7,523 research outputs found

    Species tot sunt diversae quot diversas formas ab initio creavitiv — A dialogue on species

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    Species tot sunt diversae quot diversas formas ab initio creavitiv — A dialogue on specie

    The fractional integrated bi- parameter smooth transition autoregressive model

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    This paper introduces the fractionally integrated Bi-parameter smooth transition autoregressive model (FI-BSTAR model) as an extension of BSTAR model proposed by Siliverstovs (2005) and the fractionally integrated STAR model (FI-STAR model) proposed by van Dijk et al. (2002). Our FI-BSTAR model is able to simultaneously describe persistence and asymmetric smooth structural change in time series. An empirical application using monthly growth rates of the American producer price index is provided.Long Memory, Nonlinearity, Asymmetry, STAR models.

    What Fairy-Like Music

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    What fairy like music steals over the sea,Entrancing the senses with charmed melody.What fairy like music steals over the sea, Entrancing the senses with charmed melody?\u27Tis the voice of the mermaid, that floats o\u27er the main,As she mingles her song with the gondolier\u27s strain.\u27Tis the voice o f the mermaid that floats o\u27er the main,As she mingles her song with the gondolier\u27s strain. The winds are all hushed, and the waters at rest,They sleep like the passions in infancy\u27s breast. The winds are all hushed, and the waters at rest;They sleep like the passions in infancy\u27s breast.Till storms shall unchain them from their dark cave, And break the repose of the soul and the wave.Till storms shall unchain them from their dark cave,And break the repose of the soul and the wave

    Advancement in the clinical management of intestinal pseudo-obstruction

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    Intestinal pseudo-obstruction is more commonly known in its chronic form (CIPO), a cluster of rare diseases characterized by gastrointestinal muscle and nerve impairment, so severe to result in a markedly compromised peristalsis mimicking an intestinal occlusion. The management of CIPO requires the cooperation of a group of specialists: the disease has to be confirmed by a number of tests to avoid mistakes in the differential diagnosis. The treatment should be aimed at relieving symptoms arising from gut dysmotility (ideally using prokinetic agents), controlling abdominal pain (possibly with non-opioid antinociceptive drugs) and optimizing nutritional support. Furthermore, a thorough diagnostic work-up is mandatory to avoid unnecessary (potentially harmful) surgery and to select patients with clear indication to intestinal or multivisceral transplantation

    From the historical Roman road network to modern infrastructure in Italy

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    The road system built during the Roman Empire continues to have a significant impact on modern infrastructure in Italy. This paper examines the historical influence of Roman roads on the development of Italy's motorways and railways. The empirical analysis demonstrates how modern Italian transport infrastructure largely follows the path of the consular trajectories established by the network of Roman roads. These ancient roads, being paved and connecting the extremes of the Italian peninsula, have endured over time, serving as the foundational physical capital for the development of the current transport network. Overall, this research highlights the enduring legacy of the Roman road system and the robustness of Roman roads as an instrument in determining the causal effect of modern infrastructure

    Psychosocial Training: A Case of Self-Efficacy Improvement in an Italian School

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    The changes that the regulatory institutions have imposed on the Italian school system over the last decades may actually result in contradictory effects at the individual and organizational levels: resistance or indifference on the one hand and training or coping strategies on the other. The paper focuses on the impact of such changes on teachers, as professional workers within public schools and individual participants of change. The paper refers to psychosocial training as a coping strategy, analysing how school teachers deal with work-related stress, and what impact a training intervention might have on some individual dimensions. Subsequently, in the longitudinal study presented, we analysed whether the training intervention conducted was effective in terms of learning and change. The case under consideration is a primary school located in the South of Italy, and the participants in the training and research were 92 female teachers. In order to investigate the effectiveness of the designed and applied training programme, we measured how some important psychological dimensions have changed over time: self-efficacy, job satisfaction and interpersonal strain. According to a sociological learning approach, the results suggest the effectiveness of training programmes as enablers of change and solutions to some change paradoxes; when they respond to the identified needs, they are based on practical activities that require a collective participation, they focus on social relationships and processes and the knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. In the school context, the psychosocial training might represent a solution, if not a prevention strategy, for change management

    Análise Crítica dos Sistemas de Informação de Resíduos Sólidos no Brasil

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    The comprehensiveness and reliability of information on the current management of urban solid waste in Brazil is a challenge to the objectives of scientific research. In the introduction to this article, the main information systems are appointed and their main limitations are briefly presented. ABRELPE's Panorama of Solid Waste in Brazil - as one of the main sources of information- was analyzed in detail regarding the statistical methodology used to determine its values. The results of this analysis revealed to be of low reliability in relation to the quantitative referring to the variables published on RSU - solid urban waste and RSS - health services waste. Either because there are no complete descriptions about the application of the method, as well as the evidence of inadequacies of the model developed with the adopted statistical method. The present work allowed us to conclude the importance of developing an independent national system for gathering information on the production, treatment and disposal of waste that effectively contributes to the search for solutions to the serious social, economic and environmental problem caused by solid urban waste and its poor management in general.A abrangência e confiabilidade de informações sobre a atual gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos no Brasil é um desafio aos objetivos da pesquisa científica. Na introdução deste artigo são identificados os principais sistemas de informações e apresentadas brevemente suas principais limitações. O Panorama de Resíduos Sólidos do Brasil da ABRELPE – Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Limpeza Pública e Resíduos Especiais – como uma das principais fontes de informações foi analisado minuciosamente quanto à metodologia estatística empregada para determinação de seus valores. Os resultados desta análise revelaram-se de baixa confiabilidade com relação aos quantitativos referentes às variáveis sobre RSU – resíduos sólidos urbanos e RSS – resíduos de serviços de saúde publicados. Seja por não haver descrições completas sobre a aplicação do método, bem como pela evidência de inadequações do modelo desenvolvido com o método estatístico adotado. O presente trabalho permitiu concluir a importância do desenvolvimento de um sistema nacional de levantamento de informações de produção, tratamento e disposição de resíduos independente e que contribua efetivamente na busca de soluções para o grave problema social, econômico e ambiental causado pelos resíduos sólidos urbanos e sua má gestão, de forma geral

    Engaging Public Servants: Public Service Motivation, Work Engagement and Work-Related Stress

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    Considering the ongoing international debate on the role of public administrations in economic systems, public service motivation (PSM) has significantly and increasingly attracted the attention of practitioners and scholars in the past two decades. Following the research streams that have investigated topics of organizational behavior in the public context, this study examines the influence of PSM on the feeling of job satisfaction for public employees. The novelty of the study lies in linking some features of the work context considered to be more prevalent in public organizations with specific job characteristics, seen as determinant antecedents of job satisfaction. Based on two complementary studies conducted in an Italian public administration, this paper shows how PSM influences job satisfaction, job engagement, and life satisfaction. Additionally, the findings display how job engagement affects both job and life satisfaction in these particular contexts. Furthermore, the paper sheds new light on how to deal with such problems and at the same time opens new avenues for investigation