820 research outputs found

    Clinicians' and patients' assessment of activity overuse and underuse and its relation to physical capacity

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    To explore clinicians' and patients' (self)-assessment of activity overuse and underuse, and its relationship with physical capacity in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain (CMP). Study design was cross-sectional. Participants included patients with CMP, admitted to a multidisciplinary outpatient pain rehabilitation program. The main measures used were as follows: a five-point scale to rate overuse and underuse, filled out by clinicians and patients; a five-point scale to rate physical capacity, filled out by clinicians and patients; and lifting and aerobic capacity. Cohen's kappa were calculated to test the agreement between assessments. Depending on the normality, a t-test or a Mann-Whitney U-test was used to test differences between the results of a capacity test and patients' and clinicians' assessments of capacity. A total of 141 patients were included: 42% were men, and 60% had back pain, 21% had neck pain, 19% had pain in a different location. Six percent of the patients rated themselves as underusers; clinicians rated 23% of the patients as underusers. Clinicians and patients fairly agreed (61%; kappa = 0.23) in their assessments of overuse and underuse. Differences in the physical capacity of overuse and underusers, as assessed by clinicians and patients, were all nonsignificant (P > 0.05). The physical capacity of overusers did not differ from that of underusers (P < 0.05). In conclusion, although clinicians and patients with CMP fairly agree on their assessment of activity overuse and underuse, the physical capacity of overusers was not different from that of underusers

    Aantallen en verspreiding van Eiders, Toppereenden en zee-eenden in de winter van 2008 - 2009 in de Waddenzee en de Noordzeekustzone

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    Dit rapport beschrijft het resultaat van drie vliegtuigtellingen, die in november en december 2008 en in februari 2009 werden uitgevoerd om de aantallen en de verspreiding vast te stellen van de in Noor-nederland overwinterende eiders, toppereenden, zwarte zee-eenden en grote zee-eenden

    When the bureaucrat promises to safeguard your online privacy: Dissecting the contents of privacy statements on Dutch municipal websites

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    Various studies show that the display of a privacy statement on an organization's website can be a potent, but simple way of acquiring clients' and users' trust, which results in the completion of transactions with the organization through its website. Empirical studies that analyze the contents of privacy statements on commercial websites are profuse, while privacy statements posted on the websites of non-commercial organizations have been largely ignored by researchers. In this study, the contents of privacy statements on Dutch municipal websites are analyzed. Using the important provisions of the Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (WBP) or the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act, the study also looked into the conformity of the contents of privacy statements with the existing law on privacy protection in the Netherlands. We also looked into the availability and findability of privacy statements on Dutch municipal websites. Three important findings resulted from this study: first, not all municipal websites bother to post privacy statements on their websites; second, most municipalities do not ensure that their online privacy statements are findable; and third, privacy statements on Dutch municipal websites emphasize diverging assurances and promises—with some privacy policies containing all the important provisions of the WBP, and others offering only general, and sometimes rather vague, guarantees

    Beter grip op het multifunctioneel landbouwbedrijf, Stappen naar samenwerking op multifunctionele landbouwbedrijven, verantwoordingsdocument

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    Multifunctionele landbouwondernemers die hun bedrijf willen ontwikkelen kunnen dit doen door binnen hun bedrijf samen te werken met andere ondernemers. Dit vraagt echter wel om een zorgvuldige afweging van de ondernemer. De stappen die genomen moeten worden in een samenwerking zijn in deze rapportage weergegeven. Daarnaast is het proces en de reflectie van een aantal werksessies beschreven. Deze sessies zijn gehouden met multifunctionele landbouwondernemers die nagedacht hebben over de mogelijkheid van samenwerking op hun bedrijf. Deze rapportage is een verantwoordingsdocument

