588 research outputs found

    Si-to-Si wafer bonding using evaporated glass

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    Spatial and temporal distribution of atmospheric aerosols in the lowermost troposphere over the Amazonian tropical rainforest

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    International audienceWe present measurements of aerosol physico-chemical properties below 5 km altitude over the tropical rain forest and the marine boundary layer (MBL) obtained during the LBA-CLAIRE 1998 project. The MBL aerosol size distribution some 50-100km of the coast of French Guyana and Suriname showed a bi-modal shape typical of aged and cloud processed aerosol. The average particle number density in the MBL was 383cm-3. The daytime mixed layer height over the rain forest for undisturbed conditions was estimated to be between 1200-1500m. During the morning hours the height of the mixed layer increased by 144-180mh-1. The median daytime aerosol number density in the mixed layer increased from 450cm-3 in the morning to almost 800cm-3 in the late afternoon. The evolution of the aerosol size distribution in the daytime mixed layer over the rain forest showed two distinct patterns. Between dawn and midday, the Aitken mode particle concentrations increased, whereas later during the day, a sharp increase of the accumulation mode aerosol number densities was observed, resulting in a doubling of the morning accumulation mode concentrations from 150cm-3 to 300cm-3. Potential sources of the Aitken mode particles are discussed here including the rapid growth of ultrafine aerosol particles formed aloft and subsequently entrained into the mixed layer, as well as the contribution of emissions from the tropical vegetation to Aitken mode number densities. The observed increase of the accumulation mode aerosol number densities is attributed to the combined effect of: the direct emissions of primary biogenic particles from the rain forest and aerosol in-cloud processing by shallow convective clouds. Based on the similarities among the number densities, the size distributions and the composition of the aerosol in the MBL and the nocturnal residual layer we propose that the air originating in the MBL is transported above the nocturnal mixed layer up to 300-400km inland over the rain forest by night without significant processing

    Single particle analysis of the accumulation mode aerosol over the northeast Amazonian tropical rain forest, Surinam, South America

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    International audienceSingle particle analysis of aerosols particles larger than 0.2 ?m diameter was performed on 24 samples collected over Surinam tropical rain forest and in the adjacent marine boundary layer (MBL) during the LBA-CLAIRE 98 campaign in March 1998. Elemental composition and morphology of 2308 particles was determined using SEM-EDX. The aerosol particles were divided into seven groups according to their chemical composition: organic particles, mineral dust, aged mineral dust, sea salt, aged sea salt, Ca-rich, and biogenic aerosol. However the organic material in aerosol particles cannot be identified directly by SEM-EDX, we present indirect method of detection of organic material using this technique. Samples were further divided with respect to the distinct atmospheric layers present in the tropical troposphere including MBL, continental mixed layer, cloud convective layer, free troposphere and region of deep convection outflow. The organic and mineral dust particles are two major groups observed over the rainforest. In the MBL also sea salt particles represented a large fraction between 15 and 27%. The organic particles control much of the chemical characteristic of the aerosol in the continental tropical troposphere. Their abundance ranged from less than 20% in the MBL to more than 90% in the free troposphere between 4.5- and 12.6-km altitude. During the transport of the air masses from the MBL over the rain forest, fraction of organic aerosol particles more than doubled, reaching 40?60% in the continental boundary layer. This increase was attributed to direct emissions of biogenic aerosols from the tropical vegetation. The high fraction of the organic accumulation mode particles in the upper tropical troposphere could be a good indicator for the air masses originated over the tropical rain forest

    Atmospheric radiative effects of an in situ measured Saharan dust plume and the role of large particles

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    This work will present aerosol size distributions measured in a Saharan dust plume between 0.9 and 12 km altitude during the ACE-2 campaign 1997. The distributions contain a significant fraction of large particles of diameters from 4 to 30 μm. Radiative transfer calculations have been performed using these data as input. Shortwave, longwave as well as total atmospheric radiative effects (AREs) of the dust plume are investigated over ocean and desert within the scope of sensitivity studies considering varied input parameters like solar zenith angle, scaled total dust optical depth, tropospheric standard aerosol profiles and particle complex refractive index. The results indicate that the large particle fraction has a predominant impact on the optical properties of the dust. A single scattering albedo of ω<sub><I>o</I></sub>=0.75–0.96 at 550 nm was simulated in the entire dust column as well as 0.76 within the Saharan dust layer at ~4 km altitude indicating enhanced absorption. The measured dust leads to cooling over the ocean but warming over the desert due to differences in their spectral surface albedo and surface temperature. The large particles absorb strongly and they contribute at least 20% to the ARE in the dusty atmosphere. <br><br> From the measured size distributions modal parameters of a bimodal lognormal column volume size distribution were deduced, resulting in a coarse median diameter of ~9 μm and a column single scattering albedo of 0.78 at 550 nm. A sensitivity study demonstrates that variabilities in the modal parameters can cause completely different AREs and emphasises the warming effect of the large mineral dust particles

