13 research outputs found

    Comparação entre dois métodos de avaliação de marcha em água rasa : análise cinemática convencional e rede neural de aprendizagem profunda

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    A análise cinemática de caminhada em água rasa (CAR)tem sido utilizada há mais de duas décadas. Todavia, diversas dificuldades são enfrentadas, como o uso de marcadores reflexivos em ambiente aquático, o dispêndio de tempo para a digitalização, entre outros.A inteligência artificial pode ser uma alternativa confiável para digitalizar movimentos subaquáticos. Nosso objetivo foi comparar as respostas espaçotemporais e angulares durante a caminhada humana em água rasa, calculada por dois métodos de digitalização: digitalização manual convencional com Skillspector (DMC) e digitalização sem marcadores com inteligência artificial, usando o DeepLabCut (DLC). Treze homens adultos saudáveis realizaram caminhadas em água rasa a 0,4 m/s no nível de imersão do xifoide. Para análise 2D, uma câmera Gopro™ (60Hz) registrou o plano sagital de caminhada. Para o DMC, foi utilizado o software SkillSpector™. Para o DLC, uma rede neural profunda foi treinada, usando o método de código aberto DeepLabCut com 500 imagens durante 300 mil interações. Em seguida, essa rede treinada foi utilizada para digitalizar os vídeos de caminhada. Um teste de Bland Altman e um teste T de student dependente foram usados para comparar os dois métodos. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os métodos para todas as variáveis espaço-temporais estudadas: média de velocidade (p = 0,90), frequência de passada (p = 0,73) e comprimento da passada (p = 0,21), bem como para a amplitude de movimento do tornozelo (p = 0,55) e quadril (p = 0,04). Já a amplitude de movimento do joelho e do tronco foi maior no método DLC (p<0,001). O tempo médio de digitalização por passada foi muito maior no DMC (20 horas no total) do que no DLC (14 minutos no total). O presente estudo mostra resultados promissores para o uso da inteligência artificial no movimento humano subaquático, reduzindo expressivamente o tempo de digitalização, apresentando repetibilidade na maior parte das variáveis estudadas. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para corrigir diferenças nas avaliações angulares, sobretudo da articulação do joelho e tronco durante a marcha humana


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    Although the physiologic and biomechanical responses of shallow water walking (SWW) have been studied extensively, a physiomechanical model aiming to define the mechanical determinants of cost of transport (C) of SWW is lacking. Therefore, we investigated the SWW by healthy men at different speeds (0.2, 0.4, 0.6 m/s) and depths (knee, hip, umbilical, xiphoid). The objectives of this study were 1) to analyze the C response during SWW by healthy men and 2) to propose a physiomechanical model of SWW by determining the C response and its correlation with drag force and buoyancy forces during SWW. The C had a minimal value at intermediary speeds only in the knee depth, while in the other deeper depths, the C presented a monotonic rise with the speed increase. A minimum C was found at hip depth during 0.2 m/s, suggesting an optimization between the effects of buoyancy and drag forces at this condition. These findings could be applied in the exercise prescription of SWW for different populations, as indicators of the relative importance of hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces effects on energy expenditure during SWW

    Postural adjustments and biomechanics during gait initiation and obstacle negotiation: a cmparison between akinetic-rigid and hyperkinetic Parkinson’s disease

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    Individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) exhibit different combinations of motor symptoms. The most frequent subtypes are akinetic-rigid (AK-R) and hyperkinetic (HYP). Motor symptoms, such as rigidity and bradykinesia, can directly affect postural adjustments and performance in daily tasks, like gait initiation and obstacles negotiation, increasing the risk of falls and functional dependence. Objective: To compare postural adjustments and biomechanical parameters during the gait initiation and obstacle negotiation of people with AK-R and HYP PD and correlate with functional mobility and risk of falls. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Thirty-three volunteers with PD were divided into two groups according to clinical motor manifestations: AK-R (n = 16) and HYP (n = 17). We assessed the anticipatory (APA), compensatory (CPA) postural adjustments analyzing kinematic, kinetic and, electromyographic parameters during the gait initiation and obstacle negotiation tests. We applied independent T-tests and Pearson correlation tests for comparisons and correlations, respectively (α = 0.05). Results: In the APA phase of the gait initiation test, compared to the functional HYP group, the AK-R group showed shorter time for single support (p = 0.01), longer time for double support (p = 0.01) accompanied by a smaller first step (size, p = 0.05; height, p = 0.04), and reduced muscle activation of obliquus internus (p = 0.02). Similarly, during the first step in the obstacle negotiation test, the AK-R group showed less step height (p = 0.01) and hip excursion (p = 0.02), accompanied by a reduced mediolateral displacement of the center of pressure (p = 0.02) during APA, and activation of the gluteus medius (p = 0.02) and the anterior tibialis (p = 0.04) during CPA in comparison with HYP group. The findings suggest that people with AK-R present impaired postural adjustments during gait initiation and obstacles negotiation compared to hyperkinetic PD. Based on defined motor symptoms, the proposition presented here revealed consistent postural adjustments during complex tasks and, therefore, may offer new insights onto PD motor evaluation and neurorehabilitation

