451 research outputs found

    Periodic production of retinoic acid by meiotic and somatic cells coordinates four transitions in mouse spermatogenesis

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    Mammalian spermatogenesis is an elaborately organized differentiation process, starting with diploid spermatogonia, which include germ-line stem cells, and ending with haploid spermatozoa. The process involves four pivotal transitions occurring in physical proximity: spermatogonial differentiation, meiotic initiation, initiation of spermatid elongation, and release of spermatozoa. We report how the four transitions are coordinated in mice. Two premeiotic transitions, spermatogonial differentiation and meiotic initiation, were known to be coregulated by an extrinsic signal, retinoic acid (RA). Our chemical manipulations of RA levels in mouse testes now reveal that RA also regulates the two postmeiotic transitions: initiation of spermatid elongation and spermatozoa release. We measured RA concentrations and found that they changed periodically, as also reflected in the expression patterns of an RA-responsive gene, STRA8; RA levels were low before the four transitions, increased when the transitions occurred, and remained elevated thereafter. We found that pachytene spermatocytes, which express an RA-synthesizing enzyme, Aldh1a2, contribute directly and significantly to RA production in testes. Indeed, chemical and genetic depletion of pachytene spermatocytes revealed that RA from pachytene spermatocytes was required for the two postmeiotic transitions, but not for the two premeiotic transitions. We conclude that the premeiotic transitions are coordinated by RA from Sertoli (somatic) cells. Once germ cells enter meiosis, pachytene spermatocytes produce RA to coordinate the two postmeiotic transitions. In combination, these elements underpin the spatiotemporal coordination of spermatogenesis and ensure its prodigious output in adult males

    Stability criteria for a pyramidal shaped asperity ploughing through a plastically deforming substrate

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    In two body abrasion processes hard asperities plough through a soft surface. If the asperities can resist the forces that act on it, scratches will develop in the soft material. If the asperities cannot withstand these forces, they will break off and not cause direct abrasion damage. The same is the case for galling, where lumps develop on one of the surfaces because of material transfer. These lumps will abrade the counter surface, if the lumps are strong enough to withstand the forces that act on it. In order to describe these phenomena, simple criteria are desired to describe the mechanical stability of asperities and lumps.\ud \ud In this work, an analytical model is presented for the mechanical stability of asperities. In the analysis, a pyramidal asperity shape will be assumed. Given the pyramidal asperity shape, several cases will be studied: the load is carried by a pyramid with a triangular base, a pyramid with a triangular base and an extended backside and the case where a crack has developed. Based on these models stability criteria of ploughing pyramidal asperities will be developed. Important results of the model will be discussed in the context of abrasion and adhesive wear processes

    Modelling of a thin soft layer on a self-lubricating ceramic composite

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    Friction and wear of a self-lubricating ceramic composite under unlubricated sliding contact conditions is dependent on the formation and regeneration of a thin soft surface layer. Experimental observations have shown that a thin soft layer (third body) may be formed depending on the tribological tests conditions. This thin soft layer is a pre-requirement for the occurrence of low friction in the mild wear regime. This paper proposes a physically based model for the process of the formation and removal of the soft layer. The model is developed on the basis of mechanical stresses in the soft second phase and the elastic–plastic contact between a rough surface and a flat surface. Based on the model, the thickness of the soft surface layer on a ceramic substrate is predicted. The results show that the thickness of the soft layer is mainly determined by the mechanical properties of soft phase as well as the applied load

    A surge of late-occurring meiotic double-strand breaks rescues synapsis abnormalities in spermatocytes of mice with hypomorphic expression of SPO11

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    Meiosis is the biological process that, after a cycle of DNA replication, halves the cellular chromosome complement, leading to the formation of haploid gametes. Haploidization is achieved via two successive rounds of chromosome segregation, meiosis I and II. In mammals, during prophase of meiosis I, homologous chromosomes align and synapse through a recombination-mediated mechanism initiated by the introduction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by the SPO11 protein. In male mice, if SPO11 expression and DSB number are reduced below heterozygosity levels, chromosome synapsis is delayed, chromosome tangles form at pachynema, and defective cells are eliminated by apoptosis at epithelial stage IV at a spermatogenesis-specific endpoint. Whether DSB levels produced in Spo11 +/− spermatocytes represent, or approximate, the threshold level required to guarantee successful homologous chromosome pairing is unknown. Using a mouse model that expresses Spo11 from a bacterial artificial chromosome, within a Spo11 −/− background, we demonstrate that when SPO11 expression is reduced and DSBs at zygonema are decreased (approximately 40 % below wild-type level), meiotic chromosome pairing is normal. Conversely, DMC1 foci number is increased at pachynema, suggesting that under these experimental conditions, DSBs are likely made with delayed kinetics at zygonema. In addition, we provide evidences that when zygotene-like cells receive enough DSBs before chromosome tangles develop, chromosome synapsis can be completed in most cells, preventing their apoptotic elimination

