nitrogen. In the urban environment, exceedances of the annual mean limit value for NO2 occurred along road length of about 2000 km. Calculations for benzene and benzo[a]pyrene showed that exceedances were incidental. This annual air quality survey provides an overview of the air quality and the load placed on soils and surface water by atmospheric deposition in the Netherlands, on the basis of measurements and model calculations. The report describes global, photochemical, acidifying, particulate and local air pollution. Special attention has been paid to the Dutch air quality in relation to the new European legislation on air quality.Als we de luchtkwaliteit over 2001 vergelijken met die van 2000 blijken deze in grote lijnen met elkaar overeen te komen. De trendmatige daling van concentraties heeft zich in grote lijnen doorgezet. 2001 was wat meteorologische invloed betreft een normaal jaar. Normoverschrijdingen op landelijke schaal hebben zich voorgedaan van ozon, zwevende deeltjes (PM10), depositie van potentieel zuur en stikstof. In de stedelijke omgeving is de jaargemiddelde norm NO2 overschreden langs een weglengte van circa 2000 km. Voor benzeen en benzo[a]pyreen geven berekeningen aan dat incidenteel overschrijdingen van grenswaarden kunnen zijn voorgekomen. In het jaaroverzicht luchtkwaliteit 2001 wordt op basis van metingen en modelberekeningen een samenvattend beeld gegeven van de luchtkwaliteit en de belasting van bodem en oppervlaktewater door atmosferische depositie in Nederland over 2001. Het rapport beschrijft de onderwerpen: mondiale, fotochemische, verzurende, deeltjesvormige en lokale luchtverontreiniging. Als extra onderwerp is een hoofdstuk opgenomen over de Nederlandse luchtkwaliteit in relatie tot de nieuwe Europese wetgeving voor luchtkwaliteit

    Using rapid damage observations for Bayesian updating of hurricane vulnerability functions: A case study of Hurricane Dorian using social media

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    Rapid impact assessments immediately after disasters are crucial to enable rapid and effective mobilization of resources for response and recovery efforts. These assessments are often performed by analysing the three components of risk: hazard, exposure and vulnerability. Vulnerability curves are often constructed using historic insurance data or expert judgments, reducing their applicability for the characteristics of the specific hazard and building stock. Therefore, this paper outlines an approach to the creation of event-specific vulnerability curves, using Bayesian statistics (i.e., the zero-one inflated beta distribution) to update a pre-existing vulnerability curve (i.e., the prior) with observed impact data derived from social media. The approach is applied in a case study of Hurricane Dorian, which hit the Bahamas in September 2019. We analysed footage shot predominantly from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and other airborne vehicles posted on YouTube in the first 10 days after the disaster. Due to its Bayesian nature, the approach can be used regardless of the amount of data available as it balances the contribution of the prior and the observations
