43 research outputs found

    Potentially Phytotoxic of Chemical Compounds Present in Essential Oil for Invasive Plants Control: A Mini-Review

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    The control of invasive plants is still carried out with the use of synthetic chemical agents that may present high toxicity and, consequently, be harmful to humans and animals. In Brazil, especially in the Amazon, small producers use this kind of technique in a rustic way, with brushcutters or fire. In this sense, the search for natural agents with bioherbicide potential becomes necessary. Examples of these agents are the essential oils that over the years have been shown to be a viable alternative to weed control. Thus, this review aims to show the potentially phytotoxic activity of allelochemicals present in essential oils of different aromatic plants

    Açaí (Euterpe oleracea) and Bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba) as Functional Food

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    This chapter reviews two oleaginous fruits that are widely consumed by people in the Amazon region: Bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba) and Açaí (Euterpe oleracea). Besides their food and the folk medicinal uses, studies suggest that substances present in both berries have antioxidative effects, antimicrobial, and therapeutic properties such as hypocholesterolemic and neuroprotection effects. These therapeutic effects are related to phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, and fatty acids, which can prevent serious problems such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, and depression. The use of supercritical fluid technology is described as a technique to obtain the best extracts of bacaba and açaí, as well as their valuable constituents. Indubitably, this technology is a great tool for human health and all with the advantage of presenting nontoxic solvents such as carbon dioxide or water. Açaí and bacaba fruits represent not only food but also a source of compounds that can work in both prevention and treatment of diseases

    Determinação rápida de umidade, nitrogênio total e carbono total em pólen de Apis mellifera da região nordeste do estado do Pará, Brasil, utilizando NIRS e regressão PLS / Rapid determination of humidity, total nitrogen and total carbon in polylen of the Apis mellifera from the northeast region of Pará state, Brazil, using NIRS and PLS regression

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    A Amazônia é uma das regiões do Brasil em que se tem observado o maior crescimento da produção apícola nos últimos 20 anos. Nesta região destaca-se o estado do Pará com quase 50% da produção regional, e tendo na sua região nordeste o principal polo de produção apícola. Esta produção é feita predominante por agricultores familiares e que além do mel vem explorando a produção de pólen. Tem-se observado, entretanto, a necessidade de fortalecimento das boas práticas de produção nesta região específica maior qualidade dos produtos apícolas e atendimento da legislação brasileira para estes produtos.Neste intuito, desenvolva-se o presente trabalho que teve como objetivo desenvolver metodologia de análise rápida, baseada em NIRs e PLRS, de percentuais de umidade, carbono total e nitrogênio total em pólen. Os modelos preditivos avançados com estas técnicas superiores de R2 superiores a 95 e valores de RPD de 4.5, 5.4 e 46 para os percentuais de nitrogênio total, carbono total e umidade, respectivamente, todos com valores baixos para RMPSEP e RMSECV. Tais valores para os parâmetros de validação comprovaram a adequação dos modelos para utilização em programas de treinamento de agricultores em boas práticas de produção de pólen, bem como na previsão de perdas de umidade no processo de formação de.O erro percentual médio, baseado no RMSEP e no limite mínimo de 4% de umidade para o pólen, estabelecido pela legislação brasileira, revelou a necessidade de desenvolvimento de um modelo para este parâmetro em torno do limite legal, de forma a diminuir o erro do modelo desenvolvido neste trabalho para valores inferiores aos 6%. Os resultados obtidos, entretanto, demonstraram a aplicabilidade da técnica NIRs, juntamente com a técnica PLRS, para predição das propriedades físico-química estudada em a pólen do nordeste do estado do Pará

    Carbon Dioxide Use in High-Pressure Extraction Processes

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    This chapter describes the use of carbon dioxide at high pressures as an alternative for the extraction of bioactive compounds in a more sustainable way, addressing some of its physicochemical properties, such as pressure, temperature, density, solvation, selectivity, and its interaction with the solute when modified by other solvents such as ethanol and water. This extraction process is considered chemically “green,” when compared to conventional extraction processes using toxic organic solvents

    Volatile Compounds, Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of <em>Apis mellifera</em> Bee Propolis

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    Propolis is a wax-like resin collected by bees from tree shoots and/or other botanical sources that is used as glue to seal cracks or open spaces in the hive. Its color varies from green to brown and reddish, depending on its botanical origin. Among the substances that can be found in propolis, low molecular weight compounds, such as monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes are the most common. Several biological activities are attributed to these classes of substances, such as antifungal, antibacterial, and others. The objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition of volatile compounds present in propolis samples and to analyze their correlation with biological activities

    Exploring the micromorphological diversity of palynomorphic flora from lesser Himalaya biodiversity hotspot

