62 research outputs found

    The psychosocial impact of male infertility on men undergoing ICSI treatment: a qualitative study

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    Background: Male infertility is in 20–70% of cases the cause of a couple’s infertility. Severe forms of male infertility are best treated with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). The psychosocial impact of infertility and ICSI on men is unclear because the focus is socially, clinically, and scientifically on women. However, there is evidence that it can affect the psychological well-being of men, but these studies are mainly quantitative. Qualitative research needed to explore the experiences of infertile men in-depth is limited. Therefore, the objective of this study was to clarify the psychosocial consequences of male infertility on men undergoing ICSI to understand their experiences with reproduction problems more comprehensively. Methods: In this generic qualitative study, men who were undergoing or had undergone ICSI after a male factor infertility diagnosis were included. A purposive sample with maximum variation was sought in a fertility clinic of one university medical centre in the Netherlands. Data were collected through individual face-to-face semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis was used to identify themes from the data. Results: Nineteen Dutch men were interviewed. The mean duration of the interviews was 90 min. An everyday contributing backpack was identified as the main theme, as men indicated that they always carried the psychosocial consequences of infertility and ICSI with them. Different world perspective, Turbulence of emotions, Changing relation, and Selective sharing were the psychosocial consequences that men were most affected by. Moreover, men indicated that they were Searching for contribution during ICSI because the focus was entirely on the woman. Conclusion: Men with male infertility experience psychosocial problems due to infertility and ICSI treatment. Healthcare professionals need to recognize the impact of infertility on men and create room for a role for them during ICSI

    Function focused care in hospital: A mixed-method feasibility study

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    Background: During hospitalization patients frequently have a low level of physical activity, which is an important risk factor for functional decline. Function Focused Care (FFC) is an evidence-based intervention developed in the United States to prevent functional decline in older patients. Within FFC, nurses help older patients optimally participate in functional and physical activity during all care interactions. FFC was adapted to the Dutch Hospital setting, which led to Function Focused Care in Hospital (FFCiH). FFCiH consists of four components: (1) ‘Environmental and policy assessment’; (2) ‘Education’; (3) ‘Goal setting with the patient’ and (4) ‘Ongoing motivation and mentoring’. The feasibility of FFCiH in the Dutch hospital setting needs to be assessed. Objective: Introduce FFCiH into Dutch hospital wards, to assess the feasibility of FFCiH in terms of description of the intervention, implementation, mechanisms of impact, and context. Design: Mixed method design Setting(s): A Neurological and a Geriatric ward in a Dutch Hospital. Participants: 56 Nurses and nursing students working on these wards. Methods: The implementation process was described and the delivery was studied in terms of dose, fidelity, adaptions, and reach. The mechanisms of impact were studied by the perceived facilitators and barriers to the intervention. Qualitative data were collected via focus group interviews, observations, and field notes. Quantitative data were collected via evaluation forms and attendance/participation lists. Results: A detailed description of FFCiH in terms of what, how, when, and by whom was given. 54 Nurses (96.4%) on both wards attended at least 1 session of the education or participated in bedside teaching. The nurses assessed the content of the education sessions with a mean of 7.5 (SD 0.78) on a 0–10 scale. The patient files showed that different short and long-term goals were set. Several facilitators and barriers were identified, which led to additions to the intervention. An important facilitator was that nurses experienced FFCiH as an approach that fits with the principles underpinning their current working philosophy. The experienced barriers mainly concern the implementation elements of the FFCiH-components ‘Education’ and ‘Ongoing motivation and mentoring’. Optimizing the team involvement, improving nursing leadership during the implementation, and enhancing the involvement of patients and their family were activities added to FFCiH to improve future implementation. Conclusions: FFCiH is feasible for the Dutch hospital setting. Strong emphasis on team involvement, nursing leadership, and the involvement of patients and their families is recommended to optimize future implementation of FFCiH in Dutch hospitals. What is already known • Function Focused Care is an evidence-based intervention that prevents functional decline among hospitalized elderly; • It is proven to be effective in assistant living facilities, nursing homes, home care, and acute care settings in the United States; • It is unknown if the intervention can be implemented in the Dutch Hospital Setting.What this paper adds • This study showed the feasibility of Function Focused Care in Hospital and the challenges in some elements of the intervention; • Optimizing the team involvement, improving nursing leadership during the implementation, and enhancing the involvement of patients and their family were added to FFCiH to improve future implementation. • This feasibility study can guide the use of process evaluation in examining the feasibility of an intervention in daily practice

