399 research outputs found

    Différencier la pédagogie au cégep /

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    Quand tombe la neige Ă  Bamako

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    Depuis trente ans, Sylvain L’EspĂ©rance Ă©labore, au sein du cinĂ©ma quĂ©bĂ©cois, une Ɠuvre originale dont le rapport Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© est sans cesse mis Ă  vif par sa maniĂšre singuliĂšre de d’interroger le cinĂ©ma documentaire. Ce livre collectif rĂ©unit des textes dont les approches diverses constituent autant de points d’entrĂ©e possibles dans le parcours du cinĂ©aste. En phase avec l’Ɠuvre, se dessine ainsi dans ces pages la partition Ă  la fois sensible, poĂ©tique, ludique ou mĂ©ditative d’une confrontation avec le rĂ©el. La facture visuelle de l’ouvrage, Ă©laborĂ©e Ă  partir de photogrammes des films, a Ă©tĂ© conçue de façon Ă  entrer en dialogue avec les textes et Ă  cultiver les Ă©chos qui se rĂ©percutent entre les images. Sommaire : Diane Poitras, Les chocs du rĂ©el / GĂ©rard Grugeau, Marcher le monde. Fragments d’une dĂ©ambulation / Georges Leroux, Le chemin de Skala Sikamenia / Carlos Bonfil, Batailles intimes, combats collectifs / Caroline ZĂ©au, PrĂ©figurer le monde qui vient / Marjolaine BĂ©land, Territoire(s) / Diane Poitras, Le chant d’EmpĂ©docle ou l’intuition d’une coappartenance / Julie de Lorimier, Quand tombe la neige Ă  Bamako / Robert Daudelin, Le son, l’image, le monde. ItinĂ©raire d’un artiste complet / Serge Cardinal, Les Ă©chos du bonheur qui vient / FrĂ©dĂ©rik Dufour, Fragments pour une camĂ©ra prĂ©socratique

    Differences in the quality and affective content of pretend play as a function of relational status, age and socioemotional functioning

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    Study based on observations of the play of 4- and 6-year-old girls, paired alternately with a friend, an acquaintance and a stranger

    Ruptures et disjonctions dans le cinéma de Djibril Diop Mambety : le film-griot ou l'invention d'une oralité moderne

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    Cette Ă©tude se penche sur le geste singulier se dĂ©gageant de l’Ɠuvre du cinĂ©aste sĂ©nĂ©galais Djibril Diop Mambety. Une force de « mise en prĂ©sence » y est identifiĂ©e, dont la prĂ©sente recherche dĂ©montre qu’elle s’apparente Ă  l’action mĂ©diatrice du griot des traditions orales d’Afrique de l’Ouest. SinguliĂšrement, cette force tenant de l’oralitĂ© ne repose pas sur le rĂ©cit ou la parole comme discours, mais relĂšve au contraire de ruptures narratives et de disjonctions image-son qui mettent le rĂ©cit en question, invitant le spectateur Ă  frĂ©quemment rĂ©viser son interprĂ©tation de ce qu’il voit et entend. C’est le film lui-mĂȘme qui devient alors griot, actualisant un lien en constante transformation entre l’univers qu’il porte et son spectateur. En instaurant un rapport critique Ă  l’égard du monde dans lequel s’inscrit le rĂ©cit, les multiples ruptures dans le cinĂ©ma de Mambety sont Ă©galement les brĂšches par lesquelles se crĂ©e un espace d’accueil pour la marginalitĂ©, qui habite tous ses films. La tradition orale et le griot sont prĂ©sentĂ©s en premier lieu, de maniĂšre Ă  poser les bases Ă  partir desquelles peut se dĂ©velopper la rĂ©flexion. La description et l’analyse des films Parlons Grand-mĂšre et Le franc dĂ©montrent en quoi ceux-ci sont des films mĂ©diateurs, qui se comportent en griots. Cette dĂ©couverte ouvre la voie Ă  une rĂ©flexion plus large sur la mĂ©diation au cinĂ©ma, oĂč la portĂ©e Ă©thique du film-mĂ©diateur est explorĂ©e, ainsi que la nature des relations possibles entre mĂ©diation et rĂ©cit. Finalement, l’analyse du film HyĂšnes, eu Ă©gard Ă  la diffĂ©rence qu’il prĂ©sente en dĂ©ployant un rĂ©cit plus linĂ©aire, est l’occasion d’approfondir une comprĂ©hension Ă  la fois de ce que font les films de Mambety et de ce que peut la mĂ©diation au cinĂ©ma de façon plus large.This study examines how the mediatory action of the griot in West African oral traditions is at work in the films of Senegalese filmmaker Djibril Diop Mambety. This force of orality, of mise-en-prĂ©sence, emerges in Mambety’s films from narrative disruptions and sound-image disjunctions. Instead of relying on narrative or speech as a discourse, this force of orality challenges the story’s consistency, inviting the viewer to frequently revise his or her interpretation of what is being seen and heard. The film itself becomes griot, a griot which links the world borne by the film and the spectator in a dynamic and ever-changing interplay. By fostering, through these disruptions, a critical stance toward the world on which depends the narrative, Mambety’s cinema makes room for marginality and exclusion, which inhabit all his films. Oral tradition and griot are first defined, followed by an analysis of how the films Parlons Grand-mĂšre and Le franc are mediator films, functioning as griots. This opens the way for a broader reflection on the ethical significance of film-as-mediator, as well as the possible ties between mediation and narrative. Finally, an analysis of the film HyĂšnes, on account of its more linear narrative exposition, provides an opportunity to deepen our understanding of Mambety’s filmmaking, and to explore the greater implications of mediation in cinema


