23 research outputs found

    La consommation d’alcool et de drogues illicites chez les adolescents francophones du Manitoba

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    Cet article s’intĂ©resse Ă  la consommation d’alcool et de drogues illicites des adolescents francophones. Un de ses principaux objectifs est de dĂ©crire les comportements Ă  risque des Ă©lĂšves de la 9e Ă  la 12e annĂ©e des Ă©coles rurales et urbaines de la Division scolaire franco-manitobaine (DSFM). On y prĂ©sente la prĂ©valence de la consommation d’alcool et de drogues des adolescents canadiens en comparaison avec celle des jeunes francophones du Manitoba. De plus, diffĂ©rents aspects, tels l’expĂ©rimentation, les facteurs de risques et les consĂ©quences reliĂ©es Ă  la consommation d’alcool et de drogues, sont abordĂ©s afin de brosser un tableau des comportements et des tendances de cette consommation. Dans l’ensemble, les rĂ©sultats de l’enquĂȘte en milieu francophone minoritaire sont comparables Ă  ceux obtenus chez la majoritĂ© anglophone.This article addresses alcohol and illicit drug consumption among Francophone teens. One of the primary objectives of the article is to describe at-risk behaviours of students in grades 9 through 12 in rural and urban schools of the Division scolaire franco-manitobaine (DSFM). The prevalence of alcohol and drug use among Canadian teens in general is compared to that of Francophone youth in Manitoba. In addition, the author examines various aspects of this issue—such as experimentation, risk factors and consequences of alcohol and drug use—to paint a picture of behaviours and trends tied to drug and alcohol consumption. Overall, results of the study in a minority Francophone context are comparable to findings for the Anglophone majority

    Post-Secondary Student Belonging in a Virtual Learning Environment During COVID-19

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    Psychological and social adjustment and academic success in post-secondary institutions are supported by a sense of belonging to a social group and having meaningful relationships with other students, staff, and faculty members. This exploratory study used a qualitative approach to investigate post-secondary students’ sense of belonging in the virtual learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was conducted at a small Western Canadian university. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 participants who were undergraduate students, from various faculties, and in different years in their programs. Findings were clustered into three themes: (1) student expectations of university, (2) impact of virtual learning environments on students, and (3) the role of educators. Recommendations are included to enhance support and belonging for post-secondary students in virtual learning environments.L’adaptation psychologique et sociale et la rĂ©ussite dans les Ă©tablissements postsecondaires sont soutenues par un sentiment d’appartenance Ă  un groupe social et par des relations significatives avec les autres Ă©tudiants, le personnel et les membres du corps professoral. Cette Ă©tude exploratoire utilise une approche qualitative pour enquĂȘter sur le sentiment d’appartenance Ă  l’environne-ment d’apprentissage virtuel des Ă©tudiants de niveau postsecondaire pendant la pandĂ©mie de COVID-19. L’étude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans une petite universitĂ© de l’Ouest canadien. Une entrevue semi-dirigĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e auprĂšs de vingt Ă©tudiants de premier cycle, de diverses facultĂ©s et annĂ©es d’études. Les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© regroupĂ©s sous trois thĂ©matiques : (1) les attentes des Ă©tudiants vis-Ă -vis de l’universitĂ©; (2) l’impact des environnements d’apprentissage virtuels sur les Ă©tudiants; et (3) le rĂŽle des enseignants. Des recommandations sont proposĂ©es afin d’amĂ©liorer le soutien et l’appartenance des Ă©tudiants de niveau postsecondaire dans les environnements d’apprentissage virtuels

    Experience of Health Leadership in Partnering With University-Based Researchers in Canada – A Call to “Re-imagine” Research

