6,215 research outputs found

    Screening and Breeding Soybean for Flood Tolerance

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    Waterlogging can be detrimental to soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] growth and development, with effects ranging from chlorosis and stunting to yield loss and plant death. Soybean responses to, and the effects of, waterlogging are dependent on the growth stage of the plant at the initiation of waterlogging. The objectives of this study were: (1) to assess the effectiveness of Genomic Selection (GS), Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) and Phenotypic Selection for flood tolerance at the progeny row stage as compared to random selection, for the development of high-yielding flood-tolerant lines; and (2) to compare field-screening and hydroponic greenhouse screening methodologies for hypoxia tolerance. For the first objective, 391 individuals from four populations at the F4:5 generation were either: 1) screened for waterlogging tolerance at the R1 growth stage in observation or first-year yield trial stages; 2) subjected to genomic selection using two different training approaches; 3) underwent marker-assisted selection; or 4) were advanced purely based on agronomic adaptation under non-flooded condition. Subsequently, the tagged selections together with the base populations (control) were entered in a multi-location trial where flood tolerance and yield were assessed, and the responses were compared across the different selection methods. Results from this experiment indicated significant differences between visual selection and the base population, and between genomic selection and base population when long-rows experiment was used in the training set. Random selection and base population were also significantly different on the identification of flood tolerant lines, assessed as tolerance index and probability of discard. Random selection method resulted in the lowest tolerance index and highest probability of discard. We also observed that visual or genomic selection derived from hill plots did not outperform the control in terms of flood tolerance. In addition, all six methods and base populations had similar performance in terms of mean yield. This suggests that breeders must focus on selecting for flood tolerance early in the breeding stages, without major risk of reducing yield potential. For the second objective of this study, a total of 17 soybean genotypes were screened for waterlogging tolerance at the V2 growth stage and under a hydroponic system. Plots of responses by cultivar and test method were analyzed. We observed consistency in results between field and hydroponic system for most of the cultivars, enabling us to discard based on flood susceptibility. Identification of the most efficient selection method for flood tolerance, and the development of a greenhouse screening methodology, will aid plant breeders in developing new flood-tolerant cultivars


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    Várias propriedades sintáticas e semânticas de todo N, chamadas bare universal phrase (BUP), e todos(s) o(s) N(s), defined universal phrase (DUP), podem ser explicadas atribuindo-se uma estrutura semântica a cada sintagma quantificacional. Se nossa proposta semântica estiver correta, torna-se incorreta a afirmação de Peres (1992) de que a presença do artigo definido no sintagma quantificacional é nula. As estruturas semânticas atribuídas a BUP e DUP justificam a hipótese de que todo N não é um quantificador. Tal hipótese encontra ressonância na proposição de Negrão (2002), que afirma ser todo N um indefinido, no sentido de Heim. As análises de Dayal (1998) e Saeboe (2001) acerca de any são usadas para mostrar que todo N é um universal, não um indedinido. Além disso, trata-se de um modal. A discussão a respeito da generalização de Enç é feita para demonstrar que, uma vez que se considere todo como quantificador como a melhor solução, tal generalização deverá ser revista. Nossa proposta é a de manter a distinção entre a distinção entre quantificação e especificidade. A especificidade é dada pela presença do artigo definido. O quantificador propriamente dito expressa quantificação. Tal proposta abre a possibilidade de uma classe de quantificadores não-específicos (talvez modais), dos quais todo N é um exemplo central. Abstract Several syntactic and semantic properties of todo N, named bare universal phrase (BUP), and todo(s) o(s) N(s), defined universal phrase (DUP), may be explained by attributing to each quantifier phrase a semantic structure. If our semantic proposal is correct, then Peress (1992) claim that the presence of the definite article in the quantifier phrase is vacuous is not right. The semantic structures attributed to BUP and DUP lead to the hypothesis that todo N was not a quantifier. Such a hypothesis finds resonance in Negrãos proporal (2002) that claims that todo N is an indefinite in Heims sense. Dayals (1998) and Saeboes (2001) analyses of any are used to show that todo N is a universal, not an indefinite. Moreover it is a modal. The discussion of Ençs generalization is brought up in order to show that if considering todo as a quantifier is a better solution, then Ençs generalization needs to be revised. Our proposal is to keep apart quantification from specificity. Specificity is given by the presence of the definite article. The quantifier itself expresses quantification. Such a proposal opens up the possibility of a class of non-specific (perhaps modal) quantifiers, of which todo N is a central example

    From roots to DPs, Brazilian Portuguese and English: a model theoretical approach to language variation

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    The paper develops Pires de Oliveira’s (2020, in press) model theoretical approach to Brazilian Portuguese (BrP) and English. BrP and English are number marking languages, ie when n is first projected, little-n, [n0[X]], where X is a non-categorized root, it is projected as a predicate, (Chierchia 2010, 2014, in press). The proposal distinguishes the denotation of n0 from the denotation of a plurality of atoms.  The nominal n0 denotes a part-whole non-atomic lattice (Rothstein 2010, 2017). In English, atomicity is mandatory immediately after n0:  n1 is projected, generating [n1 [AtP [n0 [X]]]. This predicts no Bare Singulars in argument position in English, mass interpretation via coercion, and also that nominal root [n0 [X]] surfaces in English when AtP is not projected, as in compounds. In BrP, [n0 [X]] surfaces in argument position, because AtP is not mandatory after little-n. This is the bifurcation separating these two types of languages. The absence of grammatical atomicity, leads to under-specification of mass and count. Thus, the Bare Singular is neither mass nor count. Atomicity is induced by the “determiner”, understood in a broad sense: plural inflection, the definite article, some quantifiers. It explores an unitarist approach to the nominal phrase in BrP and proposes a non-canonical derivation.  The conclusion explores variation in number marking languages

