3,872 research outputs found

    Decaying dark energy in light of the latest cosmological dataset

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    Decaying Dark Energy models modify the background evolution of the most common observables, such as the Hubble function, the luminosity distance and the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature-redshift scaling relation. We use the most recent observationally-determined datasets, including Supernovae Type Ia and Gamma Ray Bursts data, along with H(z)H(z) and Cosmic Microwave Background temperature versus zz data and the reduced Cosmic Microwave Background parameters, to improve the previous constraints on these models. We perform a Monte Carlo Markov Chain analysis to constrain the parameter space, on the basis of two distinct methods. In view of the first method, the Hubble constant and the matter density are left to vary freely. In this case, our results are compatible with previous analyses associated with decaying Dark Energy models, as well as with the most recent description of the cosmological background. In view of the second method, we set the Hubble constant and the matter density to their best fit values obtained by the {\it Planck} satellite, reducing the parameter space to two dimensions, and improving the existent constraints on the model's parameters. Our results suggest that the accelerated expansion of the Universe is well described by the cosmological constant, and we argue that forthcoming observations will play a determinant role to constrain/rule out decaying Dark Energy.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure, 2 table. Accepted in the Special Issue "Cosmological Inflation, Dark Matter and Dark Energy" on Symmetry Journa

    On the universality of MOG weak field approximation at galaxy cluster scale

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    In its weak field limit, Scalar-tensor-vector gravity theory introduces a Yukawa-correction to the gravitational potential. Such a correction depends on the two parameters, α\alpha which accounts for the modification of the gravitational constant, and μ1\mu^{*-1} which represents the scale length on which the scalar field propagates. These parameters were found to be universal when the modified gravitational potential was used to fit the galaxy rotation curves and the mass profiles of galaxy clusters, both without Dark Matter. We test the universality of these parameters using the the temperature anisotropies due to the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect. In our model the intra-cluster gas is in hydrostatic equilibrium within the modified gravitational potential well and it is described by a polytropic equation of state. We predict the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich temperature anisotropies produced by Coma cluster, and we compare them with those obtained using the Planck 2013 Nominal maps. In our analysis, we find α\alpha and the scale length, respectively, to be consistent and to depart from their universal values. Our analysis points out that the assumption of the universality of the Yukawa-correction to the gravitational potential is ruled out at more than 3.5σ3.5\sigma at galaxy clusters scale, while demonstrating that such a theory of gravity is capable to fit the cluster profile if the scale dependence of the gravitational potential is restored.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 2 Tables. Accepted for publication on Physical Letter

    Testing f(R)-theories using the first time derivative of the orbital period of the binary pulsars

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    In this paper we use one of the Post-Keplerian parameters to obtain constraints on f(R)-theories of gravity. Using Minkowskian limit, we compute the prediction of f(R)-theories on the first time derivative of the orbital period of a sample of binary stars, and we use our theoretical results to perform a comparison with the observed one. Selecting a sample of relativistic binary systems we estimate the parameters of an analytic f(R)-gravity. We find that the theory is not ruled out if we consider only the double neutron star systems, and in this case we can cover the existing gap between the General Relativity prediction and the observed data.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Probing the physical and mathematical structure of f(R)f(R) gravity by PSR J0348+0432J0348+0432

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    There are several approaches to extend General Relativity in order to explain the phenomena related to the Dark Matter and Dark Energy. These theories, generally called Extended Theories of Gravity, can be tested using observations coming from relativistic binary systems as PSR J0348+0432J0348+0432. Using a class of analytical f(R)f(R)-theories, one can construct the first time derivative of orbital period of the binary systems starting from a quadrupolar gravitational emission. Our aim is to set boundaries on the parameters of the theory in order to understand if they are ruled out, or not, by the observations on PSR J0348+0432J0348+0432. Finally, we have computed an upper limit on the graviton mass showing that agree with constraint coming from other observations.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, accepted in International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physic