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    Palynology, a prominent field in plant systematics and biodiversity studies, plays a vital role in identifying and determining the plant species present in a specific region. The current study was performed to evaluate the micromorphological traits of pollen from flora of Lesser Himalaya. Pollen microstructural variations aid in the identification of species belonging to specific botanical families and various geographic habitats. Flowers of 24 selected species categorized into 16 families were collected, preserved and then acetolysis protocol followed. Pollen was examined under a light and scanning microscopy (LM and SEM) for palynomorph description. The palynomorphs characteristics such as size, shape, exine surface, and aperture orientation, were examined. Status of these plants show that herbs are being dominant (11 species), while shrubs (7 species), climbers (3 species), bulbous plants (2 species), small tree, sedge, weed (1 species each).  Pollen shape determined in equatorial view were; spheroidal, sub-prolate, oblate-spheroidal, prolate, spherical and sub-oblate. The variations were seen among pollen types; tricolpate, tricolporate and polyporate in most of the species. Exine stratification was observed mostly scabrate while echinate, cristate-reticulate, granulate, punctate, rugulate-perforate, striate-rugulate, verrucate, cristate-foveolate was visualized in each different species. Palynomorph apertural patterns were observed sunken, furrowed, slightly bulged, scabrate, granulate, slit like, and perforate. The largest polar diameter was measured in Hymenocallis littoralis (138.6 µm) whereas smallest in Parthenium hysterophorus (14.70 µm). Equatorial distance was calculated maximum for Cascabela thevetia (110.1 µm) and minimum for Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (1.7 µm). P/E ratio was calculated largest in Hymenocallis littoralis (1.8) and lowest in Duranta erecta (0.89). The palynomorphs taxonomic characters investigated can be helpful in species level identification and provide a baseline to conduct more systematic research with respect to specific plant families and genera

    Composición química de compuestos volátiles en flores y hojas de Senna reticulata (Leguminosae) de la Amazonía Oriental

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    Senna reticulata (Willd.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby é uma planta da família Leguminosae nativa da Amazônia, conhecida como “matapasto” ou “folha de pajé”, é utilizada como alimento, medicinamento e outros usos pelas populações da região. Mas para ela faltam informações sobre seus constituintes, assim como sobre várias outras espécies de plantas amazônicas ainda pouco estudadas. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo revelar a composição química do aroma das flores e folhas de S. reticulata na Amazônia Oriental. Porque tais informações ainda não haviam sido apresentadas para a espécie, e podem ser úteis para sua melhor compreensão. O aroma das flores houve predominância de Geraniol (30,28%), Citronelol (27,87%) e Salicilato de Metila (12,91%). Já o aroma das folhas foi caracterizado por uma mistura de 2E-Hexenal (5,0%) + Hex-(3Z)-enol (67,82%), e por Salicilato de Metila (9,81%) e para-vinilGuaiacol (6,14%). As informações aqui apresentadas poderão contribuir para o desenvolvimento de produtos, com base na composição química do aroma em flores e folhas de S. reticulata, bem como para futuras pesquisas.Senna reticulata (Willd.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby is a Leguminosae’s family plant and native from Amazonia, as known as “matapasto” that means “killspasture” or “shaman’s leaf”, it is utilized as food, medicine, and other uses for the populations of the region. But to it has a lack of information about its constituents, as well as for several other species of plants from Amazonia. So, this research aimed to reveal the chemical composition of the aroma in flowers and leaves of S. reticulata from Eastern Amazonia. Because such information had not yet been presented for the species and may be useful for its better understanding. The aroma of the flowers was a predominance of Geraniol (30.28%), Citronellol (27.87%) and Methyl salicylate (12.91%). While in the leaves was characterized by a mixture of 2E-Hexenal (5.0%) + Hex-(3Z)-enol (67.82%), and by Methyl salicylate (9.81%) and para-vinylGuaiacol (6.14%). The information presented here could contribute for the development of products, based on the chemical composition of the aroma in flowers and leaves from S. reticulata, as well as for future research

    Potential of Medicinal Use of Essential Oils from Aromatic Plants

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    The use of medicinal plants rich in essential oils can represent a viable source for the control of some diseases, being able to constitute a possible therapeutic alternative due to its effectiveness. Essential oils are natural volatile fractions extracted from aromatic plants and formed by classes of substances such as esters of fatty acids, mono and sesquiterpenes, phenylpropanoids, aldehyde alcohols and, in some cases, aliphatic hydrocarbons, among others. Essential oils have been used by mankind for medicinal purposes for several centuries, with reports coming from Ancient Egypt. In this sense, the present work aims to approach the biological activities of essential oils such as antioxidant, anticancer, antiprotozoal, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities of different plant matrices rich in essential oils

    Invasive Species in the Amazon

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    One of the main reasons for environmental disturbances such as declination in pasture productivity and biodiversity losses is the high infestation of herbaceous weeds, generally referred to as “Juquira” in the Amazon region. If they are not adequately controlled, such infestation might lead to degradation of pasture, resulting in complete loss of productivity and subsequent abandonment of the area. In this sense, this chapter aims to describe the main invasive species present in the Amazon region, as well as to characterize both the old and innovative techniques of use in agriculture, in large and small scale, for the control of agricultural pests