186 research outputs found

    Is there a room for a "CO2 Central Bank"?.

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    European carbon market; price; security;

    Darning Mark’s Jumper: Wearing Love and Sorrow

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    Some garments demand a narrative of their own. Such was the case with a jumper that I darned for my partner in the winter of 2010. The jumper was old and moth-eaten; Mark was gravely ill with only a few months left to live. In the process of darning, each stitch was an act of love, each passage of the needle restoring something that had been eaten away.This article explores the multiple levels of meaning that run through the narrative I have woven around darning Mark’s jumper – an irreplaceable garment – at once priceless but worthless, worn but unwearable, empty yet embodied. It explores the concept of the fetish and draws on Igor Kopytoff’s analysis of our relationship to commodities and things in the modern, capitalist economy, where discarding and replacing old clothes with new is the default option. The theoretical heart of this paper, however, lies with Elizabeth Wilson’s writings on the ‘quasi-magical properties and meanings’ of a garment and with the work of Peter Stallybrass, who has written brilliantly on how in moments of crisis, in the ruptures of our lives, in mourning, it is to these irrational attachments that we turn.

    Carbon market and climate negotiations.

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    In the wake of the Copenhagen Conference and the outstanding issue of shaping climate change mitigation for the period beyond that covered by the Kyoto protocol, this paper puts into context the various economic instruments available fot tackling climate change, and highlights the emergence, as a result of the framework of instruments provided by the Kyoto protocol, of carbon markets, (...)Economic instruments; Climate change; CO2; Carbon markets; Post-Kyoto;

    The European Carbon Market in Action: Lessons from the First Trading Period Interim Report

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    Abstract and PDF report are also available on the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change website (http://globalchange.mit.edu/).The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is the largest greenhouse gas market ever established. The European Union is leading the world's first effort to mobilize market forces to tackle climate change. A precise analysis of the EU ETS's performance is essential to its success, as well as to that of future trading programs. The research program "The European Carbon Market in Action: Lessons from the First Trading Period," aims to provide such an analysis. It was launched at the end of 2006 by an international team led by Frank Convery, Christian De Perthuis and Denny Ellerman. This interim report presents the researchers' findings to date. It was prepared after the research program's second workshop, held in Washington DC in January 2008. The first workshop was held in Paris in April 2007. Two additional workshops will be held in Prague in June 2008 and in Paris in September 2008. The researchers' complete analysis will be published at the beginning of 2009.The research program “The European Carbon Market in Action: Lessons from the First Trading Period” has been made possible thanks to the support of: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, BlueNext, EDF, Euronext, Orbeo, Suez, Total, Veolia

    Darning Mark’s jumper : wearing love and sorrow

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    Some garments demand a narrative of their own. Such was the case with a jumper that I darned for my partner in the winter of 2010. The jumper was old and moth-eaten; Mark was gravely ill with only a few months left to live. In the process of darning, each stitch was an act of love, each passage of the needle restoring something that had been eaten away. This article explores the multiple levels of meaning that run through the narrative I have woven around darning Mark’s jumper – an irreplaceable garment – at once priceless but worthless, worn but unwearable, empty yet embodied. It explores the concept of the fetish and draws on Igor Kopytoff’s analysis of our relationship to commodities and things in the modern, capitalist economy, where discarding and replacing old clothes with new is the default option. The theoretical heart of this paper, however, lies with Elizabeth Wilson’s writings on the ‘quasi-magical properties and meanings’ of a garment and with the work of Peter Stallybrass, who has written brilliantly on how in moments of crisis, in the ruptures of our lives, in mourning, it is to these irrational attachments that we turn

    Quel avenir pour la taxe carbone en France ? les choix Ă©conomiques aprĂšs la censure du Conseil Constitutionnel.

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    L’articulation entre une taxe carbone nationale et le systĂšme europĂ©en d’échange de quotas pose de fait une double difficultĂ© : il faut faire coexister un mĂ©canisme de tarification du carbone par le marchĂ© avec un mĂ©canisme de tarification par l’impĂŽt ; il faut simultanĂ©ment faire converger des rĂšgles europĂ©ennes rĂ©gissant le marchĂ© avec des rĂšgles nationales. Pour y parvenir, il est utile de rappeler comment fonctionnent les mĂ©canismes existants et les choix retenus par les pays ayant rĂ©ussi Ă  faire coexister une axe nationale avec le systĂšme europĂ©en des quotas de CO2. C’est ce que fait cet article avant d’examiner les diffĂ©rentes pistes permettant de sortir de la situation actuelle.Politique fiscale; Taxe sur le dioxyde de carbone; Permis de pollution nĂ©gociables;

