17 research outputs found

    Internet of things for the hotel industry: a review

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) represents an opportunity for the hotel in-dustry to increase customer satisfaction while simultaneously reducing operational costs. This paper analyses the existing knowledge on this subject, through a re-view of the relevant publications indexed by Scopus and/or ISI Web of Science, concluding that, despite the existence of many relevant patents, registered in the past few years, the published research is very limited on this topic. The restriction to publication prior to the conclusion of the patent registration process may be a justification for this fact, and, if so, the near future will bring many novelties that will help the development of the hotel industry. It is also possible to conclude from this work that the potential of IoT is not yet well explored in the hotel indus-Try, once authors frequently theorize on the use of IoT for applications that could easily be of interest for the hotel industry, but fail to identify that opportunity as a major market.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enhancing elderly mobility through IoT using textiles: a review

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    The aging of population worldwide and the increasing of average life expectancy of the world population become a social and economic problem for society. It's necessary to provide solutions which can maintain the independency of elderly and their mobility, along more time, avoiding the unnecessary perma-nence in hospitals and institutions for the elderly. The use of IoT using textiles is a very interesting approach because of the proximity of people to these materials. This work reviews the development on IoT using textiles to increase the mobility of elderly people and concludes that this is a field of growing interest. Although, there is few investigation, especially in what concerns studies focusing on the im-portance of improving the mobility of the elderly. There are studies that lead to the possibility of promoting this physical capability but have not been designed for that purpose, but we believe that approach of the problem of mobility of elderly people using the IoT based on clothes should be treated with specificity, because the consequences of this not happening, will affect not only the elderly but the whole society.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ameaças infra-estruturais ao turista de natureza – o caso da Serra da Penha

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    This work presents a study on the threats that the security infrastructures placed in footpaths represent to nature tourists. The adopted research method was the casestudy, being the case the P3 – Rota da Penha footpath in Guimarães, Portugal. This study will show that the existence of security infrastructures, that while not representing an effective protection act only as warning structures, might lead the tourists to regard the situation as less risky, making them more vulnerable to the existing threats. This situation is aggravated by the confluence in certain points of the PR3 of several types of tourists.Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre as ameaças que as infra-estruturas de segurança colocadas nos percursos pedestres representam para os turistas de natureza. O método de investigação utilizado foi o estudo de caso, sendo o caso o percurso pedestre PR3 – Rota da Penha em Guimarães, Portugal. Concluiu-se deste estudo que a existência de infra-estruturas de protecção, que, não apresentando uma protecção efectiva, servem apenas de aviso, podem levar os turistas a considerar as situações como menos perigosas, tornando-os mais vulneráveis às ameaças existentes. Esta situação é agravada pela confluência de vários tipos de turista em determinados pontos do PR3

    Acceptance criteria in a promotional tourism demarketing plan

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    In a nature-based demarketing tourism plan the elaboration of promotional products are very important to reach the goals of encourage and awareness tourists to the demarketing measures used. The elaboration of a promotional product involves, in part, a creative process, making the evaluation of the final product subjective and, therefore, compromising the acceptance criteria and the finalization of the project. This work presents a tool for a common issue addressed in promotional tourism demarketing plans: raising environmental awareness. This tool can help to objectivate its acceptance criteria, making the process of acceptance of the final product (the promotional tourism demarketing plan) more objective, predictable and simpler.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nos caminhos de Santiago em segurança

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    Pelas suas características, os Caminhos de Santiago de Compostela enquadram-se no Turismo de Natureza e no Turismo Religioso atraindo um elevado número de turistas e peregrinos. Por ser um percurso ao ar livre e envolver o contacto directo com o meio ambiente, este tipo de percursos podem apresentar alguns perigos para os turistas/peregrinos, relacionados com o relevo, fauna e flora desconhecidos, condições climatéricas, etc…. Esta apresentação tem por objectivo abordar as questões de segurança relacionadas com percursos pedestres, em geral e no caso concreto do Caminho Central de Santiago, bem como as boas práticas recomendadas para a redução do risco, permitindo aos peregrinos e/ou turistas efectuar o percurso com um nível de segurança acrescid