    Вплив техногенного чинника на формування скупчень метану в пісковиках

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    Исследовано влияние горных работ в процессе добычи угля на физические свойства песчаников по результатам опробования керна геологоразведочных скважин и горных выработок. Установлено, что коэффициент открытой пористости песчаников, в зоне влияния горных работ существенно отличается от соответствующих показателей в нетронутом массиве. Показано, что такое разуплотнение, за счёт трещинообразвания, способствует увеличению открытой пористости песчаников в 1,2-1,4 раза и формированию проницаемости, соответствующей коллекторам III-IV класса.Influence of mining operations has been investigated in the coal mining process on physical properties of sandstones, on results of core assay of geological prospecting holes and mining workings. It was set that open porosity coefficient of sandstones, in the affected zone of mining operations substantially differs from the proper indexes in natural array. It is shown, that such volume expension due to cracks formation, promotes increasing of sandstones open porosity in 1,2-1,4 time and forming of permeability corresponding of the III-IV class collectors

    Het microscopisch onderzoek van volkorenbrood

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    Als vervolg van een onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van volkorenbrood voor de Consumentenbond door middel van microscopisch onderzoek nagaan of voor de bereiding van volkorenbrood gebruik is gemaakt van volkorenmeel, zoals dit wettelijk is vereist. Na de voorbewerking werd de kruim van 51 door de Consumentenbond voor onderzoek aangeboden volkorenbroden stereomicroscopisch en microscopisch onderzocht op de aanwezigheid van kiemen. Een vergelijking werd gemaakt met het kaliumgehalte in deze broden

    Utilising the full potential of dredging works: ecologically enriched extraction sites

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    Marine extraction sites alter the morphologyof the seabed and in doing so offer uniqueopportunities to create a new environment inthese locations. A new physical lay-out meansdeeper waters and different currents andsediment characteristics, which offerconditions to develop a new ecosystem ora sanctuary for certain fish species. Thispotential has been tested in a full-scale pilotproject in an extraction site in the North Seawithin the Building with Nature researchprogramme

    Propagation pathways of classical Labrador Sea water from its source region to 26°N

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    More than two decades of hydrography on the Abaco line east of the Bahamas at 26 degrees N reveals decadal variability in the salinity of classical Labrador Sea Water (cLSW), despite the long distance from its source region in the North Atlantic Ocean. Hydrographic time series from the Labrador Sea and from the Abaco line show a pronounced step-like decrease in salinity between 1985 and 1995 in the Labrador Sea and between 1995 and 2010 at the Abaco line, suggesting a time lag between the two locations of approximately 9 years. The amplitude of the anomaly at the Abaco line is 50% of the amplitude in the Labrador Sea. A similar time lag and reduction of amplitude is found in the high-resolution OFES model, in which salinity anomalies can be observed propagating through the Deep Western Boundary Current as well as through a broad interior pathway. On its way south to the Abaco line, the cLSW becomes 8 standard deviations saltier due to isopycnal mixing with Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). Climatological data in the North Atlantic suggests that the mixing ratio of MOW to cLSW at the Abaco line is 1:4 and that no variability in MOW is required to explain the observed variability at the Abaco line. The data studied here suggest that decadal cLSW anomalies stay relatively coherent while getting advected, despite the important role of interior pathways

    BGood : de verhalen

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    Het project BGood zoekt met de veehouderij naar nieuwe manieren om het contact met burgers en consumenten te versterken. Er zijn vier boekjes gemaakt: 1. opzet en aanpak van het project (het proces), 2. ontmoetingen met mensen van binnen en buiten de veehouderij (de verhalen), 3. verzamelde uitspraken (de bouwstenen) en 4. dingen die zijn ontstaan (het resultaat). In de rapportage wordt o.a. beschreven wat het resultaat is van de aanpak om van 'buiten' (de veehouderij) naar 'binnen' te werken. Contact met 'buiten' (media - wetenschap - religie - bedrijfsleven - openbaar bestuur) brengt nieuwe ideeën en verbindingen. De aanpak en inzichten uit het BGood project worden nu o.a. ingezet in de RIO-ontwerptrajecten voor duurzame melkveehouderij en varkenshouderij. Ook voor nieuwe veehouderijsystemen is een levende verbinding met de omgeving en maatschappij een voorwaarde voor duurzame ontwikkelin