    Designing climate change adaptation policies : an economic framework

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    Adaptation has long been neglected in the debate and policies surrounding climate change. However, increasing awareness of climate change has led many stakeholders to look for the best way to limit its consequences and has resulted in a large number of initiatives related to adaptation, particularly at the local level. This report proposes a general economic framework to help stakeholders in the public sector to develop effective adaptation strategies. To do so, it lays out the general issues involved in adaptation, including the role of uncertainty and inertia, and the need to consider structural changes in addition to marginal adjustments. Then, it identifies the reasons for legitimate public action in terms of adaptation, and four main domains of action: the production and dissemination of information on climate change and its impacts; the adaptation of standards, regulations and fiscal policies; the required changes in institutions; and direct adaptation actions of governments and local communities in terms of public infrastructure, public buildings and ecosystems. Finally, the report suggests a method to build public adaptation plans and to assess the desirability of possible policies.Climate Change Economics,Wetlands,Climate Change Mitigation and Green House Gases,Adaptation to Climate Change,Science of Climate Change

    Pourquoi l’europe a besoin d’une banque centrale du carbone ?.

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    Dans cette contribution, nous examinons les voies d’un renforcement de la rĂ©gulation du marchĂ© europĂ©en du carbone, outil central retenu par l’Union europĂ©enne pour atteindre ses objectifs climatiques et Ă  ce jour premier systĂšme d’échange de permis au monde. Un tel renforcement implique une harmonisation et une centralisation plus poussĂ©es des fonctions classiques de surveillance d’un marchĂ© (sĂ©curitĂ© des infrastructures, transparence de l’information, traque des positions dominantes, 
), difficiles Ă  mettre en Ɠuvre dans le contexte institutionnel europĂ©en. Mais pour envoyer un signal permettant d’orienter l’économie sur la cible d’une rĂ©duction par cinq des Ă©missions europĂ©ennes Ă  l’horizon 2050, il faudrait aller plus loin : crĂ©er un organisme indĂ©pendant sur le modĂšle d’une banque centrale avec une capacitĂ© d’intervention et une crĂ©dibilitĂ© suffisantes pour modifier les anticipations des industriels afin qu’ils rĂ©alisent aujourd’hui les investissements nĂ©cessaires pour mettre l’économie europĂ©enne sur la voie de la dĂ©carbonation.MarchĂ©s du carbone; Union europĂ©enne; banque centrale du carbone;

    Dying to be born again: Mortality, immortality and the fashion model

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    The primary focus of this thesis is limited to the relationship between sartorial fashion and the fashion model within the world of representation. This includes the forms of fashion display and dissemination that existed prior to the establishment of the modern fashion system—fashion dolls, fashion plates and illustration and the mannequin de monde—as well as the fields where the fashion model as a modern phenomenon came into being—fashion photography and the fashion parade. While the portrait of feminine beauty and ideals in the fashion image betrays the imprint of the representation of the female body in art, pornography and the entertainment industries, this thesis argues for a reading of the fashion image and the fashion model specifically through the prism of fashion which, as a quasi-autonomous system, operates according to its own rules and has its own mode of being. Since its inception, fashion has frustrated its critics and delighted its proponents with a nonchalant rejection of the creations it had hitherto enthroned as essential. This dedication to perpetual change and the ephemeral—the ‘death-wish’ that ensures the continuation of fashion as a structure even as individual fashions are discarded—has fascinated both those who have seriously contemplated fashion and those who document the vicissitudes of fashion’s creations. For its critics, the sin fashion commits in refusing to manifest itself in a permanent form of beauty is compounded by its perceived attacks upon the body, cloaking it in a layer of artifice that distorts it into ‘unnatural’ forms. This imposition by fashion on the body made from flesh and blood is never fully realised. Rather it is only on the body in representation that fashion can begin to escape the limitations imposed upon it by the human form and give full reign to its creative impulse. In the fashion image the fundamental principles of fashion—change and artifice—are metaphorically expressed by the interplay of mortality and immortality on the body of the model which, ultimately, serves as the blank canvas where fashion is free to invent its imaginary self

    Les maladies de type pourriture du coeur du palmier Ă  huile en Equateur. Rapport de mission Ă  Shushufindi (Palmeras del Ecuador), 16 mars - 31 mars 1998

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    Les objectifs de la mission étaient les suivants : confirmer l'existence d'une maladie différente de la pourriture du coeur affectant la plantation de palmiers, Palmeras Del Ecuador à Shushufindi, en observer la progression, émettre un avis sur ses causes possibles, observer également l'état actuel du développement de la pourriture du coeur et proposer des observations et des expérimentations qui prennent en compte l'ensemble des maladies. Outre les cas de pourriture du coeur, des foyers de palmiers sont effectivement affectés par des symptÎmes de raccourcissements foliaires, nécroses de folioles et chloroses. Du fait de ces symtÎmes, la nouvelle maladie semble une maladie systémique. La présence de nécroses vasculaires et de champignons dans les stipes de palmiers sains ou non attire l'attention. On ne peut totalement écarte un lien avec les maladie