    Older patients' experiences with and attitudes towards an oncogeriatric pathway: A qualitative study

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    INTRODUCTION: To tailor treatment for older patients with cancer, an oncogeriatric care pathway has been developed in the Leiden University Medical Center. In this care pathway a geriatric assessment is performed and preferences concerning cancer treatment options are discussed. This study aimed to explore patient experiences with and attitudes towards this pathway.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A qualitative study was performed using an exploratory descriptive approach. Individual face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted with older patients (≥70 years) who had followed the oncogeriatric care pathway in the six months prior to the interview. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were analyzed inductively using thematic analysis.RESULTS: After interviews with 14 patients with a median age of 80 years, three main themes were identified. (1) Patients' positive experiences with the oncogeriatric pathway: Patients appreciated the attitudes of the healthcare professionals and felt heard and understood. (2) Unmet information needs about the oncogeriatric care pathway: Patients experienced a lack of information about the aim and process. (3) Incomplete information for decision-making: Most patients were satisfied with decision-making process. However, treatment decisions had often been made before oncogeriatric consultation. No explicit naming and explaining of different available treatment options had been provided, nor had risk of physical or cognitive decline during and after treatment been addressed.DISCUSSION: Older patients had predominately positive attitudes towards the oncogeriatric care pathway. Most patients were satisfied with the treatment decision. Providing information on the aim and process of the care pathway, available treatment options, and treatment-related risks of cognitive and physical decline may further improve the oncogeriatric care pathway and the decision-making process.</p

    Older patients' experiences with and attitudes towards an oncogeriatric pathway: A qualitative study

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    INTRODUCTION: To tailor treatment for older patients with cancer, an oncogeriatric care pathway has been developed in the Leiden University Medical Center. In this care pathway a geriatric assessment is performed and preferences concerning cancer treatment options are discussed. This study aimed to explore patient experiences with and attitudes towards this pathway.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A qualitative study was performed using an exploratory descriptive approach. Individual face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted with older patients (≥70 years) who had followed the oncogeriatric care pathway in the six months prior to the interview. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were analyzed inductively using thematic analysis.RESULTS: After interviews with 14 patients with a median age of 80 years, three main themes were identified. (1) Patients' positive experiences with the oncogeriatric pathway: Patients appreciated the attitudes of the healthcare professionals and felt heard and understood. (2) Unmet information needs about the oncogeriatric care pathway: Patients experienced a lack of information about the aim and process. (3) Incomplete information for decision-making: Most patients were satisfied with decision-making process. However, treatment decisions had often been made before oncogeriatric consultation. No explicit naming and explaining of different available treatment options had been provided, nor had risk of physical or cognitive decline during and after treatment been addressed.DISCUSSION: Older patients had predominately positive attitudes towards the oncogeriatric care pathway. Most patients were satisfied with the treatment decision. Providing information on the aim and process of the care pathway, available treatment options, and treatment-related risks of cognitive and physical decline may further improve the oncogeriatric care pathway and the decision-making process.</p

    Interventions for improving psychosocial well-being after stroke: A systematic review

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    Background: Up to one third of all stroke patients suffer from one or more psychosocial impairments. Recognition and treatment of these impairments are essential in improving psychosocial well-being after stroke. Although nurses are ideally positioned to address psychosocial well-being, they often feel insecure about providing the needed psychosocial care. Therefore, we expect that providing nurses with better knowledge to deliver this care could lead to an improvement in psychosocial well-being after stroke. Currently it is not known which interventions are effective and what aspects of these interventions are most effective to improve psychosocial well-being after stroke. Objective: To identify potentially effective interventions – and intervention components – which can be delivered by nurses to improve patients' psychosocial well-being after stroke. Methods: A systematic review and data synthesis of randomized controlled trials and quasi experimental studies was conducted. Papers were included according to the following criteria: 1) before-after design, 2) all types of stroke patients, 3) interventions that can be delivered by nurses, 4) the primary outcome(s) were psychosocial. PubMed, Embase, PsychInfo, CINAHL and Cochrane library were searched (August 2019–April 2022). Articles were selected based on title, abstract, full text and quality. Quality was assessed by using Joanna Briggs Institute checklists and a standardized data extraction form developed by Joanna Brigss Institute was used to extract the data. Results: In total 60 studies were included, of which 52 randomized controlled trials, three non-randomized controlled trials, four quasi-experimental studies, and one randomized cross-over study. Nineteen studies had a clear psychosocial content, twenty-nine a partly psychosocial content, and twelve no psychosocial content. Thirty-nine interventions that showed positive effects on psychosocial well-being after stroke were identified. Effective intervention topics were found to be mood, recovery, coping, emotions, consequences/problems after stroke, values and needs, risk factors and secondary prevention, self-management, and medication management. Active information and physical exercise were identified as effective methods of delivery. Discussion: The results suggest that interventions to improve psychosocial well-being should include the intervention topics and methods of delivery that were identified as effective. Since effectiveness of the intervention can depend on the interaction of intervention components, these interactions should be studied. Nurses and patients should be involved in the development of such interventions to ensure it can be used by nurses and will help improve patients' psychosocial well-being. Funding and registration: This study was supported by the Taskforce for Applied Research SIA (RAAK.PUB04.010). This review was not registered