    Nontuberculous mycobacteria in patients of a specialty hospital

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    The incidence and clinical characteristics of NTM diseases in Brazil remain relatively unknown. The present study describes the diagnosis of NTM isolates, the clinical presentation and treatment outcomes. We analyzed NTM isolates in patients of a tertiary hospital in the Southeast region of Brazil, from January 2008 to July 2019. The ATS/IDSA criteria for diagnosis and treatment of these patients was applied. Mycobacterium kansasii were identified in 13/113 (11.5%) patients. In 59/113 (52.2%) patients who met the ATS criteria for disease, 29/59 (49.1%) received treatment, and 22/29 (75.8%) were cured. The major species identified was M. kansasii. The most frequent symptoms among the treated patients were dyspnea and cough, and the proportion of cured patients was high

    Le statut social des enseignants français au prisme du renouvellement générationnel

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    En ligne sur https://ress.revues.org/pdf/884International audienceCet article analyse les transformations du statut social des enseignants en France, en s’interrogeant sur les conséquences des nombreux départs à la retraite qui caractérisent le début du xxie siècle, et des recrutements consécutifs de « nouveaux enseignants ». La valeur sociale des professions de l’enseignement, le niveau d’études, la profession du conjoint et la profession du père sont principalement étudiés, à l’appui de données statistiques. Les éléments que nous présentons témoignent d’évolutions contraires, en chiasme, dans le statut social des enseignants. Nous montrons que les cohortes les plus jeunes bénéficient d’un « prestige» social et intellectuel moindre que les précédentes, alors même qu’elles comptent davantage d’enfants d’enseignants, professions intermédiaires, cadres ou professions libérales en leur sein. Par ailleurs, nous repérons que les comportements conjugaux des plus jeunes enseignants se distinguent de ceux de leurs aînés par une stabilité, voire un rebond, de la dynamique homogame, qui pourrait s’interpréter comme le signe d’une certaine fermeture sur lui-même du groupe enseignant

    Experimental skin wound treatment with Copaifera langsdorffii Desf Kuntze (Leguminosae) extract and oil-resin in horses

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    Copaifera langsdorffii é uma planta nativa brasileira usada para cicatrização de feridas e como agente anti-inflamatório.&nbsp;As feridas que não cicatrizam são um importante problema de saúde em equinos, devido à possibilidade de afastamento&nbsp;da carreira atlética ou até mesmo levar à morte. Além disso, os cavalos respondem às feridas com resposta inflamatória&nbsp;crônica e intensa granulação, atrasando o processo cicatricial. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho avaliou o potencial do&nbsp;extrato hidroalcoólico (EH) e cremes de óleo resina (OR) de Copaifera langsdorffii em feridas cutâneas de equinos.&nbsp;Quatro feridas de 2 cm foram realizadas bilateralmente na região lombar de seis equinos e tratadas diariamente&nbsp;com: solução salina, veículo, creme EH 10% ou creme OR 10%. Diariamente foi efetuada a análise macroscópica das&nbsp;feridas e planimetria para mensurar a área da ferida. Em quatro períodos experimentais diferentes (3, 7, 14 e 21 dias), as&nbsp;biópsias foram realizadas e utilizadas para análises microscópicas. As análises microscópica e clínica indicaram melhor&nbsp;resposta cicatricial nas feridas tratadas com HE e OR em comparação com os controles. O grupo OR apresentou melhor&nbsp;qualidade de cicatrização, especificamente após sete dias de tratamento. Portanto, as formulações de Copaifera langsdorffii&nbsp;utilizadas apresentaram potencial de cicatrização de feridas em lesões de pele de cavalo, exibindo uma melhora nos&nbsp;parâmetros macro e microscópicos.Copaifera langsdorffii is a Brazilian native plant that is used for wound healing or as an anti-inflammatory agent.&nbsp;Non-healing wounds are an important health problem, particularly in horses, because they can cause the animal invalidity&nbsp;or even lead to death. In addition, horses respond to skin wounds with chronic inflammatory response and intense&nbsp;wound granulation, thereby delaying the healing process. By this way, our aim was to evaluate the healing potential of&nbsp;Copaifera langsdorffii hydroalcoholic extract (HE) and oil-resin creams (OR) in horse skin wounds. Four wounds were&nbsp;performed bilaterally in the lumbar region of six horses with a 2 cm punch and treated daily with the respective treatments:&nbsp;saline solution, vehicle, 10% HE creams or 10% OR cream. Daily planimetry analyses were performed to measure the&nbsp;wound area and clinical parameters. In four different experimental periods (3, 7, 14 and 21 d), wound biopsies were&nbsp;removed and used for microscopic analyses. SS wounds presented a significant small area at day 3 and 7, OR wounds&nbsp;presented significant small area in comparison with HE at 14 d, and no significant difference was observed between&nbsp;treatments at 21 d. A better microscopic and clinical healing activity of HE and OR was identified in comparison with&nbsp;the controls. The OR group showed better healing quality, specifically after 7 d of treatment. Therefore, Copaifera&nbsp;langsdorffii formulations demonstrated their wound healing potential in horse skin lesions, exhibiting an improvement&nbsp;of the macro- and microscopic parameters