49,388 research outputs found

    Infrared Photometry and Dust Absorption in Highly Inclined Spiral Galaxies

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    We present JHK surface photometry of 15 highly inclined, late-type (Sab-Sc) spirals and investigate the quantitative effects of dust extinction. Using the (J - H, H - K) two-color diagram, we compare the color changes along the minor axis of each galaxy to the predictions from different models of radiative transfer. Models in which scattering effects are significant and those with more than a small fraction of the light sources located near the edge of the dust distribution do not produce enough extinction to explain the observed color gradients across disk absorption features. The optical depth in dust near the plane as deduced from the color excess depends sensitively on the adopted dust geometry, ranging from tau = 4 to 15 in the visual band. This suggests that a realistic model of the dust distribution is required, even for infrared photometry, to correct for dust extinction in the bulges of nearly edge-on systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in the March 1996 AJ. LaTex source which generates 27 pages of text and tables (no figures). Complete (text + figs) compressed Postscript preprint is also available at ftp://bessel.mps.ohio-state.edu/pub/terndrup/inclined.ps.Z (854 Mbyte

    Chain Reduction for Binary and Zero-Suppressed Decision Diagrams

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    Chain reduction enables reduced ordered binary decision diagrams (BDDs) and zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams (ZDDs) to each take advantage of the others' ability to symbolically represent Boolean functions in compact form. For any Boolean function, its chain-reduced ZDD (CZDD) representation will be no larger than its ZDD representation, and at most twice the size of its BDD representation. The chain-reduced BDD (CBDD) of a function will be no larger than its BDD representation, and at most three times the size of its CZDD representation. Extensions to the standard algorithms for operating on BDDs and ZDDs enable them to operate on the chain-reduced versions. Experimental evaluations on representative benchmarks for encoding word lists, solving combinatorial problems, and operating on digital circuits indicate that chain reduction can provide significant benefits in terms of both memory and execution time

    Competitive pathways for peptide deamidation

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    Asparagine (Asn) residues spontaneously – yet non-enzymatically – deamidate to form aspartate under physiological conditions, causing time-dependent changes in the conformation of proteins, limiting their lifetime [1]. The 'molecular clocks' hypothesis [2], suggests that deamidation is a biological molecular timing mechanism that could be set to any desired time interval by genetic control of the protein structure and the immediate environment of the Asn residue. The fact that deamidation occurs over a wide range of biologically relevant time intervals suggests that different mechanisms may be at play. To date deamidation is believed to occur over a succinimide-mediated pathway [3]. A novel route leading to the succinimide intermediate via tautomerization of the Asn side chain amide functionality was recently proposed [4,5]. The current study introduces a new 'competing' route for the deamidation of asparagine residues. The aim is to comparatively analyze the feasibility of this new mechanism against the traditional succinimide route, taking into account the catalytic effect of the solvent environment. For this purpose, QM dynamics and meta-dynamics calculations were performed on a model peptide placed in a periodic water box. These results will identify the lowest energy pathway for asparagine deamidation and will serve as a stepping stone for QM/MM calculations of Asn deamidation in proteins

    Highlights of the SLD Physics Program at the SLAC Linear Collider

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    Starting in 1989, and continuing through the 1990s, high-energy physics witnessed a flowering of precision measurements in general and tests of the standard model in particular, led by e+e- collider experiments operating at the Z0 resonance. Key contributions to this work came from the SLD collaboration at the SLAC Linear Collider. By exploiting the unique capabilities of this pioneering accelerator and the SLD detector, including a polarized electron beam, exceptionally small beam dimensions, and a CCD pixel vertex detector, SLD produced a broad array of electroweak, heavy-flavor, and QCD measurements. Many of these results are one of a kind or represent the world's standard in precision. This article reviews the highlights of the SLD physics program, with an eye toward associated advances in experimental technique, and the contribution of these measurements to our dramatically improved present understanding of the standard model and its possible extensions.Comment: To appear in 2001 Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science; 78 pages, 31 figures; A version with higher resolution figures can be seen at http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/slacpubs/8000/slac-pub-8985.html; Second version incorporates minor changes to the tex

    Determining Reactor Flux from Xenon-136 and Cesium-135 in Spent Fuel

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    The ability to infer the reactor flux from spent fuel or seized fissile material would enhance the tools of nuclear forensics and nuclear nonproliferation significantly. We show that reactor flux can be inferred from the ratios of xenon-136 to xenon-134 and cesium-135 to cesium-137. If the average flux of a reactor is known, the flux inferred from measurements of spent fuel could help determine whether that spent fuel was loaded as a blanket or close to the mid-plane of the reactor. The cesium ratio also provides information on reactor shutdowns during the irradiation of fuel, which could prove valuable for identifying the reactor in question through comparisons with satellite reactor heat monitoring data. We derive analytic expressions for these correlations and compare them to experimental data and to detailed reactor burn simulations. The enrichment of the original uranium fuel affects the correlations by up to 3 percent, but only at high flux.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    New Variants of Pattern Matching with Constants and Variables

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    Given a text and a pattern over two types of symbols called constants and variables, the parameterized pattern matching problem is to find all occurrences of substrings of the text that the pattern matches by substituting a variable in the text for each variable in the pattern, where the substitution should be injective. The function matching problem is a variant of it that lifts the injection constraint. In this paper, we discuss variants of those problems, where one can substitute a constant or a variable for each variable of the pattern. We give two kinds of algorithms for both problems, a convolution-based method and an extended KMP-based method, and analyze their complexity.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Moire bands in twisted double-layer graphene

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    A moire pattern is formed when two copies of a periodic pattern are overlaid with a relative twist. We address the electronic structure of a twisted two-layer graphene system, showing that in its continuum Dirac model the moire pattern periodicity leads to moire Bloch bands. The two layers become more strongly coupled and the Dirac velocity crosses zero several times as the twist angle is reduced. For a discrete set of magic angles the velocity vanishes, the lowest moire band flattens, and the Dirac-point density-of-states and the counterflow conductivity are strongly enhanced

    Binary Decision Diagrams: from Tree Compaction to Sampling

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    Any Boolean function corresponds with a complete full binary decision tree. This tree can in turn be represented in a maximally compact form as a direct acyclic graph where common subtrees are factored and shared, keeping only one copy of each unique subtree. This yields the celebrated and widely used structure called reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD). We propose to revisit the classical compaction process to give a new way of enumerating ROBDDs of a given size without considering fully expanded trees and the compaction step. Our method also provides an unranking procedure for the set of ROBDDs. As a by-product we get a random uniform and exhaustive sampler for ROBDDs for a given number of variables and size