    Constraining tropospheric mixing timescales using airborne observations and numerical models

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    International audienceA technique is demonstrated for estimating atmospheric mixing time-scales from in-situ data, using a Lagrangian model initialised from an Eulerian chemical transport model (CTM). This method is applied to airborne tropospheric CO observations taken during seven flights of the Mediterranean Intensive Oxidant Study (MINOS) campaign, of August 2001. The time-scales derived, correspond to mixing applied at the spatial scale of the CTM grid. Specifically, they are upper bound estimates of the mix-down lifetime that should be imposed for a Lagrangian model to reproduce the observed small-scale tracer structure. They are relevant to the family of hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian models, which impose Eulerian grid mixing to an underlying Lagrangian model. The method uses the fact that in Lagrangian tracer transport modelling, the mixing spatial and temporal scales are decoupled: the spatial scale is determined by the resolution of the initial tracer field, and the time scale by the trajectory length. The chaotic nature of lower-atmospheric advection results in the continuous generation of smaller spatial scales, a process terminated in the real atmosphere by mixing. Thus, a mix-down lifetime can be estimated by varying trajectory length so that the model reproduces the observed amount of small-scale tracer structure. Selecting a trajectory length is equivalent to choosing a mixing timescale. For the cases studied, the results are very insensitive to CO photochemical change calculated along the trajectories. The method is most appropriate for relatively homogeneous regions, i.e. it is not too important to account for changes in aircraft altitude or the positioning of stratospheric intrusions, so that small scale structure is easily distinguished. The chosen flights showed a range of mix-down time upper limits: 1 and 3 days for 8 August and 3 August, due to recent convective and boundary layer mixing respectively, and 7?9 days for 16, 17, 22a, 22c and 24 August. For the flight of 3 August, the observed concentrations result from a complex set of transport histories, and the models are used to interpret the observed structure, while illustrating where more caution is required with this method of estimating mix-down lifetimes

    Pinnipeds have something to say about speech and rhythm

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    Clinical and imaging features of a feline lumbar myelopathy resembling ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament in humans

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABA 9-year-old, male, neutered Russian blue cat was presented for a 2-week history of pelvic limb weakness and reluctance to jump and climb stairs. Neurological examination was consistent with an L4-L6 myelopathy. Ectopic calcification of soft tissues within the vertebral canal involving the dorsal longitudinal ligament over the L5-L6 vertebrae was diagnosed based on radiography, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. The lesion was surgically excised, and histopathological examination demonstrated fibrous connective tissue with calcification. The patient was neurologically normal 2 months after surgery, and no relapses have occurred in a follow-up period of 2 years. The findings in this case had not been previously reported in cats, and share some similarities with a clinical entity in humans named ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament

    Oxygenated compounds in aged biomass burning plumes over the Eastern Mediterranean: evidence for strong secondary production of methanol and acetone

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    International audienceAirborne measurements of acetone, methanol, PAN, acetonitrile (by Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry), and CO (by Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy) have been performed during the Mediterranean Intensive Oxidants Study (MINOS August 2001). We have identified ten biomass burning plumes from strongly elevated acetonitrile mixing ratios. The characteristic biomass burning signatures obtained from these plumes reveal secondary production of acetone and methanol, while CO photochemically declines in the plumes. Mean excess mixing ratios - normalized to CO - of 1.8%, 0.20%, 3.8%, and 0.65% for acetone, acetonitrile, methanol, and PAN, respectively, were found. By scaling to an assumed global annual source of 663-807Tg CO, biomass burning emissions of 25-31 and 29-35 Tg/yr for acetone and methanol are estimated, respectively. Our measurements suggest that the present biomass burning contributions of acetone and methanol are significantly underestimated due to the neglect of secondary formation within the plume. Median acetonitrile mixing ratios throughout the troposphere were around 150pmol/mol, in accord with current biomass burning inventories and an atmospheric lifetime of ~6 months

    Increased incidence of entanglements and ingested marine debris in Dutch seals from 2010 to 2020

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    In recent decades, the amount of marine debris has increased in our oceans. As wildlife interactions with debris increase, so does the number of entangled animals, impairing normal behavior and potentially affecting the survival of these individuals. The current study summarizes data on two phocid species, harbor (Phoca vitulina) and gray seals (Halichoerus grypus), affected by marine debris in Dutch waters from 2010 to 2020. The findings indicate that the annual entanglement rate (13.2 entanglements/year) has quadrupled compared with previous studies. Young seals, particularly gray seals, are the most affected individuals, with most animals found or sighted with fishing nets wrapped around their necks. Interestingly, harbor seals showed a higher incidence of ingested debris. Species differences with regard to behavior, foraging strategies, and habitat preferences may explain these findings. The lack of consistency across reports suggests that it is important to standardize data collection from now on. Despite increased public awareness about the adverse environmental effects of marine debris, more initiatives and policies are needed to ensure the protection of the marine environment in the Netherlands
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