473 research outputs found

    Low-cost multi-spectral camera platform for in-flight near real-time vegetation index computation and delivery.

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    Agricultural optimization and increased productivity is always a growing concern, due to the increasing population. Crops susceptible to a wide variety of hindering conditions, need to be carefully observed and managed to guarantee maximum production. Many diseases, weather changes, soil variances and other in?uencing factors are only visible after the plant has reached a deplorable state and its neighbors closely trailing behind. Ongoing research is enhancing an observation model that can better prevent such factors, but many still present a variety of limiting factors that are still being studied. Vegetation indices is a long dated studied concept that has proven to be able to show plant response to stress before visible signs are present. To take advantage of this we propose a multi-spectral camera, aimed at mass use, to provide the needed observation with top of the line, reliable results. The built prototype was put through two different tests, both showing it capable of displaying plant health. The ?ne control test showed the camera capable of displaying difference in plant health after only two days of stress. The results were reached with out the use of expensive lenses/?lters, and provide easy to interpret results. All while being able to send data to a nearby portable device

    How do diversity and functional nestedness of bird communities respond to changes in the landscape caused by eucalyptus plantations?

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    Studies of functional diversity can help to understand processes that determine the presence of species in different habitats. Measurement of functional diversity in silviculture areas is important because different functional traits can show different responses to this landscape alteration, and therefore ecological functions can be affected. This study evaluated functional and taxonomic differences in bird assemblages in a native forest and eucalyptus plantations, and also assessed the functional nestedness of the bird species. We censused birds in eucalyptus plantations of four different ages, and also in a native forest. The results showed higher functional and taxonomic diversity of birds in the native forest than in plantations and higher similarity of functional traits between plantations of different ages. The high functional diversity in the native forest indicates a greater variety of functional traits, resulting in greater functional complementarity than in plantations. The association of some traits with the native forest, such as nectarivory and foraging in air, indicates the importance of native habitats in maintaining species and functions related to such traits. Already, species traits in eucalyptus plantations represent a subset of those that were recorded in the native forest, indicating that some functions are maintained in plantations. Our results demonstrate that the species occurrence in the plantations and native forest is determined by species traits. Thus, the maintenance of some functions in plantations is provided, although there is a higher functional diversity in native forest

    Water reuse in Brazilian rice farming: Application of semiquantitative microbiological risk assessment

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    Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watcyc.2022.04.003.The current paper presented the Semiquantitative model for microbiological risk assessment for human health, in rice crop production in Brazil. For this purpose, initially, Microbiological Risk Assessment (SqMRA) was divided into four stages: 1) Identification of hazards; 2) Identification of exposure routes for different receptors; 3) Exposure scenarization; 4) Risk characterization. After that, the SqMRA was applied to rice farming in two scenarios, in which the first considers the effluent to be disinfected (Hazard 7), and the second considers the reality of sewage treatment conditions in Brazil (Hazard 9). Thus, it was observed that the reuse of water reuse can be applied in rice farming, with an acceptable global risk, to the receptors involved (farmer, consumer, and neighborhood). Although, it is necessary the relevance of disinfection to minimize the risk in any water reuse application is highlighted.- (undefined

    Emissão de N2O sob plantio direto com soja e milho no Cerrado.

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    A agricultura é uma das principais contribuintes de fontes primárias antropogênicas de emissão de óxido nitroso para a atmosfera. Os sistemas de manejo do solo, vinculados ao incremento de fertilizantes nitrogenados interferem diretamente na ciclagem do nitrogênio. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a emissão de N2O no início do período chuvoso em sistema plantio direto cultivado com soja e milho e fertilização nitrogenada em um experimento com sucessão de culturas há dezenove anos no Cerrado. Para tanto, utilizou-se de uma área experimental com rotação anual soja-milho em blocos ao acaso com três repetições, localizada na Embrapa Cerrados, Planaltina, DF. No total foram realizadas 20 coletas de gases com o uso de câmaras estáticas nos meses de outubro, novembro e dezembro de 2013. As concentrações foram determinadas utilizando um cromatógrafo gasoso. Como covariáveis foram calculados a porcentagem de espaço poroso saturado por água na camada de 0-5 cm de profundidade e coletadas informações sobre a precipitação pluviométrica e temperatura do ar em estação meteorológica automática. Os sistemas de manejo agrícolas de plantio direto, quando comparados ao cerrado nativo,emitiram maiores fluxos de óxido nitroso. A fertilização nitrogenada de cobertura, juntamente com o espaço poroso saturado por água acima de 50%, foramdeterminantes para que o plantio direto cultivado com milho emitisse maiores fluxos de N2O, atingindo picos de 90μg m-2 h-1

    A low-cost six band multi-spectral camera platform for in-flight near real-time vegetation index computation and delivery.