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    Background: Emerging evidence that meaningful relationships with knowledge users are a key predictor of research use has led to promotion of partnership approaches to health research. However, little is known about health system experiences of collaborations with university-based researchers, particularly with research partnerships in the area of health system design and health service organization. The purpose of the study was to explore the experience and perspectives of senior health managers in health service organizations, with health organization-university research partnerships. Methods: In-depth, semi-structured interviews (n = 25) were conducted with senior health personnel across Canada to explore their perspectives on health system research; experiences with health organization-university research partnerships; challenges to partnership research; and suggested actions for improving engagement with knowledge users and promoting research utilization. Participants, recruited from organizations with regional responsibilities, were responsible for system-wide planning and support functions. Results: Research is often experienced as unhelpful or irrelevant to decision-making by many within the system. Research, quality improvement (QI) and evaluation are often viewed as separate activities and coordinated by different responsibility areas. Perspectives of senior managers on barriers to partnership differed from those identified in the literature: organizational stress and restructuring, and limitations in readiness of researchers to work in the fast-paced healthcare environment, were identified as major barriers. Although the need for strong executive leadership was emphasized, “multi-system action” is needed for effective partnerships. Conclusion: Common approaches to research and knowledge translation are often not appropriate for addressing issues of health service design and health services organization. Nor is the research community providing expertise to many important activities that the healthcare system is taking to improve health services. A radical rethinking of how we prepare health service researchers; position research within the health system; and fund research activities and infrastructure is needed if the potential benefits of research are to be achieved. Lack of response to health system needs may contribute to research and ‘evidence-informed’ practice being further marginalized from healthcare operations. Interventions to address barriers must respond to the perspectives and experience of health leadership

    Les tendances du comportement sexuel des adolescents francophones du Manitoba

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    Cet article s’intĂ©resse aux tendances du comportement sexuel des adolescents. Un de ses principaux objectifs est de dĂ©crire les comportements sexuels des Ă©lĂšves francophones de la 9e Ă  la 12e annĂ©e des Ă©coles rurales et urbaines de la Division scolaire franco-manitobaine (DSFM). On y prĂ©sente Ă©galement les tendances du comportement sexuel des jeunes de 15 Ă  19 ans au Canada ainsi que des motifs plausibles des comportements sexuels chez les adolescents. De plus, d’autres aspects, tels que le contrĂŽle des parents et les consĂ©quences nĂ©fastes associĂ©es aux comportements sexuels, sont abordĂ©s afin de mettre en perspective et d’illustrer quelques composantes de la sexualitĂ© Ă  l’adolescence. Dans l’ensemble, les rĂ©sultats de l’enquĂȘte en milieu francophone minoritaire au Manitoba indiquent que 76 % des rĂ©pondants disent n’avoir jamais eu de relation sexuelle avec pĂ©nĂ©tration.This article examines sexual behavioural trends among adolescents. One of its primary objectives is to describe the sexual behaviours of French-speaking students in grades 9 through 12 in the rural and urban schools of the Division scolaire franco-manitobaine (DSFM). Also addressed are the sexual behavioural trends among youth aged 15 to 19 in Canada, along with plausible explanations for sexual behaviours among adolescents. In addition, other aspects of this issue, such as parental control and harmful consequences associated with sexual behaviours, are examined for the purpose of providing perspective and illustrating some elements of adolescent sexuality. The overall results of the survey among Manitoba’s French-speaking minority indicate that 76% of respondents say that they have never had sexual intercourse involving penetration

    Identité ethnolinguistique, continuité cultuelle et santé mentale chez les jeunes Franco-Manitobains : Une analyse exploratoire

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’explorer divers profils identitaires collectifs auprĂšs des Ă©tudiants universitaires franco-manitobains, et ce, Ă  partir du sentiment d’appartenance Ă  la communautĂ© franco-manitobaine et de la perception de continuitĂ© ethnolinguistique. Quinze rĂ©pondantes et rĂ©pondants ont participĂ© Ă  une entrevue individuelle. Quatre profils identitaires collectifs ont Ă©mergé : optimiste, en changement, inquiet et indiffĂ©rent-dĂ©sengagĂ©. La mise en relation des catĂ©gories thĂ©matiques a permis d’émettre certaines hypothĂšses : a) Le profil identitaire des rĂ©pondants serait fonction des rapports qu’ils entretiennent avec les exogroupes majoritaires ainsi que des structures et rapports sociaux au sein de l’endogroupe. b) Ces profils seraient, en retour, liĂ©s Ă  la santĂ© mentale des rĂ©pondants ; ceux au profil inquiet semblent dĂ©montrer un bienĂȘtre psychologique moindre comparativement aux autres rĂ©pondants. c) Les profils identitaires collectifs orienteraient le recours aux services de soutien formels et informels ; la majoritĂ© des rĂ©pondants, Ă  l’exception de ceux au profil indiffĂ©rent-dĂ©sengagĂ©, dit prĂ©fĂ©rer recevoir de l’aide en français.The objective of this study was to explore various collective identity profiles among Franco-Manitoban university students, based on their sense of belonging to the Franco-Manitoban community and their perception of ethnolinguistic continuity. Fifteen participants took part in individual interviews. Four collective identity profiles emerged: optimistic, changing, insecure and indifferent-disengaged. A number of hypotheses emerged by linking thematic categories ; 1) Respondents’ relationships with majority outgroups as well as social structures and relationships within the ingroup would influence their collective identity profiles. 2) In turn, these profiles would be related to their mental health ; the psychological wellbeing of respondents with an insecure identity profile seems poorer in comparison with the other respondents. 3) Collective identity profiles would influence the use of formal and informal support services. The majority of the respondents expressed a preference to receive help in French, except for those whose profile was indifferent-disengaged

