3,155 research outputs found

    Education on Sustainable Development Goals: Geographical Perspectives for Gender Equality in Sustainable Cities and Communities

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    Because of its interdisciplinary approach as a social science directly related to the natural sciences, geography is the academic discipline and school subject that equips students well with knowledge, skills, and values related to education on sustainable development goals. This study is part of the results of MyGEO, a project funded by the European Commission, and it is based on a collaborative mapping of streets named after women in a medium-sized city (Zaragoza, Spain), in connection with the international initiative GeoChicas (GeoGirls) on OpenStreetMap. Its main objective is to obtain evidence to emphasize, through public and digital space, gender equality and the empowerment of women in teacher education by means of their achievements. The learning methodology consists of (i) standardization and correction of alphanumeric information referring to street names contained in the OpenStreetMap spatial database that identify gender and (ii) linking and creating thematic information through Wikipedia editing. The results show that Zaragoza is at the top of the ranking of Spanish and Latin American cities mapped to date in the “Women’s Streets” viewer, with 18% of the streets named after women, compared to the average 15% in the rest of the 30 cities involved in GeoChicas. The direct participation of trainee primary and secondary schoolteachers in this project makes it possible to consolidate a narrative as well as a specific instructional design on education for sustainable development, particularly on SDG number 5 (gender balance) and SDG number 11 (sustainable cities and communities). © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Mobile learning for sustainable development and environmental teacher education

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    Outdoor learning has, for a long time, been an important instructional resource in school education, usually embedded in the natural sciences and social sciences curricula. Teaching geography, geology, or biology beyond the traditional classroom allows students to interact with physical and social environments for meaningful learning. Mobile devices that are based on geospatial technologies have provided more accurate data, but also a combined instructional design with other WebGIS, map viewers, or geographic information system (GIS) layers, which are useful to foster education for sustainable development. This paper analyzes the applications of mobile learning based on citizen science and volunteer geographic information, but also on the growing awareness that citizens and educators need a set of digital competencies to enhance and innovate lifelong learning and active citizenship. The empirical research aims to measure teacher–training experience, highlighting the potential of mobile devices and their applications in environmental education. Data collected from the research and results prove the positive impact of mobile learning in environmental education. Finally, a discussion about mobile learning and education for sustainable development is provided

    Spectrophotometric study in the near-ir of a sample of MIPS selected galaxies at Z~2

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    Our main objective is to determine what kind of galaxies dominate the cosmic SFR density at z~2. Our sample consists of 24 galaxies in Chandra Deep Field South, a unique field for the study of galaxy evolution (12 observed with GNIRS/GEMINI and 12 with ISAAC/VLT). We use H alpha together with the already merged X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, near and mid-infrared imaging data to obtain estimations of SFRs, metallicities, stellar and dynamical masses, AGN activity, and extinction properties. We have obtained 15 Hα detections, 4 rotation curves, and SFR relationship for 7 galaxies. The metallicities obtained for 8 galaxies of the sample are compatible with the metallicities of local galaxies

    An Assessment of Beaked Redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) in NAFO Division 3M (at times when natural mortality is driven stock dynamics and fishing mortality reference points are useless to scientific advice)

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    The 3M redfish assessment is focused on the beaked redfish, regarded as a management unit composed of two populations from two very similar species: the Flemish Cap S. mentella and S. fasciatus. The reason for this approach is the historical dominance of this group in the 3M redfish commercial catch until 2005. However a new golden redfish fishery (S. marinus) started on September 2005 on shallower depths of the Flemish Cap bank above 300m, and the Flemish Cap cod fishery reopened in 2010. These new realities implied a revision of catch estimates, in order to split recent redfish commercial catch and by-catch from the major fleets on Div. 3M into golden (S. marinus) and beaked (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) redfish catches. The Extended Survivor Analysis assessment used as tuning file the 1989-2014 EU survey abundance at age matrix included in a revised input framework. Continuing pressure over Flemish Cap redfish stocks by cod predation, at levels higher, or much higher, than the levels prior to 2006 lead to higher natural mortalities since then. Natural mortality have been tuned to survey at age data 2006 onwards by the sensitivity analysis preceding each assessment, and on 2013-2104 has a best estimate at slightly higher level from previous years. A 2015-2011 retrospective XSA was carried out, confirming that the present assessment is very much in line with their immediate predecessors

    The cadherin–catenin complex in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

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    Abnormal Wnt signaling and impaired cell–cell adhesion due to abnormal E-cadherin and b-catenin func tion have been implicated in many cancers, but have not been fully explored in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The aim of this study was to analyze b-Catenin cellular location and E-cadherin expression levels in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. E-cadherin expression levels were also correlated with clinical data and underlying pathology. b-Catenin and E-cadherin expression were examined in 18 nasopharyn geal carcinoma and 7 non-tumoral inflammatory pharynx tissues using immunohistochemical methods. Patient clin ical data were collected, and histological evaluation was performed by hematoxylin/eosin staining. b-catenin was detected in membrane and cytoplasm in all cases of naso pharyngeal carcinoma, regardless of histological type; in non-tumoral tissues, however, b-catenin was observed only in the membrane. As for E-cadherin expression levels, strong staining was observed in most non-tumoral tissues, but staining was only moderate in nasopharyngeal carci noma tissues. E-cadherin expression was associated with b-catenin localization, study group, metastatic disease, and patient outcomes. Reduced levels of E-cadherin protein observed in nasopharyngeal carinoma may play an important role in invasion and metastasis. Cytoplasmic b-catenin in nasopharyngeal carcinoma may impair cell– cell adhesion, promoting invasive behavior and a metastatic tumor phenotype

    Analysis of fluid soil-structure interaction problems with the particle finite element method (PFEM)

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    We present some developments in the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) for analysis of coupled problems in mechanics involving fluid-soil-structure interaction (FSSI). The PFEM uses an updated Lagrangian description to model the motion of material points in both the fluid and the solid domains (the later including soil/rocks and structures). A mesh connects the particles (nodes) defining the discretized domain where the governing equations for each of the constituent materials are solved as in the standard FEM. The procedure to model frictional contact conditions and material erosion at fluid-solid and solid-solid interfaces is described. We present several examples of application of the PFEM to solve FSSI problems such as the motion of rocks by water streams, the erosion of river beds, the stability of breakwaters and constructions under sea waves, the falling of landslides on houses and into a reservoir and the failure of rockfill dams in overspill situations.Preprin

    Marcadores ecográficos de cromosomopatías en el I trimestre de la gestación: ductus venoso

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    La evaluación Doppler del flujo en el ductus venoso en el primer trimestre ha venido a contribuir con información clínica relevante en las orientaciones a los padres. No sólo se mostró eficaz en el rastreo de anomalías cromosómicas, como la trisomía 21, disminuyendo la tasa de procedimientos invasivos, sino también en el rastreo de cardiopatías congénitas, redefiniendo el grupo de alto riesgo a ser sometido aecocardiografía precoz. Por su parte, un flujo anormal en el ductus venoso asociado a la translucencia nucal aumentada en uno o en ambos fetos de un embarazo monocoriónico parece una combinación sensible para rastrear precozmente el síndrome de transfusión feto fetal. En todas estas situaciones, el ductus venoso se muestra un marcador eficaz deinsuficiencia/disfunción cardíaca