    Brazilian Bare Phrases and Referentiality: Evidences from an Experiment

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    This paper experimentally investigates the denotation of the bare singulars (BS) and bare plural noun phrases (BP) in Brazilian Portuguese (BrP). The first section reviews two theories concerning the semantics of the bare nouns in BrP: the count theory according to which bare nouns are countable (plural sums); and the mass theory, which proposes that there is a difference between these bare nouns, since only the BP is a count noun. The second section presents the experiment. It explores the relation between the semantics of BSs and BPs in a mass context. 64 participants were asked to perform quantity judgments (on number, volume, both number and volume or none) in a comprehension task. The task relied on visual and hearing information. The results show that BSs allow preferentially comparison by volume scales, though they accept the count reading. The presence of the plural morpheme ([-s]) only allows quantity judgments based on number. Thus, the experiment failed to support the count hypothesis that BSs are number neutral (SCHMITT; MUNN, 1999; MUNN; SCHMITT, 2005; MĂśLLER, 2002), and corroborates Pires de Oliveira & Rothstein's (2011) mass hypothesis. Relying on Rothstein & Pires de Oliveira (in press), we propose that the morpho-syntactic plural mark imposes counting and that the cardinal reading of the BS is derived from measuring.

    Brazilian Bare Nouns in Comparatives: Experimental Evidence for Non-Contextual Dependency

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    This is an empirical investigation into the volume interpretation attested for the Bare Singular (BS) in Brazilian Portuguese (BrP) in previous studies (e.g.: Beviláqua e Pires de Oliveira, 2014). The issue is whether it is contextually dependent, as argued by Lima & Gomes (2016) and Beviláqua et al (2016). The results indicate that besides a cardinal reading, the volume interpretation is significantly associated with the BS, independently of the context. The BP is normally compared by the number of individuals, however the BP accepted some volume judgments in the biased context. We conclude that the results about the BS shows that its volume reading is not contextually dependent, contradicting Lima & Gomes (2016) and Beviláqua et al.’s (2016) prediction. We criticize Rothstein & Pires de Oliveira’s (2016) explanation for the behavior of the BS; the authors treat it as flexible nouns in English (Rothstein & Pires de Oliveira (2016)). However, English flexible nouns in a mass context do not allow the cardinal reading. We suggest that the BS is under-determined because it denotes the kind

    O ensino de estatíca via projetos: a escolha profissional no ensino superior por alunos do 2° ano do ensino médio de escolas estaduais em uberaba

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    Com a finalidade de preparar os alunos de licenciatura em matemática em seu processo de formação, o Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência – PIBID realiza ações voltadas à melhoria da educação matemática nas escolas públicas participantes do subprojeto de matemática. Neste trabalho os alunos bolsistas da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro desenvolveram uma modelagem matemática na área de estatística, aplicando um questionário a 252 alunos do 2º ano do Ensino Médio a duas escolas estaduais de Uberaba em Minas Gerais. Através deste questionário pretendeu-se estabelecer perfil deste grupo e identificar a escolha profissional destes quando da entrada no Ensino Superior e sua motivação em continuar seus estudos. Alguns resultados indicam que o que dificultaria a continuidade dos estudos seria: 65,0% da escola I (condição financeira, disponibilidade de tempo, indecisão na escolha da área e vida familiar) e 63,4% da escola II, além dos mesmos da escola I (idade e falta de vontade)

    “I didn’t know what to do, where to go”: The voices of students whose parents were born in Latin America on the need for care in Quebec universities

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    This qualitative study reports the university experiences of Quebec students whose parents were born in Latin America. The analysis, which looks at students who have either persisted in school or discontinued their studies, underscores the importance of cultural capital and, especially, an understanding of the student craft for school retention. The students report a low sense of affiliation with the university, and a perceived lack of support and care from the university and its social actors. Our interpretation of the data highlights self-blame for the challenges faced in university concurrently with the implementation of strategies to meet the challenges of the institution. We conclude by emphasizing how important it is for universities to support students better, adequately inform them about their options and the institution’s inner workings, and form a community with students in a spirit of care.Cette étude qualitative relate des expériences universitaires d’étudiants québécois dont les parents sont nés en Amérique latine. L’analyse, qui porte sur les étudiantes qui ont persévéré ou interrompu leurs études, souligne l’importance du capital culturel et, surtout, de la compréhension du métier d’étudiant pour la persévérance scolaire. Les étudiantes rapportent un faible sentiment d’affiliation à l’université et un manque perçu de soutien et de soin de la part de l’université et de ses acteurs sociaux. Notre interprétation des données met en vidence une autoculpabilisation pour les défis rencontrés à l’université en même temps que la mise en oeuvre de stratégies pour relever les défis de l’institution. Nous concluons en soulignant à quel point il est important pour les universités de mieux soutenir les étudiantes, de les informer adéquatement sur leurs options et le fonctionnement interne de l’institution et de former une communauté avec les étudiantes dans un esprit de soin
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