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    Ao longo dos últimos dez anos, o interesse no uso de Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANTs) para aplicações na agricultura tem crescido signi?cativamente. Uma das áreas de maior interesse nesse campo é o monitoramento do crescimento e saúde das plantas, onde os VANTs podem ser utilizados em conjunto com câmeras multiespectrais, as quais excedem as capacidades das convencionais. Há alguns anos o custo de VANTs era muito alto, o que, juntamente com a necessidade de um operador especializado e elevado custo de manutenção tornavam sua aquisição inviável para a maioria dos agricultores. No entanto, o aumento do interesse em VANTs com uso recreacional possibilitou a redução destes custos, tornando este tipo de veículo uma ferramenta atraente e acessível para a inovação agrícola. Infelizmente, os equipamentos (e.g. câmeras multiespectrais) necessários para transformar VANTs recreativos em ferramentas de auxilio na agricultura não observaram tal redução de custos. Este trabalho apresenta um projeto que, usando principalmente materiais ?de prateleira?, visa criar uma câmera multiespectral de baixo custo, que além de funcionalidades similares às de câmeras comerciais, pode computar e transmitir índices de vegetação, durante o voo

    Emissão de óxido nitroso em latossolo sob cultivos de eucalipto e vegetação de Cerrado.

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    Os sistemas florestais são responsáveis por parte das emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE). Dentre esses, destaca-se o óxido nitroso (N2O), que é um importante gás causador do efeito estufa. Devido sua capacidade de absorver energia, estabilidade na atmosfera e alta capacidade de reagir com a camada de ozônio. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar no início da época chuvosa, a emissão de N2O em plantios de eucalipto de diferentes idades e em mata nativa de cerrado, no Paranoá-DF. A emissão de N2O foi avaliada com câmaras estáticas no período de outubro a dezembro de 2013. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Os maiores fluxos de N2O foram observados nos dias (18/10/2013, 11/11/2013 e 22/11/2013), para o cerrado típico, eucalipto de quatro anos de idade e eucalipto de seis anos de idade, respectivamente, variando de 1,93 ug NN2O m-2 h-1 no eucalipto de seis anos de idade a 3,5 ug N-N2O m-2 h-1 no cerrado. Os baixos fluxos de N2O, que aconteceram no período avaliado parecem não ter se correlacionado com o EPSA


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    The title compound, C15H13N3O2S, was synthesized by the reaction of 2-amino-5,6,7,8-tetra­hydro-4H-cyclo­hepta­[b]thio­phene-3-carbonitrile and o-fluoro­nitro­benzene. The dihedral angle between the thio­phene and nitro­phenyl rings is 75.15 (2)°. In the crystal, inter­molecular N—H⋯N and C—H⋯O inter­actions lead to the formation of a supra­molecular chain extending along the c-axis direction


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    The title compound, C9H10N2S, was synthesized according to Gewald procedures by the reaction of cyclo­hexa­none with malonitrile and sulfur in the presence morpholine. The cyclo­hexane ring adopts a half-chair conformation and the thio­phene ring is essentially planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.05 Å). The crystal packing is stabilized by two inter­molecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds, which link the mol­ecules into centrosymmetric rings with graph-set motif R 2 2(12)


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    The title compound, C16H15N3O2S, was synthesized by the reaction of 2-amino-5,6,7,8-tetra­hydro-4H-cyclo­hepta­[b]thio­phene-3-carbonitrile and o-fluoro­nitro­benzene. The thio­phene and nitro­phenyl rings and amino and carbonitrile groups are coplanar with a maximum deviation of 0.046 (2) Å and a dihedral angle of 0.92 (6)° between the rings. The cyclo­hepta ring adopts a chair conformation. Intra­molecular N—H⋯O and C—H⋯S inter­actions occur. In the crystal, the mol­ecules form layers that are linked by π–π stacking inter­actions between the thio­phene and benzene rings [centroid–centroid distances = 3.7089 (12) and 3.6170 (12) Å]