2,815 research outputs found

    Supporting Good Governance of Extractive Industries in Politically Hostile Settings: Rethinking Approaches and Strategies

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    This discussion paper is the product of a workshop entitled “Supporting Good Governance of Extractive Industries in Politically Hostile Settings: A View from Sub-Saharan Africa,” organized by the Oxford Martin School (OMS) Programme on African Governance and the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI) and supporting research. The workshop brought together global and local researchers and practitioners with a wide range of experience with extractives governance, particularly, though not exclusively, in the sub-Saharan African region. The meeting built on prior research and discussions held as part of CCSI’s project on the Politics of Extractive Industries, dedicated to supporting the field of actors working to improve the governance of extractive industries (henceforth, the “GEI field”) in their efforts to think and work in more politically savvy ways. By sharing some initial insights from this work, we hope to contribute to broader conversations on how to improve practical approaches to supporting good governance and development in a range of political settings, including some of the most repressive and challenging

    النموذج الاقتصادي في مرحلة ما بعد الحرب في أنغولا: هل يمكن استقاء الدروس منه لليبيا؟

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    تناقش هذه الورقة البحثية تجربة أنغولا مع إعادة الإعمار بعد الحرب، وتحديدًا نموذج الاقتصاد السياسي الذي اتّبعه الحزب الحاكم، أي الحركة الشعبية لتحرير أنغولا، في عهد الرئيس خوسيه إدواردو دوس سانتوس. فتستعرض السياق الذي قام مباشرةً بعد الحرب والظروف التي أتاحت للحكومة اتّباع نهجها الخاص، بما في ذلك الطفرة النفطية والانتصار العسكري على المتمردين في عام 2002 والشراكة الاستراتيجية مع الصين. بعد ذلك، يلقي البحث نظرةً على السياسات المتّبعة في حقبة الازدهار، بما فيها محاولات التنويع الاقتصادي وطريقة حصول النخبة الأوليغارشية على مكافآت غير متكافئة خلال هذه الفترة. ثم يخلص إلى أن معظم الفوائد الشعبية لحقبة الازدهار كانت فعليًا عابرة وأن أنغولا واجهت بعد عام 2014 الكثير من التحديات التاريخية، السياسية والاقتصادية على حدٍّ سواء، التي عانت منها البلاد لعقود طويلة. وفي حين بقي السلام سائدًا في أنغولا منذ مطلع القرن الحالي، إلا أن نموذجها السياسي والاقتصادي لم ينجح في تحقيق الرخاء العام، لا بل يتعرّض اليوم للضغط نتيحة السخط الاجتماعي واستنفار حركة المعارضة

    China Returns to Africa: Anatomy of an Expansive Engagement

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    This paper presents a scoping analysis of the main contours of relations, offering an anatomy of key dimensions of an expansive Chinese engagement in the continent that remains dynamic

    Transnational uncivil society networks: kleptocracy’s global fightback against liberal activism

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    What is the global social context for the insertion of kleptocratic elites into the putatively liberal international order? Drawing on cases from our work on Eurasia and Africa, we sketch a concept of ‘transnational uncivil society’ which we contrast to ‘transnational activist networks’ (Keck and Sikkink, 1998). While the latter denotes the liberalising practices of global civil society, the former suggests a specific series of clientelistic relations across borders which open space for uncivil elites. This distinction animates a growing line of conflict in global politics. These kleptocrats eject liberal activists from their own territories and create new spaces to whitewash their own reputations and build their own transnational networks. To do so they hire political consultants and reputation managers, engage in public philanthropy, and forge new relationships with major global institutions. We show how these strategies of reputation-laundering are neither illicit nor marginal, but very much a product of the actors, institutions and markets generated by the liberal international order. We compare and contrast the scope and purpose of civil and uncivil society networks, we explore the increasing globalization of Eurasian and African elites as a concerted strategy to distance themselves from associations with their political oppression and kleptocracy in their home countries, and recast themselves as productive and respected cosmopolitans

    Long-term stability of the oxygen pulse curve during maximal exercise

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    INTRODUCTION: Exercise oxygen pulse (O2 pulse), a surrogate for stroke volume and arteriovenous oxygen difference, has emerged as an important variable obtained during cardiopulmonary exercise testing. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that the O2 pulse curve pattern response to a maximal cycling ramp protocol exhibits a stable linear pattern in subjects reevaluated under the same clinical conditions. METHODS: We retrospectively studied 100 adults (80 males), mean age at baseline of 59 + 12 years, who performed two cardiopulmonary exercise testings (median interval was 15 months), for clinical and/or exercise prescription reasons. The relative O2 pulse was calculated by dividing its absolute value by body weight. Subjects were classified into quintiles of relative O2 pulse. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing results and the O2 pulse curve pattern, expressed by its slope and intercept, were compared among quintiles of relative O2 pulse at both cardiopulmonary exercise testings. RESULTS: After excluding the first minute of CPX (rest-exercise transition), the relative O2 pulse curve exhibited a linear increase, as demonstrated by high coefficients of determination (R² from 0.75 to 0.90; p<0.05 for all quintiles). Even though maximum oxygen uptake and relative O2 pulse were significantly higher in the second cardiopulmonary exercise testing for each quintile of relative O2 pulse (p<0.05 for all comparisons), no differences were found when slopes and intercepts were compared between the first and second cardiopulmonary exercise testings (p>0.05 for all comparisons; except for intercept in the 5th quintile). CONCLUSION: Excluding the rest-exercise transition, the relative O2 pulse exhibited a stable linear increase throughout maximal exercise in adults that were retested under same clinical conditions

    A inter-relação entre a periodontite e a doença intestinal inflamatória crónica

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas MonizA doença intestinal inflamatória abrange várias entidades clínicas tendo como característica principal a inflamação crónica do tubo digestivo, sendo a colite ulcerosa e a doença de Crohn as formas mais frequentes. Sendo uma patologia crónica, a doença intestinal inflamatória pode afetar diferentes órgãos e sistemas do organismo, para além do trato gastrointestinal. A periodontite é um processo inflamatório crónico multifactorial como resposta À agressão das bactérias do biofilme dentário, podendo estar associado a outras doenças inflamatórias crónicas devido ao facto de ser foco de inflamação sistémica. De entre as diversas manifestações extra-intestinais associadas à doença intestinal inflamatória, ao nível da cavidade oral destacam-se a cárie dentária, lesões na mucosa e a periodontite. A periodontite e a doença intestinal inflamatória foram abordadas em vários estudos e algumas teorias foram consideradas, no entanto, os mecanismos patogénicos associados às citocinas pro-inflamatórias parece ser a principal razão para relacionar as duas entidades clínicas. Contudo, são necessários mais estudos clínicos e investigações científicas que comprovem esta associação e que esclareçam quais os mecanismos exatos de correlação entre as duas doenças