    Enrollment time as a requirement for biometric hand recognition systems

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    Biometric systems are increasingly being used as a means for authentication to provide system security in modern technologies. The performance of a biometric system depends on the accuracy, the processing speed, the template size, and the time necessary for enrollment. While much research has focused on the first three factors, enrollment time has not received as much attention. In this work, we present the findings of our research focused upon studying user’s behavior when enrolling in a biometric system. Specifically, we collected information about the user’s availability for enrollment in respect to the hand recognition systems (e.g., hand geometry, palm geometry or any other requiring positioning the hand on an optical scanner). A sample of 19 participants, chosen randomly apart their age, gender, profession and nationality, were used as test subjects in an experiment to study the patience of users enrolling in a biometric hand recognition system.by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/20

    Evaluation of the Armed Forces Websites of the European Countries

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    The armed forces are a critical component of the national security strategy of several European countries. Despite the peace that has succeeded the cold war, several armies, in peacetime, have elements recruited with promises of individual opportunities. The countries have two forms of recruitment of their troops: by volunteering or by mandatory incorporation. Following the trends of the modern world, interconnected in a network, it becomes essential to the institutions to mark their presence on the Internet. The Armed Forces in their various branches are no exception; there are numerous sites with relevant information, being used as a channel for dissemination and fundraising. Since young people represent a large share of the population using the Internet, and this is the target population for recruitment, it becomes mandatory to use the internet as a communication channel between them. It was carried out a qualitative study of all sites of European armed forces, and their branches, in order to assess their quality and differences. The approach focused on the evaluation of sites for their ability to inform, update, quantity and quality of content, service availability, use and visual attractiveness, and ease of communication. The study has also tried to verify if the countries with volunteer incorporation were producing websites with higher levels of quality, reflecting the need to invest in order to recruit. On the other hand, countries with compulsive incorporation could have lower investments in their websites, once the satisfaction of the need for staff is guarantied. We considered 38 countries, with an initial usability study where data about the characteristics considered important for proper construction of a website as well as for a good and easy relationship with the user of this type of site were collected. This research defined the parameters to evaluate the sites and groups were created with the parameters of the different areas of analysis of those sites. The evaluation shows that there are differences in quality of sites for each of the countries evaluated in terms of graphics, usability and content, and that where there is a greater difference between the countries is on the number of existing sites by country. It is clear that there are countries that invest strategically in this area while others do not. It was also clear that there is a difference between Eastern and Western Europe in the quality and investment made in the sites of their armed forces. Dividing the countries by their incorporation system, the differences are smaller, both in terms of number of sites for the military, either as to the average assessment of each scheme. In countries where the incorporation is mandatory, investment in independent sites for each branch has not been neglected for a considerable part of the countries, a little more than half. But it is in countries where recruitment is made on a voluntary basis that there are more sites for the different branches, which may indicate an existing competitiveness for staff recruitment

    An immunity based configuration for multilayer single featured biometric authentication algorithms

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    Immune systems have been used in the last years to inspire approaches for several computational problems. This paper focus on behavioural biometric authentication algorithms’ accuracy enhancement by using them more than once and with different thresholds in order to first simulate the protection provided by the skin and then look for known outside entities, like lymphocytes do. The paper describes the principles that support the application of this approach to Keystroke Dynamics, an authentication biometric technology that decides on the legitimacy of a user based on his typing pattern captured on he enters the username and/or the password and, as a proof of concept, the accuracy levels of one keystroke dynamics algorithm when applied to five legitimate users of a system both in the traditional and in the immune inspired approaches are calculated and the obtained results are compared.FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/201

    Establishment ofAutomatization as a Requirement for Time Management Input Modules in Project Management Information Systems for Academic Activities – A Game Theory Approach

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    AbstractAcademics are expected to engage in several works in several different domains, namely research and development, general management and services to the community, while lecturing a set of courses. Academics might differ in their preference for some of these activities and also in their corresponding performance. Quality assurance in academic institutions implies monitoring performance, what is frequently done by measuring a set of quantitative results at the end of a certain period. Project Management best practices can change this frequent practice, introducing, for instance, the concept of cost efficiency, allowing for objective comparisons between different types of activities. For this to happen there is a need to monitor the time spent by each academic in each activities or, at least, in each set of activities of the same type. The challenge is to know how to do that. Game Theory has been studying decision making in competitive environment, which is increasingly the case in academic institutions. Therefore, there is a primary need to verify if a relevant percentage of the academics have a perception that there is an incentive to lie in their timesheets, due to competitive thinking. This paper presents a pilot study that allowed concluding that time management input modules in project management information systems for academic activities must be automated, eliminating the human factor in timesheet fillings