11,006 research outputs found

    Identification of redundant and synergetic circuits in triplets of electrophysiological data

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    Neural systems are comprised of interacting units, and relevant information regarding their function or malfunction can be inferred by analyzing the statistical dependencies between the activity of each unit. Whilst correlations and mutual information are commonly used to characterize these dependencies, our objective here is to extend interactions to triplets of variables to better detect and characterize dynamic information transfer. Our approach relies on the measure of interaction information (II). The sign of II provides information as to the extent to which the interaction of variables in triplets is redundant (R) or synergetic (S). Here, based on this approach, we calculated the R and S status for triplets of electrophysiological data recorded from drug-resistant patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy in order to study the spatial organization and dynamics of R and S close to the epileptogenic zone (the area responsible for seizure propagation). In terms of spatial organization, our results show that R matched the epileptogenic zone while S was distributed more in the surrounding area. In relation to dynamics, R made the largest contribution to high frequency bands (14-100Hz), whilst S was expressed more strongly at lower frequencies (1-7Hz). Thus, applying interaction information to such clinical data reveals new aspects of epileptogenic structure in terms of the nature (redundancy vs. synergy) and dynamics (fast vs. slow rhythms) of the interactions. We expect this methodology, robust and simple, can reveal new aspects beyond pair-interactions in networks of interacting units in other setups with multi-recording data sets (and thus, not necessarily in epilepsy, the pathology we have approached here).Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, 3 supplementary figures. To appear in the Journal of Neural Engineering in its current for

    PEMBINGKAIAN BERITA KUNJUNGAN PRESIDEN AS BARACK HUSEIN OBAMA DI INDONESIA (Studi Analisis Framing Tentang Berita Kunjungan Presiden AS Barack Husein Obama Pada Surat Kabar Kompas dan Republika edisi 10-11 November 2010 ).

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    ABSTRAKSI ERLIA DE JESUS, BERITA KUNJUNGAN PRESIDEN AS BARACK HUSEIN OBAMA DI INDONESIA. (Studi Analisis Framing Tentang Berita Kunjungan Presiden AS Barack Husein Obama 09-11 November 2010 Pada Surat Kabar Kompas dan Republika) Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana wartawan membingkai dan mengkontruksi berita-berita tentang kunjungan presiden AS Barack husein Obama di Indonesia untuk itulah digunakan analisis framing sebagai suatu metode analisis teks, yang merupakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan paragdigma konstruktivis. Hasil dari penelitian ini, yaitu bahwa surat kabar Kompas lebih menekan Frame mengenai kerja sama bilateral antar RI-AS serta masa kecil Obama di Indonesia. Dalam penulisan berita Kompas lebih menulis pernyataan tentang Obama dan menampilkan pernyataan-pernyataan narasumber berita yang mendukung kerja sama bilateral. Sedangkan surat kabar Republika, dalam penyajian judul maupun beritanya ingin menyampaikan bahwa kujungan Presiden AS Barack Obama mempunyai maksud tertentu dan kerja sama bilateral antara kedua Negara hanya membawa keuntungan semata bagi AS. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pemberitaan pada Kompas terlihat mendukung dan memihak pemerintah AS. Hal ini ditunjukkan Kompas dengan menuliskan kerja sama yang saling menguntungkan antar kedua belah pihak, Kompas juga lebih membahas tentang masa kecil Obama di Indonesia. Sedangkan surat kabar Republika menghadirkan judul dan isi berita yang mengarah pada dugaan bahwa kunjungan Obama hanya membawa keuntungan semata bagi AS. Kata kunci : Pembingkaian, Berita tentang Kunjungan Presiden AS Barack Obama di Indonesia, Surat Kabar Kompas, Surat Kabar Republika

    Crystal structure and physical properties of EuPtIn4_{4} intermetallic antiferromagnet

