15,047 research outputs found

    Power law tails of time correlations in a mesoscopic fluid model

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    In a quenched mesoscopic fluid, modelling transport processes at high densities, we perform computer simulations of the single particle energy autocorrelation function C_e(t), which is essentially a return probability. This is done to test the predictions for power law tails, obtained from mode coupling theory. We study both off and on-lattice systems in one- and two-dimensions. The predicted long time tail ~ t^{-d/2} is in excellent agreement with the results of computer simulations. We also account for finite size effects, such that smaller systems are fully covered by the present theory as well.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Irreversible Thermodynamics in Multiscale Stochastic Dynamical Systems

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    This work extends the results of the recently developed theory of a rather complete thermodynamic formalism for discrete-state, continuous-time Markov processes with and without detailed balance. We aim at investigating the question that whether and how the thermodynamic structure is invariant in a multiscale stochastic system. That is, whether the relations between thermodynamic functions of state and process variables remain unchanged when the system is viewed at different time scales and resolutions. Our results show that the dynamics on a fast time scale contribute an entropic term to the "internal energy function", uS(x)u_S(x), for the slow dynamics. Based on the conditional free energy uS(x)u_S(x), one can then treat the slow dynamics as if the fast dynamics is nonexistent. Furthermore, we show that the free energy, which characterizes the spontaneous organization in a system without detailed balance, is invariant with or without the fast dynamics: The fast dynamics is assumed to reach stationarity instantaneously on the slow time scale; they have no effect on the system's free energy. The same can not be said for the entropy and the internal energy, both of which contain the same contribution from the fast dynamics. We also investigate the consequences of time-scale separation in connection to the concepts of quasi-stationaryty and steady-adiabaticity introduced in the phenomenological steady-state thermodynamics

    Low work function of the (1000) Ca2N surface

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    Polymer diodes require cathodes that do not corrode the polymer but do have low work function to minimize the electron injection barrier. First-principles calculations demonstrate that the work function of the (1000) surface of the compound Ca2N is half an eV lower than that of the elemental metal Ca (2.35 vs. 2.87 eV). Moreover its reactivity is expected to be smaller. This makes Ca2N an interesting candidate to replace calcium as cathode material for polymer light emitting diode devices.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, accepted by J. Appl. Phy

    Diffusion of multiple species with excluded-volume effects

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    Stochastic models of diffusion with excluded-volume effects are used to model many biological and physical systems at a discrete level. The average properties of the population may be described by a continuum model based on partial differential equations. In this paper we consider multiple interacting subpopulations/species and study how the inter-species competition emerges at the population level. Each individual is described as a finite-size hard core interacting particle undergoing Brownian motion. The link between the discrete stochastic equations of motion and the continuum model is considered systematically using the method of matched asymptotic expansions. The system for two species leads to a nonlinear cross-diffusion system for each subpopulation, which captures the enhancement of the effective diffusion rate due to excluded-volume interactions between particles of the same species, and the diminishment due to particles of the other species. This model can explain two alternative notions of the diffusion coefficient that are often confounded, namely collective diffusion and self-diffusion. Simulations of the discrete system show good agreement with the analytic results

    A Physical Realization of the Generalized PT-, C-, and CPT-Symmetries and the Position Operator for Klein-Gordon Fields

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    Generalized parity (P), time-reversal (T), and charge-conjugation (C)operators were initially definedin the study of the pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians. We construct a concrete realization of these operators for Klein-Gordon fields and show that in this realization PT and C operators respectively correspond to the ordinary time-reversal and charge-grading operations. Furthermore, we present a complete description of the quantum mechanics of Klein-Gordon fields that is based on the construction of a Hilbert space with a relativistically invariant, positive-definite, and conserved inner product. In particular we offer a natural construction of a position operator and the corresponding localized and coherent states. The restriction of this position operator to the positive-frequency fields coincides with the Newton-Wigner operator. Our approach does not rely on the conventional restriction to positive-frequency fields. Yet it provides a consistent quantum mechanical description of Klein-Gordon fields with a genuine probabilistic interpretation.Comment: 20 pages, published versio

    Momentum of an electromagnetic wave in dielectric media

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    Almost a hundred years ago, two different expressions were proposed for the energy--momentum tensor of an electromagnetic wave in a dielectric. Minkowski's tensor predicted an increase in the linear momentum of the wave on entering a dielectric medium, whereas Abraham's tensor predicted its decrease. Theoretical arguments were advanced in favour of both sides, and experiments proved incapable of distinguishing between the two. Yet more forms were proposed, each with their advocates who considered the form that they were proposing to be the one true tensor. This paper reviews the debate and its eventual conclusion: that no electromagnetic wave energy--momentum tensor is complete on its own. When the appropriate accompanying energy--momentum tensor for the material medium is also considered, experimental predictions of all the various proposed tensors will always be the same, and the preferred form is therefore effectively a matter of personal choice.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX 4. Removed erroneous factor of mu/mu_0 from Eq.(44

    The Averaging Problem in Cosmology and Macroscopic Gravity

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    The averaging problem in cosmology and the approach of macroscopic gravity to resolve the problem is discussed. The averaged Einstein equations of macroscopic gravity are modified on cosmological scales by the macroscopic gravitational correlation tensor terms as compared with the Einstein equations of general relativity. This correlation tensor satisfies a system of structure and field equations. An exact cosmological solution to the macroscopic gravity equations for a constant macroscopic gravitational connection correlation tensor for a flat spatially homogeneous, isotropic macroscopic space-time is presented. The correlation tensor term in the macroscopic Einstein equations has been found to take the form of either a negative or positive spatial curvature term. Thus, macroscopic gravity provides a cosmological model for a flat spatially homogeneous, isotropic Universe which obeys the dynamical law for either an open or closed Universe.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, ws-ijmpa.cls, few style and typo corrections. Based on the plenary talk given at the Second Stueckelberg Workshop, ICRANet Coordinating Center, Pescara, Italy, September 3-7, 2007. To appear in International Journal of Modern Physics A (2008

    The applicability of causal dissipative hydrodynamics to relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    We utilize nonequilibrium covariant transport theory to determine the region of validity of causal Israel-Stewart dissipative hydrodynamics (IS) and Navier-Stokes theory (NS) for relativistic heavy ion physics applications. A massless ideal gas with 2->2 interactions is considered in a 0+1D Bjorken scenario, appropriate for the early longitudinal expansion stage of the collision. In the scale invariant case of a constant shear viscosity to entropy density ratio eta/s ~ const, we find that Israel-Stewart theory is 10% accurate in calculating dissipative effects if initially the expansion timescale exceeds half the transport mean free path tau0/lambda0 > ~2. The same accuracy with Navier-Stokes requires three times larger tau0/lambda0 > ~6. For dynamics driven by a constant cross section, on the other hand, about 50% larger tau0/lambda0 > ~3 (IS) and ~9 (NS) are needed. For typical applications at RHIC energies s_{NN}**(1/2) ~ 100-200 GeV, these limits imply that even the Israel-Stewart approach becomes marginal when eta/s > ~0.15. In addition, we find that the 'naive' approximation to Israel-Stewart theory, which neglects products of gradients and dissipative quantities, has an even smaller range of applicability than Navier-Stokes. We also obtain analytic Israel-Stewart and Navier-Stokes solutions in 0+1D, and present further tests for numerical dissipative hydrodynamics codes in 1+1, 2+1, and 3+1D based on generalized conservation laws.Comment: 30 pages, 26 EPS figures, revtex stylefil