    Accuracy of Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for screening to detect major depression: individual participant data meta-analysis

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    Objective: To determine the accuracy of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for screening to detect major depression. Design: Individual participant data meta-analysis. Data sources: Medline, Medline In-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations, PsycINFO, and Web of Science (January 2000-February 2015). Inclusion criteria: Eligible studies compared PHQ-9 scores with major depression diagnoses from validated diagnostic interviews. Primary study data and study level data extracted from primary reports were synthesized. For PHQ-9 cut-off scores 5-15, bivariate random effects meta-analysis was used to estimate pooled sensitivity and specificity, separately, among studies that used semistructured diagnostic interviews, which are designed for administration by clinicians; fully structured interviews, which are designed for lay administration; and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric (MINI) diagnostic interviews, a brief fully structured interview. Sensitivity and specificity were examined among participant subgroups and, separately, using meta-regression, considering all subgroup variables in a single model. Results: Data were obtained for 58 of 72 eligible studies (total n=17 357; major depression cases n=2312). Combined sensitivity and specificity was maximized at a cut-off score of 10 or above among studies using a semistructured interview (29 studies, 6725 participants; sensitivity 0.88, 95% confidence interval 0.83 to 0.92; specificity 0.85, 0.82 to 0.88). Across cut-off scores 5-15, sensitivity with semistructured interviews was 5-22% higher than for fully structured interviews (MINI excluded; 14 studies, 7680 participants) and 2-15% higher than for the MINI (15 studies, 2952 participants). Specificity was similar across diagnostic interviews. The PHQ-9 seems to be similarly sensitive but may be less specific for younger patients than for older patients; a cut-off score of 10 or above can be used regardless of age.. Conclusions: PHQ-9 sensitivity compared with semistructured diagnostic interviews was greater than in previous conventional meta-analyses that combined reference standards. A cut-off score of 10 or above maximized combined sensitivity and specificity overall and for subgroups. Registration: PROSPERO CRD42014010673

    Probability of major depression diagnostic classification using semi-structured vs. fully structured diagnostic interviews

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    Background: Different diagnostic interviews are used as reference standards for major depression classification in research. Semi-structured interviews involve clinical judgement, whereas fully structured interviews are completely scripted. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), a brief fully structured interview, is also sometimes used. It is not known whether interview method is associated with probability of major depression classification. Aims: To evaluate the association between interview method and odds of major depression classification, controlling for depressive symptom scores and participant characteristics. Method: Data collected for an individual participant data meta-analysis of Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) diagnostic accuracy were analyzed. Binomial Generalized Linear Mixed Models were fit. Results: 17,158 participants (2,287 major depression cases) from 57 primary studies were analyzed. Among fully structured interviews, odds of major depression were higher for the MINI compared to the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) [OR (95% CI) = 2.10 (1.15-3.87)]. Compared to semi-structured interviews, fully structured interviews (MINI excluded) were non-significantly more likely to classify participants with low-level depressive symptoms (PHQ-9 scores 6) as having major depression [OR (95% CI) = 3.13 (0.98-10.00)], similarly likely for moderate-level symptoms (PHQ-9 scores 7-15) [OR (95% CI) = 0.96 (0.56-1.66)], and significantly less likely for high-level symptoms (PHQ-9 scores 16) [OR (95% CI) = 0.50 (0.26-0.97)]. Conclusions: The MINI may identify more depressed cases than the CIDI, and semi- and fully structured interviews may not be interchangeable methods, but these results should be replicated