    Zfy genes are required for efficient meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI) in spermatocytes

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    During spermatogenesis, germ cells that fail to synapse their chromosomes or fail to undergo meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI) are eliminated via apoptosis during mid-pachytene. Previous work showed that Y-linked genes Zfy1 and Zfy2 act as "executioners" for this checkpoint, and that wrongful expression of either gene during pachytene triggers germ cell death. Here, we show that in mice, Zfy genes are also necessary for efficient MSCI and the sex chromosomes are not correctly silenced in Zfy-deficient spermatocytes. This unexpectedly reveals a triple role for Zfy at the mid-pachytene checkpoint in which Zfy genes first promote MSCI, then monitor its progress (since if MSCI is achieved, Zfy genes will be silenced), and finally execute cells with MSCI failure. This potentially constitutes a negative feedback loop governing this critical checkpoint mechanism

    Inhibin reduces spermatogonial numbers in testes of adult mice and chinese hamsters

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    Bovine follicular fluid (bFF) injected ip in mice during 2 days (65,000 U inhibin/day, 1 U inhibin the activity in 1 /μg bFF protein) caused a significant decrease in the numbers of A4, intermediate (In), and B spermatogonia to 91%,74%, and 67% of the control values, respectively. The numbers of undifferentiated spermatogonia remained unchanged. These injections suppressed peripheral FSH levels to 6% of the control values, suggesting that FSH might be the modulator of the effects on spermatogenesis. However, in the Chinese hamster, intratesticular injections of bFF during 4 days (6500 U inhibin/day into one testis) also caused a significant decrease in the numbers of A3, In, B1, and B2 spermatogonia to 86%, 61%, 55%, and 94% of the control values, respectively. Similarly, treatment with a partially purified inhibin preparation from rat Sertoli cell-conditioned medium (rSCCM) during 4 days (Mono Q fraction; 1512 U inhibin/day; 37.8 μg protein) caused a significant decrease in the numbers of A3, In, B1, and B2 spermatogonia to 90%, 87%, 66%, and 93% of the control values, respectively. Treatment with a highly purified inhibin preparation from rSCCM during 4 days (30K inhibin; 750 U inhibin/day; 100 ng protein) significantly decreased the numbers of In and B1 spermatogonia to, respectively, 87% and 91% of the control values. These effects were limited to the testis into which the material was injected; the contralateral testis or testes injected with control fluid always showed normal numbers of spermatogonia. This implies that the effects on the seminiferous epithelium are not FSH mediated. Intratesticular injections of bFF or pure inhibin did not affect the number of undifferentiated spermatogonia. However, the Mono Q fraction caused a significant increase in the numbers of undifferentiated spermatogonia in stages IV-VII of the cycle, suggesting the presence of a mitogenic factor for undifferentiated spermatogonia in rSCCM which is not present or is counteracted in bFF. The results suggest that inhibin may have a role in the regulation of spermatogonial development in the adult animal

    ATM Promotes the Obligate XY Crossover and both Crossover Control and Chromosome Axis Integrity on Autosomes

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    During meiosis in most sexually reproducing organisms, recombination forms crossovers between homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes and thereby promotes proper chromosome segregation at the first meiotic division. The number and distribution of crossovers are tightly controlled, but the factors that contribute to this control are poorly understood in most organisms, including mammals. Here we provide evidence that the ATM kinase or protein is essential for proper crossover formation in mouse spermatocytes. ATM deficiency causes multiple phenotypes in humans and mice, including gonadal atrophy. Mouse Atm−/− spermatocytes undergo apoptosis at mid-prophase of meiosis I, but Atm−/− meiotic phenotypes are partially rescued by Spo11 heterozygosity, such that ATM-deficient spermatocytes progress to meiotic metaphase I. Strikingly, Spo11+/−Atm−/− spermatocytes are defective in forming the obligate crossover on the sex chromosomes, even though the XY pair is usually incorporated in a sex body and is transcriptionally inactivated as in normal spermatocytes. The XY crossover defect correlates with the appearance of lagging chromosomes at metaphase I, which may trigger the extensive metaphase apoptosis that is observed in these cells. In addition, control of the number and distribution of crossovers on autosomes appears to be defective in the absence of ATM because there is an increase in the total number of MLH1 foci, which mark the sites of eventual crossover formation, and because interference between MLH1 foci is perturbed. The axes of autosomes exhibit structural defects that correlate with the positions of ongoing recombination. Together, these findings indicate that ATM plays a role in both crossover control and chromosome axis integrity and further suggests that ATM is important for coordinating these features of meiotic chromosome dynamics
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