    Modified gravity revealed along geodesic tracks

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    The study of the dynamics of a two-body system in modified gravity constitutes a more complex problem than in Newtonian gravity. Numerical methods are typically needed to solve the equations of geodesics. Despite the complexity of the problem, the study of a two-body system in f(R)f(R) gravity leads to a new exciting perspective hinting the right strategy to adopt in order to probe modified gravity. Our results point out some differences between the {\em semiclassical} (Newtonian) approach, and the {\em relativistic} (geodesic) one thus suggesting that the latter represents the best strategy for future tests of modified theories of gravity. { Finally, we have also highlighted the capability of forthcoming observations to serve as smoking gun of modified gravity revealing a departure from GR or further reducing the parameter space of f(R)f(R) gravity}. \keywords{f(R)f(R) gravity \and binary system \and geodesics \and precessionComment: 7 Pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication on The European Physics Journal

    Analysis of the Yukawa gravitational potential in f(R)f(R) gravity I: semiclassical periastron advance

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    The {\it concordance} cosmological model has been successfully tested throughout the last decades. Despite its successes, the fundamental nature of dark matter and dark energy is still unknown. Modifications of the gravitational action have been proposed as an alternative to these dark components. The straightforward modification of gravity is to generalize the action to a function, f(R)f(R), of the scalar curvature. Thus one is able to describe the emergence and the evolution of the Large Scale Structure without any additional (unknown) dark component. In the weak field limit of the f(R)f(R)-gravity, a modified Newtonian gravitational potential arises. This gravitational potential accounts for an extra force, generally called fifth force, that produces a precession of the orbital motion even in the classic mechanical approach. We have shown that the orbits in the modified potential can be written as Keplerian orbits under some conditions on the strength and scale length of this extra force. Nevertheless, we have also shown that this extra term gives rise to the precession of the orbit. Thus, comparing our prediction with the measurements of the precession of some planetary motions, we have found that the strength of the fifth force must be in the range [2.706.70]×109[2.70-6.70]\times10^{-9} whit the characteristic scale length to fixed to the fiducial values of 5000\sim 5000 AU.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Constraining f(R)f(R) gravity by the Large Scale Structure

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    Over the past decades, General Relativity and the concordance Λ\LambdaCDM model have been successfully tested using several different astrophysical and cosmological probes based on large datasets ({\it precision cosmology}). Despite their successes, some shortcomings emerge due to the fact that General Relativity should be revised at infrared and ultraviolet limits and to the fact that the fundamental nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy is still a puzzle to be solved. In this perspective, f(R)f(R) gravity have been extensively investigated being the most straightforward way to modify General Relativity and to overcame some of the above shortcomings. In this paper, we review various aspects of f(R)f(R) gravity at extragalactic and cosmological levels. In particular, we consider cluster of galaxies, cosmological perturbations, and N-Body simulations, focusing on those models that satisfy both cosmological and local gravity constraints. The perspective is that some classes of f(R)f(R) models can be consistently constrained by Large Scale Structure.Comment: 37 pages, 3 Tables, 6 Figures. Invited Review belonging "Special Issue Modified Gravity Cosmology: From Inflation to Dark Energy". The manuscript matches the accepted version. References update

    Constraining ultralight bosons in dwarf spheroidal galaxies with a radially varying anisotropy

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    Axions, and axion-like particles, have come back into fashion in the last decades as a possible solution to the galactic-scale crisis suffered by the cold dark matter model. In the framework of the wave Dark Matter model, we have carried out a Jeans Analysis on eight dwarf spheroidal galaxies that are orbiting around the Milky Way, and we have constrained the boson mass. Differently to a previous analysis, we adopted an anisotropy parameter that varies with the distance from the centre of the galaxy to assess whether this assumption would help to resolve, or at least alleviate, the well-known tension with the value of the boson mass favoured by the cosmological analysis. Our results indicate that, differently to what happens in ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, such a tension cannot be lifted introducing a variable anisotropy parameter, leaving as a possible solution the existence of additional axion or axion-like particles with higher masses as naturally predicted in the Axiverse.Comment: 13 pages, 5, figures, 3 tables. Accepted on PR

    Testing f(R)-Theories by Binary Pulsars

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    Using the Post-Keplerian parameters to obtain, in the Minkowskian limit we obtain constraints on f(R)-theories of gravity from the first time derivative of the orbital period of a sample of binary stars. In the approximation in which the theory is Taylor expandable, we can estimate the parameters of an an analytic f(R)-theory, and fullling the gap between the General Relativity prediction and the one cames from observation, we show that the theory is not ruled out