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    We report the synthesis of EuPtIn4_{4} single crystalline platelets by the In-flux technique. This compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic Cmcm structure with lattice parameters a=4.542(1)a=4.542(1) \AA, b=16.955(2)b=16.955(2) \AA\, and c=7.389(1)c=7.389(1) \AA. Measurements of magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity, electrical resistivity, and electron spin resonance (ESR) reveal that EuPtIn4_{4} is a metallic Curie-Weiss paramagnet at high temperatures and presents antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering below TN=13.3T_{N}=13.3 K. In addition, we observe a successive anomaly at T=12.6T^{*} = 12.6 K and a spin-flop transition at Hc2.5H_{c} \sim 2.5 T applied along the acac-plane. In the paramagnetic state, a single Eu2+^{2+} Dysonian ESR line with a Korringa relaxation rate of b=4.1(2)b = 4.1(2) Oe/K is observed. Interestingly, even at high temperatures, both ESR linewidth and electrical resistivity reveal a similar anisotropy. We discuss a possible common microscopic origin for the observed anisotropy in these physical quantities likely associated with an anisotropic magnetic interaction between Eu2+^{2+} 4ff electrons mediated by conduction electrons.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Metodologia para avaliação de impactos das nanotecnologias: método e software Impactos-Nanotec.

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    Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta a Metodologia / Software Irnpactos-Nanotec que permite a avaliação de impactos instruída e organizada com base em dados técnicos do projeto e da aplicação das nanotecnologias, podendo ser empregada antes ou após a sua utilização ou liberação no meio ambiente. A ferramenta é composta de indicadores, componentes e fatores de ponderação próprios e dedicados para uma análise de produtos ou projetos nanotecnológicos. O Método funciona como um norteador para a avaliação, apontando os indicadores que devem ser analisados e os componentes que podem ter alguma importância na avaliação, desse modo, contribui para diminuição da subjetividade na avaliação das nanotecnologias de modo geral

    Cenário atual das nanotecnologias no Brasil: prospecção da percepção da comunidade científica.

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    Resumo: A nanotecnologia oferece a perspectiva de grandes avanços no processo de produção, nas áreas de agricultura e saúde, promovendo melhoria da qualidade de vida e reduzindo os impactos sobre o meio ambiente. Apesar de um aumento progressivo na utilização das nanotecnologias em todo o mundo, seu potencial ainda encontra-se reprimido no Brasil, devido ao estágio inicial de desenvolvimento. Portanto, as informações geradas a partir da análise e prospecção da percepção da comunidade científica atuante nas áreas correlatas da nanotecnologia podem auxiliar a formulação de políticas e regulamentações permitindo que os legisladores e formuladores de políticas públicas versem adequadamente sobre o tema

    Time-Reversal-Violating Schiff Moment of 199Hg

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    We calculate the Schiff moment of the nucleus 199Hg, created by pi-N-N vertices that are odd under parity (P) and time-reversal (T). Our approach, formulated in diagrammatic perturbation theory with important core-polarization diagrams summed to all orders, gives a close approximation to the expectation value of the Schiff operator in the odd-A Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov ground state generated by a Skyrme interaction and a weak P- and T-odd pion-exchange potential. To assess the uncertainty in the results, we carry out the calculation with several Skyrme interactions (the quality of which we test by checking predictions for the isoscalar-E1 strength distribution in 208Pb) and estimate most of the important diagrams we omit.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    320g Ionization-Heat Cryogenic Detector for Dark Matter Search in the EDELWEISS Experiment

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    The EDELWEISS experiment used in 2001 a 320g heat-and-ionization cryogenic Ge detector operated in a low-background environment in the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane for direct WIMP detection. This detector presents an increase of more than 4 times the mass of previous detectors. Calibrations of this detector are used to determine its energy resolution and fiducial volume, and to optimize the detector design for the 1kg phase of the EDELWEISS-I experiment. Analysis of the calibrations and characteristics of a first series of 320g-detectors are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Role of production engineers in the public sector.

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    This paper aims to investigate the role of production engineers in the public sector. In the past, engineers used to be hired in the public sector only to work with technical issues in some departments. But nowadays, technical competency is not the only issue an engineer must have, and at the same time, there are some other approaches than technical ones that demand the presence of engineers in the government. In this scenario, production engineers rise as an important player on public affairs. It is explored in this paper the role of production engineers in public policies, technology and innovation issues, integration between technical and management approaches, and the holistic and systemic view that drives the career. This paper is constructed under some bibliographic information, as well as some empiric data and case studies. At the end of the work, one can conclude that as well as in the whole society, engineers? role in the public sector and government has been increasing and being crucial to build and sustain the competitiveness of the municipality / region / country and the effectiveness of the public services delivered to citizens