    Association Between Self-care and Resilience: A Cross-sectional Study in Heart Failure Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Self-care (SC) is a cornerstone in heart failure management and is related to patient outcomes. The continuous and complex demands of SC can be experienced as stressful and may require patients to apply resilient behaviors as they manage their conditions. Resilience may be a helpful factor in performing SC. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the association between resilience and SC in patients with heart failure. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed between January 2020 and January 2021. Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire addressing baseline characteristics, the 2-item Patient Health Questionnaire, the Resilience Evaluation Scale, and the Self-Care of Chronic Illness Inventory, which measures 3 concepts of SC: SC maintenance, SC monitoring, and SC management. Multiple regression analysis was performed to determine whether resilience was associated with SC. RESULTS: Eighty-six patients were included, and 74 patients completed the questionnaire. In the univariate analysis, an association was found between resilience and SC maintenance, resulting in an increase in SC for patients with higher resilience (β = 0.24; 95% confidence interval, 0.03-0.96). In the multivariate analysis adjusted and corrected for confounders, no significant associations between resilience and all SC scales were found. CONCLUSION: This study could not demonstrate significant associations between resilience and all SC scales. This study contributes to the body of knowledge on factors that can mediate or moderate SC. Further longitudinal research should be performed to study cause-effect relationships

    Psychometric evaluation of the Signs of Depression Scale with a revised scoring mechanism in stroke patients with communicative impairment

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    Objectives: To investigate (1) the diagnostic value of the Signs of Depression Scale (SODS) in a Likert scale format and (2) whether the Likert scale improves the diagnostic value compared with the original dichotomous scale. Design: Cross-sectional multicentre study. Setting: One general and one university hospital in the Netherlands. Subjects: A total of 116 consecutive hospitalized stroke patients, of whom 53 were patients with communicative impairment. Main measures: Depression was diagnosed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) administered to the patients’ relatives. The Barthel Index (BI) was used as an external validator. Results: The correlation between the CIDI and the SODS-Likert or the SODS was small (rb = 0.18), and the correlation between the Barthel Index and the SODS-Likert (rs = −0.30) or the SODS (rs = −0.33) was moderate. For both instruments, the discriminatory power for diagnosing depression when compared with the CIDI was best at a cut-off score of ⩾2. The internal consistency of the SODS-Likert was acceptable (α = 0.69) and slightly higher than that of the SODS (α = 0.57). The inter-rater reliability of the SODS-Likert and the SODS was acceptable (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.66 and ICC 0.80, respectively). The clinical utility was rated good. Conclusion: The diagnostic value of the SODS did not improve using a Likert scale format. However, the diagnostic value of the original dichotomous SODS is reasonable for the initial mood assessment of stroke patients with communicative impairment

    Psychometric evaluation of the Signs of Depression Scale with a revised scoring mechanism in stroke patients with communicative impairment

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    Objectives: To investigate (1) the diagnostic value of the Signs of Depression Scale (SODS) in a Likert scale format and (2) whether the Likert scale improves the diagnostic value compared with the original dichotomous scale. Design: Cross-sectional multicentre study. Setting: One general and one university hospital in the Netherlands. Subjects: A total of 116 consecutive hospitalized stroke patients, of whom 53 were patients with communicative impairment. Main measures: Depression was diagnosed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) administered to the patients’ relatives. The Barthel Index (BI) was used as an external validator. Results: The correlation between the CIDI and the SODS-Likert or the SODS was small (rb = 0.18), and the correlation between the Barthel Index and the SODS-Likert (rs = −0.30) or the SODS (rs = −0.33) was moderate. For both instruments, the discriminatory power for diagnosing depression when compared with the CIDI was best at a cut-off score of ⩾2. The internal consistency of the SODS-Likert was acceptable (α = 0.69) and slightly higher than that of the SODS (α = 0.57). The inter-rater reliability of the SODS-Likert and the SODS was acceptable (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.66 and ICC 0.80, respectively). The clinical utility was rated good. Conclusion: The diagnostic value of the SODS did not improve using a Likert scale format. However, the diagnostic value of the original dichotomous SODS is reasonable for the initial mood assessment of stroke patients with communicative impairment
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