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    Tiré de: Prospectives, vol. 15, no 1, févrie r1979.Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 24 janv. 2013

    Hirschsprung disease in the U.S. associated Pacific Islands: more common than expected.

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    INTRODUCTION: Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) in Honolulu, Hawaii, is uniquely situated to serve patients from the United States Associated Pacific Islands (USAPIs) through the congressionally funded Pacific Island Health Care Project (PIHCP). Because of time differences and distance, a web-based store-and-forward consultation and referral network was established using the internet to more efficiently and economically facilitate patient care. Using both electronic and hard copy records, we sought to establish the incidence of Hirschsprung Disease (HD) in children from the USAPI and contrast it to that of the developed world. METHODS: PIHCP website records as well as all the inpatient and outpatient medical records of patients referred to TAMC fortreatment of HD from 1994 to 2002 were reviewed. A diagnosis of HD was confirmed in all cases with full thickness biopsy. Incidence figures for HD are based on this review and on the birth rates for these islands from the International Data Base of the U.S. Bureau of the Census. RESULTS: There were 14 cases of short-segment HD referred over a nine year study period. Nine patients came from the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) with an average annual incidence of 1:3190, which is 1.5 to 2 times the reported incidence in Western nations. Remarkably, seven of these nine were from Pohnpei State, capital of the FSM (annual incidence of 1:1370 or3-5 times that in the West). Three patients came from the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), and two came from American Samoa (AS). There were no reported consanguineous marriages, associated syndromes, or complications of surgery. CONCLUSION: HD was found to be up to 2-3 times more common among people from the FSM than has been reported in the developed world. Given the limitations of providing care and obtaining data from all the USAPls with a population that is spread over a massive expanse of ocean larger than the continental United States, this incidence is likely an underestimation of HD among Pacific Islanders. A secure web-based referral network developed in 1998 has been invaluable in collecting epidemiologic data from these islands as well as in providing health care workers in the USAPI with an efficient and inexpensive means to seek consultation from specialists and sub-specialists at a major tertiary care medical facility


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    Rassemble les communications de Claude de Lorimier, Denis Dubois et Louise Cazeault, invités à la table ronde "L'approche-programme : quelle en est la nécessité, quelles en seraient les conséquences?" dans le cadre du 9e colloque de l'AQPC (Montréal, 1989)

    Peritoneal carcinomatosis from gastric cancer: a multi-institutional study of 159 patients treated by cytoreductive surgery combined with perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy

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    BACKGROUND: Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) from gastric cancer has long been regarded a terminal disease with a short median survival. New locoregional therapeutic approaches combining cytoreductive surgery with perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (PIC) have evolved and suggest improved survival. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective multicentric study was performed in French-speaking centers to evaluate the toxicity and the principal prognostic factors in order to identify the best indications. All patients had cytoreductive surgery and PIC: hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) and/or early postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (EPIC). RESULTS: The study included 159 patients from 15 institutions between February 1989 and August 2007. The median follow-up was 20.4 months. HIPEC was the PIC used for 150 procedures. Postoperative mortality and grade 3-4 morbidity rates were 6.5 and 27.8%, respectively. By multivariate analysis, the institution had a significant influence on toxicity. The overall median survival was 9.2 months and 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates were 43, 18, and 13%, respectively. The only independent prognostic indicator by multivariate analysis was the completeness of cytoreductive surgery. For patients treated by complete cytoreductive surgery, the median survival was 15 months with a 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rate of 61, 30, and 23%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The therapeutic approach combining cytoreductive surgery with PIC for patients with gastric carcinomatosis may achieve long-term survival in a selected group of patients (limited and resectable PC). The high mortality rate underlines this necessarily strict selection that should be reserved to experienced institutions involved in the management of PC and gastric surgery