    Substance use and impaired driving prevalence among Francophone and Anglophone postsecondary students in Western Canada

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    Introduction: Substance use and impaired driving increase risk of motor vehicle crashes and deaths. Individual, socio-economic and -cultural factors are associated with these at-risk behaviors; however, little is known if differences exist between the Anglophone majority and minority Francophone populations in Canada. This article describes prevalence of substance use, impaired driving and driving practices by postsecondary student and compares Francophones and Anglophones with respect to these behaviors. Methods: Postsecondary students between 18 and 24 years attending a Francophone university in Western Canada completed a paper-based survey during class-time. Results: Prevalence of alcohol consumption, binge drinking and marijuana use in the past month were 88.6%, 64.2% and 22.7% respectively. Francophone participants were more likely to consume more alcohol, participate in drinking games, and consume marijuana during the past month than Anglophones. They were also more likely to report impaired-driving, speeding, distracted driving and being passenger in a motor vehicle driven by an impaired driver. Conclusion: Awareness campaigns on campus highlighting the risks of substance use and unsafe driving practices should be strengthened and target Francophone students in linguistic minority communities. Keywords: Road safety, Impaired driving, Substance use, Young adults, Linguistic minorit

    Sense of Belonging and Social Climate in an Official Language Minority Post-Secondary Setting

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    Perceived sense of belonging and positive social climate on campus are crucial elements for post-secondary students, as they contribute to academic achievement, positive mental health, and help-seeking. Few studies have explored post-secondary students’ sense of belonging and perceptions of social climate in an official language minority campus, which attract Canadian-born francophones, anglophones who pursue higher education in their second language, and francophone international students. With declining student mental health and greater ethnolinguistic diversity of post-secondary students on Canadian campuses, this important study aims to explore francophone students’ perceived sense of belonging and social climate on campus. In total, 35 students from different ethnolinguistic backgrounds took part in focus groups or individual interviews. Domestic students with French as their first language more often reported positive social climate on campus and a sense of belonging, in contrast to international students and students with French as a second language. A common obstacle to connecting with others was language insecurity in one of the official languages, as both are currently used on campus. Universities hosting students of multiple linguistic diversities should provide courses and campus events to stimulate intercultural knowledge and dialogue.Pour les Ă©tudiants de niveau postsecondaire, une perception positive du climat social et un sentiment d’appartenance sont essentiels, car ils contribuent Ă  la rĂ©ussite scolaire, Ă  une bonne santĂ© mentale et Ă  la recherche d’aide. Peu d’études ont explorĂ© le sentiment d’appartenance et les perceptions du climat social chez les personnes qui Ă©tudient dans un Ă©tablissement postsecondaire en situation de minoritĂ© linguistique attirant des francophones d’origine canadienne, des anglophones qui poursuivent des Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures dans leur langue seconde et des Ă©tudiants internationaux francophones. En raison du dĂ©clin de la santĂ© mentale des Ă©tudiants et d’une plus grande diversitĂ© ethnolinguistique sur les campus canadiens, cetteĂ©tude importante vise Ă  explorer le sentiment d’appartenance et le climat social perçus par les Ă©tudiants francophones sur le campus. Au total, 35 Ă©tudiants d’origines ethnolinguistiques variĂ©es ont participĂ© Ă  des groupes de discussion ou des entretiens individuels. Les Ă©tudiants canadiens dont le français est la langue maternelle ont plus souvent signalĂ© un climat social positif sur le campus et un sentiment d’appartenance que les Ă©tudiants internationaux et les Ă©tudiants dont le français est la langue seconde. L’insĂ©curitĂ© linguistique dans l’une des langues officielles, toutes deux Ă©tant couramment utilisĂ©es sur le campus, Ă©tait un obstacle considĂ©rable aux Ă©changes entre Ă©tudiants. Les universitĂ©s accueillant des Ă©tudiants de profilsethnolinguistiques variĂ©s devraient donc proposer des cours et des Ă©vĂ©nements sur le campus pour  stimuler la connaissance et le dialogue interculturels

    Mental Health Status and Help-Seeking Strategies of International Students in Canada

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    International students are at heightened risk of developing psychological distress, yet little research has been conducted on  their mental health or support needs. This quantitative study focused on undergraduate students at two mid-sized universities in Manitoba, Canada. Online and paper surveys were completed by 932 participants, of whom 21% identified as international students. This paper, descriptive in nature, outlines the sociodemographic profiles, current mental health status, psychological characteristics, and coping strategies of international students compared to domestic students in each institution. Data show that international students are more likely to report excellent mental health, score higher on the mental health scale, and report higher life satisfaction, higher self-esteem, and more positive body image than domestic respondents. However, they are less likely to talk about their hardships. Providing culturally-adapted supports that take into consideration ethnolinguistic differences, religious practice, and mental health literacy will better meet the needs of international students on campus.Les Ă©tudiants internationaux sont Ă  risque de dĂ©tresse psychologique; or, peu de recherches portent sur leur santĂ© mentale et leur besoin de soutien. Cette Ă©tude quantitative a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e auprĂšs d’étudiants de premier cycle dans deux universitĂ©s du Manitoba, au Canada. Un sondage a Ă©tĂ© rempli par 932 participants, dont 21 % qui s’identifiaient comme Ă©tudiants internationaux. De nature descriptive, l’article dĂ©crit et compare le profil sociodĂ©mographique, l’état de santĂ© mentale, les caractĂ©ristiques psychologiques et les stratĂ©gies d’adaptation des Ă©tudiants internationaux et canadiens dans chaque Ă©tablissement. Selon nos donnĂ©es, les Ă©tudiants internationaux rapportent plus souvent avoir une excellente santĂ© mentale, ĂȘtre satisfaits de leur vie, avoir une bonne estime de soi et une image corporelle positive que les Ă©tudiants canadiens. Toutefois, ils sont moins enclins Ă  parler de leurs problĂšmes. Un soutien adaptĂ© aux diffĂ©rentes cultures qui prendrait en considĂ©ration les diffĂ©rences ethnolinguistiques, les pratiques religieuses et la littĂ©ratie en santĂ© mentale rĂ©pondrait mieux aux besoins des Ă©tudiants internationaux

    AccĂšs aux services sociaux et de santĂ© en français : l’expĂ©rience des Franco-Manitobains

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    Des progrĂšs considĂ©rables sont constatĂ©s dans l’offre de services et la formation de professionnels dans le domaine des services sociaux et de santĂ© en français au Manitoba depuis les 30 derniĂšres annĂ©es. L’objectif de cette recherche est de mieux connaĂźtre la perception des usagers quant aux services couramment disponibles et aux barriĂšres rĂ©duisant l’accĂšs Ă  ces services. L’obtention de services en français est importante pour la population francophone, particuliĂšrement pour les aĂźnĂ©s et les immigrants. En moyenne, 50 % des rĂ©pondants disent demander des services en français, mais seulement 25 % affirment les recevoir. La pĂ©nurie de professionnels pouvant offrir des services en français est considĂ©rĂ©e comme la barriĂšre principale Ă  l’accĂšs. L’offre active est essentielle et facilite la prestation des services dans la langue de choix de la clientĂšle.Over the past 30 years considerable progress has been made with regard to the delivery of services and professional training in the area of health and social services for the French-language population of Manitoba. The aim of this study is to gain insight into the client’s perspective with respect to access and obstacles preventing access to these services. Services in French are important, particularly for elderly and immigrant clients. On average, half of the participants request services in French, but only one quarter report receiving them. A shortage of professionals able to provide services in French is perceived as the greatest barrier to access. A pro-active approach is essential to provide care to the client in his or her language of choice